大多数人使用他们的密码或他们为其用户帐户创建的PIN登录Windows 10 。但是,您可以通过其他方式登录Windows 10。如果您的计算机支持此类身份验证选项,您可以使用您的面部、指纹或安全密钥来执行此操作。但是,你们都认识吗?你想知道它们是什么吗?如果您这样做,以下是您可以在计算机或设备上使用的所有Windows 10登录选项:(Windows 10)
1.使用密码登录Windows 10
验证和登录Windows 10(Windows 10)的最基本和最广泛使用的方法是通过您的用户帐户密码(user account password)。在登录屏幕上,选择左下角的帐户(如果您有多个帐户),输入密码,按键盘上的Enter键,或单击密码右侧的箭头。无论您使用的是Microsoft帐户还是脱机帐户,此方法都适用于两种类型的Windows 10用户帐户。

Windows 10 登录选项:密码
您可能为您的 Windows 10 用户帐户配置了多个登录选项。在这种情况下,您可以通过单击或点击登录屏幕上的“登录选项”(“Sign-in options”),然后点击下面屏幕截图中所示的密码按钮来切换到使用密码。

Windows 10 登录选项:选择密码
2.使用Windows Hello PIN登录Windows 10
登录Windows 10(Windows 10)的另一种常用方法是使用PIN(个人识别码(Personal Identification Number))。这也是微软(Microsoft)为Windows 10 PC 推荐的身份验证方法。如果您在安装操作系统或创建用户帐户时为 Windows 10 设备配置了 PIN,请(configured a PIN for your Windows 10 device)在登录屏幕上键入您的PIN 。

Windows 10 登录选项:PIN码
如果您为您的用户帐户配置了多个登录选项,您需要首先单击或点击具有相同名称的链接:“登录选项”。(“Sign-in options.”)然后,按下看起来像一个小拨号盘的PIN按钮,如下面的屏幕截图所示。(PIN)

Windows 10 登录选项:选择PIN
请注意,使用PIN也可能是登录Windows 10的最快方式。
3.使用图片密码(Password)登录Windows 10
一种不太常见的登录Windows 10的方法是基于您选择的图片的方法。它被称为图片密码(It’s called Picture Password),如果您创建了一个,您可以单击Windows 10登录屏幕显示的图片上的三个点来访问您的计算机或设备。

Windows 10 登录选项:图片密码(Password)
假设您的Windows 10用户帐户配置了更多登录选项(密码、PIN等)。在这种情况下,您可以选择使用您的图片密码(Picture Password)登录,方法是单击或点击“登录选项”(“Sign-in options”)链接,然后按图片密码(Picture Password)按钮。它看起来像一张小山的风格化照片。

Windows 10 登录选项:如何使用图片密码(Picture Password)
4.使用Windows Hello Face登录Windows 10
一些更高端的 Windows 10 电脑和一些高级网络摄像头可以进行面部识别。如果您的设备支持此功能,Windows 10 允许您使用面部登录。您所要做的就是查看网络摄像头并让操作系统识别您。

Windows 10 登录选项:面部识别
以下是如何使用 Windows Hello Face 用你的脸解锁你的电脑(How to unlock your PC with your face, using Windows Hello Face)。
5.使用Windows Hello 指纹(Windows Hello Fingerprint)登录Windows 10
与方法 4 类似,某些Windows 10计算机和设备配备指纹读取器。如果您有一个,并且您已将指纹添加到您的用户帐户可用的登录选项中,则只需扫描指纹即可登录Windows 10 。

6.使用安全(Security)密钥登录Windows 10
我们知道的最终Windows 10登录方法是基于使用物理安全密钥。这实际上是一个USB记忆棒,其中存储了一个用于识别您的唯一硬件密钥。这种安全密钥通常可以从零售计算机商店购买。如果您有一个并且已在您的用户帐户上配置它,您只需将其插入Windows 10计算机上的(Windows 10)USB端口即可登录。

Yubico YubiKey 5 (Yubico YubiKey 5) NFC(USB和NFC 安全密钥(NFC Security Key))
您知道其他登录 Windows 10 的方法吗?
这些是我们知道的在Windows 10(Windows 10)中登录您的用户帐户的六种方法。你认识其他人吗?您对我们描述的问题有任何疑问吗?如果您这样做了,或者您有任何其他内容要添加到我们的指南中,请不要犹豫,在下面发表评论。
6 ways to sign in to Windows 10 -
Mоst people sign into Windows 10 using their password or the PIN they’ve created for their user accountѕ. However, there are other ways in which you can log in to Windows 10. You can do it using yоur face, your fingerprint, or a securіty key, if уour computer offers support for ѕuch authentication options. But, do you know them all? Would yоu like to find out what they are? If you do, here’s all the Windows 10 sign-in options you can use on your computer or deνice:
1. Sign in to Windows 10 using a Password
The most basic and widely used method to authenticate and sign in to Windows 10 is via your user account password. On the sign-in screen, select your account in the bottom-left corner (if you have more than one account), enter your password, press Enter on your keyboard, or click the arrow on the right side of the password. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using a Microsoft account or an offline account: this method works just the same for both types of Windows 10 user accounts.

Windows 10 sign-in options: Password
You might have multiple sign-in options configured for your Windows 10 user account. In that case, you can switch to using your password by clicking or tapping on “Sign-in options” on the login screen and then the password button illustrated in the screenshot below.

Windows 10 sign-in options: Choosing Password
2. Sign in to Windows 10 using a Windows Hello PIN
Another commonly used method for signing into Windows 10 is to use a PIN (Personal Identification Number). This is also the authenticating method recommended by Microsoft for Windows 10 PCs. If you’ve configured a PIN for your Windows 10 device when you installed the operating system or when you created your user account, type your PIN on the sign-in screen.

Windows 10 sign-in options: PIN code
If you have more than one sign-in option configured for your user account, you need to first click or tap the link bearing the same name: “Sign-in options.” Then, press the PIN button looking like a small dial pad, just like in the screenshot below.

Windows 10 sign-in options: Selecting PIN
Note that using a PIN is also probably the fastest way of logging into Windows 10.
3. Sign in to Windows 10 using a Picture Password
One less common method for signing into Windows 10 is the one based on a picture you select. It’s called Picture Password and, if you’ve created one, you can click on three spots on the picture displayed by Windows 10’s sign-in screen to access your computer or device.

Windows 10 sign-in options: Picture Password
Suppose your Windows 10 user account has more sign-in options configured (password, PIN, etc.). In that case, you can choose to log in using your Picture Password by clicking or tapping on the “Sign-in options” link and then pressing the Picture Password button. It looks like a small stylized photo of a mountain.

Windows 10 sign-in options: How to use Picture Password
4. Sign in to Windows 10 using Windows Hello Face
Some higher-end Windows 10 computers and some premium webcams can do facial recognition. If your device supports this feature, Windows 10 allows you to sign in using your face. All you have to do is look at the webcam and let the operating system identify you.

Windows 10 sign-in options: Facial recognition
Here is How to unlock your PC with your face, using Windows Hello Face.
5. Sign in to Windows 10 using Windows Hello Fingerprint
Similarly to method number 4, some Windows 10 computers and devices come with a fingerprint reader. If yours has one, and you’ve added your fingerprint to the sign-in options available for your user account, you can log in to Windows 10 simply by scanning your fingerprint.

A laptop with a fingerprint reader
6. Sign in to Windows 10 using a Security key
The final Windows 10 sign-in method that we know of is based on using a physical security key. That’s actually a USB memory stick that stores a unique hardware key that’s used to identify you. Such security keys can usually be bought from retail computer shops. If you have one and you’ve configured it on your user account, all you have to do is plug it into a USB port on your Windows 10 computer to sign in.

A Yubico YubiKey 5 NFC (USB and NFC Security Key)
Do you know other ways to sign in to Windows 10?
These are the six methods we know for logging into your user account in Windows 10. Do you know others? Do you have any questions regarding the ones we’ve described? If you do, or if you have anything else to add to our guide, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.