打印文档时,如果您收到 Active Directory 域服务当前不可用(The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable)错误消息,这里有一些解决此问题的故障排除提示。有线和无线打印机都可能出现此错误,但两种情况下的解决方案几乎相同。错误消息框显示如下内容:
Find in the Directory
The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable.

您可能出于各种原因使用打印机。但是,只有当您的计算机正确检测到它时,您才能使用它。当您的计算机未按预期检测到它时,您最终可能会收到一条错误消息,指出 Active Directory 域服务当前不可用(The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable)。如果是这样,您可以按照本教程解决此问题。
Active Directory 域(Active Directory Domain) 服务(Services)当前不可用
要修复Active Directory 域(Active Directory Domain) 服务(Services)当前不可用问题,请按照下列步骤操作:
- 验证连接
- 启用文件和打印机共享
- 重新启动打印机后台处理程序服务
- 重新启动 Active Directory 域(Restart Active Directory Domain)服务
- 运行打印机疑难解答
- 完全控制设备密钥
确保文件和打印机共享已启用(File and Printer Sharing is enabled)。
相关(Related):如何(How to share and add Network Printer)在 Windows 中共享和添加网络打印机。

需要运行Printer Spooler 服务(Printer Spooler service)才能建立连接并完成打印作业。如果由于任何原因停止,则有可能出现此错误。因此,请在“服务(Services)” 面板中检查它是否正在运行 。此外,您可以重新启动此服务以修复常见的打印相关问题。为此,请按照下列步骤操作:
- 在任务栏搜索框中搜索 服务 (services )。
- 单击单个结果。
- 找出 Print Spooler 服务并双击它。
- 单击 停止 (Stop )按钮。
- 单击 开始 (Start )按钮。
- 单击 确定 (OK )按钮以保存更改。
4]重新启动Active Directory域(Restart Active Directory Domain)服务
Active Directory 域服务(Directory Domain Services)( AD DS ) 是Active Directory中管理用户和计算机并允许系统管理员组织系统的核心功能。打开服务管理器(Open Services Manager)并以通常的方式重新启动Active Directory 域(Active Directory Domain) 服务(Services),看看它是否有帮助。

有时,您可以 使用Windows 11/10 中包含的打印机疑难解答解决常见的打印机问题(fix common printer problems with Printer troubleshooter)。无论是有线还是无线打印机,您都可以在计算机上立即解决问题。因此,您可以在计算机上运行打印机(Printer)疑难解答程序来检查它是否有帮助。如果您使用的是Windows 10,则可以按照本教程 打开并运行疑难解答。但是,如果您使用的是Windows 11 ,则可以在(Windows 11)Windows Settings > System > Troubleshoot中找到所有这些 疑难解答。

Devices 项包含各种已安装打印机的所有REG_DOWRD 值(REG_DOWRD)。如果您的用户帐户没有适当的权限,您可能会遇到上述问题。因此,导航到注册表(Registry)编辑器中的以下路径:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
然后,按照本教程 获取设备 (Devices )密钥 的 完全所有权。(take full ownership)
当它说Active Directory 域(Active Directory Domain) 服务(Services)当前不可用时是什么意思?
这意味着您的计算机和打印机连接不再有效,您必须建立连接才能继续打印。当打印机后台(Printer Spooler)处理程序服务停止响应您的计算机时,它会出现。
如何修复Active Directory 域(Active Directory Domain) 服务(Services)当前不可用?
要修复Active Directory 域(Active Directory Domain) 服务(Services)当前不可用错误,您必须在“ 服务 ”面板中重新启动(Services )打印机后台(Printer Spooler)处理程序服务,验证计算机和打印机之间的连接,并获得 设备(Devices) 注册表项的完全所有权。
相关阅读:(Related reads:)
Fix The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable
Whіle printing a document, if you are getting The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable error message, here are some troubleshooting tips to fix this issue. This error may occur with wired and wireless printers, but the solutions are almost the same in either case. The error message box says something like this:
Find in the Directory
The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable.

You may use your printer for various reasons. However, you can use it only when your computer detects it correctly. When your computer doesn’t detect it as it is supposed to do, you may end up getting an error message saying The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable. If so, you can follow this tutorial to troubleshoot this problem.
The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable
To fix The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable issue, follow these steps:
- Verify connection
- Enable File and Printer Sharing
- Restart Printer Spooler service
- Restart Active Directory Domain Services
- Run Printer troubleshooter
- Take full control of Devices key
To learn more about these steps in detail, continue reading.
1] Verify connection
It is probably the most important thing you should check before heading to other steps. Chances are, you have already gone through this step. However, if you haven’t done it already, you need to check if there is no issue with the connection between your computer and printer. If you have a wired printer, check if the cable is correctly plugged.
On the other hand, wireless printer users can check if there is no issue with the Wi-Fi network that you are sharing. Apart from that, if your printer requires a driver, ensure that the driver is installed and updated to the latest version.
2] Enable File and Printer Sharing
Make sure that File and Printer Sharing is enabled.
Related: How to share and add Network Printer in Windows.
3] Restart Printer Spooler service

The Printer Spooler service needs to be running to establish the connection and complete the print job. If it is stopped due to any reason, there is a chance of getting this error. Therefore, check if it is running or not in the Services panel. Moreover, you can restart this service to fix common print-related issues. To do that, follow these steps:
- Search for services in the Taskbar search box.
- Click on the individual result.
- Find out the Print Spooler service and double-click on it.
- Click the Stop button.
- Click the Start button.
- Click the OK button to save the change.
Now check if the problem resolves or not.
4] Restart Active Directory Domain Services
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) are the core functions in Active Directory that manage users and computers and allows sysadmins to organize systems.Open Services Manager and restart Active Directory Domain Services the usual way and see if it helps.
5] Run Printer troubleshooter

At times, you can fix common printer problems with Printer troubleshooter included in Windows 11/10. Whether it is a wired or wireless printer, you can fix issues within moments on your computer. Therefore, you can run the Printer troubleshooter on your computer to check it helps or not. If you are using Windows 10, you can follow this tutorial to open and run Troubleshooter. However, if you are using Windows 11, you can find all these troubleshooters in Windows Settings > System > Troubleshoot.
6] Take full control of Devices key

The Devices key contains all the REG_DOWRD values of various installed printers. If your user account doesn’t have the proper permission, you may get this aforementioned problem. Therefore, navigate to the following path in the Registry Editor:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices
Then, follow this tutorial to take full ownership of the Devices key.
What does it mean when it says the Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable?
It implies that your computer and printer connection is no longer valid, and you have to establish a connection to continue printing. It appears when the Printer Spooler service stops responding on your computer.
How do I fix Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable?
To fix The Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailable error, you have to restart the Printer Spooler services in the Services panel, verify the connection between your computer and printer, and take full ownership of the Devices registry key.
That’s all! Hope these solutions helped.
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