
方法 1:将智能手机用作电视遥控器(Method 1: Use Your Smartphone as a remote control for the TV)
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make)您的手机具有内置的IR Blaster功能。如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
1.打开你的电视(Switch on your TV)。现在在您的智能手机上,点击远程控制(Remote Control)应用程序以打开。

注意:(Note:)如果您没有内置的远程控制应用程序,请从Google Play商店下载一个。
2. 在遥控器(Remote Control)应用程序中,搜索“ +’号或“添加”( ‘Add’)按钮,然后点击添加遥控器(Add a Remote)。


4.将出现电视品牌( list of TV brand)名称列表。C选择您的电视品牌以继续(hoose your TV brand to continue)。

5. 将开始设置遥控器( Pair remote)与电视配对。按照屏幕上的说明添加遥控器。

6. 设置完成后,您将能够通过智能手机上的远程应用程序访问您的电视。( access your TV via the Remote app on your Smartphone.)

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在没有 Root 的情况下在 Android 上隐藏应用程序的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Hide Apps on Android Without Root)
方法 2:将您的手机用作 Android TV 的遥控器(Method 2: Use your Phone as a Remote Control for Android TV)
好吧,如果您有一台 Android(Android) TV,那么您可以通过手机轻松控制它。您可以使用智能手机上的Android TV Remote(Android TV Remote)控制应用程序通过手机轻松控制Android TV。(Android)
1.下载并安装安卓电视控制应用程序(Android TV Control App)。
注意:(Note:)确保您的手机和Android TV 均通过同一个Wi-Fi 连接(Wi-Fi)。
2.在您的手机上打开 Android TV Control 应用程序(Open the Android TV Control app),然后点击(tap on the Name of your Android TV)您的手机应用程序屏幕上显示的 Android TV 的名称

3. 您会在电视屏幕上找到一个PIN 。在您的Android(Android) TV Control应用上使用此号码来完成配对。
4. 单击设备上的配对(Pair)选项。

如果您在设置应用程序时遇到问题,请尝试以下步骤:(If you have trouble setting up the app, try these steps:)
选项 1:重新启动您的 Android TV(Option 1: Restart your Android TV)
1. 拔下Android TV 的电源线。
2.等待(Wait)几秒钟(20-30 秒),然后再次将电源线插回电视。
3. 再次设置远程控制(Remote Control)应用程序。
选项 2:检查电视上的连接(Option 2: Check the connection on your TV)
确保(Make)您的智能手机与Android TV 在同一网络上:
1. 按Android TV 遥控器的(Android)Home按钮,然后导航到Android TV 上的设置。
2. 选择“网络(Network )和附件(Accessories)”下的网络,然后进入高级(Advanced )选项并选择网络状态(Network status)。
3. 从那里,找到网络 SSID(Network SSID )旁边的Wi-Fi网络名称,并检查Wi-Fi网络是否与您的智能手机相同。
4. 如果没有,请先在安卓(Android)电视和智能手机(Smartphone)上连接到同一网络,然后重试。
选项 3:使用蓝牙设置远程控制应用程序(Option 3: Set up the remote control app using Bluetooth)
如果您无法通过Wi-Fi将手机与(Wi-Fi)Android TV连接,请不要担心,您仍然可以通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)将手机与电视连接。您可以使用以下步骤通过蓝牙轻松连接电视和手机:(Bluetooth)
1. 打开手机上的蓝牙(Bluetooth)。

2. 打开手机上的安卓电视控制应用(Android TV Control App) 。您会在屏幕上看到一条错误消息“Android TV 和此设备需要在同一个 Wi-Fi 网络上”。(“Android TV and this device need to be on the same Wi-Fi network.”)

3. 在蓝牙(Bluetooth)设置下,您可以找到Android TV 的名称。点击它以将您的手机与 Android TV 连接。 ( Tap on it to connect your phone with Android TV. )

4. 您将在手机上看到蓝牙(Bluetooth)通知,单击配对(Pair)选项。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 将您的智能手机变成通用遥控器(Turn Your Smartphone into a Universal Remote Control)
选项 4: (Option 4: )适用于不同设备的各种第三方应用程序(Third-Party Apps)
(Control Set-Top)通过智能手机(Smartphone)控制机顶盒和有线电视盒(Cable Boxes)
苹果电视(Apple Tv)
Apple TV现在不附带实体遥控器;因此,您必须使用他们的官方iTunes Remote App在频道之间切换或导航到菜单和其他选项。
与Apple(Apple) TV相比, Roku的应用程序在功能方面要好得多。使用Roku应用程序(App),您可以进行语音搜索,您可以使用语音命令查找和流式传输内容。
在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载应用程序。
在iTunes(iTunes.)上下载应用程序 。
亚马逊消防电视(Amazon Fire TV)
亚马逊 Fire TV 应用程序是上述所有 FireTV 镜像应用程序中最好的(best among all the FireTV Mirroring apps)。这个应用程序有很多功能,包括语音搜索功能。
下载安卓版:亚马逊消防电视(Amazon Fire TV)
苹果下载:亚马逊消防电视(Amazon fire TV)
Chromecast没有附带任何物理控制器,因为它带有一个名为 Google Cast 的官方应用程序(Google Cast)。该应用程序具有基本功能,可让您仅投射支持Chromecast的应用程序。
下载安卓版:谷歌主页(Google Home)
为 Apple 下载:Google Home
How to Use Your Smartphone as a TV Remote
Until now, уou might have bеen using your Smartphone for making calls, cоnnecting yoυr friendѕ on soсial mеdia, playing gamеs, and watching movies. What if I tell yоu that there is a lot of cool stuff that you do with your Smartphone, sυch as turning it into a TV remote? Yes, you can ѕet your Smartphone into a TV remote. Isn’t it cool? Now you do not have to find your remote for watching your favorite shows on your TV. If your tradіtional TV remote is dаmaged or loѕt, your most affable device is there to rescue you. You can easily contrоl your TV wіth yoυr Smartphone.

How to Use Your Smartphone as a TV Remote
Method 1: Use Your Smartphone as a remote control for the TV
Note: Make sure your Phone has the inbuilt IR Blaster feature. If not, then proceed to the next method.
To turn your Smartphone into a remote TV, you need to follow below-mentioned steps:
1. Switch on your TV. Now on your Smartphone, tap on the Remote Control app to open.

Note: If you don’t have an in-built remote control app, download one from the Google Play store.
2. In the Remote Control app, search for the ‘+’ sign or ‘Add’ button then tap to Add a Remote.

3. Now in the next window, tap on TV option from the list of options.

4. A list of TV brand names will appear. Choose your TV brand to continue.

5. Setup to Pair remote with TV will begin. Follow the on-screen instructions to add the remote.

6. As the setup completes, you will be able to access your TV via the Remote app on your Smartphone.

You are all set to control your TV with your Smartphone.
Also Read: 3 Ways to Hide Apps on Android Without Root
Method 2: Use your Phone as a Remote Control for Android TV
Well, if you have an Android TV, then you could easily control it via your phone. You can easily control the Android TV via phone using the Android TV Remote control app on your smartphone.
1. Download and Install Android TV Control App.
Note: Ensure that your phone and Android TV are both connected via the same Wi-Fi.
2. Open the Android TV Control app on your mobile and tap on the Name of your Android TV displayed on your mobile app screen

3. You will find a PIN on your TV screen. Use this number on your Android TV Control app to complete pairing.
4. Click on the Pair option on your device.

All set, now you can control your TV via your phone.
If you have trouble setting up the app, try these steps:
Option 1: Restart your Android TV
1. Unplug the power cord of your Android TV.
2. Wait for a few seconds (20-30 seconds) then again inset the power cord back into TV.
3. Again set up the Remote Control app.
Option 2: Check the connection on your TV
Make sure your smartphone is on the same network as of your Android TV:
1. Press the Home button of your Android TV remote then navigate to Settings on the Android TV.
2. Select Network under “Network & Accessories,” then go to Advanced option and choose Network status.
3. From there, find the Wi-Fi network name next to Network SSID and check if the Wi-Fi network is the same as of your smartphone.
4. If not, then first connect to the same network on both Android TV & Smartphone and try again.
If this doesn’t solve the problem, then try pairing through Bluetooth.
Option 3: Set up the remote control app using Bluetooth
If you’re not able to connect your Phone with Android TV via Wi-Fi, then don’t worry, as you can still connect your phone with your TV via Bluetooth. You can easily connect your TV and phone via Bluetooth using the below steps:
1. Turn ON Bluetooth on your Phone.

2. Open the Android TV Control App on your phone. You will notice an error message on your screen “Android TV and this device need to be on the same Wi-Fi network.”

3. Under Bluetooth settings, you find the name of Android TV. Tap on it to connect your phone with Android TV.

4. You will see a Bluetooth notification on your phone, click on the Pair option.

Also Read: Turn Your Smartphone into a Universal Remote Control
Option 4: Various Third-Party Apps for different devices
Control Set-Top and Cable Boxes via Smartphone
Sometimes, everyone finds it challenging to find the remote of TV, and it becomes frustrating if you’re in such situations. Without the TV remote, it is difficult to turn on your TV or change channels. At this point, the set-top boxes can be accessed through the apps on your smartphone. Using the app, you can easily switch channels, control volume, turn on/off the set-top box. So, here is the list of best Set-top box apps available in the market.
Apple Tv
Apple TV doesn’t come with the physical remote now; therefore you have to use their official iTunes Remote App to switch between channels or navigate to the menu and other options.
The app for Roku is much better in comparison to that of Apple TV in terms of features. Using App for Roku, you can do a voice search using which you can find & stream content with a voice command.
Download the App on Google Play Store.
Download the App on iTunes.
Amazon Fire TV
Amazon Fire TV app is the best among all the FireTV Mirroring apps mentioned above. This app has quite a good number of features, including the voice search feature.
Download for Android: Amazon Fire TV
Download for Apple: Amazon fire TV
The Chromecast doesn’t come with any physical controller as it comes with an official app called Google Cast. The app has basic features that let you cast only the apps which are Chromecast-enabled.
Download for Android: Google Home
Download for Apple: Google Home
Hopefully, the methods mentioned above will help you to turn your smartphones into your TV remote control. Now, no more struggle in finding the TV remote control or boring pressing of buttons to change channels. Access your TV or change channels using your phone.