在 Windows 10 中禁用数据收集(保护您的隐私)(Disable Data Collection in Windows 10 (Protect Your Privacy))
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
方法 – 1:关闭位置跟踪(Method – 1: Turn Off Location Tracking)
所以我们大多数人都知道这条公开的私人信息。Windows会收集与您的位置相关的信息,以便为您提供对您有用的信息,例如附近的地点、天气预报等。但所有这些都以Windows知道您所到之处为代价,可能并不是非常有利。要在 Windows 10 中禁用数据收集(Disable Data Collection in Windows 10),您需要关闭位置跟踪,
1. 单击任务栏上的开始按钮(Start button)。
2. 单击其上方的齿轮图标(gear icon)以打开设置。(Settings.)
3. 现在,单击“隐私(Privacy)”并从左侧窗格中选择“位置”。(Location)
4. 要关闭(turn off location tracking)您帐户的位置跟踪,请关闭(toggle off)“应用程序访问您的位置”。(apps access to your location.)'
5. 如果您在同一设备上有多个帐户,您可以通过单击“( you have multiple accounts on the same device)更改(Change)”关闭所有帐户的位置跟踪。
虽然这样做会在将来禁用位置跟踪,但(disable location tracking)Windows仍然可以访问您过去的位置记录。要清除您的位置记录,请单击同一页面上“位置历史记录(Location history)”部分下的“清除”。(Clear)
1. 保持您的“定位服务(Location service)”开启。(ON.)
2.向下滚动到“选择可以使用您的精确位置的应用程序(Choose apps that can use your precise location)”并turn on/off the switch for apps as you require.
方法 – 2:(Method – 2: )关闭个性化广告(Turn Off Personalized Advertisements)
您是否注意到您看到的广告与您在网络上搜索的某个特定项目相关?当然!Windows通过监视您的 cookie 和收集您的网络浏览信息为您提供量身定制的广告。为防止Windows访问此敏感信息,
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击隐私(Privacy)图标。
2. 现在确保从左侧窗格中选择“常规”。(General)
3. 在这里,如果您 关闭( off)“让应用程序使用我的广告 ID 来获得跨应用程序的体验(关闭此功能将重置您的 ID)(Let apps use my advertising ID for experience across apps (turning this off will reset your ID)) ”会有所帮助。
4. 请注意,这不会阻止广告出现。您仍然会看到广告,但它们只是一般性的,而不是个性化的。
- 在您的网络浏览器上,访问。
(Log in to your Microsoft account)如果需要,请登录您的 Microsoft 帐户。
- 现在,关闭(turn off)“我在任何地方使用我的Microsoft帐户的个性化(Personalized)广告”和“此浏览器中的个性化广告”。
方法– 3:(Method – 3: )阻止Cortana使用信息或完全禁用Cortana(Prevent Cortana From Using Information or Disable Cortana Completely)
Cortana是微软为Windows 10创建的虚拟助手。Cortana旨在使用Bing搜索引擎为用户提供答案,并且可以执行基本任务,例如识别自然语音以设置提醒、管理日历、获取天气或新闻更新、搜索文件和文档等。为此,Cortana使用您可能不想与它共享的个人信息,例如您的声音、文字、位置、联系人、日历等。现在要在 Windows 10 中禁用数据收集,( Disable Data Collection in Windows 10,,)您需要阻止Cortana使用您的个人信息,
1. 在任务栏上的搜索字段中,搜索“ Cortana Permission ”并打开它。
3. 点击“管理 Cortana 可以从此设备访问的信息(Manage the information Cortana can access from this device)”。
4. 现在关闭(turn off)“位置(Location)”、“联系人、电子邮件、日历和通信历史记录(Contacts, email, calendar & communication history)”和“浏览历史记录(Browsing history)”。请注意,通过禁用权限,Cortana将无法执行需要它拥有这些权限的操作。
1. 转到您计算机上的“设置(Settings)”,然后单击“隐私(Privacy)”。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的“语音、墨迹书写和打字(Speech, inking & typing)”。
3. 现在,单击“关闭语音服务和输入建议(Turn off speech services and typing suggestions)”以阻止Cortana认识你。
4.这将删除存储在您的PC上收集的数据(delete collected data stored on your PC),并关闭听写功能。
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击“ Cortana ”。
2.从左侧窗格中打开“权限和历史记录”。(Permissions & History)
3. 向下滚动到“历史记录”,然后单击(click)“清除我的设备历史记录(Clear my device history)”。
此外,在 Web 浏览器上登录您的Microsoft帐户,然后转到隐私仪表板上(Microsoft)的 Cortana 笔记本部分( Cortana’s notebook section)。从提供的列表中禁用您想要的内容。(Disable the content that you want to from the list provided.)
单击页面右侧的“清除 Cortana 数据”以删除(Clear Cortana data)Cortana拥有的有关您的所有信息。
如果你不喜欢Cortana或者因为隐私原因不想使用它,你可以在 Windows 10 上永久禁用 Cortana(permanently disable Cortana on Windows 10)。
方法 – 4:(Method – 4: )禁用 WiFi 感知(Disable WiFi Sense)
借助Wi-Fi Sense,用户可以选择让他们的设备自动连接到建议的开放热点,并与联系人(在Skype、Facebook等)共享其家庭网络的密码,这样他们就可以自动连接到Windows 10设备上的网络,而无需需要手动输入密码。要关闭Wi-Fi 感知(Wi-Fi Sense),
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击网络和 Internet。(Network & Internet.)
2. 现在单击 左侧窗格中的Wi-Fi ,并确保(Wi-Fi)在 Wi-Fi Sense 下禁用所有内容。( Disable everything under Wi-Fi Sense.)
3. 另外,请确保禁用Hotspot 2.0 网络和付费 Wi-Fi 服务。(Hotspot 2.0 networks and Paid Wi-Fi services.)
方法 – 5:停止共享系统文件(Method – 5: Stop Sharing System Files)
Windows 10 与其他用户和其他用户共享您的系统文件和更新。因此,如果您停止共享系统文件以在 Windows 10 中禁用数据收集(Disable Data Collection in Windows 10)以保护您的隐私,这将有所帮助:
1. 转到设置(Settings)并单击“更新和安全(Update & security)”。
2. 从左侧窗格中选择“ Windows 更新(Windows update)”,然后单击“高级选项(Advanced options)”。
3. 点击“投放优化(Delivery optimization)”。
默认情况下,“允许从其他 PC 下载(Allow download from other PCs)”处于打开状态。您可以完全关闭它(turn it off entirely),或者决定在“我的本地网络上(PCs on my local network)的 PC ”或“我的本地网络上的 PC 和 Internet 上的 PC(PCs on my local network and PCs on the Internet) ”之间进行选择。
方法 – 6:禁用 OneDrive(Method – 6: Disable OneDrive)
要阻止Windows将您的任何数据存储在 Microsoft 的OneDrive上,
1. 在任务栏的通知区域,右键单击(right-click)OneDrive图标(OneDrive)并选择“设置(settings)”。
2.取消选择以下所有三个(Deselect all three)选项:'登录 Windows 时自动启动 OneDrive(Start OneDrive automatically when I sign in to Windows) '、'让我使用 OneDrive 获取我在这台 PC 上的任何文件(Let me use OneDrive to fetch any of my files on this PC)'和'与其他人同时使用 Office 处理文件时间(Use Office work on files with other people at the same time)'。
方法 – 7:关闭 Microsoft Edge(Method – 7: Turn Off Microsoft Edge)
Microsoft的 Web 浏览器Edge也可能会将您的数据发送给Microsoft,以获取其功能和预测。为了防止它共享您的数据,
1. 打开 Edge,然后单击窗口右上角的三点菜单并选择“(three-dot menu)设置(Settings)”。
2. 点击“查看高级设置(View Advanced settings)”。
3. 在“隐私和服务(Privacy and Services)”部分,关闭所有你想(turn off everything you want)保存的密码、Cortana辅助、搜索建议、搜索历史等。
如果您使用 Google Chrome或其他浏览器,您也可以 在 Windows 10 中完全卸载 Microsoft Edge 。(Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10)
方法 – 8:关闭 Windows SmartScreen(Method – 8: Turn Off Windows SmartScreen)
SmartScreen 是一个 基于云的(cloud-based) 反网络钓鱼(anti-phishing) 和 反恶意软件(anti-malware)组件,可帮助保护用户免受攻击。为提供此功能,Microsoft会收集有关您下载和安装的程序的信息。虽然这是推荐功能,但要在 Windows 10 中禁用数据收集,( disable data collection in Windows 10)您需要关闭Windows SmartScreen过滤器:
1. 在位于任务栏上的搜索字段中,输入“控制面板(Control Panel)”并使用给定的快捷方式打开它。
2. 点击“系统和安全(System and Security)”,然后点击“安全和维护(Security and Maintenance)”。
3.从左侧窗格中选择“更改 Windows SmartScreen 设置”。(Change Windows SmartScreen settings)
4. 选择“不做任何事情(Don’t do anything)”选项并单击“确定”进行确认。
方法 - 9:从设置中禁用同步(Method – 9: Disable Sync From Settings)
为防止出于同步目的将您的数据共享给Microsoft ,
1.通过单击开始菜单中的(Start menu.)齿轮(gear)图标打开设置。( Settings)
2. 在“设置”窗口中单击“帐户(Accounts)”。
3.从左侧窗格中选择“同步您的设置”。(Sync your settings)
4. 关闭“同步设置(Sync settings)”滑块。(slider off.)
Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)应用程序还有另一个 SmartScreen 过滤器。要关闭它,
- 按 Windows 键 + I 打开设置(Setting),然后单击“隐私(Privacy)”。
- 从左侧窗格中选择“常规” 。(General’)
- 现在关闭( turn off)“打开 SmartScreen 筛选器以检查 Windows 应用商店应用程序使用的 Web 内容 (URL)(Turn on SmartScreen Filter to check web content (URLs) that Windows Store apps use) ”开关。
方法 – 10:管理诊断数据(Method – 10: Manage Diagnostic Data)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击“隐私(Privacy)”。
2.从左侧窗格中选择“诊断和反馈”,然后(Diagnostics and feedback)选择您想要的选项。( select your desired option.)
如果您需要了解有关这些设置的更多信息,则可以阅读我们之前的一篇文章: 更改 Windows 10 中的诊断和使用数据设置(Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10)
方法 – 11:使用本地帐户而不是 Microsoft 帐户(Method – 11: Use a Local Account Instead of Microsoft Account)
不仅是Windows,您的个人信息也被Microsoft使用。Microsoft使用您的帐户设置和一些其他信息在您的所有设备上同步您的数据和设置。如果您不希望Microsoft使用您的信息,您可以停止使用您的Microsoft帐户并改用本地帐户,这样您就可以完全禁用Windows 10中的数据收集。为了这,
1. 单击任务栏上的开始按钮(Start button)。
2.接下来,单击其上方的齿轮图标(gear icon)以打开设置。( settings.)
3. 单击“帐户(Accounts)”并从左侧窗格中选择“您的信息”。(Your info)
4. 选择“使用本地帐户登录(Sign in with a local account instead)”并按照说明进行操作。
我希望这篇文章对您有所帮助。现在,您可以轻松地在 Windows 10 中禁用数据收集以保护您的隐私,(Disable Data Collection in Windows 10 to Protect Your Privacy, )但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Disable Data Collection in Windows 10 (Protect Your Privacy)
Windоws collects and uses a lot of уour private information to provide you with some of its cоol default features. While these features have proven to be of great utіlity, cоncerns about data privacy аnd security have also been rіsing recently. If you are somеone who hates being watched over and would rather trade-оff those features for your data privacy, this article will take you through a series of steps and methods that you can follow to prevent Windows from accessing your personal data by disabling some or all features thаt you can ѕurvive without.
Disable Data Collection in Windows 10 (Protect Your Privacy)
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method – 1: Turn Off Location Tracking
So most of us know about this piece of private information which is out in the open. Windows gathers your location-related information to provide you with information that can be useful to you like your nearby places, weather forecasts, etc. But all of this at the cost of Windows knowing everywhere you go might not be very favourable. To Disable Data Collection in Windows 10, you need to turn off location tracking,
1. Click on the Start button on your taskbar.
2. Click on the gear icon above it to open Settings.
3. Now, click on ‘Privacy’ and select ‘Location’ from the left pane.
4. To turn off location tracking for your account, toggle off the ‘apps access to your location.’
5. If you have multiple accounts on the same device, you can turn off location tracking for all of them by clicking on ‘Change’.
While doing this will disable location tracking in the future, your past location records can still be accessed by Windows. To clear your location records, click on ‘Clear’ under ‘Location history’ section on the same page.
In case you want some particular apps to be able to access your location,
1. Keep your ‘Location service’ ON.
2. Scroll down to ‘Choose apps that can use your precise location’ and turn on/off the switch for apps as you require.
3. Hence, you will able to allow location access to only the apps of your choice.
Method – 2: Turn Off Personalized Advertisements
Have you ever noticed that the ads you see are related to that one particular item you were searching on the web for? Of course! Windows provides you with tailored advertisements by spying on your cookies and gathering your web browsing information. To prevent this sensitive information from being accessed by Windows,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Privacy icon.
2. Now make sure to select ‘General’ from the left window pane.
3. Here, it would help if you switched off ‘Let apps use my advertising ID for experience across apps (turning this off will reset your ID)’.
4. Note that this doesn’t stop ads from appearing. You will still see ads, but they will only be general and not personalized.
Further, to prevent Microsoft from being able to access or use this information in any way,
- On your web browser, go to
Log in to your Microsoft account if you need to.
- Now, turn off “Personalized ads wherever I use my Microsoft account” and “Personalized ads in this browser.”
Method – 3: Prevent Cortana From Using Information or Disable Cortana Completely
Cortana is Microsoft’s virtual assistant created for Windows 10. Cortana is designed to provide answers to the users, using the Bing search engine and can perform basic tasks like recognizing natural voice to set reminders, manage calendars, fetch weather or news updates, search for files and documents, etc. For this, Cortana uses your personal information like your voice, writing, location, contacts, calendars, etc. that you may not want to share with it. Now to Disable Data Collection in Windows 10,, you need to prevent Cortana from using your personal information,
1. In the search field located on your taskbar, search for ‘Cortana Permission’ and open it.
2. Switch to the ‘Permissions’ settings from the left pane.
3. Click on “Manage the information Cortana can access from this device”.
4. Now turn off ‘Location’, ‘Contacts, email, calendar & communication history’ and ‘Browsing history’. Note that by disabling the permissions, Cortana will not be able to do things that require it to have these permissions.
To further stop Cortana from collecting your personal information,
1. Go to ‘Settings’ on your computer and click on ‘Privacy’.
2. Click on ‘Speech, inking & typing’ from the left pane.
3. Now, click on ‘Turn off speech services and typing suggestions’ to stop Cortana from getting to know you.
4. This will delete collected data stored on your PC, and it also turns off dictation functionality.
To further erase any data that Cortana may have gathered about you,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Cortana’.
2. Open ‘Permissions & History’ from the left pane.
3. Scroll down to ‘History’ and click on ‘Clear my device history’.
Further, login to your Microsoft account on your web browser and move on to Cortana’s notebook section on the privacy dashboard. Disable the content that you want to from the list provided.
Click on ‘Clear Cortana data’ on the right side of the page to delete all information that Cortana has about you.
If you don’t like Cortana or don’t want to use it because of privacy reasons, you can permanently disable Cortana on Windows 10.
Method – 4: Disable WiFi Sense
With Wi-Fi Sense, users can optionally have their device automatically connect to suggested open hotspots, and share their home network’s password with contacts (on Skype, Facebook, etc.) so they may automatically connect to the network on a Windows 10 device without needing to enter its password manually. To turn off Wi-Fi Sense,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Network & Internet.
2. Now click on Wi-Fi from the left window pane and make sure to Disable everything under Wi-Fi Sense.
3. Also, make sure to disable Hotspot 2.0 networks and Paid Wi-Fi services.
Method – 5: Stop Sharing System Files
Windows 10 shares your system files and updates with other users and from other users to you. So it would help if you stopped sharing system files to Disable Data Collection in Windows 10 to protect your privacy:
1. Go to Settings and click on ‘Update & security’.
2. Select ‘Windows update’ from the left pane and click on ‘Advanced options’.
3. Click on ‘Delivery optimization’.
By default, ‘Allow download from other PCs’ is ON. You can turn it off entirely, or decide to choose between ‘PCs on my local network’ or ‘PCs on my local network and PCs on the Internet’.
Method – 6: Disable OneDrive
To stop Windows from storing any of your data on Microsoft’s OneDrive,
1. In the notification area of your taskbar, right-click on OneDrive icon and select ‘settings’.
2. Deselect all three of the following options: ‘Start OneDrive automatically when I sign in to Windows’, ‘Let me use OneDrive to fetch any of my files on this PC‘ and ‘Use Office work on files with other people at the same time‘.
Method – 7: Turn Off Microsoft Edge
Microsoft’s web browser, Edge, might also be sending your data to Microsoft for its features and predictions. To prevent it from sharing your data,
1. Open Edge then clicks on the three-dot menu on the top right corner of the window and select ‘Settings’.
2. Click on ‘View Advanced settings’.
3. In the ‘Privacy and Services’ section, turn off everything you want to like save passwords, Cortana assist, search suggestions, search history, etc.
You can also completely Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 if you use Google Chrome or some other browser.
Method – 8: Turn Off Windows SmartScreen
SmartScreen is a cloud-based anti-phishing and anti-malware component that helps protect users against attacks. To provide this feature, Microsoft collects information about your downloaded and installed programs. While this is a recommended feature, but to disable data collection in Windows 10 you need to turn off Windows SmartScreen filter:
1. In the search field located on your taskbar, type ‘Control Panel’ and open it with the given shortcut.
2. Click on ‘System and Security’ and then click on ‘Security and Maintenance’.
3. Select ‘Change Windows SmartScreen settings’ from the left pane.
4. Select ‘Don’t do anything’ option and click on OK to confirm.
Method – 9: Disable Sync From Settings
To prevent sharing your data to Microsoft for syncing purposes,
1. Open Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the Start menu.
2. Click on ‘Accounts’ from the Settings window.
3. Select ‘Sync your settings’ from the left pane.
4. Turn ‘Sync settings’ slider off.
There is another SmartScreen filter for Windows Store apps. To turn it off,
- Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Privacy’.
- Select ‘General’ from the left pane.
- Now turn off the ‘Turn on SmartScreen Filter to check web content (URLs) that Windows Store apps use‘ switch.
Method – 10: Manage Diagnostic Data
Microsoft uses diagnostic data to keep Windows secure and up to date, troubleshoot problems, and make product improvements. This data is transmitted to Microsoft and stored with unique identifiers that help them recognize an individual user on an individual device and understand its service issues and use patterns. While you can’t entirely stop it from gathering diagnostic data, these are the two options that Microsoft provides:
BASIC: This is information about your device, its settings and capabilities, and whether it performs properly.
FULL: This includes all data collected with Basic, along with information about the websites you browse, how you use apps and features, plus additional information about device health, device activity (sometimes referred to as usage), and enhanced error reporting, including others.
To set these settings,
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on ‘Privacy’.
2. Select ‘Diagnostics and feedback’ from the left pane and select your desired option.
If you need to know more about these settings then you can read one of our previous posts: Change Diagnostic and Usage Data Settings in Windows 10
Method – 11: Use a Local Account Instead of Microsoft Account
Not just Windows, your personal information is used by Microsoft too. Microsoft uses your account settings and some other information to sync your data and settings over all of your devices. If you do not want Microsoft to use your information, you can stop using your Microsoft account and use a local account instead and this way you can completely disable data collection in Windows 10. For this,
1. Click on the Start button on your taskbar.
2. Next, click on the gear icon above it to open settings.
3. Click on ‘Accounts’ and select ‘Your info’ from the left pane.
4. Select ‘Sign in with a local account instead’ and follow the instructions.
These were the steps you can take to prevent Windows from invading your privacy and gathering your personal data.
I hope this article was helpful. Now you can easily Disable Data Collection in Windows 10 to Protect Your Privacy, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial, please feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.