您无需成为专业人士即可开始创作自己的音乐。多亏了适用于您的PC 或 Mac的(PC or Mac)音乐制作软件(music production software),这从未如此简单。它们为您提供了一种让您的创意源源不断的廉价方式——无需工作室。
可以使用付费(Paid)的专业软件,但像Apple这样的公司免费提供高质量的制作软件(top-quality production software),初学者不需要投入巨资就可以开始使用。这里有六种最好的免费音乐制作软件(music production software)供初学者试用。

用于 Mac 的 Apple GarageBand(Apple GarageBand for Mac)(Apple GarageBand for Mac)
有一个原因,无论您走到哪里,您都会看到Apple GarageBand for Mac被推荐为最好的(如果不是最好的)音乐创作(music creation)免费软件之一。这要归功于易于使用的界面中包含的强大、专业的功能。
您可以将自己的乐器与GarageBand一起使用,也可以使用(GarageBand)音乐制作软件(music production software)中包含的虚拟乐器和效果来创作音乐,其中最多可以将 255 个单独的音轨混合在一起。

GarageBand也可用于编辑其他类型的音频文件。这包括播客,其中对多个麦克风的支持(support for multiple microphones)可能很有用。
它速度快、功能强大,而且最重要的是,GarageBand是免费的,并且预装在每台Mac 电脑上(Mac computer),随时供您使用。GarageBand也可作为App Store中的应用程序供 iPhone 和 iPad 用户使用。
作为Apple 产品(Apple product),GarageBand仅适用于macOS 和 iOS(macOS and iOS)。Windows 和 Linux 用户(Windows and Linux users)将需要查看以下替代方案之一。
寻找GarageBand替代品的音乐创作者应该看看Audacity。严格来说,Audacity更像是一种音频编辑工具(editing tool),而不是像我们列表中的其他一些选项那样的完整数字音频工作站。你只需要稍微不同的工作来充分利用它。
Audacity可让您拼接和处理所有主要音频格式的任何录制音频。首先(First),它是一个音频编辑器,但您可以使用效果和插件对其进行扩展。借助通用的VST 格式(VST format),您甚至可以创建自己的插件供其他人使用。

它的简单性将真正吸引任何想要在没有多年经验或培训(experience or training)的情况下创作自己的音乐的人。初学者会喜欢这个界面,因为它不会让您选择过多。(t overload)您可以直接录制到音乐制作软件(music production software)中,利用强大的编辑工具(the powerful editing tools)来创作符合您口味的音乐。
Audacity是跨平台的,因此您可以轻松地在Windows、macOS 和 Linux 安装(macOS and Linux installations)之间切换,并且由于它是开源的(意味着任何人都可以帮助开发它),它完全可以免费下载。
BandLab 的 Cakewalk(Cakewalk by BandLab)(Cakewalk by BandLab)
Cakewalk SONAR是最早可用的数字音乐创作软件(music creation software)之一,但在 2017 年原公司关闭时停止了开发。感谢新加坡的BandLab,新更名的Cakewalk重新开始积极开发,您可以在(Cakewalk)Windows上免费下载。
Cakewalk 是一个多面手,具有歌曲创作工具、音频编辑、音效和专业标准的混音引擎(mixing engine),可提供清晰、清晰的音频。初学者可能会发现GUI有点挑战性,但它可以很容易地进行自定义,具有自定义主题和布局以满足您的需求,以及供新用户尝试的“基本”预设布局。(pre-set layout)

与GarageBand一样,如果您没有自己的乐器,Cakewalk也可以使用虚拟乐器。(Cakewalk)它还允许您打开视频文件并编辑音轨,使其成为创建和编辑自己的音乐视频(music videos)的好选择。
标语“让我们做音乐”是LMMS的有力意图声明。LMMS最初名为Linux MultiMedia Studio,现在是一个跨平台的音乐创作者(music creator),您可以在Linux、Windows和Mac计算机上使用。像Audacity一样,LMMS是免费和开源的。
它具有许多您期望从专业音乐制作软件(music production software)中获得的功能。您可以一次编排、混合和编辑多个(edit multiple)音轨,并支持行业标准的VST 音频(VST audio)插件,以扩展可用效果和虚拟乐器的数量。

与一些竞争对手不同,LMMS有一个简单的GUI可供初学者掌握,并提供几个自定义主题。LMMS 社区(LMMS community)是一项突出的功能,您可以在其中与其他用户共享您的项目文件,或根据自己的需要自定义其他人。
LMMS可能不如Apple GarageBand 或 Cakewalk(Apple GarageBand or Cakewalk)精致,但对于新音乐创作者来说,它仍然是一个绰绰有余的选择。
如果您尝试过其他音频编辑软件并发现它们太难使用,那么试试SoundBridge 。它的构建考虑了简单性,其界面不会因菜单、滑块或不必要的功能而过载。
SoundBridge包括对触摸屏设备和VST音频插件的支持、可自定义的鼓机(drum machine)和一组强大的音频编辑工具,可同时剪切、切片和混合多个音轨(slice and mix multiple tracks)。SoundBridge还附带了一个免费的声音样本集合,您可以将它们集成到您的音乐中。

还有一个包含付费和免费课程的学院计划,一个包含各种操作指南的博客,以及一组视频教程,可帮助您进一步提高音乐制作(music production)技能。
SoundBridge可在Windows 和 Mac(Windows and Mac)上下载,但在您下载之前,我们有一个警告。当您注册下载时,您会注意到一个误导性的捐赠通知。(donation notification)尽管有这样的措辞,但您无需捐款即可在 PC 上使用SoundBridge 。
从GarageBand到SoundBridge ,无论您自己的音乐流派如何,都可以使用此列表中涵盖的每个音乐制作软件。(music production software)Mixx打破了这种模式,完全专注于为DJ(DJs)创作曲目。
Mixx 的功能列表(feature list)包含了您对DJ专业(DJs)混音软件(mixing software)所期望的功能,除了价格——它是免费和开源的。

借助iTunes 集成,您可以加载多达 64 个不同的采样卡座来混合您的曲目、添加自定义音频效果并导入您自己的音乐数据库。(music database)Mixx 的界面是可定制的,具有自定义皮肤和布局以满足您自己的需求。
Mixx支持主要的硬件控制器和多个输入和输出源(input and output sources)。由于Shoutcast 支持(Shoutcast support),它还包括通过 Internet 流式传输您的音乐的能力。如果您想退后一步喝杯咖啡,您可以切换到Mixx的“自动 DJ”模式,这要归功于设置的播放列表和自动交叉淡入淡出。
6 Best Free Music Production Software for Beginners
Yoυ don’t need to be a professional to start creating your own music. Thanks to music production software for your PC or Mac, it’s never been easier. They offer a cheap way for you to get your creative juices flowing—no studio reqυired.
Paid professional software is available, but with companies like Apple offering top-quality production software for free, beginners don’t need to invest huge sums just to get started. Here’s a run-through of six of the best free music production software for beginners to try.

There’s a reason why, wherever you go, you’ll always see Apple GarageBand for Mac recommended as one of the best, if not the best, free software for music creation. This is thanks to powerful, professional features wrapped up in an easy-to-use interface.
For beginners, there might be a bit of a learning curve with GarageBand, but the effort is worth it. Total beginners can take advantage of the built in-tutorial system, with video tutorials to help you learn a new instrument to use with GarageBand, for instance.
You can use your own instruments with GarageBand or you can create your music using the virtual instruments and effects included within the music production software, where up to 255 separate audio tracks can be mixed together.

GarageBand can be used to edit other types of audio files, too. That includes podcasts, where support for multiple microphones could prove useful.
It’s quick, it’s powerful, and best of all, GarageBand is free and pre-installed on every Mac computer, ready for you to us. GarageBand is also available as an app in the App Store for iPhone and iPad owners.
As an Apple product, GarageBand is only available on macOS and iOS. Windows and Linux users will need to look at one of the alternatives below.
Music creators looking for an alternative to GarageBand should take a look at Audacity. Strictly speaking, Audacity is more an audio editing tool than a full digital audio workstation like some of the other options on our list. You just have to work a little differently to get the most out of it.
Audacity lets you splice up and process any recorded audio in all major audio formats. First and foremost, it’s an audio editor, but you can expand it with effects and plug-ins. You can even create your own plugins for others to use, thanks to the common VST format.

It’s the simplicity that will really appeal to anyone looking to create their own music without years of experience or training. Beginners will love the interface, as it doesn’t overload you with options. You can record straight into the music production software, taking advantage of the powerful editing tools to create music to your taste.
Audacity is cross-platform, so you can switch between Windows, macOS and Linux installations with ease and, as it’s open-source (meaning anyone can help to develop it), it’s totally free to download.
Cakewalk SONAR was one of the earliest digital music creation software available but development stopped in 2017 when the original company shut down. Thanks to the Singapore-based BandLab, the newly-renamed Cakewalk is back in active development and is available for you to download for free on Windows.
Cakewalk is an all-rounder, with songwriting tools, audio editing, sound effects, and a professional-standard mixing engine for crisp, clear audio. Beginners may find the GUI a little challenging, but it can easily be customized, with custom themes and layouts to suit your needs, and a “basic” pre-set layout for new users to try.

Like GarageBand, Cakewalk includes the ability to use virtual instruments if you don’t have your own. It also allows you to open up video files and edit the audio track, making it a good option for creating and editing your own music videos.
With the ability to publish straight to YouTube, Soundcloud, and Facebook, you don’t need to do anything extra to publish your music. From start to finish, you can craft your music in Cakewalk without needing to touch any other software.
A tagline that says “let’s make music” is a powerful statement of intent from LMMS. Originally named the Linux MultiMedia Studio, LMMS is now a cross-platform music creator that you can use on Linux, Windows, and Mac computers. Like Audacity, LMMS is free and open-source.
It has many of the features you’d expect from professional music production software. You can arrange, mix, and edit multiple tracks at once, with support for industry-standard VST audio plugins to expand the number of available effects and virtual instruments.

Unlike some of its competitors, LMMS has a simple GUI for beginners to get to grips with, with several custom themes available. One stand-out feature is the LMMS community, where you can share your project files with other users, or customize others for your own needs.
LMMS might not be as polished as Apple GarageBand or Cakewalk, but it’s still a more than adequate option for new music creators.
If you’ve tried other audio editing software and found them too difficult to use, then give SoundBridge a try. It’s been built with simplicity in mind, with an interface that doesn’t overload with menus, sliders or unnecessary features.
SoundBridge includes support for touchscreen devices and VST audio plug-ins, a customizable drum machine, and a powerful set of audio editing tools to cut, slice and mix multiple tracks at once. SoundBridge also comes with a free collection of sound samples you can integrate into your music.

There’s also an academy program with paid and free courses to try, a blog with various how-to guides, and a set of video tutorials to help improve your music production skills further.
SoundBridge is available for download on Windows and Mac but, before you download, we have a single word of warning. You’ll notice a misleading donation notification when you sign up to download. Despite the wording, you don’t need to donate to use SoundBridge on your PC.
From GarageBand to SoundBridge, each of the music production software covered in this list can be used, regardless of your own genre of music. Mixx breaks that mold, focusing entirely on creating tracks for DJs.
Mixx’s feature list is packed full of the features you’d expect from professional mixing software for DJs, except for the price—it’s free and open-source.

You can load up to 64 different sample decks to mix up your tracks, add custom audio effects, and import your own music database, thanks to iTunes integration. Mixx’s interface is customizable, with custom skins and layouts to suit your own needs.
Mixx comes with support for major hardware controllers and multiple input and output sources. It also includes the ability to stream your music over the internet, thanks to Shoutcast support. If you want to step back for a cup of coffee, you can switch to Mixx’s “Auto DJ” mode, thanks to a set playlist and automatic crossfading.
Mixx is under regular, active development and is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux users to download.