如果您在 PC 上玩视频游戏,您可能听说过 144Hz 和 240Hz 显示器。如果到目前为止,您一生都在使用标准的 60Hz 显示器,那么很难知道转向 144Hz 还是 240Hz 是否是一个好主意。
在本文中,我们列出了 60Hz、144Hz 和 240Hz 之间的基本区别,并就何时最好升级提供了一些提示。对于那些正在跟踪这些显示器以备将来购买的人,请务必查看144Hz 显示器(144Hz Monitors)和GamingScan以获取最新消息。
60Hz、144Hz和 240Hz(vs 240Hz) 显示器(Monitors)——有什么区别(Difference)?

显示器描述(s description)中使用的“HZ”用于描述其刷新率。Hz 越高,屏幕刷新的频率越高。例如,60Hz 的显示器每秒刷新图像 60(image 60)次,而 144Hz 的显示器每秒刷新图像 144(image 144)次。
但这对现实世界的使用(world use)意味着什么?
刷新率的工作方式类似于视频游戏中每秒帧数的工作(video game work)方式,但存在差异。
因此,如果您在游戏中每秒有 300 帧但使用 60Hz 显示器,那么显示给您的帧“更新”基本上将比可能的可能少 5 倍。
出于这个原因,除非您的显卡能够可靠地以 60 帧或更高帧运行,否则迁移到具有更好刷新率的新显示器并不值得。(refresh rate isn)您可以使用不同的实用程序轻松检查系统上游戏的每秒帧数。(check the frames per second for a game)
我们所知道的是,那些使用过 144Hz 显示器的人可以同意他们在玩游戏时可以看到并感受到不同。
事实上,最显着的区别是当 144Hz 用户切换到 60Hz 显示器时——许多持续使用 144Hz 显示器的用户提到,当回到 60Hz 时,他们可以看到从视频游戏到桌面(desktop feel)光标速度(cursor speed)的所有内容。
要记住的另一件重要事情是,通常用于更高刷新率显示器的(refresh rate)显示技术并不是整体(display technology)显示质量和色彩准确性(display quality and color accuracy)的最佳选择。
如果您关心外观,请选择高质量的 60Hz(quality 60Hz)显示器。如果您关心性能、帧速率(frame rate)和获得竞争优势,您应该选择更高刷新率的显示器(rate monitor)。

如果您希望在单个显示器中同时具备这两种功能,请准备好付出高昂的代价。最新的Acer Predator X27显示器具有所有高端功能:4K 分辨率、Nvidia G-sync、144hz刷新率(refresh rate)、HDR、1000 尼特亮度等,但目前售价高达 2000 美元。华硕 ROG Swift PG27UQ(Asus ROG Swift PG27UQ)配备相似且价格相似。
您应该从 60Hz 升级到 144Hz 吗?

我们现在已经到了可以很容易购买或制造能够在视频游戏(video game)中运行 120 或 fps 或更高的计算机的地步。事实上,大多数 PC 上可用的电竞游戏在高端机器上每秒可以接收高达 300 帧。
如果你能以每秒 120 帧以上的速度可靠地运行你玩的游戏,那么升级到 144Hz 是值得的,但只有在你关心提高性能时才应该考虑选择它。
144Hz 显示器最常用于反恐精英(Counter Strike):全球攻势或英雄联盟(Offensive or League)等(Legends)游戏中,在这些游戏中,每一个额外的帧和微移动都很重要(frame and micromovement counts)。
● 您想要竞争优势
● 您不介意(t mind)在电影和游戏中失去一点色彩准确性或显示质量(color accuracy or display quality)以获得更好的性能
● 您的计算机能够以 100 帧或更多帧运行游戏。
显然,显示器的分辨率越高,获得更高帧速率所需的显卡就越强大。目前(Currently),没有显卡可以在具有超设置的 4K 显示器上以超过 60 fps 的速度运行。您必须等到 2018 年底新的NVIDIA GTX 11xx系列显卡问世。
您应该从 144Hz 升级到 240Hz 吗?

240Hz 显示器比 144Hz 显示器要新得多,但它们开始变得越来越普遍。
对于 240Hz 显示器的普遍共识似乎是,如果您的计算机能够可靠地处理游戏中的 240 帧,那么它可能是值得升级的。目前这仅适用于 1920×1080 显示器。您需要很长时间才能看到 240hz 4K 显示器。
许多消费者对 240Hz 显示器的评论和报告表明,从 144Hz 升级到 240Hz 并不能提供与从 60Hz 到 144Hz 相同的性能提升,但存在明显差异。
还值得注意的是,有些显示器的刷新率(refresh rate)为 200Hz ,分辨率更高,如 2560×1080 或 3440×1440(超宽)。一些示例包括Acer Predator x35和Asus ROG Swift PG35VQ。两者都还没有发布。
我们在下面提供了一份清单,以帮助您确定升级到 240Hz 是否值得:
● 你在高水平的视频游戏中竞争
● 你想要与其他玩家竞争的绝对最佳优势
● 你的计算机可以可靠地运行你在 240 帧或更多帧上玩的有竞争力的游戏
● 你不介意(t mind)花很多钱一台显示器,并意识到随着技术变得越来越流行,240Hz 显示器的价格可能会下降
这结束了我们在 60Hz、144Hz 和 240Hz 显示器上的比较。你都有些什么想法呢?你会很快升级你的显示器吗?享受!
60Hz vs 144Hz vs 240Hz Monitors – When It Makes Sense to Upgrade
If you play video gamеs on a PC, chances are уou’ve heard all about 144Hz and 240Hz monitors. If you’νe used a standard 60Hz monitor for all of yoυr life so far, it can be hard to know whether moving to 144Hz or 240Hz will be a good idea or not.
In this article, we’ve laid out the basic differences between 60Hz, 144Hz, and 240Hz and have given some tips on when it’s best to upgrade. For those who are keeping track of these monitors for a future purchase, make sure to check out 144Hz Monitors and GamingScan for the latest news.
60Hz vs 144Hz vs 240Hz Monitors – What’s the Difference?

The ‘HZ’ used in a monitor’s description is used to describe its refresh rate. The higher the Hz, the more often the screen will refresh. For example, a 60Hz monitor will refresh its image 60 times per second, while a 144Hz monitor will refresh its image 144 times per second.
But what does that mean for real world use?
Essentially, a higher refresh rate will mean that the image you see is updated quicker. This can be very useful for action games or competitive games where every millisecond counts.
The refresh rate works similarly to how frames per second in a video game work, but there are differences.
Frames per second explain how many frames are rendered on your graphics card per second, while the monitor refresh rate explains how many times your image is actually updated on your monitor.
So, if you have 300 frames per second in a game but use a 60Hz monitor, what’s displayed to you will essentially have 5 times less frame ‘updates’ than could potentially be possible.
For this reason, moving to a new monitor with better refresh rate isn’t really worth it unless your graphics card can reliably run at 60 frames or higher. You can easily check the frames per second for a game on your system using different utilities.
Some people exclaim that the eye can only see up to a certain number of frames per second. This isn’t true whatsoever and has mostly been debunked as a myth. Our eyes don’t quite work the same ways as displays do, so it’s hard to measure how many ‘frames’ per second we can see.
What we do know is that those have used 144Hz monitors can agree that they can see and feel a difference when playing games.
In fact, the most notable difference is when a 144Hz user moves to a 60Hz display – many ongoing 144Hz display users mention that they can see everything from video games to the cursor speed on their desktop feel sluggish when going back to 60Hz.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that the display technology that’s usually used for higher refresh rate monitors is not the best option for overall display quality and color accuracy.
If you care about looks, go for a high quality 60Hz monitor. If you care about performance, frame rate, and getting a competitive edge, you should go for a higher refresh rate monitor.

If you want both features in a single monitor, be ready to pay a hefty price. The newest Acer Predator X27 monitor has all the high-end features: 4K resolution, Nvidia G-sync, 144hz refresh rate, HDR, 1000 nits brightness, etc., but costs a whopping $2K right now. The Asus ROG Swift PG27UQ is similarly equipped and similarly priced.
Should You Upgrade From 60Hz To 144Hz?

We’re now reaching a point where it’s quite easy to purchase or build a computer that’s capable of running 120 or fps or more in a video game. In fact, most of the esports games available on PC can receive up to 300 frames per second on high end machines.
If you can reliably run the games you play on more than 120 frames per seconds, then upgrading to 144Hz is worth it, but it should only be considered an option if you care about improving performance.
144Hz monitors are used most often in games like Counter Strike: Global Offensive or League of Legends where every extra frame and micromovement counts for something.
Here’s a checklist to consider before upgrading:
● You want a competitive edge
● You don’t mind losing a bit of color accuracy or display quality in movies and games for better performance
● Your computer is capable of running games at 100 frames or more.
Obviously, the higher the resolution of your monitor, the beefier graphics card you will need to get those higher frame rates. Currently, no graphics card can pump over 60 fps on a 4K monitor with ultra settings. You’ll have to wait till the new NVIDIA GTX 11xx series cards come out at the end of 2018.
Still, you can future-proof your purchase by getting a monitor that can handle higher frame rates so that your gaming will greatly benefit if you decide to upgrade your graphics card later.
Should You Upgrade from 144Hz to 240Hz?

240Hz monitors are far newer than 144Hz monitors, but they’re starting to become more commonplace.
The general consensus for 240Hz monitors seems to be that if your computer can reliably handle 240 frames in a game, it can be a worthwhile upgrade. This is only appropriate for 1920×1080 monitors at this point. It’ll be a long time before you’ll see 240hz 4K monitors.
Many consumer reviews and reports on 240Hz monitors suggest that the upgrade from 144Hz to 240Hz doesn’t quite offer that same jump in performance that going from 60Hz to 144Hz offers, but there is a noticeable difference.
It’s also worth noting that there are some monitors that have a 200Hz refresh rate that have higher resolutions like 2560×1080 or 3440×1440 (ultrawide). Some examples include the Acer Predator x35 and the Asus ROG Swift PG35VQ. Neither have been released yet.
We’ve provided a checklist below to help you decide whether upgrading to 240Hz is worth it:
● You compete in video games at a high level
● You want the absolute best edge you can get against other players
● Your computer can reliably run the games you play competitively at 240 frames or more
● You don’t mind paying out a lot for a monitor and are aware that the price for the 240Hz monitors may drop as the technology becomes more popular
That wraps up our comparison on 60Hz, 144Hz, and 240Hz monitors. What are your thoughts? Will you be upgrading your monitor any time soon? Enjoy!