63 个最佳 Google Docs 键盘快捷键

通过对所有内容使用键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcuts)来改进您的工作流程。您甚至可以创建最适合您的自定义快捷方式。(create custom shortcuts)快捷方式(Shortcuts)适用于每个应用程序和系统,从Word文档到Windows界面。无论您使用什么程序,它们中的 许多都保持不变。(Many)

本文将重点介绍Google Docs的最佳键盘快捷键。


本节中的快捷方式非常流行,不仅在Google 文档(Google Docs)中,而且在您可能使用的各种不同的应用程序、浏览器和程序中。您可能已经熟悉其中的一些。

Ctrl + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cut the desired content. While Copy makes a new copy of the content, the cut command will remove the content from its original place so you can paste it wherever you want.
Ctrl + V Paste the previously copied or cut content.
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo the last action.
Ctrl + K Opens up a field where you can insert or edit links.
Alt + Enter Open up a link from your Google Doc.

对于 macOS:

Cmd + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
Cmd + X Cut the content.
Cmd + V Paste.
Cmd + Z Undo the last action.
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo the last action.
Cmd + K Insert or edit links.
Option + Enter Open a link already in the Google Docs file.


无论您将 Google Docs用于工作、学校项目还是写书,都需要格式化文本。这样,文档将易于阅读和理解。文本格式可以在您写作时或之后进行。无论哪种方式,都有键盘快捷键可以帮助您快速轻松地完成它。


Ctrl + B Bold the selected text.
Ctrl + I Make the selected text italic.
Ctrl + U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + V This is a more complex version of the Ctrl + V command. In Google Docs, when you copy and paste content from somewhere else, Google Docs automatically formats it. Use this shortcut to paste an unformatted version of the copied content.
Ctrl + \ Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy the formating action of the selected text.
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
Alt + Shift + 5 Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
Ctrl + . Make the selected text superscript.
Ctrl + , Make the selected text subscript.
Ctrl + Shift + . Increase the font size.
Ctrl + Shift + , Decrease the font size.

对于 macOS:

Cmd + B Bold.
Cmd + I Italic.
Cmd + U Underline.
Cmd + Shift + V Paste the unformatted version of the copied content.
Cmd + \ Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
Cmd + Option + C Copy the formatting action of the selected text.
Cmd + Option + V Paste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
Cmd + Shift + X Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
Cmd + . Make the selected text superscript.
Cmd + , Make the selected text subscript.
Cmd + Shift + . Increase the font size.
Cmd + Shift + , Decrease the font size.


段落(Paragraph)格式与文本本身一样重要。它使您的Google Doc易于阅读和阅读。这里有一些快捷方式可以加快使您的 Google Doc 看起来井井有条(making your Google Doc look orderly)的过程:

Ctrl + Shift + L Align the selected paragraphs to the left.
Ctrl + Shift + E Align the selected paragraphs to the center.
Ctrl + Shift + R Align the selected paragraphs to the right.
Ctrl + Shift + J Justify the selected paragraph or part of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Move the selected paragraph up.
Ctrl +Shift +Down Arrow Move the selected paragraph down.
Ctrl + Shift + 7 Make the selected paragraph a numbered list.
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Make the selected paragraph a bulleted list.
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Make the selected paragraph a checklist.

对于 macOS:

Cmd + Shift+ L Align text to the left.
Cmd + Shift + E Align text to the center.
Cmd + Shift + R Align text to the right.
Cmd + Shift + J Justify the selected paragraph or a part of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Move the selected paragraph up.
Ctrl +Shift +Down Arrow Move the selected paragraph down.
Cmd + Shift + 7 Create a numbered list.
Cmd + Shift + 8 Create a bulleted list.
Cmd + Shift + 9 Create a checklist.

图像和绘图格式快捷方式(Drawings Formatting Shortcuts)

图形可帮助您更好地展示您的工作并可视化您的想法。(Did)是否知道您可以格式化Google 文档(Google Doc)中的图像和绘图以完美契合它们随附的文本?使用(Use)这些快捷方式让您的工作流程毫不费力。

Ctrl + Alt + K Resize the image larger with the aspect ratio intact.
Ctrl + Alt + B Resize the image larger horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + I Resize the image larger vertically.
Ctrl + Alt + J Resize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
Ctrl + Alt + W Resize the image smaller horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + Q Resize the image smaller vertically.
Alt + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
Alt + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

对于 macOS:

Cmd + Ctrl + K Resize the image larger with aspect ratio intact.
Cmd + Ctrl + B Resize the image larger horizontally.
Cmd + Ctrl + I Resize the image larger vertically.
Cmd + Ctrl + J Resize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
Cmd + Ctrl + W Resize the image smaller horizontally.
Cmd + Ctrl + Q Resize the image smaller vertically.
Option + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
Option + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
Option + Shift + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
Option + Shift + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.



Ctrl + Alt + [1-6] Changes the heading style. The number between 1 and 6 determines the style that will be applied.
Ctrl + Enter Insert a page break into the document.
Ctrl + Alt + M Quickly insert a comment into the Google Docs file.
Select comment + R Leave a reply on the selected comment.
Select comment + E Resolve the selected comment.
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert a new footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + E then F Move to the current footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + N then F Move to the next footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + P then F Move to the previous footnote.
Ctrl + Alt + X
Or press
Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Alt + Shift + ~
Enable screen reader support.

对于 macOS:

Cmd + Option + [1-6] Changes the heading style.
Cmd + Enter Insert a page break into the document.
Cmd + Option + M Insert a comment.
Select comment + R Leave a reply on the selected comment.
Select comment + E Resolve the selected comment.
Cmd + Option + F Insert a new footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + E then F Move to the current footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + N then F Move to the next footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + P then F Move to the previous.
Cmd + Option + X
Or press
Fn + f7
Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
Option + Cmd + Z Enable screen reader support


虽然用鼠标点击浏览Google Docs(Google Docs)文件似乎更简单,但使用快捷键更容易、更快捷,尤其是因为您会将这些键盘快捷键与格式化和编辑快捷键配对。根本不用把手从键盘上抬起来更容易,只需敲几下键就可以完成所有操作。

Ctrl + F Find a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
Ctrl + G Repeat the search.
Ctrl + H Find a word or a phrase in a Google Docs file and replace it with another.
Ctrl + Shift + X Bring up the context menu for faster editing or inserting links and emojis.
Alt + F
Alt + Shift+ F
(for browsers other than Chrome)
Bring up the file menu.
Alt + O
Alt + Shift + O
(for browsers other than Chrome)
Bring up the format menu.
Alt + V
Bring up the view menu.
Alt + E
Bring up the edit menu.
Alt + H Bring up the help menu.
Alt + A Bring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
Alt + T
Bring up the tools menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F Enter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
Page Up Move the page up.
Page Down Move the page down.

对于 macOS:

Cmd + F Find a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
Cmd + G Repeat the search.
Cmd + H Find a word or a phrase and replace it with another.
Cmd + Shift + \ Bring up the context menu.
Ctrl + Option + F Bring up the file menu.
Ctrl + Option + O Bring up the format menu.
Ctrl + Option + V Bring up the view menu.
Ctrl + Option + E Bring up the edit menu.
Ctrl + Option + H Bring up the help menu.
Ctrl + Option + A Bring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
Ctrl + Option + T Bring up the tools menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F Enter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
Fn + up Move the page up.
Fn + down Move the page down.

无论您是填写无穷无尽的Google 文档(Google Docs)页面的作家还是偶尔使用的用户,一旦您习惯了键盘快捷键,它们都会改善您的工作流程。确保您每天练习它们以养成习惯。此外,请查看我们关于成为电子表格大师 的最佳Microsoft Excel 键盘快捷键的文章。(Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts)

About the author

我是一名技术人员,多年来一直在音频和用户帐户领域工作。我有使用 Windows 和 Mac 电脑以及苹果产品的经验。自 2007 年以来,我还一直在教授 Apple 产品的使用。我的主要专业领域是用户帐户和家庭安全。除此之外,我还使用过各种软件程序,包括 Windows 7 Home Premium、8.1 Pro、10 Pro 和 12.9 Mojave。

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