复古(Retro gaming)游戏机,如NES、Playstation One或Sega Genesis,多年来越来越受欢迎。这导致许多创建这些游戏机的公司将它们重新制作成更小的新奇版本,通常称为“经典(Classic)”或“迷你”版本。
尽管这些控制台在许多方面看起来与它们的原始对应物相似,但它们的功能却有所不同。如果您正在尝试决定是购买经典版控制台还是购买它正在模拟的实际复古控制台(retro console),您应该在购买任何一个之前了解差异。

经典版和原始控制台之间的差异(The Differences Between a Classic Edition and Original Console)
这意味着您将只能玩加载到经典版控制台上的游戏,并且不能再购买。在这方面,经典控制台没有任何与原始控制台相同的操作。(不过,人们(People)已经想出了如何以数字方式向NES经典游戏机 添加更多游戏。)(add more games)
经典版和原始游戏机之间的差异(Differences Between Classic Edition and Original Game Consoles)
- 经典版控制台比原始控制台小得多,尽管控制器的尺寸往往与原始控制台相同。
- 显示屏与原始控制台有很大不同。通常,您将拥有一个主屏幕,您可以在其中从控制台内置的所有游戏中进行选择。这看起来与原始控制台的启动屏幕有很大不同,您一次只能插入一个游戏。

经典版和原始游戏机之间的相似之处(Similarities Between Classic Edition and Original Game Consoles)
- Classic 游戏机的设计和配色方案与原版相同。
- 您可以在经典版本上玩的游戏与您可以在原始控制台上玩的游戏相同,只是一个模拟版本。
- 控制器的工作方式与它们在原始控制台上的工作方式相同,因此无需习惯新的控制器布局。
NES Classic控制台是启发其他公司为他们自己的控制台创建经典版本的那个。所以在某种程度上,它为买家对经典游戏机的期望设定了标准。NES Classic预装了 30 款游戏,并配有一个全尺寸的NES控制器(NES)来玩这些游戏。

- NES Classic的显示屏更适合较新的电视。您还可以选择不同的显示样式,例如CRT过滤器或 4:3 比例的游戏。
- 控制台上的按钮(电源按钮除外)执行与原始控制台不同的功能,NES Classic上的墨盒托盘不起作用。
- 游戏(Games)预装在NES Classic控制台上。
这个 Classic 控制台与Classic NES(Classic NES)的想法几乎相同,只有一些区别。您可以在SNES Classic(SNES Classic)上玩 20 款预装游戏,而这一款不仅有一款 Classic 控制器,还配备了两款。这是为了让您可以玩系统中的一些多人游戏。

- SNES Classic独有的一些显示选项,例如能够倒带游戏,或在屏幕周围设置主题框架。
- Classic 控制台上的按钮(电源按钮除外)与原始控制台相比具有不同的功能,并且墨盒支架不起作用。
SNES Classic版本可能会比原始 SNES 更便宜,所以(SNES)如果你想要SNES体验,它是一个不错的选择。
索尼(Sony)还决定用他们自己的PS1游戏机版本加入经典游戏机的行列。它也是微型尺寸,就像一个即插即用系统,预装了 20 个游戏。

- 与其他经典游戏机一样,它具有与原始系统截然不同的界面,您可以在其中从多个可用的预加载游戏中进行选择。
- 此 Classic 控制台无法玩任何物理 Playstation 游戏。
- 除了电源按钮之外,控制台上的按钮与原来的按钮不完全相同。光盘托盘也不起作用。
当谈到Playstation Classic时,有一些褒贬不一的评价。它比NES或SNES Classic的同类产品更贵,但一些关于控制台的评论表明,它似乎并没有受到太多关注,因为它运行起来相当便宜。
SEGA Genesis的这个迭代没有被称为 Classic 控制台,而是简单地称为Mini,它至少准确地描述了两个控制台之间的尺寸差异,因此不太容易混淆。这款游戏机的售价通常为 79.99 美元,与Playstation Classic差不多,但比Nintendo Classic游戏机贵一点。

- 按钮(除了电源)执行与原始控制台不同的功能,并且墨盒支架不起作用。
您可能能够以相同的价格或更便宜的价格找到原始的SEGA Genesis,因此您是想要真正的体验还是想要一种简单的方式来玩一些流行的SEGA游戏,这取决于您。
他们值得购买吗?(Are They Worth Buying?)
主要缺点是游戏库有限,因为肯定有很多隐藏的宝石,你只能用原始游戏机玩。但是,如果您只是想重温一些流行的最爱(relive some popular favorites),经典版非常适合。
What Are the Classic Editions of Retro Game Consoles?
Retro gaming consoles, such as the NES, Playstation One, or Sega Genesis, have seen a rise in popularity over the years. This has led quite a few of the companies who created these consoles to remake them into smaller novelty editions, usually called “Classic” or “Mini” editions.
Although these consoles look similar to their original counterparts in many ways, they are different in how they function. If you’re trying to decide whether to buy a Classic edition of a console or to buy the actual retro console it is emulating, you should know the differences before you buy either one.
Both console versions have pros and cons. In this article, you’ll find the differences between each type of console, as well as a rundown of the features of the most popular classic consoles.

The Differences Between a Classic Edition and Original Console
The main thing you should know about Classic edition consoles is that they don’t operate like an actual console. Instead, they are plug-and-play systems that come with preloaded games.
This means you’ll only be able to play the games that come loaded onto the Classic edition console, and you can’t buy any more. The Classic console doesn’t have any of the same operations as an original console in this regard. (People have figured out, though, how to add more games to the NES classic console digitally.)
Differences Between Classic Edition and Original Game Consoles
The following are the key differences between the original consoles and the classic edition consoles that manufacturers offer.
- Classic edition consoles are much smaller than the original consoles, although the controllers tend to be the same size as the original.
- Display screens are a lot different than the original consoles. Typically you’ll have a main screen where you can choose from all the games built into the console. This looks a lot different from the original console’s start-up screen where you can only insert one game at a time.

Similarities Between Classic Edition and Original Game Consoles
How are classic edition game consoles and original game consoles similar? Here are the ways:
- The design and color scheme of Classic consoles are the same as the originals.
- The games you can play on Classic editions are the same ones you can play on the original console, just an emulated version.
- The controllers work the same way as they do on original consoles, so there’s no need to get used to a new controller layout.
Here are some of the most popular Classic edition consoles that have been released, and the features each one of them has compared to their older console.
The NES Classic console was the one that inspired other companies to create Classic editions for their own consoles. So in a way, it set the standard for what buyers expect from Classic consoles. The NES Classic comes with 30 games preloaded onto the system and with a full-size NES controller to play these games.

- The display for the NES Classic is designed more for newer televisions. You also have a choice of different display styles such as the CRT filter or having the games at a 4:3 ratio.
- The buttons on the console (except the power button) perform different functions than the original console, and the cartridge tray on the NES Classic isn’t functional.
- Games come preloaded on the NES Classic console.
It’s a decent console if you’re just looking to play the popular NES games of the time and want a cheaper option than buying the full original console.
This Classic console is pretty much the same idea as the Classic NES, with just a few differences. There are 20 pre-loaded games you can play on the SNES Classic, and instead of just one Classic controller, this one comes with two. This is to allow you to play some of the multiplayer games that come on the system.

- Exclusive to the SNES Classic are some display options such as being able to rewind your game, or setting a themed frame around your screen.
- The buttons on the Classic console (except the power button) perform different functions compared to the original console, and the cartridge holder is non-functional.
The SNES Classic version is likely going to be a cheaper buy than an original SNES, so if you want the SNES experience, it’s a good choice.
Sony also decided to get in on the Classic console bandwagon with their own version of the PS1 console. It’s also miniature-sized, and works like a plug-and-play system with 20 pre-loaded games.

- Like other Classic consoles, it has a very different interface to the original system, where you choose from the multiple pre-loaded games available.
- This Classic console is not able to play any physical Playstation games.
- The buttons on the console don’t do exactly the same things as the original, besides the power button. The disc tray also isn’t functional.
When it comes to the Playstation Classic, there are some mixed reviews. It’s more expensive than the NES or SNES Classic counterparts, yet some reviews of the console state that it seems not much attention was given to it as it runs rather cheaply.
Instead of being called a Classic console, this iteration of the SEGA Genesis is simply called the Mini, which is a bit less confusing as it accurately describes at least the size difference between the two consoles. This console typically sells for $79.99, about the same as the Playstation Classic and a good bit more expensive than the Nintendo Classic consoles.

- Plug-and-play, with 40 pre-loaded games and two included controllers.
- Buttons (besides power) perform different functions than the original console, and the cartridge holder is non-functional.
- Includes USB power adapter.
You may be able to find an original SEGA Genesis for the same price or cheaper, so it’s up to you whether you want the authentic experience or just want an easy way to play some popular SEGA titles.
Are They Worth Buying?
When it comes down to it, it depends what exactly you’re looking for. There’s no beating the nostalgic feeling of playing the real original consoles, and using physical cartridges or discs. However, as it becomes more and more difficult to find these retro consoles, Classic editions become more appealing.
The main drawback is the limited library of games, as there are definitely plenty of hidden gems you can only play with the original consoles. Yet if you’re just looking to relive some popular favorites, the Classic editions are great for this.
The smaller sizes can also be a plus to save space on your TV stand, as well as already having the library of games included digitally, so there’s no need to store physical copies.
Classic edition consoles are a legitimate way of playing old favorites, so they can certainly be worth buying if that’s the most you want out of them.