就使用而言, Firefox已经是仅次于(Firefox)Google Chrome的第二受欢迎的浏览器。有些人喜欢Firefox,因为它增强了隐私功能(enhanced privacy features)。尽管选择Firefox(Firefox)的主要原因仍然是能够自定义此浏览器并使其成为您想要的任何东西。您可以通过安装各种Firefox 附加组件(Firefox add-ons)和扩展来做到这一点。

隐私和安全的最佳 Firefox 附加组件(Best Firefox Add-ons for Privacy & Security)

CyberGhost VPN Free Proxy是一个免费的VPN 扩展(VPN extension),您可以在Firefox上安装它,为您的浏览器安全添加额外的保护层。CyberGhost将隐藏您的位置和 IP 地址,帮助您在浏览时避开跟踪器,并阻止任何可能出现的恶意软件和安全威胁。
CyberGhost VPN Firefox扩展可免费使用,并且在全球范围内可用,包括有互联网审查的国家。

Privacy Badger将通过检查想要跟踪您的在线活动(track your online activity)的网站并阻止他们的网络跟踪器来帮助您保持浏览的私密性和安全性。
该扩展程序会根据他们的行为自动了解要阻止哪些跟踪器,而不会导致您正在访问的网站崩溃。安装(Install)并启用Privacy Badger以使跟踪公司远离您的个人数据。

Facebook Container是Mozilla Firefox的一个扩展,它将您的Facebook使用与您的其他在线活动分开,并使(Facebook)Facebook更难使用跟踪 cookie 跟踪您对他们和其他网站的访问。
请记住(Bear),该扩展程序无法删除Facebook已经拥有的任何数据。好消息是,您可以随时从 Facebook手动 下载和删除您的数据。(download and delete your data from Facebook)
提高生产力的最佳 Firefox 附加组件(Best Firefox Add-ons To Improve Productivity)
您是否希望提高生产力(increase your productivity)?Firefox提供了很多附加组件,可以帮助您消除干扰并更好地专注于您的任务。这是使您的浏览更高效的最佳生产力扩展。

消除网络上不必要的干扰的最佳扩展是广告拦截器。Adblock Plus是一个免费的Firefox插件,您可以使用它来阻止广告和恶意软件网站,以及禁用跟踪 cookie。Adblock Plus是非常可定制的,因此您可以选择要阻止的内容类型。

Undo Close Tab是一个Firefox附加组件,可让您立即打开最近关闭的选项卡。事实上,您可以随时从 25 个最近关闭的标签列表中进行选择。使用撤消关闭选项卡(Undo Close Tabs),您无需一直担心在浏览器中保存选项卡(saving tabs in your browser)。

你熟悉番茄时间管理技术(pomodoro time-management technique)吗?这是关于将你的工作会议分成 25 分钟的长间隔,中间有短暂的休息。这是一种经过验证的时间管理技术,可帮助您专注于手头的任务并更快地完成工作。
Tomato Clock基本上是一个可自定义的计时器,可让您设置自己的工作间隔并在它们之间休息。会话结束时,您会收到伴随声音的通知。番茄钟(Tomato Clock)还保留您可以用来跟踪进度的统计数据。

Dark Reader是夜猫子和黑暗模式(dark mode)爱好者的必备扩展。Dark Reader允许您在黑暗模式下浏览每个网站,这不仅是一种全新的外观,而且还有助于减少在弱光条件下的眼睛疲劳。您可以使用自动模式,也可以根据自己的喜好调整亮度、对比度和其他参数。
适合日常使用的最佳 Firefox 附加组件 (Best Firefox Add-ons For Everyday Use )

你每天都在写东西,即使你没有注意到它。我们都写电子邮件、消息等等。Grammarly是一个写作助手,它通过提供有关如何改进语法、语气和风格的实时建议来帮助您。它不仅仅是一个拼写检查器。安装后,Grammarly 会教你写得更好(Grammarly will teach you to write better),让你的信息更清晰、更自信。

如果您想随时访问您所在地区的当前天气预报,Weather Extension是您需要的附加组件。它会自动检测您的位置并每小时显示您当前的天气以及 5 天的预报。您可以自定义应用程序的外观,使用它同时显示不同位置的天气,甚至设置天气警报。

Amazon Assistant for Firefox是亚马逊的官方扩展,集成到您的浏览器中,可帮助您更快地找到您正在寻找的产品并在亚马逊上进行价格比较(price compare on Amazon)。您可以跟踪愿望清单中的产品,并在有货或降价时收到通知。
让您的浏览更上一层楼(Take Your Browsing to the Next Level)
Firefox已经是一款出色的浏览器,因其隐私和安全功能以及易用性而臭名昭著。然而, Firefox(Firefox)最好的一点是能够使用各种扩展和插件对其进行自定义。选择您喜欢的最佳Firefox插件,让 Firefox 更安全(make Firefox safer)、更快、更高效。
10 Best Firefox Add-ons and Extensions
Firеfox is already the second most popular browser after Google Сhrome in terms of usage. Some like Firefox for its enhanced privacy features. Although the main reasons for choosing Firefox remains the ability to customize this browser and make it into anything you want. You can do this by installing various Firefox add-ons and extensions.
There are dozens of add-ons that you can install in Firefox to improve your user experience. You can add them right in your browser tab or search the Firefox add-ons gallery for them.

To help you make better use of your Firefox browser, here are the best Firefox add-ons and extensions to install.
Best Firefox Add-ons for Privacy & Security
The most essential add-ons that we recommend installing before you begin using Firefox are the ones that help you improve your security and protect your privacy online. They’ll help you block intrusive ads, keep your browsing private, as well as prevent websites from tracking your online activity.

CyberGhost VPN Free Proxy is a free VPN extension that you can install on Firefox to add an extra layer of protection to your browser’s security. CyberGhost will hide your location and IP address, help you avoid trackers when browsing, and block any malware and security threats that might come your way.
CyberGhost VPN Firefox extension is free to use and is available worldwide, including countries with internet censorship.

Privacy Badger will help you keep your browsing private and safe by inspecting the websites that want to track your online activity and blocking their web trackers.
The extension automatically learns which trackers to block based on their behavior without crashing the website you’re visiting. Install and enable Privacy Badger to keep tracking companies away from your personal data.

Facebook Container is an extension by Mozilla Firefox that will separate your Facebook use from the rest of your online activity and make it harder for Facebook to track your visits to their and other websites using tracking cookies.
Bear in mind that the extension cannot remove any data that Facebook already has on you. The good news is, you can download and delete your data from Facebook manually at any time.
Best Firefox Add-ons To Improve Productivity
Are you looking to increase your productivity? Firefox offers quite a few add-ons that will help you remove distractions and focus on your tasks better. Here are the best productivity extensions to make your browsing more efficient.

The best extension to remove unnecessary distractions on the web is an ad blocker. Adblock Plus is a free Firefox add-on that you can use to block ads and malware sites, as well as disable tracking cookies. Adblock Plus is very customizable, so you can choose the type of content you want to block.
For example, you can opt to disable social media buttons on websites to completely remove the temptation of spending time on social networks.

Closing an important tab by accident can be very annoying. It’s even more so when you’re racing against a deadline and can’t afford to waste time searching through the browsing history for the right tab.
Undo Close Tab is a Firefox add-on that allows you to instantly open a recently closed tab. In fact, you can choose from a list of the 25 recently closed tabs at any time. With Undo Close Tabs you don’t need to worry about saving tabs in your browser all the time.

Are you familiar with the pomodoro time-management technique? It’s about breaking your work sessions into 25-minute long intervals separated by short breaks. It’s a proven time management technique that helps you to stay focused on the task at hand and get work done faster.
Tomato Clock is basically a customizable timer that allows you to set your own work intervals and breaks in between them. You’ll receive a notification accompanied by a sound when your session is over. Tomato Clock also keeps the stats that you can use to track your progress.

Dark Reader is a must have extension for night owls and for fans of dark mode. Dark Reader allows you to browse every website in dark mode, which is not just a fresh look but also helps reduce eye strain in low-light conditions. You can use the automatic mode, or adjust the brightness, contrast, and other parameters to your liking.
Best Firefox Add-ons For Everyday Use
The ultimate goal of add-ons and extensions is to improve your day-to-day online experience, as well as simplify certain tasks. The following extensions are shortcuts to the information you’re already accessing on a daily basis. Installing them will save you time and effort that you can then spend on something that matters.

You write stuff every day, even if you don’t notice it. We all write emails, messages, and more. Grammarly is a writing assistant that helps you by providing real-time suggestions on how to improve your grammar, tone, and style. It’s not just a spell checker. Once installed, Grammarly will teach you to write better and get your message across with more clarity and confidence.

If you like to have access to the current weather forecast in your area at all times, Weather Extension is the add-on you need. It automatically detects your location and displays your current weather hourly, as well as a 5-day forecast. You can customize the look of the app, use it to simultaneously display the weather in different locations, and even set up weather alerts.

Amazon Assistant for Firefox is Amazon’s official extension integrated into your browser to help you find the products you’re looking for quicker and price compare on Amazon. You can track the products from your wish list and receive notifications when they become available or if there’s a price drop.
Take Your Browsing to the Next Level
Firefox is already a great browser that’s infamous for its privacy and security features and ease of use. However, the best thing about Firefox is the ability to customize it with various extensions and plugins. Pick the best Firefox add-ons you like and make Firefox safer, faster, and more efficient.
What Firefox extensions do you use? Did we forget to mention any useful add-ons? Share your Firefox experience with us in the comments below.