电脑(Computer)机箱不是您经常购买的东西,因为它们往往会持续很长时间,即使您升级了所有硬件组件。这就是为什么当您决定构建自己的计算机时,一个好的计算机机箱应该在您的购买清单的顶部。我们最近收到了华硕(ASUS)的预制电脑,它使用了他们与酷冷至尊(Cooler Master)合作制造的新机箱。它被称为ASUS TUF Gaming GT301,我们很想知道它对于构建 PC 有多好,安装所有部件后的样子,以及它的最佳功能是什么。如果您也对ASUS TUF Gaming GT301电脑机箱感到好奇,请阅读此评论:
注意:(NOTE:)我们没有收到全新的ASUS TUF Gaming GT301机箱。华硕(ASUS)向我们发送了一台使用此机箱的已构建计算机。因此,我们无法告诉您有关拆箱或 PC 构建体验的所有信息。我们已经拆解并重新组装了我们收到的预建计算机,以了解这个案例必须提供什么。
ASUS TUF Gaming GT301是以下设备的绝佳选择:

Buy now
- 想要紧凑型中塔式电脑机箱的人
- 在计算机上使用现代硬件的游戏玩家
- RGB照明爱好者
- 那些需要为他们的 PC 进行适当的空气冷却并且不想在额外的风扇上花更多钱的人
- 喜欢结构整洁有序的 PC 机箱的用户
- 如果您使用的是AIO液体冷却器,它可能会撞击您的RAM模块
- 前面板上没有USB Type-C端口(USB Type-C)
- 它的价格比市场上其他类似的电脑机箱高一点
华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)是一款出色的中塔式电脑机箱,可提供充足的空间,同时仍然紧凑。它不仅外观漂亮,而且设计精良,采用优质材料制成。也有一些缺点,比如前面板上没有USB Type-C端口,但总的来说,(USB Type-C)华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)是一款电脑机箱,我们强烈推荐给任何想要构建自己的 PC 的人。
ASUS TUF Gaming GT301是一款中塔式 PC 机箱,由钢、钢化玻璃和ABS塑料制成。侧面板从上到下由钢化玻璃制成,让您可以看到里面的所有东西,除了电源单元,它隐藏在底部的钢板下面。该机箱的长 x 宽 x 高为 426 x 214 x 482 毫米(16.77 x 8.43 x 18.98 英寸),因此它比其他中塔机箱略小,这就是华硕将其呈现为紧凑型机箱的原因。然而,正如我们发现的那样,它的内部空间很大,而且也很重:7.2 公斤(15.87 磅)。

ASUS TUF Gaming GT301预装四个风扇:正面 3 个风扇,背面 1 个风扇。都是120mm的大风扇,正面的也有RGB灯效,兼容华硕(ASUS)的Aura Sync软件。
不幸的是,预装的风扇都不是PWM(脉冲宽度调制(Pulse Width Modulation))风扇。他们都是直流(直流(Direct Current))风扇,所以他们不是你能得到的最安静的。除了预装的风扇外,这款机箱顶部还可以容纳另外两个 120 毫米风扇。

华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)机箱上还预装了三种不同的灰尘过滤器。其中一个在顶部,一个在前面,另一个在底部。顶部是磁性连接到外壳上的,因此取出它进行清洁应该既快速又容易。这是华硕(ASUS)的一个非常好的触摸!

关于空间,我们之前提到过华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)是一个非常宽敞的机箱。详细地说,这意味着它可以安装七个水平 PCI-E 插槽。在存储设备方面,它有四个 2.5" 托架和另外两个可容纳 2.5" 和 3.5" 驱动器的托架。

您打算在此 PC 机箱中安装的显卡的最大长度可达 320 毫米(12.6 英寸),处理器冷却器的最大高度可达 160 毫米(6.3 英寸)。即使是最大的显卡和CPU(CPU)冷却器,这也绰绰有余。

在机箱的正面,有一个面板,其中包括一个电源按钮、一个复位按钮、两个USB端口、一个 3.5 毫米组合音频插孔以及一个LED照明控制按钮。推动后者通过一系列预定义的效果来切换风扇的RGB照明,如果您不为此目的使用软件,这将非常有用。(RGB)

此外,在ASUS TUF Gaming GT301的正面,还有一条由坚固的纺织材料制成的表带。我们认为这是为了强调这是一个TUF(艰难)案例这一事实。它可以解决问题,但有些人可能更喜欢没有表带。没问题:你可以简单地把它拿出来!🙂

如果您想查看这款电脑机箱的所有规格和功能,请访问其官方网页:ASUS TUF Gaming GT301。
华硕 TUF Gaming GT301 电脑机箱看起来很漂亮,其紧凑的中塔尺寸应该非常适合那些喜欢将电脑放在办公桌上的人。它看起来坚固且制作精良,华硕使用的材料似乎是高品质的。此外,四个预装的风扇是一个很好的补充,很多人都会喜欢的。(The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 computer case looks beautiful, and its compact mid-tower size should be perfect for those who like keeping their computing machines on their desks. It looks sturdy and well built, and the materials used by ASUS appear to be high-quality. Furthermore, the four pre-installed fans are a nice addition that many will appreciate.)
在ASUS TUF Gaming GT301机箱内组装 PC
ASUS TUF Gaming GT301机箱非常适合初次使用 PC 的人。从外面看可能不是特别宽敞,但在里面,空间是相当大的。此外,对细节的关注是您立即注意到的。



由于我们使用的是PCI Express(PCI Express)型号,因此安装固态驱动器也非常简单快捷。还有足够的托架来安装SATA驱动器,无论它们是 2.5 英寸还是 3.5 英寸。但是,请注意,3.5" 驱动器必须位于后面板下方,位于电源单元附近的专用HDD笼内,如果添加此类驱动器,电缆管理可能会有点棘手。另一方面,安装此类驱动器是很容易,这要归功于点击式托盘。

ASUS TUF Gaming GT301机箱专为现代计算机设计,不幸的是,它不允许您使用内置光驱。前面板上没有托盘,因此如果需要,您必须使用外部USB光驱。
在我们安装好主板、处理器、电源单元和PCIe固态驱动器之后,接下来是RAM和显卡。显然,RAM 既(RAM)快速又简单。我们使用的显卡是ASUS TUF RTX 2060 GAMING OC。它不是一个大组件,因此很容易将其放置到位。但是,更大的显卡可以装入这种情况下也不会出现问题:最长 320 毫米(6.3 英寸)。

对于处理器冷却,我们有一个华硕 ROG Ryuo 240(ASUS ROG Ryuo 240)一体式液体CPU冷却器。冷却器散热器的尺寸为 272 x 121 x 27 毫米(10.71 x 4.76 x 1.06 英寸),并配有两个 120 毫米风扇。它很大,但它非常适合放在机箱顶部,它还提供了出色的气流。我们唯一不太喜欢的是,一旦安装,冷却器就几乎不可能从插槽中取出RAM DIMM 。(RAM DIMMs)它有点超过DIMM支架,所以如果你想把DIMM(DIMMs)拿出来,你必须先卸下冷却器。


安装完所有东西后,就该为计算机找到合适的位置并打开电源了。由于RGB灯和华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)机箱的漂亮外观,我们希望它放在桌子上而不是放在桌子下面。这就是我们得到的:

华硕 TUF Gaming GT301 是一款精美的机箱,值得放在桌子上,每个人都可以看到它。它结构紧凑,非常适合中型办公桌,但内部空间也很宽敞,因此可以轻松构建您的计算机。(The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is a beautiful case that deserves its place on a desk, where everyone can see it. It's compact and fits well on medium-sized desks, but it is also spacious inside, so it's easy to build your computer.)
你喜欢华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)电脑机箱吗?
现在您对华硕 TUF Gaming GT301(ASUS TUF Gaming GT301)电脑机箱有了更多了解。你知道我们喜欢它,你也知道它的优点和缺点。在结束此评论之前,您介意告诉我们您对此的看法吗?如果您已经拥有它,您喜欢或不喜欢ASUS TUF Gaming GT301的哪些方面?
ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 review: Compact mid-tower computer case
Computer cases аre not things you often buy, as they tеnd to last for a long time, even if you upgrade all your hardware components. That's why a good computer case should be right аt the top of your bυying list when you decide to build yoυr own computer. We've recently received a pre-made computer from ASUS, that used a new case made by them in collaboration with Cooler Master. It's сalled ASUS TUF Gaming GT301, and we were curious to discover how good it is for building а PC, what it looks like when all is mounted іn it, and what its best features are. If уou're also curіous aboυt the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 computer case, read this review:
NOTE: We didn't receive the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 case as new. ASUS sent us an already built computer that used this case. As such, we can't tell you everything about the unboxing or the PC building experience. We've disassembled and then reassembled the prebuilt computer that we've received to understand what this case has to offer.
Pros and cons
The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is a great choice for:
See price on:

Buy now
- People who want a mid-tower computer case that's also compact
- Gamers who use modern hardware for their computers
- Fans of RGB lighting
- Those who need proper air cooling for their PCs and don't want to spend more money on additional fans
- Users who appreciate PC cases with a clean and organized structure
There are also some downsides to consider:
- If you're using an AIO liquid cooler, it might hit your RAM modules
- There's no USB Type-C port on the front panel
- It has a price that's a bit higher than other similar computer cases on the market
ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is an excellent mid-tower computer case that manages to offer plenty of space, while still being compact. Not only does it look beautiful, but it's also well designed and made of high quality materials. There are a few shortcomings too, like the lack of a USB Type-C port on the front panel, but overall, ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is a computer case that we warmly recommend to anyone looking to build their own PC.
Hardware specifications and design
The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is a mid-tower PC case that's made of steel, tempered glass, and ABS plastic. The side panel is made of tempered glass from top to bottom and lets you see everything inside, except for the power supply unit, which is hidden beneath a steel plate on the bottom. The case is 426 x 214 x 482 mm (16.77 x 8.43 x 18.98 in) in length x width x height, so it's slightly smaller than other mid-tower cases, which is why ASUS presents it as a compact case. However, as we've found out, it's quite roomy inside, and also quite heavy: 7.2 kg (15.87 pounds).

ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 comes with four pre-installed fans: 3 fans on the front and one fan on the back. They're all large 120 mm fans, and the ones on the front also have RGB lighting and are compatible with ASUS' Aura Sync software.
Unfortunately, none of the pre-installed fans are PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) fans. They're all DC (Direct Current) fans, so they're not the quietest you can get. In addition to the pre-installed ones, this case can host another two 120 mm fans on its top side.

There are also three different dust filters pre-mounted on the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 case. One of them is on the top, one on the front, and another one on the bottom. The top one is magnetically attached to the case, so getting it out to clean it should be fast and easy. That's a really nice touch from ASUS!

Regarding space, we've mentioned a bit earlier that the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is a pretty roomy case. In detail, that means it can fit seven horizontal PCI-E slots. In terms of storage devices, it has four 2.5" bays and another two bays that can accommodate both 2.5" and 3.5" drives.

The maximum length of the graphics card you intend to mount in this PC case can go up to 320 mm (12.6 inches) in length, and the maximum processor cooler height can be 160 mm (6.3 inches). That's more than enough for even the largest graphics cards and CPU coolers.

On the front side of the case, there's a panel that includes a power button, a reset button, two USB ports, a 3.5 mm combo audio jack, and also an LED lighting control button. Pushing the latter switches the RGB lighting of the fans through a series of predefined effects, which is quite useful if you're not using software for that purpose.

Also, on the front side of the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301, there's a strap made of strong textile material. We suppose that it is there to put the accent on the fact that this is one TUF (tough) case. It does the trick, but some might like it better without the strap. Not a problem: you can simply take it out! 🙂

If you want to check all the specs and features of this computer case, visit its official webpage here: ASUS TUF Gaming GT301.
The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 computer case looks beautiful, and its compact mid-tower size should be perfect for those who like keeping their computing machines on their desks. It looks sturdy and well built, and the materials used by ASUS appear to be high-quality. Furthermore, the four pre-installed fans are a nice addition that many will appreciate.
Building a PC inside the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 case
The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 case is great for first-time PC builders. It might not look extremely spacious from the outside, but, on the inside, the space is quite generous. Also, the attention to details is something you instantly notice.

The glass panel is easy to take out: two screws that you can handle without a screwdriver, and then you slide the panel out. The back panel, which is made of steel, is also easy to take out using the same procedure. Under it, there's plenty of space for cable management, although you might have to be a bit careful when running the power supply unit cables. That's because, under the back panel, there's also the place where the RGB connections are made.

Although ASUS didn't label everything inside the case, it's easy to see exactly where and what component to mount. We started with the motherboard, processor, and power supply unit. The standoff screws were easy to install and didn't require us to use any screwdriver or pliers to make them stay firm on the case.

Mounting the solid-state drive was also fast and easy, as we used a PCI Express model. There are also enough bays to mount SATA drives, regardless of whether they're 2.5" or 3.5". However, note that the 3.5" drives have to go under the back panel, inside a dedicated HDD cage near the power supply unit, and cable management can be a bit tricky if you add such drives. On the other hand, mounting such drives is easy, thanks to the click-type trays.

The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 case is designed for modern computers, and, unfortunately, it doesn't let you use internal optical drives. There is no tray for that on the front panel, so you'll have to make do with an external USB optical drive if you want that.
After we mounted the motherboard, processor, power supply unit, and the PCIe solid-state drive, the RAM and graphics card were next. Obviously, the RAM was fast and easy. The graphics card we used was an ASUS TUF RTX 2060 GAMING OC. It's not a large component, so it was easy to put it in its place. However, larger graphics cards can fit inside this case without issues either: up to 320 mm (6.3 in) in length.

For the processor cooling, we had an ASUS ROG Ryuo 240 all-in-one liquid CPU cooler. The dimensions of the cooler's radiator are 272 x 121 x 27 mm (10.71 x 4.76 x 1.06 in), and it comes with two 120 mm fans on it. It's quite large, but it was a perfect fit on the top of the case, where it also provided excellent airflow. The only thing that we didn't quite like was the fact that, once mounted, the cooler made it practically impossible to take out the RAM DIMMs from their slots. It came a bit over the DIMM brackets so, if you want to get the DIMMs out, you must first unmount the cooler.

Finally, we did the cable management. It didn't take long because we didn't have too many cables running along, and we also had some zip ties that allowed us to properly group and hold the cables in place. One nice thing you have to know about this case is that it has some rubber grommets that protect the power supply cables that go to the motherboard and graphics card, and also make them look organized.

Once we finished mounting everything, it was time to find the right place for the computer and power it on. Because of the RGB lights and the nice looks of the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 case, we wanted it to sit on the desk rather than under it. This is what we got:

Really nice looking! 🙂
The ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 is a beautiful case that deserves its place on a desk, where everyone can see it. It's compact and fits well on medium-sized desks, but it is also spacious inside, so it's easy to build your computer.
Do you like the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 computer case?
Now you know more about the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301 computer case. You know we like it, and you know both its strengths and its shortcomings. Before closing this review, would you mind telling us your opinion about it? If you already have it, what do you like or dislike about the ASUS TUF Gaming GT301?