如果您想检查网站是否可以安全访问或阻止各种在线跟踪器,您可以在Chrome、Firefox和Edge浏览器上使用Avast 扩展程序。(Avast extension)Windows 11/10Google Chrome、Microsoft Edge和Mozilla Firefox浏览器上安装、设置和使用Avast扩展程序的方法。

什么是 Avast 扩展?
Avast是一种流行的免费/付费防病毒工具,您可以在 Windows 11/10 计算机上使用它来清除病毒、恶意软件等。除非您花一些钱选择高级(Premium)或终极安全性,否则您的免费(Ultimate)Avast防病毒软件无法分辨您是否可以安全访问网站。这就是为什么您应该安装与Chrome、Firefox和Edge兼容的Avast浏览器扩展——这是一个网站 URL 扫描插件。(website URL scanner addon.) 您无需在计算机上安装Avast防病毒软件即可使用此浏览器扩展程序,这是最好的部分。
Avast 浏览器扩展功能
有时您会一直看到 Google Ads,感觉就像 在互联网上跟着您(following you around the internet)一样。要选择退出个性化广告,您必须停止各种跟踪器。Avast扩展可以帮助您做到这一点。无论是社交网络网站的跟踪器还是广告,您都可以轻松选择退出个性化广告。
- 访问浏览器的官方扩展/附加存储库。
- 单击 Add to Chrome/Add to Firefox 按钮以安装扩展程序。
- 单击(Click)工具栏中的Avast扩展程序图标。
- 单击详细信息按钮以检查相应的信息。
成功安装后,您可以在工具栏中看到一个图标,单击该图标可以查看有关网站的详细信息。该面板主要包含四个部分—— 安全、信任、隐私(Security, Trust, Privacy)和 广告数据收集(Advertising data collection)。

安全 (Security )部分显示网站 是否可以安全访问。信任 (Trust )部分显示了一个竖起大拇指的按钮来评价一个网站。
接下来是 Privacy,它可以帮助您找到网站使用的所有跟踪器。
最后是 广告数据收集(Advertising data collection),显示所有广告商和广告相关信息。
最后两个部分带有一个名为 DETAILS的按钮。您可以单击此按钮以查找更多信息。例如,它显示网站是否使用社交网络跟踪器、广告跟踪器等。另一方面,您也可以选择退出各种个性化广告。最重要的是,您可以同时选择退出来自多个广告商的此类广告。
除此之外,此扩展程序还附带一些设置或选项,您可以使用它们来自定义使用情况。要打开 设置(Settings),请打开扩展面板,然后单击右上角可见的设置齿轮图标。
- 标记我的搜索结果
- 显示搜索结果的工具提示
- 显示网站上的总跟踪器
- 自动阻止所有跟踪器
- 允许(Allow)分析产品性能和用于新产品开发的用途
要将Avast扩展安装或添加到Chrome,您必须访问Chrome Web Store,找到 Avast Online Security,然后单击 添加到 Chrome (Add to Chrome )按钮。Edge和Firefox浏览器的过程几乎相同,但您必须访问Firefox插件库而不是Chrome Web Store。
相关(Related):在您的 Windows PC 上保持匿名和安全的最佳免费浏览器扩展。
Avast Chrome 扩展程序是免费的吗?
是的,Avast Chrome扩展程序可以在浏览器上免费安装和使用。您可以在Edge(Edge)、Chrome和Firefox浏览器中安装此Avast Online Security扩展。
就这样!如果您愿意,可以从 chrome.google.com下载适用于(chrome.google.com)Chrome和Edge的(Edge)Avast扩展程序,并从addons.mozilla.org下载 适用于 Firefox 的 Avast 扩展程序。
现在阅读(Now read): 如何从 Windows 中完全卸载 Avast 防病毒软件(How to completely uninstall Avast antivirus from Windows)。
How to use Avast extension on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers
Іf you want to check if а website is safe to visit or block various online trackers, you can use the Avast extension on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. Here is how you can install, set up, and use the Avast extension on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browser on Windows 11/10.

What is Avast extension?
Avast is a popular free/paid antivirus tool that you can use on Windows 11/10 computers to get rid of the virus, malware, etc. Unless you opt for the Premium or Ultimate security by spending some money, your free Avast antivirus cannot tell you if a website is safe to visit or not. That is why you should install Avast browser extension compatible with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge – which is a website URL scanner addon. You do not need to have Avast antivirus on your computer to use this browser extension, which is the best part.
Avast browser extension features
There are several features that you may like:
It tells you whether a site is safe to visit or not. Whether you visit the site directly or go through a Google search, you can find the same result. Either way, you can find three different badges: Green (Safe to visit), Gray (Unknown), Red (Not safe to visit). The best thing is that you can rate any website as you visit.
There could be times when you see Google Ads all the time, and it seems like following you around the internet. To opt out of personalized advertisements, you have to stop various trackers. The Avast extension can help you do that. Whether it is a social network websites’ trackers or advertisement, you can easily opt-out of the personalized ads.
Various websites use different trackers to provide their users with a better user experience. However, you may not like all such practices and want to get rid of those trackers. It is possible to do that with the help of the Avast extension for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
There are more other options and features included in this tool, and you have to use it to know more about them.
How to use Avast extension on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge
To use Avast extension on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, follow these steps:
- Visit the official extension/add-on repository of your browser.
- Click the Add to Chrome/Add to Firefox button to install the extension.
- Click on the Avast extension icon in the toolbar.
- Click on the DETAILS button to check the respective information.
To learn more about these steps, continue reading.
At first, you have to install this extension in your browser. Depending upon the browser, you have to click the Add to Chrome/Add to Firefox button to start the installation process.
Once you install it successfully, you can see an icon in the toolbar that you can click on to view details about a website. This panel contains mainly four sections – Security, Trust, Privacy, and Advertising data collection.

The Security section shows whether a website is safe to visit or not. The Trust section shows a thumbs up/down button to rate a website.
Next, Privacy, which helps you find all the trackers used by the website.
The last thing is Advertising data collection, which shows all the advertisers and advertisements-related information.
The last two sections come with a button called DETAILS. You can click on this button to find more information. For example, it shows if the website uses a social networking tracker, ad tracker, etc. On the other hand, you can opt out of various personalized advertisements as well. The essential thing is that you can opt out of such advertisements from multiple advertisers at once.
As mentioned earlier, this extension shows a badge when you search for something in the Google or Bing search engine. A green shield means that the site is safe.
Apart from these, this extension comes with some settings or options that you can use to customize the usage. To open Settings, open the extension panel and click on the settings gear icon visible on the top-right corner.
Here you can find these options:
- Mark my search results
- Show tooltips for search results
- Show total trackers on a site
- Automatically block all trackers
- Allow analysis of product performance and usage for new product development
You can enable or disable these features or options by adding or removing a tick in the corresponding checkbox.
How do I add Avast extension to Chrome?
To install or add the Avast extension to Chrome, you have to visit the Chrome Web Store, find out Avast Online Security, and click on the Add to Chrome button. The process is almost the same for Edge and Firefox browser, but you have to visit the Firefox add-on gallery instead of Chrome Web Store.
Related: Best Free Browser Extensions to Stay Anonymous and Secure on your Windows PC.
Is Avast Chrome extension free?
Yes, the Avast Chrome extension is free to install and use on the browser. You can install this Avast Online Security extension in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox browsers.
That’s all! If you like, you can download the Avast extension for Chrome and Edge from chrome.google.com and for Firefox from addons.mozilla.org.
Now read: How to completely uninstall Avast antivirus from Windows.