除了常规过滤器外,Snapchat 还有许多人工智能驱动的过滤器(AI-powered filters),它们也可以应用于媒体(Snapchat has a lot of AI-powered filters which can be applied to pics from media)中的图片。在浏览Snapchat(Snapchat)上的故事时,您肯定至少遇到过一次性别反转过滤器。它被认为在所有年龄段的用户中都大受欢迎。但这并没有结束。Snapchat还具有一些出色的视频效果,让所有用户都对录制快照更感兴趣,并提高了用户参与度。一种这样的过滤器是反向过滤器(Reverse filter)。这个过滤器最好的地方是它可以在录制后的几秒钟内通过几个简单的步骤应用!

如何在 Snapchat 上反转视频
- 反向播放选项在视频中产生了许多令人兴奋的效果。跳进游泳池,驾驶摩托车,河流涌出,倒车时会显得特别酷。
- 可以利用此过滤器通过有吸引力的视频提高其品牌知名度。
- 影响者还可以利用相反的效果来创建引人入胜的内容。
- 此外,此过滤器还为您提供快速反转视频的选项,即使它不适用于Snapchat。
1.启动(Launch )应用程序并按住( press and hold)屏幕中央的圆形按钮(circular button)。这将开始录制(This will begin the recording)。
2.完成后松开按钮(Release the button)。一旦你释放它,你录制的视频现在将被播放。

3.开始向左滑动(Begin swiping left) ,直到您看到过滤器显示三个指向左侧的箭头。(until you see a filter showing three arrows pointing towards the left side. )这正是我们正在谈论的过滤器!
4.当您应用此过滤器(apply this filter)时,您可以看到您的视频正在反向播放。(you can see your video being played in reverse. )

5. 就是这样!您可以将其发送给单个用户,也可以将其作为您的故事。您也可以将其保存到您的“回忆(Memories)”中,以防您不想分享。你有它!只需几个简单的步骤即可反向播放视频!
如何在 Snapchat 上反转视频
1.启动 Snapchat(Launch the Snapchat)应用程序并向上滑动相机按钮(swipe up the camera button)。屏幕现在将显示您在 Snapchat 上录制的所有照片和视频。(The screen will now show you all the photos and videos that you have recorded on Snapchat. )
2. 从顶部显示的选项卡中,选择“相机胶卷(Camera roll)”。在此部分中,将显示您手机的图库(your phone’s gallery will be displayed)。您可以选择要反向观看的任何视频。

3. 选择后,点击屏幕底部的小铅笔图标(编辑图标) 。(little pencil icon (edit icon))

4. 现在,该视频将以编辑模式打开(this video will open in the editing mode)。继续向左滑动(Keep swiping left),直到看到三个箭头指向左侧的反向过滤器( reverse filter with the three arrows)

5.一旦你看到过滤器,你的视频将自动开始反向播放(your video will automatically start playing in reverse)。您可以将视频保存(save the video)到您的记忆中,也可以通过点击底部的黄色发送到按钮将其发送给单个用户。( sent to button)
1. 如果您使用的是Android设备,您可以从Google Play Store下载Reverse Video FX。然后,您可以使用不同的功能来反转视频并将其保存到您的画廊。

2. 下一步是在 Snapchat 上分享这段视频( share this video),方法是在记忆下的相机胶卷中找到它。(camera roll)
3. 您还可以使用您的个人计算机通过反向编辑视频来反转Snapchat上的视频。(Snapchat)几个在 PC 上运行良好的不同应用程序能够通过几个简单的步骤来反转视频。然后可以通过OTG电缆或Google Drive将该视频传输到您的手机。
对于想要尝试在线发布的内容的人来说,反转视频是一种非常酷的效果。Snapchat让倒车变得更容易。但是,如果不将超长视频修剪成小片段, Snapchat就无法做到这一点。(Snapchat)因此,对于时长为 30-60 秒的短片或视频, Snapchat是最合适的选择。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Snapchat 上反转视频(reverse a video on Snapchat)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How to Reverse a Video on Snapchat on Android
Do you use Snapchat? Have you ever thought аbout playing your videos in reverse? If yes, then this article iѕ for yoυ! Imagine a waterfall where the wаter goes up instead of fаlling. You can do this with your own Snapchat application and that too јust in minutes. Isn’t that wonderful? If you’d like to find out how to reverse a video on Snapchat, then continue reading thіs article.
Apart from regular filters, Snapchat has a lot of AI-powered filters which can be applied to pics from media as well. You must have definitely come across the gender reverse filter at least once while scrolling through the stories on your Snapchat. It was considered to be a massive hit amongst the users in all age groups. But it doesn’t end here. Snapchat also has some excellent video effects, making recording snaps more interesting for all its users and increasing user engagement. One such filter is the Reverse filter. The best thing about this filter is that it can be applied within seconds of recording in a few simple steps!

How to Reverse a Video on Snapchat
Reasons to reverse a video on Snapchat
Here are a few reasons why you would want to try this filter:
- The reverse playing option makes a lot of exciting effects in videos. Diving into a pool, driving a motorbike, and a river gushing down would look extra cool when reversed.
- One can utilize this filter to make their brand visibility better through attractive videos.
- Influencers can also utilize the reverse effect to create engaging content.
- Moreover, this filter also gives you the option of reversing a video quickly, even if it’s not meant for Snapchat.
Therefore, if you relate to any of the above-mentioned reasons, make sure to read this post thoroughly!
How to Reverse a Video on Snapchat using the built-in Filter
This method is beneficial if you have just recorded a video using the application.
1. Launch the application and press and hold the circular button at the centre of the screen. This will begin the recording.
2. Release the button when you’re done. Once you release it, the video that you recorded will now be played.

3. Begin swiping left until you see a filter showing three arrows pointing towards the left side. This is exactly the filter that we are talking about!
4. When you apply this filter, you can see your video being played in reverse.

5. And that’s it! You can either send it to an individual user or put it up as your story. You can also save it to your ‘Memories’ in case you don’t want to share it. And there you have it! A video playing in reverse, in just a few simple steps!
How to Reverse a Video on Snapchat
You don’t have to record a fresh video every time you wish to reverse it. Alternatively, you can also upload a video on Snapchat from your camera roll and apply the reverse filter to play it in reverse. Following are the steps:
1. Launch the Snapchat application and swipe up the camera button. The screen will now show you all the photos and videos that you have recorded on Snapchat.
2. From the tabs that are displayed on the top, select ‘Camera roll’. In this section, your phone’s gallery will be displayed. You can select any video that you want to see in reverse.

3. Once selected, tap on the little pencil icon (edit icon) at the bottom of the screen.

4. Now, this video will open in the editing mode. Keep swiping left until you see the reverse filter with the three arrows pointing in the left

5. Once you see the filter, your video will automatically start playing in reverse. You can either save the video to your memories, or you can send it to an individual user by tapping on the yellow sent to button at the bottom.
How to Reverse a Video using third-party applications
Although Snapchat is a more accessible alternative, using third-party applications is another way of reversing a video.
1. If you are using an Android device, you can download Reverse Video FX from the Google Play Store. You can then use the different features to reverse the video and save it to your gallery.

2. The next step is to share this video on Snapchat by finding it in camera roll under memories.
3. You can also utilize your personal computers to reverse a video on Snapchat by editing the video in a reverse fashion. Several different applications that function well on PCs are able to reverse the video in a few simple steps. This video can then be transferred to your phone through an OTG cable or Google Drive.
Reversing a video is a very cool effect for people who want to experiment with the content that they post online. Snapchat makes reversing easier. However, Snapchat can’t do this to extra-long videos without trimming them into small fragments. Therefore, Snapchat is the most suitable option for short snaps or videos with a time duration of 30-60 seconds.
The best part is that the reverse filter is completely free. It is also available if you’re offline. Both these advantages make the filter the most approachable to reverse a video on Snapchat when it comes to video reversing.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to reverse a video on Snapchat. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.