Cut/Copy and Paste过程的第一步是选择要处理的数据。无论(Whether)您是突出显示文本(highlighting text)、在文件资源管理器中(File Explorer)选择多个文件(selecting multiple files)还是其他方式,最直接的方法是使用光标创建选择区域。单击(Click)或点击一次,然后按住以开始您的选择。拖动光标或手指,直到突出显示您需要的所有内容,然后松开。无论您选择什么类型的数据,此方法对于Windows中的大多数应用程序和程序都是通用的。(Windows)

我们每天都使用键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcuts),因为大多数时候,我们都懒得把手从键盘上移开。🙂 但是,当涉及到Cut、Copy和Paste时,快捷方式还具有在不同Windows应用程序和程序中通用的好处 - 您甚至可以自定义在命令提示符中处理文本的(customize how you work with text in the Command Prompt)方式,以提高使用这些快捷方式的效率键盘快捷键。
复制(Copy)的 Windows 键盘快捷键是最直观的:Ctrl + C。

剪切(Cut)和粘贴(Paste)快捷方式也使用Ctrl键(Ctrl)。要在Windows(Windows)中剪切(或移动),请按:Ctrl + X X。

复制或剪切数据后,使用粘贴(Paste)快捷方式将其添加到您想要的位置。粘贴(Paste)的快捷方式是Ctrl + V。

对于文本,粘贴(Paste)快捷方式会保留原始格式,例如字体和样式。如果您想知道如何在不格式化的情况下粘贴,请使用Ctrl + Shift + V,粘贴的文本将采用其周围文本的格式。在Microsoft Word中,访问“选择性粘贴”(Paste Special)菜单以获得相同结果的快捷方式是Ctrl +Alt +V。
提示:(TIP:)在 Word 中,您还可以使用Alt +Shift + Up/Down快捷键快速选择和移动光标所在的段落。我们鼓励您尝试一下。


某些应用程序有几个可用的粘贴(Paste)选项,如上面的屏幕截图所示。在Word中,您将获得三个粘贴选项(Paste Options),具体取决于您喜欢粘贴文本的格式,如下所示。将鼠标悬停(Hover)在每一个上以获取更多详细信息。


3. 如何使用应用程序的“主页”(Home)选项卡进行剪切、复制和粘贴


4. 如何在Windows中使用应用程序的(Windows)编辑(Edit)菜单进行剪切、复制和粘贴

提示:(TIP:)如果您看不到“编辑(Edit)”菜单,请按键盘上的Alt + E以显示“剪切”(Cut)、“复制(Copy)”和“粘贴(Paste)”选项。
做出选择后,您还可以将其拖放(drag and drop)到其他地方以一次剪切和粘贴。单击(Click)或点击一次,然后按住以获取所选数据。然后,将您的选择拖放到您要粘贴的位置。


注意:(NOTE:)这适用于文件和文件夹以及在同一文本编辑器中拖动文本时。拖放(Dragging)不适用于记事本(Notepad)中的文本。但是,我们以这种方式在Word和写字板(Wordpad)之间复制和移动文本没有问题。无论您要移动或复制什么,我们都建议您捕捉应用程序窗口以拆分屏幕以充分利用此方法。(split the screen)
剪贴板(The Clipboard)是一个临时存储区域,保存您最近复制或剪切的数据,直到它被覆盖。但是,在Windows 10中,您也可以按Windows + V并使用剪贴板粘贴旧项目(use the Clipboard to paste older items also)。

提示:(TIP:)如果您觉得此方法有用,您甚至可以将 Windows 10 剪贴板与其他计算机和设备同步(sync the Windows 10 Clipboard with other computers and devices)。
我们觉得,在剪切、复制和粘贴方面,Windows在简单性方面优于 macOS。这是因为该过程在Windows上是相同的,而Mac有一组用于复制和移动文件和文件夹的指令,另一组用于剪切、复制和粘贴文本(cutting, copying, and pasting text)。可以想象,我们在Digital Citizen的工作涉及大量的Cut、Copy和Paste,因此我们几乎可以经常使用所有这些方法。那你呢?你更喜欢哪种方法?请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
6 ways to cut, copy, and paste in Windows
The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands are essential tools when you work on a computer, and you find them everywhere in Windows. It's simple to move things around if you know how to cut. Also, understanding how to copy and paste on Windows efficiently can drastically reduce the time you spend creating materials on your computer or device. This tutorial illustrates several methods to duplicate and move data in Windows, including the popular Cut, Copy, and Paste shortcuts:
First things first: Select what you want to copy or cut
The first step in the Cut/Copy and Paste process is to select the data that you want to handle. Whether you're highlighting text, selecting multiple files in File Explorer, or something else, the most straightforward way is using your cursor to create a selection area. Click or tap once, and hold to start your selection. Drag your cursor or finger until everything you need is highlighted, then release. This method is universal for most apps and programs in Windows, no matter what type of data you are selecting.

Once you are done making your selection, read on to find the method to cut, copy, and paste in Windows that works best for you.
1. How to cut, copy, and paste using keyboard shortcuts
We use keyboard shortcuts daily because, most of the time, we're too lazy to lift our hands off the keyboard. 🙂 However, when it comes to Cut, Copy, and Paste, the shortcuts also come with the bonus of being universal across different Windows apps and programs - you can even customize how you work with text in the Command Prompt to increase your efficiency using these keyboard shortcuts.
The Windows keyboard shortcut for Copy is the most intuitive: Ctrl + C.

The Cut and Paste shortcuts also use the Ctrl key. To cut (or move) in Windows, press: Ctrl + X.

After copying or cutting your data, use the Paste shortcut to add it where you want it. The shortcut for Paste is Ctrl + V.

When it comes to text, the Paste shortcut keeps the original formatting, like the font and style. If you're wondering how to paste without formatting, use Ctrl + Shift + V, and the pasted text takes on the format of the text around it. In Microsoft Word, the shortcut to access the Paste Special menu for the same result is Ctrl +Alt +V.
TIP: In Word, you can also use the Alt +Shift + Up/Down shortcut to quickly select and move the paragraph your cursor is in. We encourage you to try it out.
2. How to cut, copy, and paste using the right-click menu in Windows
If you use your cursor for highlighting, the right-click menu is convenient to move or copy the selected data. Right-click or press-and-hold on your selection to open a contextual menu, and then press Cut or Copy, depending on what you want to do.

Go to where you want to paste the data and right-click or press-and-hold to open another contextual menu. Click or tap on Paste.

The right-click menu looks different depending on the app you are using, but the Cut, Copy, and Paste options should be available regardless.
Certain apps have several Paste options available, as seen in the screenshot above. In Word, you get three Paste Options, depending on the formatting you prefer for the pasted text, as you can see below. Hover over each one for more details.

NOTE: If the selected information is read-only (e.g., any data on the webpage you are reading in your browser right now), you can only Copy. Cut and Paste are unavailable since you are not allowed to edit the info.

3. How to cut, copy, and paste using an app's Home tab
Some Windows apps have embraced the ribbon as the primary navigation tool. Cut, Copy, and Paste are displayed in the Home tab, together with other additional options that serve the same purpose.

In Word, the menu has different additional options, and you can also Paste without formatting.

4. How to cut, copy, and paste using an app's Edit menu in Windows
If the app you're using has no ribbon displayed, you should find the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands in its Edit menu, as is the case with Notepad.

TIP: If you can't see the Edit menu, press Alt + E on your keyboard to reveal the Cut, Copy, and Paste options.
5. How to cut, copy, and paste by dragging and dropping in Windows
After making your selection, you can also drag and drop it somewhere else to cut and paste it in one move. Click or tap once, and then hold to grab the selected data. Then, drag your selection and drop it where you want to paste it.

Your selection is moved as soon as you release the button or take your finger off the screen.
If you want to copy and paste just as easily, use the Ctrl key either before grabbing or while you are dragging the data you want to duplicate. A plus sign appears next to your cursor, letting you know the info is being copied instead of moved.

NOTE: This works both with files and folders and when dragging text within the same text editor. Dragging and dropping does not work for text in Notepad. However, we had no problem copying and moving text between Word and Wordpad this way. We recommend snapping app windows to split the screen to get the most out of this method, no matter what you're moving or copying.
6. How to paste items using the Clipboard
The Clipboard is a temporary storage area where the data you copied or cut most recently is saved, until it gets overwritten. However, in Windows 10, you can press Windows + V and use the Clipboard to paste older items also.

TIP: If you find this method useful, you can even sync the Windows 10 Clipboard with other computers and devices.
How do you cut, copy, and paste?
We feel that, when it comes to cutting, copying, and pasting, Windows is superior to macOS in its simplicity. That is because the process is the same on Windows, while the Mac has one set of instructions for copying and moving files and folders and another for cutting, copying, and pasting text. As you can imagine, our work at Digital Citizen involves a lot of Cut, Copy, and Paste, so we get to frequently use almost all of these methods. What about you? Which methods do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below.