这是修复 Hulu 错误代码运行时 2 和 5(fix Hulu error code runtime 2 and 5)的指南。Hulu是一种基于订阅的流媒体服务,用于观看电影、电视节目、网络连续剧等。这是一项很棒且受欢迎的服务,但是,它并非没有错误。许多用户在Hulu(Hulu)上遇到了几个错误代码,导致他们无法观看自己喜欢的视频。我们之前介绍了许多Hulu错误,包括Hulu 错误 500、503 或 504(Hulu Error 500, 503, or 504)、PLAUNK65、P-DEV320等等。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论Hulu 上的错误代码runtime -2和runtime -5 。
许多Hulu用户报告说遇到了Hulu 错误代码运行时 -2(Hulu Error Code Runtime -2)和 -5。这些基本上是在观看娱乐视频时发生的播放失败错误。现在让我们详细讨论这些错误代码。
Hulu 上的运行时错误是什么?

Hulu上的运行时错误基本上是播放错误,它会停止观看您喜欢的视频。以下是触发运行时错误的主要原因,包括Hulu上的错误代码 runtime -2 :
- 由于应用程序崩溃,可能会发生此错误。如果您使用的是过时的Hulu版本,请考虑更新您的应用程序。
- 如果您在网络浏览器中流式传输Hulu,则旧的和大容量的缓存有可能导致错误运行时 -2。
- 网络(Network)问题也可能导致错误代码运行时-2。
- 有时,如果Hulu(Hulu)应用程序和您的流媒体设备之间存在兼容性问题,可能会触发它。
- 如果 Hulu 的服务器出现问题,也可能导致这种情况,但是同样的可能性很低。
在任何情况下,如果您在Hulu上遇到错误代码 runtime-2 ,请尝试重新加载页面。它可能会为您解决错误。如果这样做没有解决问题,您将需要尝试一些高级故障排除方法。让我们看看如何解决Hulu上的错误代码 runtime -2 。
什么是 Hulu 错误代码运行时 2
播放失败错误(Playback Failure Error),运行时 -2 是在Hulu上流式传输或观看视频时发生的播放失败错误。此错误会显示类似的消息,如下所示:
Playback Failure
Hulu Error Code: runtime-2-xxxxxxxx
Unique Error ID: runtime-2-xxxxxxxx
错误消息后始终跟一个特定于您的播放失败的唯一 ID。您可能需要提供此代码才能从Hulu支持团队获得帮助。此错误消息的其余部分也可能因人而异。Hulu社区页面上的一位用户报告收到以下错误消息:
Error: native video tag error, message: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE
Hulu Error Code: runtime-2-0167361d
Unique Error ID: runtime-2-0167361d
如何修复 Hulu 错误代码运行时 2(Fix Hulu Error Code Runtime 2)
以下是您可以尝试解决Hulu错误代码运行时 -2 的修复:
- 尝试一些一般性建议。
- 更新 Hulu 应用程序/网络浏览器。
- 确保流媒体设备是最新的。
- 清除浏览器/设备缓存。
- 检查您的设备是否满足最低Hulu系统要求。
- 检查您的互联网连接。
- 执行电源循环。
- 卸载,重新安装 Hulu 应用程序。
首先,您应该尝试一些通用提示和技巧来解决错误代码运行时 -2。您可以尝试以下提示来消除错误:
- 重新加载(Reload)出现运行时 -2 错误的Hulu页面。(Hulu)
- 如果您在网络浏览器中使用Hulu,请尝试关闭浏览器然后重新打开它。
- 如果您有选择,您也可以尝试在不同的流媒体服务上观看您的视频。
2] 更新 Hulu 应用程序/网络浏览器
Hulu上的运行时错误和问题通常是由于应用程序过时造成的。如果您使用的是过时版本的Hulu应用程序,则可能会因此导致运行时 -2 错误。因此,请尝试在您使用的任何设备上更新您的Hulu应用程序,然后检查问题是否消失。
在 Windows 11/10 上,您可以使用 Microsoft Store 更新 Hulu 应用。或者,您也可以使用Windows 包管理器更新(Windows Package Manager)Hulu应用程序。Android 用户可以去PlayStore更新应用,iPhone 用户可以去AppStore更新应用。
此外,如果您在网络浏览器中玩Hulu,请确保浏览器已更新。您可以更新 Google Chrome、Edge、Firefox、Opera(update Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera,)或您正在使用的任何浏览器,然后查看您是否能够在Hulu上观看视频而不会出现运行时 -2 错误。
提示:(Tip:) 如何在没有 Internet 连接的情况下更新 Microsoft Store 应用程序。
阅读:(Read:) 修复 Hulu 错误 RUNUNK13、播放视频时出错或 406、不可接受(Fix Hulu Errors RUNUNK13, Error playing video OR 406, Not Acceptable)
那些使用 Hulu 的网络应用程序的人应该尝试删除浏览器缓存,看看问题是否消失了。如上所述,Web 浏览器中较旧的缓存可能导致错误代码运行时 -2。因此,请清除 Chrome、Firefox(clear up cache in Chrome, Firefox)或Edge中的缓存,并检查是否能解决问题。
提示:(Tip:) 如何清除 Windows PC 中的缓存。(How to clear cache in Windows PC.)
如果您的计算机不满足Hulu的最低系统要求,您将收到很多错误,包括运行时 -2 错误。因此,请确保您的设备满足在Hulu 上流(Hulu)式传输的最低系统要求。如果没有,您将不得不切换到另一台计算机才能在Hulu上观看视频。
Hulu错误代码运行时 -2 也可能是由于互联网连接问题引起的。因此,请检查您的互联网连接是否稳定且快速。要在Hulu(Hulu)上流式传输高质量视频并获得流畅的观看体验,您需要连接到高速互联网。如果您当前的计划不够好,请尝试升级您的计划。此外,您可以连接到不同的网络,看看问题是否消失。
您也可以尝试执行电源循环并查看问题是否已解决。据报道,许多用户使用此方法修复了运行时 -2 错误。因此,您也可以尝试并检查错误是否消失。以下是执行电源循环的步骤:
- 关闭(Shut)您的主要流媒体设备。
- 拔下设备。
- 关闭连接的网络设备。
- 拔下所有网络设备。
- 至少等待大约 2 分钟。
- 将您的网络设备一一插入,并让它们完全加载。
- 插入您的 PC 或您使用 Hulu 的任何设备并重新启动它。
- 启动Hulu应用程序并检查错误是否消失。
请参阅:(See:) 修复 Hulu 错误 3、5、16、400、500、50003(Fix Hulu Errors 3, 5, 16, 400, 500, 50003)
如果上述解决方案都不适合您,请尝试卸载然后重新安装Hulu应用程序。如果您的应用程序安装不正确或安装已损坏,您可能会收到错误代码 runtime -2。
因此,使用控制面板或设置应用程序(Control Panel or Settings app)卸载 Hulu 应用程序。您还可以查看免费的卸载软件(free uninstaller software)来完全删除该应用程序。之后,从Microsoft Store安装最新版本的(Microsoft Store)Hulu。
什么是 Hulu 错误代码运行时 5
错误代码 runtime -5 是另一个在Hulu(Hulu)上导致的播放失败错误。与错误代码运行时 -2 一样,在Hulu(Hulu)上流式传输视频时也会发生此错误。它可能是由于服务器错误、过时的Hulu应用程序、损坏的缓存等引起的。但是,此错误的明确原因仍然未知。如果您也遇到此错误,您可以通过尝试下面提到的一些修复来修复它。让我们检查一下。
如何修复 Hulu 错误代码运行时 5(Fix Hulu Error Code Runtime 5)
您可以尝试我们上面针对运行时 -2 错误列出的所有修复程序来解决错误代码运行时 -5。尝试更新您的应用程序和流媒体设备,清除Hulu的应用程序缓存,检查互联网速度,执行重启,然后重新安装Hulu应用程序。如果这些解决方案不起作用,请联系Hulu的支持团队并向他们提供您收到的运行时 -5 的完整错误消息。他们会尽力帮助您解决问题。
Hulu 错误代码 P TS207 是什么?
Hulu 错误代码 P TS207(Hulu error code P TS207)是另一个播放错误代码。此错误主要是由于Hulu应用程序的安装损坏而发生的。此错误的其他原因包括网络限制、服务器错误和 Internet 问题。如果您遇到此错误,您可以使用我们之前链接指南中提到的解决方案来修复它。
现在阅读:(Now read:)
How to Fix Hulu Error Code Runtime 2 and 5
Here is a guide to fix Hulu error code runtime 2 and 5. Hulu is a subscription-based streaming service that is used to watch movies, TV shows, web series, and much more. It is a great and popular service, however, it is not devoid of errors. A lot of users have encountered several error codes on Hulu that prevent them from watching their favorite videos. We have covered many Hulu errors previously including Hulu Error 500, 503, or 504, PLAUNK65, P-DEV320, and many more. In this post, we are going to talk about the error codes runtime -2 and runtime -5 on Hulu.
Many Hulu users have reported being experiencing Hulu Error Code Runtime -2 and -5. These are basically playback failure errors that are occurred while watching entertainment videos. Let us now discuss these error codes in detail.
What is a runtime error on Hulu?

A runtime error on Hulu is basically a playback error that puts a halt in watching your favorite video. Here are the primary causes that trigger runtime errors including error code runtime -2 on Hulu:
- This error may occur due to app crashes. In case you are using an outdated Hulu version, consider updating your app.
- If you are streaming Hulu in a web browser, there are chances that the old and bulked cache is causing error runtime -2.
- Network issues may also result in causing error code runtime -2.
- Sometimes, it may be triggered if there are compatibility issues between the Hulu app and your streaming device.
- It can also be caused if there is a problem with Hulu’s servers, however, the chances of the same are low.
In any scenario, if you encounter error code runtime-2 on Hulu, try reloading the page. It might fix up the error for you. If the problem is not resolved by doing that, you will need to try some advanced troubleshooting methods. Let us check out how you can resolve the error code runtime -2 on Hulu.
What is Hulu Error Code Runtime 2
Playback Failure Error, runtime -2 is a playback failure error that occurs on Hulu while streaming or watching a video. This error shows up a similar message like following:
Playback Failure
Hulu Error Code: runtime-2-xxxxxxxx
Unique Error ID: runtime-2-xxxxxxxx
The error message is always followed by a unique ID specific to your playback failure. You might need to provides this code to get help from the Hulu support team. The rest of this error message may also vary for individuals. One of the users on the Hulu community page reported getting the following error message:
Error: native video tag error, message: PIPELINE_ERROR_DECODE
Hulu Error Code: runtime-2-0167361d
Unique Error ID: runtime-2-0167361d
How to Fix Hulu Error Code Runtime 2
Here are the fixes that you can try to resolve Hulu error code runtime -2:
- Try some general suggestions.
- Update the Hulu app/ web browser.
- Ensure that the streaming device is up to date.
- Clear your browser/ device cache.
- Check if your device meets minimum Hulu system requirements.
- Check your internet connection.
- Perform a power cycle.
- Uninstall, reinstall the Hulu app.
Let us discuss the above solutions in detail now!
1] Try some general suggestions
To start with, you should try some general tips and tricks to resolve the error code runtime -2. You can try the following tips to get rid of the error:
- Reload the Hulu page where you are getting the runtime -2 error.
- If you are on Hulu in a web browser, try closing the browser and then reopening it.
- If you have an option, you can also try watching your video on a different streaming service.
In case these general tricks don’t work, you can try some other solutions to fix it up.
2] Update the Hulu app/ web browser
Runtime errors and issues on Hulu are usually a result of outdated app. If you are using an out-of-date version of the Hulu app, there are chances that the runtime -2 error is caused due to that. So, try updating your Hulu app on whichever device you are using, and then check if the issue is gone.
On Windows 11/10, you can use Microsoft Store to update the Hulu app. Or, you can also update the Hulu app using Windows Package Manager. Android users can go to the PlayStore and update the app, while iPhone users can go to AppStore to update the app.
Also, if you are playing Hulu in a web browser, make sure the browser is updated. You can update Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, or whichever browser you are using and then see if you are able to watch videos on Hulu without runtime -2 error.
Tip: How to update Microsoft Store Apps without an Internet connection.
3] Ensure that the streaming device is up to date
If your streaming device is not up to date, you are likely to receive this error. Although, most of the time the system updates are checked and downloaded manually. However, you can still check for updates manually and download updates. You can also try contacting your manufacturer to help you keep your streaming device updated.
Read: Fix Hulu Errors RUNUNK13, Error playing video OR 406, Not Acceptable
4] Clear your browser/ device cache
Those who use Hulu’s web app should try deleting the browser cache and see if the issue is gone or not. As discussed above, an older cache in a web browser can cause error code runtime -2. So, clear up cache in Chrome, Firefox, or Edge and check if this fixes up the issue.
Also, try clearing up the device cache and see if the error is fixed or not.
Tip: How to clear cache in Windows PC.
5] Ensure that your device meets minimum Hulu system requirements
If your computer doesn’t meet the minimum system requirements for Hulu, you will receive a lot of errors including the runtime -2 error. So, ensure that your device meets minimum system requirements to stream on Hulu. If it doesn’t, you will have to switch to a different computer to watch videos on Hulu.
6] Check your internet connection
The Hulu error code runtime -2 can also be caused due to a problematic internet connection. So, check if your internet connection is stable and fast or not. To stream high-quality videos on Hulu and to have a smooth watching experience, you would require to be connected to high-speed internet. If your current plan is not good enough, try upgrading your plan. Also, you can connect to a different network and see if the issue is gone or not.
7] Perform a power cycle
You can also try performing a power cycle and see if the issue is resolved. A lot of users have reportedly fixed the runtime -2 error by using this method. So, you can also try it and check if the error is gone or not. Here are the steps to perform a power cycle:
- Shut down your primarily streaming device.
- Unplug the device.
- Switch off connected networking devices.
- Unplug all networking devices.
- Wait for about 2 minutes at least.
- Plug in your networking devices one by one and allow them to load completely.
- Plug in your PC or whatever device you use Hulu on and restart it.
- Start the Hulu app and check if the error is gone or not.
See: Fix Hulu Errors 3, 5, 16, 400, 500, 50003
8] Uninstall, reinstall the Hulu app
If none of the above solutions works for you, try uninstalling and then reinstalling the Hulu app. In case your app was installed incorrectly or the installation was corrupted, you might receive error code runtime -2.
So, uninstall the Hulu app using Control Panel or Settings app. You can also see free uninstaller software to completely remove the app. After that, install the latest version of Hulu from the Microsoft Store.
What is Hulu Error Code Runtime 5
The error code runtime -5 is another playback failure error caused on Hulu. Like the error code runtime -2, this error also occurs while streaming videos on Hulu. It can be caused due to server error, outdated Hulu app, corrupted cache, etc. However, the clear reason for this error is still unknown. If you are also facing this error, you can fix it up by trying some fixes mentioned below. Let us check them out.
How to Fix Hulu Error Code Runtime 5
You can try all the fixes that we listed above for the runtime -2 error to resolve error code runtime -5 as well. Try updating your app and streaming device, clear the app cache for Hulu, check internet speed, perform a power cycle, and reinstall the Hulu app. If these solutions don’t work, contact Hulu’s support team and provide them the full error message for runtime -5 that you received. They will try to help you resolve the issue.
What is Hulu error code P TS207?
The Hulu error code P TS207 is another playback error code. This error is primarily occurred due to corruption in the installation of the Hulu app. Other reasons for this error include network restrictions, server errors, and internet issues. If you encounter this error, you can fix it up by using the solutions mentioned in our earlier linked guide.
That’s it!
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