您知道您可以在 Windows 照片或视频编辑器应用程序中分割或修剪视频(split or trim a video in Windows Photos or Video Editor app)吗?如果不是这样,知道您可以在“照片(Photos)”应用程序中从视频中剪掉一部分,这一定会让您感到惊喜。在本教程中,我将向您展示在不使用任何外部第三方工具的情况下修剪照片中视频长度的步骤。(Photos)您可以从视频中修剪单个部分,也可以修剪视频的多个部分,然后将它们保存到一个视频文件中。我将详细讨论这两种方法。所以,让我们结帐吧!
请参阅:(See:) 如何在照片应用中合并视频。(How to merge videos in Photos app.)
如何使用Windows 照片(Windows Photos)应用修剪视频
- 启动照片应用程序
- 使用Import文件夹导入视频
- 打开要拆分的视频
- 点击(Click)使用此视频获得(Get)创意
- 接下来,单击修剪选项
- 最后,执行所需的操作。
启动照片应用程序,使用(Photos)导入( Import)功能导入保存输入视频的文件夹,然后选择并打开要拆分的视频。您还可以从现有收藏中打开视频。
现在,您需要单击顶部工具栏上显示的此视频的按钮名称“获取创意”。(Get creative with this video)然后,只需点击修剪(Trim)选项。
您可以播放修剪后的视频以检查输出。如果视频很好,请单击保存副本(Save a copy)按钮以导出修剪后的视频。
请参阅:(See:) 如何从照片应用程序中的图像创建视频(How to create video from images in Photos app)
(Trim)使用视频编辑器(Video Editor)应用修剪视频的多个部分
您还可以将视频拆分为多个部分,然后修剪每个部分的视频长度,然后将所有修剪后的视频导出到视频文件中。这可以使用照片应用程序中的集成(Photos)视频编辑器(Video Editor)工具来完成。只需(Simply)使用以下步骤即可使用此方法:
打开照片(Photos)应用程序并转到您的视频收藏。现在,单击“选择(Select)”选项,然后选择您需要修剪的视频。接下来(Next),单击New video > New video project选项。
所选视频将在视频编辑器(Video Editor)中打开。从这里,选择视频剪辑,然后单击拆分(Split)选项。
提示(TIP):使用这些免费工具去除照片瑕疵、缺陷、红眼。(Remove Photo Blemishes, Defects, Red eye)
最后,从时间轴中选择修剪过的视频,然后单击“完成视频(Finish Video)”选项。它将要求您选择输出视频质量(1080p、720p 或 540p)和硬件加速选项。
现在阅读:(Now read:)
- 如何使用 Windows 照片应用程序制作歌词视频(How to make a Lyrics Video using Windows Photos app)
- 如何使用 Windows 照片应用程序创建动态图像。
How to trim Videos using Windows Photos app Video Editor
Dіd you know that you can split or trim a video in Windows Photos or Video Editor app? If not, this must be pleasantly surprising for you to know that you can trim out a section from your video in the Photos app. In this tutorial, I will be showing you the steps to trim the length of a video in Photos without using any external third-party tool. You can trim a single part from a video or you can also trim multiple parts of a video and then save them into one single video file. I will be discussing both methods in detail. So, let’s checkout!
See: How to merge videos in Photos app.
How to trim a video using Windows Photos app
- Launch Photos app
- Use the Import folder to import the videos
- Open the video that you want to split
- Click on Get creative with this video
- Next, click on the Trim option
- Finally, carry out the desired operation.
To simply cut out a part from a long video clip using the Photos app, you can follow these steps to trim your video length in the Photos app:
Launch Photos app, import the folder where you have saved input videos using the Import feature, and then select and open a video that you want to split. You can also open a video from the existing collection.
Now, you need to click on the button name Get creative with this video which is present at the top toolbar. And then, simply tap on the Trim option.
Next, first, you have to select the start point of the video from where you want to split the video.
Simply drag the first white pin to the start time. After that, select the ending point to the video by dragging the second white pin.
You can play the trimmed video to check the output. If the video is fine, click on the Save a copy button to export the trimmed video.
The video will be processed for some time and it will be saved in AVI video format.
This method will create a trimmed video at your default location.
Now, what if you want to trim multiple parts of a video and then join them into a single video clip? No worries! The below method will help you do that.
See: How to create video from images in Photos app
Trim multiple parts of a video with Video Editor app
You can also split a video into several parts, then trim the video length of each part, and then export all trimmed videos to a video file. This can be done using the integrated Video Editor tool in the Photos app. Simply use the below steps to use this method:
Open the Photos app and go to your video collection. Now, click on the Select option and then choose the video you need to trim. Next, click on the New video > New video project option.
You will be prompted to name the new video project. Enter the name and then click on the OK button.
The selected video will open up in the Video Editor. From here, select the video clip and then click on the Split option.
Next, select the part of the video you want to split and then click on the Done button.
The two split video clips will be created and added to the timeline. Similarly, you can further split a video into more parts.
Now, you can further trim the length of the divided video clips as you desire by clicking on the Trim button. Select start and finish points and then click on the Done button.
Similarly, you can trim the length of other video clips that you had split previously. Preview the output from its main interface.
TIP: Remove Photo Blemishes, Defects, Red eye with these free tools.
Finally, select the trimmed videos from the timeline and then click on the Finish Video option. It will ask you to choose output video quality (1080p, 720p, or 540p) and hardware acceleration option.
Select the options accordingly and then tap on the Export option. And then, provide output location and filename to save the final video.
This will save a single video containing all trimmed parts of a video that you created previously.
That’s it!
Now read:
- How to make a Lyrics Video using Windows Photos app
- How to create a Living Image with Windows Photos App.