通过网络浏览器或从 iTunes 商店从网站下载歌曲是一种在 iPhone 上欣赏音乐的昂贵方式。或者,您可以将歌曲从光盘(Compact Disc)或 CD 传输到您的 iPhone、iPod 或 iPad。这种方法简单且免费(easy and free of cost)。对于希望欣赏自己喜欢的歌曲但又不想花一分钱的音乐爱好者来说,将它们从 CD 转移是最好的解决方案。以下是将音乐从 CD 导入 iPhone 的一些方法。随附的屏幕截图及其说明将使您清楚地了解该过程。

如何将音乐(Music)从 CD 传输到 iPhone
要记住的要点(Points to Remember)
- 如果您只想将选定的歌曲从 CD 复制到您的设备,请在导入歌曲时弹出的提示窗口中单击否。(No )
- 如果系统未连接到互联网,则会自动显示系统生成的歌曲名称。(system-generated name)但是,您可以从 CD 导入歌曲并在以后重命名文件(rename the files later)。
- iTunes 支持的所有歌曲都以 AAC 格式保存(saved in AAC format)。要将此格式更改为MP3或其他音频格式,请使用选项 2(use Option 2)。
- 从 CD 导入的音乐文件保存在与从 iTunes 商店购买歌曲时保存歌曲的位置相同的位置。(saved in the same location)
- 在某些国家,使用受 DRM 保护的光盘(use of Compact Disc protected by DRM)是非法的。确保(Make)您的国家允许使用受DRM 保护的光盘(DRM-protected Compact Disc);然后只尝试传输其内容。
如何将音乐从 CD 导入 iTunes(How to Import Music from CD to iTunes)
选项 1:复制所有音乐(Option 1: Copy All Music)
1. 将光盘(Compact Disc)放入计算机CD ROM中。
2.在菜单中搜索iTunes并点击它。(iTunes )
3. 打开iTunes后,单击屏幕上的CD 符号。(CD symbol)

4. 在弹出提示中,Would you like to import the CD <CD name> into your iTunes library?, 单击是(Yes),如下所示。

CD 中的所有歌曲都将复制到 iTunes 资料库。
选项 2:复制选定的歌曲(Option 2: Copy Selected Songs)
有一个搜索选项可以选择要复制到 iTunes 资料库的特定歌曲,而不是复制所有歌曲。这样做的方法如下:
1. 从iTunes中,选择您要复制的音乐,然后选择导入 CD。(Import CD.)
2. 转到导入设置,(Import Settings,)如图所示。

3. 选择Import Using选项到AAC Encoder或MP3或其他,然后单击OK。

等待(Wait)所选歌曲导入 iTunes 资料库。
将音乐导入 iTunes 后,请阅读下文了解如何将 CD 音乐传输到 iPhone。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复无法读取文件 iTunes Library.itl( Fix The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read)
方法一:使用iTunes App(Method 1: Use iTunes App)
传输音频-视频文件的最简单、最可靠的方法是Apple iTunes。
1.使用电缆将您的 iPhone(Connect your iPhone)、iPad 或 iPod 连接到您的计算机。
2. 接下来,单击您的设备(Device)。它在iTunes 主屏幕(iTunes Home Screen)上显示为一个小图标。
3. 您将在“设置”选项卡下看到一个名为“音乐”(Settings)的选项(Music )。点击它。
4. 在这里,选择同步音乐(Sync Music)选项,如图所示。

5. 选中标记为整个音乐库(Entire Music Library )或选定的播放列表、艺术家、专辑和流派的选项。(Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres.)
6. 最后,单击应用(Apply )将歌曲从 iTunes 库传输到 iPhone/iPod/iPad。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 iTunes 收到的无效响应(Fix Invalid Response Received iTunes)
方法 2: 使用 iPhone 传输工具(Method 2: Use iPhone Transfer Tool)
如果您发现上述过程耗时且难以遵循,那么您可以使用Dr.Fone – 电话管理器(Dr.Fone – Phone Manager)(iOS) 工具,它会产生相同的结果。该工具为 iPhone 用户提供了多种功能,他们可以通过这些功能将视频、音频、SMS、应用程序和其他多媒体内容从他们的计算机或 iTunes 传输到 iPhone/iPad/iPod。以下是使用 Dr. Fone 将音乐从 CD 传输到 iPhone 的方法:
1. 启动 iPhone传输工具(Transfer Tool)。
2.使用Apple数据(Apple)线(cable)将 iOS 设备(Plug the iOS device)插入系统。
3. 在主页(Home )选项卡下,单击将设备媒体传输到 iTunes(Transfer Device Media to iTunes),如图所示。

4. 默认情况下,将显示并选择 iTunes 库中所有可用的歌曲。单击(Click) 转移。(Transfer.)
5.将所有选定的歌曲传输到您的 iPhone 后,退出 Dr. Fone 。(Exit Dr. Fone)
方法三:使用 Syncios iOS 音乐管理器(Method 3: Use Syncios iOS Music Manager)
光盘(Compact Disc)中的歌曲通常以.cda 格式(.cda format)命名。Apple iOS 无法访问 .cda 格式。因此,建议先将此 .cda 格式翻录成易于访问的 .MP3 或AAC格式。使用Syncios iOS 音乐管理器(Syncios iOS Music Manager )是更好的选择,因为它还提供文件、照片、歌曲和视频的备份。Windows Media Player和Syncios Mobile Manager可用于将 CD 导入 iPhone,如下:
1. 将CD放入电脑的CD ROM。
2.通过搜索打开Windows Media Player ,如下图所示。(Windows Media Player )

3. 切换到图书馆(Library )模式。
4. 单击左侧面板中的CD。
5. 然后,单击Organize >选项( Options),如图所示。

6. 在翻录音乐(Rip Music )选项卡下,将翻录设置格式设置为MP3。

7.通过单击更改…来更改(Change…)保存歌曲的位置,(location where the songs will be saved)或将其保留为默认位置。
8. 单击Rip CD并等待该过程完成。
9. 打开歌曲传输和存储的文件夹。(Folder)
10.连接 iPhone(Connect iPhone) /iPad/iPod 并运行 Syncios iOS Manager(run Syncios iOS Manager)。
11. 转到媒体(Media )并单击导入(Import )按钮。
另请阅读(Also Read):修复 iTunes 自行打开(Fix iTunes Keeps Opening By Itself)
如何修复 iTunes 无法从 CD 导入的问题
(How to Fix iTunes won’t import from CD issue
在使用 iTunes 从 CD 复制歌曲时,您可能会遇到一些问题,例如 iTunes 无法从 CD 导入。这些问题及其解决方案已在下文讨论。
问题 1:iTunes 无法识别 CD(Issue 1: iTunes does not Recognize the CD)
当您将 CD 插入计算机时,有时 iTunes 无法识别它并且不允许弹出 iTunes 窗口。在这种情况下,
1.退出iTunes(Exit iTunes)。
2. 转到Program Files并双击iTunes。exe从这里启动它。

注意:(Note:) 避免(Avoid)借助系统上的快捷方式(shortcut)打开 iTunes 。
完成这些步骤后,检查 iTunes 是否可以识别 CD。如果是,则删除系统上的快捷方式(remove the shortcut)并创建一个新的(create a new one)。
问题 2:iTunes 导入 CD 需要很长时间(Issue 2: iTunes takes a long time to Import CD)
如果 iTunes 需要很长时间才能识别 CD,修改纠错设置将有助于解决 iTunes 无法从 CD 导入的问题。
1. 单击Edit > Preferences,如图所示。

2. 在常规(General)选项卡下,单击导入设置(Import Settings),如突出显示的那样。

3A。如果未选中标题为“读取音频 CD 时使用纠错(Use error correction when reading Audio CDs)”的框,请选中它。

3b。如果已选中,请取消选中(uncheck it),然后导入文件。
问题 3:导入歌曲时遇到问题(Issue 3: Trouble in Importing Songs)
1. 检查所有设备软件是否更新(device software is updated)到最新版本。
2. 检查制造商网站上的驱动程序更新。( driver updates)
3. 如果您的系统支持多个 CD 驱动器,请尝试将 CD 放入另一个驱动器(try placing the CD in another drive)。
4.用干布清洁 CD(Clean the CD),稍后再试。
这就是您可以将音乐从 CD 传输到 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod(how you can transfer music from CD to iPhone, iPad, or iPod)的方法。我们希望本指南能帮助您将音乐从 CD 导入 iPhone。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Transfer Music from CD to iPhone
Downloading songs from websites via a web browser or from the iTunes store is an еxpensive way of enjoying mυsic on yоur iPhone. Alternatively, you can transfer songs from Compact Disc or CD to your iPhone, iPod, or iPad. This method is easy and free of cost. For music lovers who wish to enjoy their favorite songs but do not want to spend a single penny, transferring them from a CD is the best solution. Here are some methods to import music from CD to iPhone. The screenshots attached, along with their explanation, will give you a clear understanding of the process.

How to Transfer Music from CD to iPhone
Points to Remember
- If you wish to copy only selected songs from CD to your device, click on No in the prompt window that pops up when you import the songs.
- If the system is not connected to the internet, a system-generated name will be displayed for songs automatically. However, you can import the songs from a CD and rename the files later.
- All the songs supported by iTunes are saved in AAC format. To change this format to MP3 or other audio formats, use Option 2.
- The music files you have imported from the CD are saved in the same location where the songs are saved when you buy them from the iTunes store.
- In some countries, the use of Compact Disc protected by DRM is illegal. Make sure your country allows the use of DRM-protected Compact Disc; then only try to transfer its contents.
How to Import Music from CD to iTunes
Option 1: Copy All Music
1. Place the Compact Disc into the computer CD ROM.
2. Search for iTunes in the menu and click on it.
3. Once you open iTunes, click on the CD symbol on the screen.

4. On the pop-up prompt, Would you like to import the CD <CD name> into your iTunes library?, Click on Yes, as highlighted below.

All the songs present in the CD will be copied to the iTunes library.
Option 2: Copy Selected Songs
There is a search option to select specific songs you want to copy to the iTunes library instead of copying all of them. Here’s how to do so:
1. From iTunes, select the music you want to copy and select Import CD.
2. Go to Import Settings, as shown.

3. Choose the Import Using option to AAC Encoder or MP3 or others, and click OK.

Wait until the selected songs are imported to the iTunes library.
After importing music to iTunes, read below to learn how to transfer CD music to iPhone.
Also Read: Fix The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read
Method 1: Use iTunes App
The easiest and most reliable method to transfer audio-video files is Apple iTunes.
1. Connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to your computer using its cable.
2. Next, click on your Device. It is displayed as a small icon on the iTunes Home Screen.
3. You will see an option titled Music under the Settings tab. Click on it.
4. Here, select the Sync Music option, as depicted.

5. Check the option marked Entire Music Library or Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres.
6. Lastly, click on Apply to transfer the songs from the iTunes library to iPhone/iPod/iPad.
Wait till all the songs are transferred; then enjoy listening to your favorite tunes!
Also Read: Fix Invalid Response Received iTunes
Method 2: Use iPhone Transfer Tool
If you find the above process to be time-consuming and difficult to follow, then you can use Dr.Fone – Phone Manager (iOS) tool which produces the same result. The tool offers multiple features to iPhone users through which they can transfer video, audio, SMS, applications, and other multimedia content from their computer or iTunes to iPhone/iPad/iPod. Here’s how to transfer music from CD to iPhone using Dr. Fone:
1. Launch the iPhone Transfer Tool.
2. Plug the iOS device into the system using an Apple cable.
3. Under the Home tab, click on Transfer Device Media to iTunes, as illustrated.

4. All the songs available in the iTunes library will be displayed and selected, by default. Click Transfer.
Note: You can choose to uncheck certain songs and transfer checked songs only.
5. Exit Dr. Fone once all the selected songs have been transferred to your iPhone.
Method 3: Use Syncios iOS Music Manager
The songs in Compact Disc are usually named in .cda format. Apple iOS cannot access .cda format. Therefore, it is recommended to rip this .cda format into easily accessible .MP3 or AAC format first. Using Syncios iOS Music Manager is the better option since it also offers a backup of files, photos, songs, and videos. Windows Media Player and Syncios Mobile Manager can be used to import CD to iPhone, as follows:
1. Put the CD into the CD ROM of the computer.
2. Open Windows Media Player by searching for it as illustrated below.

3. Switch to the Library mode.
4. Click on CD from the left panel.
5. Then, click on Organize > Options, as illustrated.

6. Under the Rip Music tab, set the Rip setting format to MP3.

7. Either change the location where the songs will be saved by clicking on Change… or leave it to the default location.
8. Click on Rip CD and wait for the process to be completed.
9. Open the Folder where the songs were transferred & stored.
10. Connect iPhone/iPad/iPod and run Syncios iOS Manager.
11. Go to Media and click on the Import button.
You can enjoy listening to these, whenever you want.
Also Read: Fix iTunes Keeps Opening By Itself
How to Fix iTunes won’t import from CD issue
While using iTunes for copying songs from CDs, you may encounter some issues such that iTunes won’t import from CD. These problems and their solutions have been discussed below.
Issue 1: iTunes does not Recognize the CD
When you insert a CD into the computer, sometimes iTunes fails to recognize it and does not allow the iTunes window to pop up. In this case,
1. Exit iTunes.
2. Go to Program Files and double-click on iTunes.exe to launch it from here.

Note: Avoid opening iTunes with the help of a shortcut on the system.
After following these steps, check whether iTunes recognizes the CD. If yes, then remove the shortcut on the system and create a new one.
Issue 2: iTunes takes a long time to Import CD
If iTunes takes a long time to recognize the CD, modifying error correction settings would help fix iTunes won’t import from CD issue.
1. Click on Edit > Preferences, as shown.

2. Under the General tab, click Import Settings, as highlighted.

3A. If the box titled Use error correction when reading Audio CDs is not selected, check it.

3b. If it is already checked, uncheck it and then, import files.
Issue 3: Trouble in Importing Songs
If you face trouble importing songs,
1. Check if all device software is updated to the latest version.
2. Check for driver updates on the manufacturer’s website.
3. If your system supports more than one CD drive, try placing the CD in another drive.
4. Clean the CD with a dry cloth and try again later.
This is how you can transfer music from CD to iPhone, iPad, or iPod. We hope that this guide helped you import music from CD to iPhone. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.