您(Did)是否刚购买了全新的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器,并且您想首次对其进行配置?您是否需要使用笔记本电脑或智能手机和Wi-Fi设置没有(Wi-Fi)以太网电缆的(Ethernet)TP-Link路由器?在这种情况下,我们已经为您提供保障。这是有关如何设置任何TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器的最完整指南,以便您可以尽快开始使用您的网络:
- 查找默认访问地址。它应该类似于tplinkwifi.net或192.168.0.1。
- 查找显示TP-Link路由器发出的无线网络频段名称的SSID字段。(SSID)
- 查找默认使用的无线密码或PIN 。
接下来,使用随附的电源适配器将路由器连接到电源。使用网线将TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器连接到调制解调器、路由器或互联网服务提供商 ( ISP ) 的网络。将此电缆插入路由器背面的WAN端口,该端口的颜色与其他(WAN)以太网(Ethernet)端口的颜色不同。在TP-Link Archer AX10上,WAN端口为蓝色。最后但同样重要的是,按下路由器背面的电源按钮将其打开。(Power)
在 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器上执行的第一步
查看TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器前面的LED 。(LEDs)等待(Wait)它们打开并稳定下来。互联网连接LED应以橙色或红色亮起,因为您的路由器无法连接到互联网。
查看 TP-Link 路由器上的LED(LEDs)是否已打开
将计算机、笔记本电脑、智能手机或平板电脑连接到 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的网络广播
使用电缆将您的 PC 连接到TP-Link路由器(TP-Link)
如果您没有网线,或者您更喜欢 Wi-Fi,请使用您的笔记本电脑连接到TP-Link路由器发出的无线网络。请参阅本指南前面提到的标签上的连接详细信息。如果您在连接无线网络时需要帮助,请阅读:如何从 Windows 10 连接到 WiFi(How to connect to WiFi from Windows 10)。
如果您更喜欢Android智能手机或 iPhone 等移动设备,请将您的设备连接到TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器的Wi-Fi广播。以下是帮助您的指南:如何将 Android 手机连接到 Wi-Fi 网络:3 种方式(How to connect an Android phone to a Wi-Fi network: 3 ways)。
现在您已连接到由 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器管理的网络,您可以对其进行设置。如果您使用的是台式 PC 或笔记本电脑,请打开 Web 浏览器并按照本指南的下一部分进行操作。如果您使用的是智能手机或平板电脑,请阅读专用于使用 TP-Link 的Tether应用程序设置路由器的部分。
如何从网络浏览器配置您的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器
在您的笔记本电脑或 PC 上,打开您喜欢的浏览器,然后转到地址tplinkwifi.net或192.168.0.1。这应该会加载 TP-Link 的设置向导,该向导首先要求您为路由器创建管理员密码。输入一个您会记住的密码(或至少将其写下来并保存在安全的地方),确认,然后按“让我们开始吧。(“Let’s Get Started.)” 此密码应至少包含六个字符,并且至少包含以下两种字符:字母、数字和符号。MyAdm1nPa$$的安全密码创意怎么样?我们建议此密码与您计划用于将所有人连接到Wi-Fi的密码不同。
为您的 TP-Link 路由器设置(Set)管理员密码
提示:(TIP:)如果设置页面没有加载,这意味着您的 TP-Link 路由器的 IP 地址与我们之前提到的不同。为了帮助您找到它,请阅读:如何找到路由器的 IP 地址?完整指南(How do I find my router's IP address? The complete guide)。您可能还想知道如何更改(change the language)TP-Link 路由器使用的语言。
在下一步中,您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器会要求您选择您所在的时区。这允许路由器将时间和相关设置同步到您的互联网服务提供商,并根据您的互联网服务提供商调整其设置您所在的地区及其法律要求。在时区(Time Zone)下拉列表中单击,选择适合您所在国家/地区的时区,然后按(Click)下一步(Next)。
为您的 TP-Link 路由器选择时区
TP-Link设置向导会要求您选择您拥有的互联网连接类型。如果您不知道,最好按自动检测(AUTO DETECT)并等待几秒钟。路由器应该可以很好地检测您的互联网连接类型。选择连接类型后,按Next。
- 静态 IP(Static IP) - 您需要提供TP-Link路由器用于连接互联网的 IP 地址、子网掩码、默认网关和DNS 服务器。(DNS servers)
- 动态 IP(Dynamic IP) - 路由器自动从您的ISP接收 IP 地址,并询问您是否希望它使用其默认MAC地址或自定义 MAC 地址。
- PPPoE - 您需要输入用于连接互联网的用户名和密码。您的ISP提供此信息。
- L2TP - 输入用于连接互联网的用户名和密码。您还需要输入VPN 服务器 IP(VPN Server IP)或域名(Domain Name)。您的 ISP 可以与您共享此信息。
- PPTP - 输入用于连接互联网的用户名和密码。检查您使用的是动态(Dynamic)IP还是静态 IP(Static IP),并输入VPN 服务器 IP(VPN Server IP)或域名(Domain Name)。您的ISP提供此信息。
现在是时候个性化您的 TP-Link 路由器上的无线设置了。默认情况下,路由器启用Smart Connect功能,该功能对 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz频段使用相同的网络名称。虽然这对大多数人来说很容易使用,但您可能希望将两个频段中的每个频段上的Wi-Fi网络广播分开。如果您也是这种情况,请取消选中Smart Connect复选框。
选中“单独设置每个频段”(“Set Each Band Separately,”)框,您可以单独在每个频段上设置Wi-Fi。输入(Enter)您要用于 2.4 GHz频段的网络名称以及人们将用于连接到该频段的密码。然后,对 5 GHz频段执行相同操作,然后按Next。
单独设置每个 Wi-Fi 频段
注意:(NOTE:)您可以为每个频段设置不同的网络名称和密码。但是,为简单起见,您可能只想使用不同的网络名称来区分每个频段,并在两者上使用相同的密码。再次确保Wi-Fi密码与路由器的管理员密码不同。如果它们相同,任何可以访问您的Wi-Fi的人都可以最轻松地破解或更改您的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器设置。
按下Next后,TP-Link会询问您是否要登录并将您的路由器绑定到您的TP-Link ID,以便您可以使用他们的移动Tether应用程序远程管理您的网络。如果需要,请输入与您的TP-Link ID关联的电子邮件地址和密码,或按注册(Sign Up)并立即创建一个免费帐户。
将 TP-Link ID 添加到您的路由器
TP-Link 路由器上的固件
但更多关于这一点以及如何在即将发布的指南中微调 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的所有设置。目前,您的网络已启动并正在运行,您可以将所有设备连接到它。
如何使用Tether移动应用程序配置您的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器
设置 TP-Link 路由器的另一种方法是使用Tether 移动应用程序(Tether mobile app),该应用程序可免费用于Android和 iOS。将它安装在您的智能手机上,将智能手机连接到TP-Link路由器发出的Wi-Fi,然后打开Tether应用程序。几秒钟后,它应该会检测到您的 TP-Link 路由器的确切型号。点击路由器的名称。
点击您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的名称
如果应用程序说它检测到通常列为TP-Link 路由器(TP-Link Router)的未知设备,您应该再试一次。此外,请确保您已连接到要设置的路由器发出的Wi-Fi ,而不是其他路由器。(Wi-Fi)
为您的 TP-Link 路由器创建管理员密码
您必须选择互联网连接类型。这个选择是整个设置过程中最重要的。如果您不知道确切的连接类型,可以按自动检测(Auto Detect)并让TP-Link路由器为您检测。然后,点击下一步(Next)。
输入(Enter)必要的信息以将您的TP-Link Wi-Fi 6路由器连接到互联网。这是您必须输入的信息,具体取决于 Internet 连接类型:
- 静态 IP(Static IP) - 您需要提供IP 地址、子网掩码(IP address, subnet masks)、默认网关和 DNS 服务器。
- 动态 IP(Dynamic IP) - 路由器自动从您的ISP接收 IP 地址,并询问您是否希望它使用其默认MAC 地址(MAC address)或自定义 MAC 地址。
- PPPoE - 您需要输入用于连接互联网的用户名和密码。
- L2TP - 输入用于连接互联网的用户名和密码,以及VPN 服务器 IP(VPN Server IP)或域名(Domain Name)。
- PPTP - 输入用于连接互联网的用户名和密码。检查您使用的是动态(Dynamic)IP还是静态 IP(Static IP),然后输入VPN 服务器 IP(VPN Server IP)或域名(Domain Name)。
首先,您需要在路线上设置 2.4 GHz无线频段。(GHz)输入(Enter)要用于Wi-Fi的网络名称和密码,然后点击下一步(Next)。
(Set)在 TP-Link 路由器上设置2.4 GHz频段(GHz)
接下来,系统会要求您设置 5 GHz频段。再次(Again)输入网络名称和密码,然后点击下一步(Next)。您可以使用与 2.4 GHz(GHz)频段相同的密码,但最好使用不同的网络名称来区分这两个频段。
在 TP-Link 路由器上设置(Set)5GHz 频段
您的智能手机现在与TP-Link路由器发出的Wi-Fi断开连接,因为路由器现在使用不同的网络名称和密码。在您的智能手机上,再次连接到Wi-Fi,这次使用您之前设置的网络名称和密码。完成后,返回Tether应用程序并按“我已连接”。(“I’m connected.”)
在设置向导结束时,系统会询问您是否要将TP-Link ID绑定到您的路由器,以便您可以从 Internet 上的任何位置远程管理它,即使您的智能手机未连接到您的Wi-Fi . 如果您按下Bind Now,您将被要求输入您的登录信息或立即注册并创建一个免费的TP-Link ID。
选择(Choose)将您的路由器绑定到TP-Link ID
如果您不想这样做,请按Cancel,然后您就完成了初始设置。您现在可以使用Tether应用程序设置 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的其他方面。您还可以将所有计算机和设备连接到网络。
适用于 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的Tether应用程序
享受(Enjoy)使用您的 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器的乐趣!
您是否(Did)按照您想要的方式设置了 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 路由器?
现在您的 TP-Link 路由器已启动并运行,您可以将所有设备连接到网络。在结束本教程之前,请告诉我们您喜欢哪种设置方法:您是否在 PC 上使用了 Web 浏览器?还是智能手机上的Tether移动应用程序?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
2 ways to set up your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router -
Did you just buy a brand new TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router and you want to configure it for the fіrst tіme? Do you need to set up a TP-Link router without an Ethernet cable, usіng a laptop or a smartphone and Wі-Fi? In that cаse, we’ve got уou covered. Here’s the most complete guіde on how to set up any TP-Lіnk Wi-Fi 6 router, so that you can start using your network as fast as pоssible:
Before you start the setup process, do this first:
If you just bought a new TP-Link router, or you received it from someone else, look on the bottom for a sticker with technical details:
- Look for the default access address. It should be something like tplinkwifi.net or
- Look for the SSID fields that show you the names of the wireless network bands emitted by the TP-Link router.
- Look for the wireless password or PIN that is used by default.
See the Wi-Fi details on the bottom of your TP-Link router
Write down those details, as they will be helpful during the setup process. You should also know the internet connection details from your internet provider: the type of internet connection you have, any necessary username and password, and other connection details.
Next, take your router and connect it to a power source, using the power adapter that’s bundled with it. Use a network cable to connect your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router to the modem, router or the network of your internet service provider (ISP). Plug this cable into the WAN port on the back of your router, which has a different color than the other Ethernet ports. On a TP-Link Archer AX10, the WAN port is colored in blue. Last but not least, push the Power button on the back of the router to turn it on.
The first steps to perform on your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router
Look at the LEDs on the front of your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router. Wait for them to turn on and become stable. The internet connection LED should light up in orange or red because your router can’t connect to the internet.
See whether the LEDs are turned on on your TP-Link router
Connect the computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet to the network broadcast by your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router
If you have a desktop computer or a laptop that you plan to use for the setup of your TP-Link router, you may want to connect it to your router by plugging a network cable in one of the available Ethernet ports.
Connect your PC to the TP-Link router using a cable
If you don’t have a network cable, or you prefer Wi-Fi, use your laptop to connect to the wireless network emitted by the TP-Link router. See the connection details found on the sticker mentioned earlier in this guide. If you need help connecting to wireless networks, read: How to connect to WiFi from Windows 10.
If you prefer a mobile device such as an Android smartphone or an iPhone, connect your device to the Wi-Fi broadcast by the TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router. Here is a guide to help you with that: How to connect an Android phone to a Wi-Fi network: 3 ways.
Connect to the Wi-Fi on your smartphone
Now that you are connected to the network managed by your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router, you can set it up. If you are using a desktop PC or a laptop, open a web browser and follow the next section from this guide. If you are using a smartphone or a tablet, read the section dedicated to using TP-Link’s Tether app for setting up your router.
How to configure your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router from a web browser
On your laptop or PC, open your favorite browser, and go to the address tplinkwifi.net or This should load TP-Link’s setup wizard, which starts by asking you to create an administrator password for your router. Enter a password that you will remember (or at least write it down and keep it somewhere safe), confirm it, and press “Let’s Get Started.” This password should have at least six characters and contain at least two types of the following characters: letters, numbers, and symbols. How about MyAdm1nPa$$ for a safe password idea? We recommend this password to be different from the one you plan to use to connect everybody to the Wi-Fi.
Set up the admin password for your TP-Link router
TIP: If the setup page doesn’t load, it means your TP-Link router has a different IP address than the one we mentioned earlier. To help you find it, read: How do I find my router's IP address? The complete guide. You may also want to know how to change the language used by your TP-Link router.
At the next step, your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router asks you to select the time zone you’re in. This allows the router to synchronize the time and related settings to your internet service provider and also adjust its settings based on the area you are in and its legal requirements. Click inside the Time Zone drop-down list, choose the appropriate zone for your country, and press Next.
Select the time zone for your TP-Link router
The TP-Link setup wizard asks you to select the internet connection type that you have. If you don’t know it, it is a good idea to press AUTO DETECT and wait for a couple of seconds. The router should do a good job at detecting your internet connection type. After the connection type is selected, press Next.
Select the internet connection type
Depending on the internet connection type, you may need to enter additional information that the TP-Link router then uses to connect to the internet:
- Static IP - you need to provide the IP address, subnet masks, default gateway, and DNS servers that the TP-Link router should use to connect to the internet.
- Dynamic IP - the router automatically receives an IP address from your ISP, and it asks if you want it to use its default MAC address or a custom one.
- PPPoE - you need to enter the username and password used to connect to the internet. Your ISP provides this information.
- L2TP - enter the username and password used to connect to the internet. You also need to enter the VPN Server IP or Domain Name. Your ISP can share with you this information.
- PPTP - enter the username and password used to connect to the internet. Check whether you are using a Dynamic or Static IP, and enter the VPN Server IP or Domain Name. Your ISP provides this information.
When you are done entering the information requested from you, press Next.
Enter the internet connection information
Now it is time to personalize the wireless settings on your TP-Link router. By default, the router enables the Smart Connect feature that uses the same network name for both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. While this is easy to use for most people, you may want to separate the Wi-Fi networks broadcast on each of the two bands. If that is the case for you too, uncheck the Smart Connect checkbox.
Personalize the wireless settings on the TP-Link router
Check the box that says “Set Each Band Separately,” and you can set up the Wi-Fi on each band individually. Enter the network name you want to use for the 2.4 GHz band and the password that people will use to connect to it. Then, do the same for the 5 GHz band, and press Next.
Set up each Wi-Fi band individually
NOTE: You can set up different network names and passwords for each band. However, for simplicity, you may just want to use different network names to tell each band apart and the same password on both. Again, make sure that the Wi-Fi password is not the same as the administrator password for your router. If they are the same, anyone with access to your Wi-Fi can hack or change your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router settings with maximum ease.
After you have set up the wireless settings, the TP-Link router tests whether it can connect to the internet. If the test is successful, the router checks for firmware updates, and if it finds any, asks you to upgrade. If you follow this recommendation, expect the upgrade to take a couple of minutes and wait for your router to reboot. Then, the setup wizard displays a summary of your settings.
A summary of your settings
IMPORTANT: If the internet connection test is not successful, the setup process fails. The TP-Link router asks you to try the same test again or go back to the step where you choose the internet connection type. If that happens, make sure that all cables are correctly connected to the router and that you enter accurate internet connection information. If you are unsure of this, it is a good idea to connect the tech support service provided by your ISP, TP-Link, or both.
After you press Next, TP-Link asks if you want to log in and bind your router to your TP-Link ID, so that you can manage your network remotely using their mobile Tether app. If you want that, enter the email address and password associated with your TP-Link ID, or press Sign Up and create a free account right away.
Add a TP-Link ID to your router
The initial setup is now finally over, and you can see your router’s firmware settings and change other aspects of its functioning.
The firmware on your TP-Link router
But more on that and how to fine-tune all the settings of your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router in an upcoming guide. For now, your network is up and running, and you can connect all your devices to it.
How to configure your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router using the Tether mobile app
Another way to set up your TP-Link router is from the Tether mobile app available for free for both Android and iOS. Install it on your smartphone, connect the smartphone to the Wi-Fi emitted by the TP-Link router, and then open the Tether app. After a couple of seconds, it should detect the exact model of your TP-Link router. Tap on the router’s name.
Tap on the name of your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router
If the app says that it has detected an unknown device listed generically as a TP-Link Router, you should try again. Also, make sure that you are connected to the Wi-Fi emitted by the router you want to set up and not to another.
Then, you are asked to create a password to manage the TP-Link router. The password must have at least six characters and include letters, numbers, or special characters. Type the password, confirm it, and then tap Create.
Create the admin password for your TP-Link router
You must select the internet connection type. This choice is the most important of the whole setup process. If you don’t know your exact connection type, you can press Auto Detect and have the TP-Link router detect it for you. Then, tap Next.
Choose your internet connection type
Enter the necessary information to connect your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router to the internet. This is the information that you must enter, depending on the internet connection type:
- Static IP - you need to provide the IP address, subnet masks, default gateway, and DNS servers.
- Dynamic IP - the router automatically receives an IP address from your ISP, and it asks if you want it to use its default MAC address or a custom one.
- PPPoE - you need to enter the username and password used to connect to the internet.
- L2TP - enter the username and password used to connect to the internet, as well as the VPN Server IP or Domain Name.
- PPTP - enter the username and password used to connect to the internet. Check whether you are using a Dynamic or Static IP and enter the VPN Server IP or Domain Name.
When you are done entering the requested details, tap Next.
Enter the internet connection information
First, you are asked to set up the 2.4 GHz wireless band on your route. Enter the network name and the password you want to use for the Wi-Fi, and tap Next.
Set up the 2.4 GHz band on your TP-Link router
Next, you are asked to set up the 5 GHz band. Again, type a network name and password, and tap Next. You can use the same password as for the 2.4 GHz band, but it is better if you use a different network name to tell the two bands apart.
Set up the 5GHz band on your TP-Link router
You are shown a summary of your settings. Press Apply and the TP-Link router starts using them.
Confirm and apply your settings
Your smartphone is now disconnected from the Wi-Fi emitted by the TP-Link router because the router now uses a different network name and password. On your smartphone, connect to the Wi-Fi again, this time using the network name and password that you have set earlier. When done, go back to the Tether app and press “I’m connected.”
What to do to continue the setup process
The Tether app tests your network connection and, if the router was able to connect to the internet without problems, you are shown a Congratulations message. Tap Finish.
The Tether app confirms everything works well
NOTE: If the network connection test is successful, the router also checks for firmware updates, and if it finds any, asks you to upgrade. If you follow this recommendation, expect the upgrade to take a couple of minutes and wait for your router to reboot.
At the end of the setup wizard, you are asked whether you want to bind a TP-Link ID to your router, so that you can manage it remotely from anywhere on the internet, even when your smartphone is not connected to your Wi-Fi. If you press Bind Now, you are asked to enter your login information or sign up and create a free TP-Link ID right now.
Choose to bind your router to a TP-Link ID
If you don’t want this, press Cancel, and you are done with the initial setup. You can now use the Tether app to set up other aspects of your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router. You can also connect all your computers and devices to the network.
The Tether app for your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router
Enjoy using your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router!
Did you set up your TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router the way you wanted?
Now you have your TP-Link router up and running, and you can connect all your devices to the network. Before you close this tutorial, tell us which setup method you preferred: did you use a web browser on your PC? Or the Tether mobile app on your smartphone? Comment below and let’s discuss.