(Online acronyms)像SMH这样的(SMH)在线首字母缩略词是在线交流和消息传递日益增长的趋势的一部分。使用首字母缩略词旨在通过键入几个字符而不是完整的短语来节省您的时间,并帮助您更好地表达自己。实际上,如果您不知道常用首字母缩略词的含义,您将在Google上花费更长的时间来试图弄清楚您的朋友在文本中 使用SMH时的含义。(SMH)

什么是 SMH?(What Is SMH?)
SMH 代表摇头(shaking my head)或摇头(shake my head)。根据上下文,它用于表达不赞成、沮丧、失望或不相信。最常用于文本或聊天中,当有人说或做了一些你不赞成的事情时,你正在寻找一种快速有效的方式来表达你的情绪。

当情况升级时,用户有时会选择这个首字母缩写词的更强版本。有时SMH可以用来表示愚蠢的人类(stupid minded humans),以及如此多的仇恨(so much hate)。尽管在这些情况下首字母缩略词背后的信息并没有太大变化。
SMH的另一个流行变体是SMDH。它代表摇头(shaking my damn head),基本上是原始首字母缩写词的更具表现力的版本。
使用示例(Examples of Use)

您很可能会在朋友的短信或群聊中看到使用SMH 。但是,它也经常在Twitter、Instagram、Facebook和Snapchat等社交媒体网络上用作#SMH。

有时, SMH后面会跟着一个手掌表情符号(emoji)——一个人将一只手按在他们的头上。两者都用于表达对别人的言行感到沮丧、怀疑或尴尬。

您还可以找到SMH用作YouTube 视频标题或缩略图(YouTube video title or thumbnails)的一部分。这是一种让观众了解您对视频中提出的问题的立场的快速方法,而不会让您的标题行超载。
SMH 的由来(The Origin of SMH)
很难追溯到SMH的确切来源。尽管它似乎在 2000 年代初首次出现在Urban Dictionary上。(Urban Dictionary)它与facepalm(facepalm)大约在同一时间开始在网上传播,但最终SMH赢得了比赛,并且现在比前者更广泛地使用。

SMH遵循与互联网上所有其他趋势相同的路径。它的第一次出现很可能发生在某个论坛或聊天网站上。然后它被制作成模因,然后用于人们在消息应用程序(messaging apps)上相互发送的GIF(GIFs),直到它最终成为社交网络上使用的流行标签。今天,人们有时仍会在文本中使用SMH,尽管它经常被替换为掌上表情符号。

如何使用 SMH(How to Use SMH)
在短信中使用 SMH(Use SMH in Texting)
使用 SMH(Use SMH)来回应他人的行为、特定情况或发生的事件。如果您觉得找不到合适的词来表达您的情绪,例如难以置信或沮丧,那么这也是使用SMH的正确时间和地点。

- SMH。单独使用并在所有大写字母中使用以表达您的情绪。
- 嗯(smh)。小写字母通常表示较低级别的重要性。一种随意的方式来随意使用首字母缩写词,而无需立即引起注意。
- SMH在短语/消息的末尾。因为当您仍然需要阐明您对这个人或情况的问题时。不像单独使用SMH那样强大。
- SMHS。因为当您不希望给人以攻击性或情绪化而是友好和俏皮的印象时,您可以使用代表摇头微笑的(shaking my head smiling)SMHS。
- SMDH。为了获得最大效果,您可以使用SMDH,它代表摇头(shaking my damn head)。
将 SMH 用作 GIF 或表情符号(Use SMH as GIFs or Emojis)

如果您的主要沟通渠道包括社交媒体网站,您可能希望以有趣的GIF或表情符号的形式使用SMH 。由于GIPHY等工具现在已集成到大多数社交媒体应用程序中,因此可以轻松搜索并选择合适的 GIF(select a suitable GIF)来附加到您的消息中。
您对在线俚语了解多少?(How Well Do You Know Your Online Slang?)
你以前遇到过SMH吗?您必须通过Google 搜索(Google)在线使用的其他哪些首字母缩略词才能理解它们背后的含义?在下面的评论中与我们分享您对在线俚语的体验。
What Does SMH Mean (And How to Use It)
Online acronyms like SMH are a part of a growing trend in online communication and messaging. Using acronyms is meant to save you time by typing a few characters instead of a full phrase and help you express yourself better. In reality, if you don’t know the meaning of the common acronyms, you’ll spend longer on Google trying to figure out what your friend meant when they used SMH in a text.
With the rise of instant messaging apps, you can expect more of the short abbreviations like GG, NSFW, and HMU pop up all over the internet. Start by learning what SMH means and how to use it before it catches you off guard.

What Is SMH?
SMH stands for shaking my head or shake my head. It’s used to express disapproval, frustration, disappointment, or disbelief, depending on the context. Most commonly it’s used in texts or chat when someone says or does something you don’t approve of, and you’re looking for a quick and efficient way to express your emotions.

When the situation escalates, users sometimes pick a stronger version of this acronym. Sometimes SMH can be used to mean stupid minded humans, and so much hate. Although the message behind the acronym doesn’t change much in these cases.
Another popular variation of SMH is SMDH. It stands for shaking my damn head and is basically a more expressive version of the original acronym.
Examples of Use

You’ll most likely see SMH used in a text from a friend or in a group chat. However, it’s also often used on social media networks like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat as #SMH.

Sometimes SMH is followed by a facepalm emoji – with a person pressing a hand against their head. Both are used to express frustration, disbelief, or embarrassment by someone else’s words or actions.

You can also find SMH used as a part of a YouTube video title or thumbnails. It’s a quick way to let viewers know your position on the issue raised in the video without overloading your title line.
The Origin of SMH
It’s difficult to trace back to exactly where SMH came from. Though it seems like it first appeared on Urban Dictionary in the early 2000s. It began spreading online around the same time as facepalm but eventually SMH won the race and is more widely used now than the former.

SMH followed the same path as every other trend on the internet. Its first appearance most likely took place on some forum or a chat website. It was then made into memes, then used in GIFs that people sent each other on messaging apps, until it finally became a popular hashtag used on social networks. Today people still sometimes use SMH in texts, though it’s often replaced with the facepalm emoji.

How to Use SMH
If you want to start using SMH in your daily communications, there are a few different ways to go about it. Your choice will mainly depend on your communication style and the app or network that you use to chat.
Use SMH in Texting
If you’re someone who mostly uses instant messaging apps for day-to-day communication, you can start using the SMH acronym in its original text form. Make sure you only use it when the situation calls for it, otherwise people might get annoyed at your sudden change of communication style.
Use SMH in response to another person’s actions, a certain situation, or an event that took place. If you feel like you can’t find the right words to express your emotions like disbelief, or frustration, it’s also the right time and place to use SMH.

As for the right form of the acronym, there aren’t any strict rules as to what it should look like exactly. Here are some variations:
- SMH. Used on its own and in all upper-case letters to empathize your emotions.
- smh. Lower-case letters usually indicate a lower level of importance. A casual way to throw the acronym around without demanding immediate attention.
- SMH in the end of the phrase/message. For when you still need to articulate what your problem with the person or the situation is. Doesn’t come across as strong as SMH used on its own.
SMH isn’t always used in its original form. Sometimes users add more letters to express a certain attitude. Here are some of the popular variations of the acronym:
- SMHS. For when you’re not looking to come across as aggressive or emotional but rather friendly and playful, you can use SMHS which stands for shaking my head smiling.
- SMDH. For maximum effect, you can use SMDH which stands for shaking my damn head.
Use SMH as GIFs or Emojis

If your primary communication channels include social media sites, you might want to use SMH in a form of a funny GIF or emoji instead. Since tools like GIPHY are now integrated into most social media apps, it’s easy to search and select a suitable GIF to attach to your message.
The right GIF can help you communicate complicated feelings that are difficult to express using language, all with zero time wasted.
How Well Do You Know Your Online Slang?
SMH isn’t the only online acronym out there that can leave you puzzled when you see it in a text. Whether you choose to use it in your daily communication or not, knowing your online slang can help you communicate with people who come from different backgrounds, ages, and education levels.
Have you come across SMH before? What other acronyms used online have you had to Google to understand the meaning behind them? Share your experience with online slang with us in the comments below.