硬件虚拟化(Hardware Virtualization),也称为平台(Platform)、服务器(Server)虚拟化,是将计算机虚拟化为完整的硬件平台。在这篇文章中,我们将向您展示如何通过BIOS设置在Windows 11/10硬件虚拟化。(Hardware Virtualization)

Windows 11/10中禁用或启用硬件虚拟化
虽然最新的 PC 支持硬件虚拟化,但并非所有计算机供应商都在出厂时启用此功能。 如果选项可用,该设置可能称为 VT-x、 AMD-V、 SVM、Vanderpool、Intel VT-d 或 AMD IOMMU 。
如果您无法在BIOS中找到(BIOS)虚拟化(Virtualization)设置,则可能意味着您的 PC 不支持它。不过,您可以检查您的 Windows 10 PC 是否支持 HAV。
如果您的计算机在操作系统加载之前没有提供任何访问其BIOS的选项,那么它可能会使用 UEFI。在基于 UEFI 的计算机上,在操作系统加载之前通常没有按钮按下提示。相反,您将从操作系统中访问这些设置。
对于Windows系统;在Windows中单击重新启动(Restart)时按住Shift键直接重新启动到该菜单。要访问UEFI 固件设置(UEFI Firmware Settings),请单击疑难解答(Troubleshoot)磁贴,选择高级选项(Advanced Options),然后选择UEFI 固件设置(UEFI Firmware Settings)。之后单击重新启动(Restart)选项,您的计算机将重新启动到其UEFI固件设置屏幕。
不同的 MOBO(Different MOBOs)使用不同的BIOS配置 - 因此要在 Windows 10 设备上启用或禁用硬件辅助虚拟化(Hardware Assisted Virtualization)( HAV ),您可以查看以下部分,了解最常见的计算机制造商列表以及有关访问每个 PC 制造商的BIOS设置的信息.
最常见的是:F2 或删除。
在较旧的计算机上: F1 或组合键CTRL+ALT+ESC。
- 打开 系统(ON) 。
- 在启动 BIOS Setup(startup BIOS Setup)时按 F2 键。
- 按向右箭头键进入 系统配置(System Configuration) 选项卡,选择 虚拟化技术(Virtualization Technology) ,然后按 Enter键。
- 选择 启用(Enabled) 并按 Enter 键。
- 按 F10 键并选择 是(Yes) ,然后按 Enter 键保存更改并 重新启动 (Reboot )到 Windows。
- 打开 系统(ON) 。
- 在启动 BIOS 设置时按 F2键。(F2)
- 按向右箭头键进入 高级 (Advanced )选项卡,选择 虚拟化技术(Virtualization Technology) ,然后按 Enter 键。
- 选择 启用(Enabled) 并按 Enter 键。
- 按 F10 键并选择 是(Yes) ,然后按 Enter 键保存更改并 重新启动 (Reboot )到 Windows。
较新的型号:屏幕上显示戴尔(Dell)徽标时按 F2 键。
或者:F1、删除(Delete)、F12或 F3。
- 打开 系统(ON) 。
- 在启动 BIOS 设置时按 F2键。(F2)
- 按向右箭头键进入 高级(Advanced) 选项卡,选择 虚拟化(Virtualization) ,然后按 Enter 键。
- 选择 启用(Enabled) 并按 Enter 键。
- 按 F10 键并选择 是(Yes) ,然后按 Enter 键保存更改并 重新启动 (Reboot )到 Windows。

最常见的是:F10 或 ESC。
或者:F1、F2、F6 或 F11
在 HP 平板电脑上:F10 或 F12
- 打开系统
- 启动时反复按 Esc 键。
- 按 F10 键进行 BIOS 设置。
- 按向右箭头键进入 系统配置(System Configuration) 选项卡,选择 虚拟化技术(Virtualization Technology) ,然后按 Enter 键。
- 选择 启用(Enabled) 并按 Enter 键。
- 按 F10 键并选择 Yes 并按 Enter 键保存更改并 重新启动(Reboot)。
最常见:F1 或 F2
在ThinkPad(Tablets/Convertibles/Notebooks )中启用VT-x:
- 打开(ON)系统电源 。
- 在Lenovo (Lenovo )启动屏幕期间按 Enter 或点击(Enter or Tap )触摸 屏。
- 按或点击 F1进入 BIOS 设置。
- 导航到 Security选项卡,然后在(Security)Virtualization 上按 Enter 。
- 选择 Intel (R) Virtualization Technology,按(Press) Enter , 选择 Enable 并按 Enter。
- 按 F10 。
- 在YES(YES)上按 Enter 以保存设置并启动到Windows。
- 打开(ON)系统电源 。
- 在Lenovo (Lenovo )启动屏幕期间 按 Enter 。
- 按 F1键进入 BIOS 设置。
- 导航到 Advanced选项卡,然后在(Advanced)CPU Setup 上按 Enter 。
- 选择Intel (R) Virtualization Technology,按(Press) Enter , 选择 Enable 并按 Enter。
- 按 F10。
- 在YES(YES)上按 Enter 以保存设置并启动到Windows。
索尼 VAIO:F2 或 F3
如果您的VAIO有ASSIST键,请在打开笔记本电脑电源时尝试按住它。如果您的Sony VAIO附带 Windows 8 ,这也适用。
- 在计算机完全关闭的情况下,按住 Assist 按钮直到出现黑色VAIO屏幕。
注意:(Note: )辅助(Assist)按钮的位置 会因计算机型号而异。请参阅计算机随附的操作说明, 了解您机型上“辅助(Assist)” 按钮的确切位置。
- 在 VAIOCare | Rescue Mode 屏幕上,按 向下箭头(Down Arrow) 键,直到 突出显示Start BIOS setup [F2] 选项,然后按 Enter 键。
- 在 [BIOS 名称] 设置实用程序([BIOS Name] Setup Utility) 屏幕中,按右箭头键,直到 选择高级(Advanced) 选项卡。
- 在 Advanced 选项卡上,按向下箭头键,直到 选择Intel(R) Virtualization Technology ,然后按 Enter 键。
- 使用箭头键选择 启用,(Enabled,) 然后按 Enter 键。
- 按右箭头键,直到 选择退出(Exit) 选项卡。
- 按向下箭头键,直到 选择退出设置(Exit Setup) ,然后按 Enter 键。
- 在“ 保存(Save)” 屏幕中,确认 已选择“是”(Yes) ,然后按 Enter 键。
最常见的是:F2 键。
或者:F1 和 ESC。
- 打开 系统(ON) 。
- 在启动 BIOS 设置时按 F2键。(F2)
- 按向右箭头键进入 高级 (Advanced )选项卡,选择 虚拟化技术(Virtualization Technology) ,然后按 Enter 键。
- 选择 启用(Enabled) 并按 Enter 键。
- 按 F10 键并选择 是(Yes) ,然后按 Enter 键保存更改并 重新启动 (Reboot )到 Windows。
接下来阅读:(Read next:)
- 固件中禁用了虚拟化支持(Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware)
- 查看您的计算机是否支持 Intel VT-X 或 AMD-V。
How to Disable or Enable Hardware Virtualization in Windows 11/10
Hardware Virtualization, also called Platform, Server virtualization is the virtualization of computers as complete hardware platforms. In this post, we will show you how to enable or disable Hardware Virtualization in Windows 11/10, via the BIOS settings.

Disable or Enable Hardware Virtualization in Windows 11/10
While most recent PCs support hardware virtualization, not all computer vendors enable this feature as shipped from the factory. The setting may be called VT-x, AMD-V, SVM, Vanderpool, Intel VT-d or AMD IOMMU if the options are available.
If you are unable to find the Virtualization settings in your BIOS it may mean that your PC does not support it. Nevertheless, you can check if your Windows 10 PC supports HAV.
If your computer doesn’t offer any options to access its BIOS before your OS loads then it is possible that it uses UEFI instead. On a UEFI-based computer, there is often no button press prompt before the OS loads. Instead, you will access these settings from within the OS.
For a Windows system; hold down the Shift key as you click Restart in Windows to reboot straight to that menu. To access the UEFI Firmware Settings, click the Troubleshoot tile, select Advanced Options, and select UEFI Firmware Settings. Click the Restart option afterward and your computer will reboot into its UEFI firmware settings screen.
Different MOBOs use different BIOS configurations – so to enable or disable Hardware Assisted Virtualization (HAV) on your Windows 10 device, you can see the sections below for a list of the most common computer manufacturers and information regarding accessing the BIOS settings for each PC manufacturer.
Most commonly: F2 or Delete.
On older computers: F1 or the key combination CTRL+ALT+ESC.
- Turn ON the System.
- Press F2 key at startup BIOS Setup.
- Press the right arrow key to System Configuration tab, Select Virtualization Technology and then press the Enter key.
- Select Enabled and press the Enter key.
- Press the F10 key and select Yes and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot into Windows.
Most commonly: F2.
Alternatively: Delete or Insert key, and less commonly F10.
- Turn ON the System.
- Press F2 key at startup BIOS Setup.
- Press the right arrow key to Advanced tab, Select Virtualization Technology and then press the Enter key.
- Select Enabled and press the Enter key.
- Press the F10 key and select Yes and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot into Windows.
Newer models: F2 key whilst Dell logo is on screen.
Alternatively: F1, Delete, F12, or F3.
Older models: CTRL+ALT+ENTER or Delete or Fn+ESC or Fn+F1.
- Turn ON the System.
- Press F2 key at startup BIOS Setup.
- Press the right arrow key to Advanced tab, Select Virtualization and then press the Enter key.
- Select Enabled and press the Enter key.
- Press the F10 key and select Yes and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot into Windows.

Most commonly: F10 or ESC.
Alternatively: F1, F2, F6, or F11
On HP Tablet PCs: F10 or F12
- Turn ON the System
- Repeatedly press Esc key at startup.
- Press the F10 key for BIOS Setup.
- Press the right arrow key to System Configuration tab, Select Virtualization Technology and then press the Enter key.
- Select Enabled and press the Enter key.
- Press the F10 key and select Yes and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot.
Most commonly: F1 or F2
Older hardware: the key combination CTRL+ALT+F3 or CTRL+ALT+INS or Fn+F1.
Enabling VT-x in ThinkPad (Tablets/Convertibles/Notebooks):
- Power ON the system.
- Press Enter or Tap the touch screen during Lenovo startup screen.
- Press or Tap F1 to enter into BIOS Setup.
- Navigate to Security tab, then press Enter on Virtualization.
- Select Intel(R) Virtualization Technology, Press Enter, choose Enable and press Enter.
- Press F10.
- Press Enter on YES to save the settings and boot into Windows.
Enabling VT-x in ThinkCentre (Desktops):
- Power ON the system.
- Press Enter during Lenovo startup screen.
- Press F1 key to enter into BIOS Setup.
- Navigate to the Advanced tab and press Enter on CPU Setup.
- Select Intel(R) Virtualization Technology, Press Enter, choose Enable and press Enter.
- Press F10.
- Press Enter on YES to save the settings and boot into Windows.
Sony VAIO: F2 or F3
Alternatively: F1
If your VAIO has an ASSIST key, try to press and hold it while you power on the laptop. This also works if your Sony VAIO came with Windows 8.
- With the computer turned completely off, press and hold the Assist button until the black VAIO screen appears.
Note: The location of the Assist button will be different depending on the computer model. Refer to the operating instructions supplied with the computer for the exact location of the Assist button on your model.
- At the VAIOCare | Rescue Mode screen, press the Down Arrow key until the Start BIOS setup [F2] option is highlighted, and then press the Enter key.
- In the [BIOS Name] Setup Utility screen, press the right-arrow key until the Advanced tab is selected.
- On the Advanced tab, press the down-arrow key until Intel(R) Virtualization Technology is selected and then press the Enter key.
- Use the arrow keys to select Enabled, and then press the Enter key.
- Press the right-arrow key until the Exit tab is selected.
- Press the down-arrow key until Exit Setup is selected and then press the Enter key.
- In the Save screen, verify Yes is selected and then press the Enter key.
Most commonly: F2 key.
Alternatively: F1 and ESC.
Toshiba Equium: F12
- Turn ON the System.
- Press F2 key at startup BIOS Setup.
- Press the right arrow key to Advanced tab, Select Virtualization Technology and then press the Enter key.
- Select Enabled and press the Enter key.
- Press the F10 key and select Yes and press the Enter key to save changes and Reboot into Windows.
Hope you find this post informative enough!
Read next:
- Virtualization support is disabled in the firmware
- Find if your computer supports Intel VT-X or AMD-V.