你的硬盘驱动器健康吗?这是一个需要回答的重要问题,因为随着时间的推移,硬盘驱动器会失去其质量,因此,手头有合适的工具可以让您知道该怎么做。在大多数情况下,当您的硬盘出现故障时, Windows 10不会提醒您。(Windows 10)在过去的几天里,我们一直在测试几个应用程序,看看哪个应用程序能够胜任确定硬盘驱动器何时失去光泽的任务。在我们的测试结束时,我们选择了 I sMyHdOK。
1] 测试类型

好的,为了您的信息,在测试您的硬盘驱动器是否有错误时,有几个选项。有Quick、Short、Long和 Very Long,最长的也没有那么长,因为完成任务只需要大约四分钟。

这是一个简单的操作,因此,任何人都应该能够在不到 10 分钟的时间内完成工作。
3] 截图

测试完全完成后,您可以通过截图与家人和朋友分享结果。您可以将屏幕截图(Screenshot)保存到文件中,它会请求保存到驱动器上的文件夹,或者将屏幕截图(Screenshot)到MS-Paint,图像将在Microsoft Paint中打开以供您编辑。

要查看更多选项,请单击最顶部的系统选项卡。(System)从那里,您将可以访问任务管理器(Task Manager)、优化驱动器的选项、磁盘管理(Disk Management)等。
您可以直接从官方网站(official website)下载IsMyHdOK。
其他免费软件来监控和检查硬盘健康(free software to Monitor & Check Hard Disk Health)是否有潜在故障:(Other free software to Monitor & Check Hard Disk Health for potential failure:)
希捷 SeaTools | 水晶圆盘标记(Crystal Disk Mark) | 高清调音(HD Tune) | Windows 表面扫描仪(Windows Surface Scanner) | 打开硬件监视器(Open Hardware Monitor)| 硬盘寿命 | 硬盘专家(HDD Expert)| 智能控制(GSmartControl)。
IsMyHdOK is a free Hard Disk Health Check software for Windows 10
Is your hard disk drive health OK? This is an importаnt question to answer because as time goes by, hard dіsk drives lose their quality, therefore, having the right tools on-hand could give you an idеa of what to do. In most casеs, Windows 10 will not alert you when your hard drive is acting up. In the past couple of days, we’ve been testing several apps tо see which one is up to the task of determining when a hard drive is losing its luster. At the end of our test, we chose to settle with IsMyHdOK.
With this program, users can check the performance of a Windows volume, or partition. As expected, this is a free-to-use tool, and so far, it has worked very well in our testing. Let’s try and find out if IsMyHdOK is right for you and your many needs when it comes down to your hard drive.
Note that you should never use this tool to test your hard drive for problems on a regular basis, for doing so can render the drive useless. We suggest only doing so when you’re confident your hard drive is acting up.
IsMyHdOK hard disk health check software
Your hard drive is a very important aspect of your computer, therefore, we suggest taking very good care of it. IsMyHdOK should work just fine. Let us see the features of this tool in detail.
1] Types of tests

OK, for your information, there are several options when it comes down to testing your hard drive for errors. There’s Quick, Short, Long, and Very Long, and the longest isn’t that long either since it only takes around four minutes to complete the task.
To select the option that is best for you, please click the drop-down menu at the top-right section of the main menu.
2] Run your first test

OK, so when it comes down to running your first test, please choose the type of test you prefer, then click the button that says Start, and wait. After the completion, you should now see a plethora of data that determines whether or not your drive is in good condition or not.
It’s a straightforward operation, therefore, anyone should be able to get the job done in less than 10 minutes.
3] Take a Screenshot

After the full completion of the test, you can share the results with family and friends by taking a screenshot. You can either take a Screenshot to File where it will request saving to a folder on your drive, or take a Screenshot to MS-Paint where the image will open in Microsoft Paint for your editing.
4] Perform other tasks

In order to see more options, please click on the System tab at the very top. From there, you will gain access to the Task Manager, the option to optimize the drive, Disk Management, and more.
You can download IsMyHdOK directly from the official website.
Other free software to Monitor & Check Hard Disk Health for potential failure:
Seagate SeaTools | Crystal Disk Mark | HD Tune | Windows Surface Scanner | Open Hardware Monitor | HDDlife | HDD Expert | GSmartControl.