微软最近宣布Project xCloud是游戏领域的下一件大事,此后引起了很多轰动。这完全是关于通过互联网流式传输视频游戏,这与直接从控制台或 PC 上玩有很大不同。流媒体游戏的有趣之处在于它使玩家能够在任何设备上玩游戏。在大多数情况下,设备的功能有多强大并不重要,只要它带有屏幕即可。
Project xCloud会与传统游戏硬件竞争吗?
到目前为止,没有任何一个视频游戏流媒体平台可以顺利运行,我们认为微软的Project xCloud没有任何不同的理由。因此,我们预计视频游戏机和 PC 将继续成为游戏玩家的默认选择。
尽管如此,随着全球互联网连接变得更快,粉丝们应该期待未来几年发生巨大变化。更不用说,5G 指日可待,它有望在速度方面给家庭宽带连接带来一些激烈的竞争。
当这种情况发生时,我们相信由于成本的原因,传统硬件的转变将会缓慢。如果玩家可以每月支付少量费用通过流媒体玩无数的视频游戏,那么他或她可能会决定选择更便宜的选项,不需要额外的设备,花费 400 到 500 美元。
Google Project Stream等的兴起
考虑到这一点,当我们意识到这家搜索巨头实际上正在开发视频游戏流媒体服务时就不足为奇了,而且与Project xCloud不同,它已经处于测试阶段。
Microsoft's Project xCloud will help usher in a new era of gaming
Microsoft recently announсed Project xCloud as the next big thing in gaming and it has generated a lot of buzzes since. It’s all about streaming video games over the internet, which is quite different from playing directly from a console or PC. The interesting thing with streaming games is the fact that it gives the player the ability to play games on any device. In most cases, it wouldn’t matter how powerful the device is, just as long as it comes with a screen.
As it stands, then, folks could play their games on a computer from eight years ago, or even a smartphone. Once the internet connection is powerful and stable enough, then there should be little problems going forward.
Will Project xCloud compete with traditional gaming hardware?
That’s the concern many seem to have right now, and it’s not a bad one. However, we have to say that such won’t be the case for a very long time because despite how great streaming sounds, it will have issues with latency.
So far, there isn’t a single video game streaming platform that works without hiccups, and we see no reasons for Microsoft’s Project xCloud to be any different. Therefore, we expect video game consoles and PCs to continue being the default option for gamers.
Still, fans should expect a huge change in the coming years as internet connections become faster worldwide. Not to mention, 5G is right around the corner, and it promises to give home broadband connections some serious competition where speed is concerned.
When this happens, we believe there’s going to be a slow shift away from traditional hardware due to cost. If a player can pay a small fee per month to play countless video games via streaming, then he or she will likely decide to choose the cheaper option that doesn’t require an additional device that cost $400 to $500.
Netflix and other streaming platforms are a testament to what the video game industry will look like in the future. Movies and TV shows on Netflix are not of the same quality when compared to the same content on Blu-Ray, but consumers do not care.
The rise of Google Project Stream and others
In the past, we’ve heard a lot about Google’s plan to launch a video game console. Many of us knew there was no way for Google to compete on the same level with the Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo.
With that in mind, it should have come as no surprise when we realize that the search giant is actually working on a video game streaming service, and unlike Project xCloud, it’s already in beta.
Sony has been active for quite some time with PSNow, and Nintendo is testing its own streaming option in Japan today.
Clearly, things are moving in the direction of streaming, which means once these platforms begin to make a lot of money, the likes of Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo will view making power hardware as a liability.
The future is streaming, and it’s going to change the way we consume video games in the next decade as technology improves.