没有什么比缓慢的互联网连接更能破坏您的一天了,尤其是在您无法访问 Wi-Fi 连接的情况下。网页将永远加载,您会在流式传输音乐时经常遇到暂停(frequent pauses while streaming music),并且几乎不可能在没有缓冲的情况下在线观看视频。许多依赖互联网的应用程序也可能无法以最佳方式运行。
有几个因素会影响移动数据速度,它们会根据手机规格、操作系统、位置、移动数据计划的性质等而有所不同。在本指南中,我们将介绍导致移动数据速度缓慢的所有可能原因以及如何立即获得更快的互联网(how to get faster internet)。

1. 多个应用同时使用移动数据(Apps Are Using Mobile Data Simultaneously)
2.您(Your)所在位置的连接强度(Poor Connection Strength)差

3. 您使用的是旧 SIM 卡
这是移动设备上蜂窝数据速度缓慢的另一个原因。新 SIM(New SIM)卡配备支持新时代的蜂窝技术,从而提供比旧SIM卡更快的互联网连接。5G 是最新的蜂窝技术,但 4G LTE还提供超快速的网络连接。

即使您拥有高端设备,使用旧的和过时的设备也会限制您的连接速度。如果 8-10 岁左右,你可能有一张 3G SIM卡;(SIM)换4G SIM卡享受高速上网。

4. 你没有使用最好的网络类型
显然,5G 比 4G 好,4G 的速度也比 3G 快。尽管智能手机默认使用最佳连接,但它们仍然向后兼容较旧的网络类型。这意味着如果 5G 暂时不可用,您的设备将切换到 4G 连接,如果失去 4G 连接,您的设备将切换到 3G。
在您的 Android 智能手机上,转至网络和 Internet(Network & Internet) >移动网络(Mobile network)>首选网络类型(Preferred network type),并确保选择了推荐(Recommended)选项。

在 iOS(iPhone 或 iPad)上,转到设置(Settings)>移动数据(Mobile Data)(或蜂窝(Cellular)网络)>移动数据选项(Mobile Data Options)(或蜂窝数据选项(Cellular Data Options))>语音和数据(Voice & Data)并选择最佳网络类型。

5. 使用 VPN?
虚拟专用网络 (VPN)(Virtual Private Network (VPN))非常适合绕过地理限制、保护您的在线隐私以及在互联网上保持安全。然而,使用VPN(VPNs)的最大缺点是它们通常会降低连接速度。断开您的VPN连接并检查这是否会提高您的移动数据速度。
6.后台(Background)运行(Apps Running)的应用程序太多
如前所述,如果某个应用在后台过度使用移动数据,您的手机连接速度可能会直线下降。仔细检查您的数据使用情况,并留意后台应用程序不必要地消耗移动数据。对于Android用户,前往设置(Settings)>网络和互联网(Network & Internet)>移动网络(Mobile network)>应用数据使用情况(App data usage)并检查页面上所有应用的数据使用情况。
如果您几乎不使用的应用消耗了不合理的移动数据量,请选择该应用并同时关闭后台数据(Background data)和无限制数据使用(Unrestricted data usage)。

您还可以在 iPhone 和 iPad 上检查应用程序的移动数据使用情况,但无法在后台限制数据使用。iOS 仅允许您禁用该应用程序对您的移动数据的访问。转到设置(Settings)>移动数据(Mobile Data)(或蜂窝(Cellular)网络)并关闭任何不需要互联网连接的数据占用应用程序。
7. 网络拥塞
蜂窝连接速度(和Wi-Fi也是如此)通常在空闲时间更快 - 例如在人们睡着的午夜。当太多人同时使用互联网时,可能会使运营商的蜂窝塔超载并减少网络上用户可用的带宽量。这在工作时间和假期等繁忙时段尤其常见。

8. 网络去优先级
一些网络提供商提供标准和高级移动数据包。如果您订阅了标准或基本数据计划,您的手机运营商可能会降低互联网速度以优先考虑高级客户。这称为数据取消优先级(Data Deprioritization)(或网络取消优先级(Network Deprioritization)),是移动虚拟网络运营商 ( MVNO ) 的常见做法。

值得一提的是,数据去优先级(Data Deprioritization)是暂时的;网络拥塞消除后,连接速度将恢复正常(对于所有用户)。
当您达到每月数据计划的特定使用阈值时,您的 ISP 可能会降低您的互联网速度。(ISP)这称为数据限制(Data Throttling)。检查您的互联网计划的使用政策,并确保您没有超过连接速度开始限制的使用阈值。

请注意,数据取消优先级(Data Deprioritization)和数据限制(Data Throttling)是两个完全不同的术语。它们都是减速技术,但它们发生的原因不同。当您达到互联网计划的使用限制时会发生数据限制,而取消优先级主要发生在严重的网络拥塞期间。(Data)
10. 网络配置问题
将所有与网络相关的设置重置为出厂默认设置可以解决此问题。启动您的Android设置(Android)应用(Settings)程序并导航至系统(System)>高级(Advanced)>重置选项(Reset options)>重置 Wi-Fi、移动和蓝牙(Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth)>重置设置(Reset Settings)。

要在 iOS 设备上重置网络设置,请前往设置(Settings)>通用(General)>重置(Reset)>重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings)。

运行过时操作系统的设备可能缺乏享受高速蜂窝(或Wi-Fi)连接所需的软件兼容性。如果在尝试所有可能的解决方案后您的移动数据速度仍然缓慢,请检查您的设备是否正在运行最新的软件。在Android上,转到设置(Settings)>系统(System)>高级(Advanced)>系统更新(System update)。

如果您有 iPhone,请导航至“设置”(Settings) > “通用(General)” > “软件更新(Software Updates)”并下载页面上可用的任何更新。
将您的互联网连接到另一台设备(Tethering your internet to another device)也会使您的移动数据变慢。如果您的移动热点处于活动状态,请将其关闭并检查这是否会提高您的连接速度。弹出(Ejecting)并重新插入SIM卡是另一个值得尝试的成熟解决方案。
Why Is My Mobile Data So Slow? 11 Reasons and Fixes
Nothing ruinѕ your day faster than a sluggish internet connection, especially if you don’t hаve аccess to a Wi-Fi connеction. Webpages will take forever to load, you’ll experience frequent pauses while streaming music, and it becomes almost impossible to watch videos online without buffering. Many internet-reliant apps may also fail to work optimally.
Several factors can affect mobile data speed, and they vary according to phone specifications, operating system, location, nature of mobile data plan, and so on. In this guide, we’ll cover all possible causes of slow mobile data speed and how to get faster internet in no time.

1. Several Apps Are Using Mobile Data Simultaneously
Running too many data-hogging apps and activities can clog your network bandwidth and reduce connection speed. So, if you’re streaming Netflix, downloading multiple files, and updating your apps simultaneously, pause some of these activities and run them one at a time.
2. Poor Connection Strength In Your Location
Mobile data speed is largely dependent on your cellular provider’s network quality and coverage in your location. A good way to determine network quality is to check the signal strength on your phone’s status bar. The higher the number of bars, the better the connection speed.

You should also check with other people using the same network in your location. If they’re experiencing similar connectivity issues, contact your cellular network provider to notify them about the slow mobile data speed.
If the problem persists, you may have to switch to another provider with stronger network coverage. Be sure to do your research before making the switch; ask people about their experiences and confirm the network’s availability and speed in your region.
3. You’re Using an Old SIM Card
This is another causative agent of slow cellular data speed on your mobile devices. New SIM cards are equipped to support new-age cellular technology, thereby offering faster internet connectivity than older SIM cards. 5G is the latest cellular technology but 4G LTE also provides super-fast network connectivity.

Using an old and outdated will limit your connection speed, even if you have a high-end device. You probably have a 3G SIM card if it’s about 8-10 years old; switch to a 4G SIM card to enjoy high-speed internet.
Contact your service provider or visit a nearby store to confirm the network capability of your SIM card. You may be required to provide the SIM card’s serial number, so make sure you have the SIM card’s package handy.

4. You Aren’t Using the Best Network Type
Obviously, 5G is better than 4G and 4G also has a faster speed than 3G. Although smartphones use the best connection by default, they are still backward-compatible with older network types. This means your device will switch to a 4G connection if 5G is temporarily unavailable, or 3G if it loses 4G connectivity.
You may experience slow internet speed if your device‘s connection preference isn’t set to the best network type. Or if your device fails to automatically switch back to the best network type after a connection outage.
On your Android smartphone, go to Network & Internet > Mobile network > Preferred network type and make sure the Recommended option is selected.

On iOS (iPhone or iPad), go to Settings > Mobile Data (or Cellular) > Mobile Data Options (or Cellular Data Options) > Voice & Data and select the best network type.

5. Using a VPN?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is great for bypassing geo-restriction, protecting your online privacy, and staying safe on the internet. The biggest downside of using VPNs, however, is that they often slow down connection speed. Disconnect your VPN connection and check if that boosts your mobile data speed.
6. Too Many Apps Running in the Background
As mentioned earlier, your phone’s connection speed may plummet if an app is excessively using mobile data in the background. Go through your data usage and lookout for background applications unnecessarily consuming mobile data. For Android users, head to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile network > App data usage and examine the data usage of all apps on the page.
If an app that you barely use is consuming an unreasonable amount of mobile data, select the app and toggle off both Background data and Unrestricted data usage.

You can also check an app’s mobile data usage on iPhones and iPads but there’s no option to restrict data usage in the background. iOS only lets you disable the app’s access to your mobile data. Go to Settings > Mobile Data (or Cellular) and toggle off any data-hogging app that doesn’t require internet connectivity.
7. Network Congestion
Cellular connection speed (and Wi-Fi, too) is generally faster during free hours—e.g at midnight when people are asleep. When too many people are simultaneously using the internet, that may overload your carrier’s cellular tower and reduce the amount of bandwidth available to users on the network. This is particularly common during work hours and busy periods like holidays.

In this case, there’s little to nothing that you can do except informing your network provider about the slow connection speed.
8. Network Deprioritization
Some network providers offer standard and premium mobile data packages. If you’re subscribed to a standard or basic data plan, your cellular carrier may reduce internet speed to give preference to premium customers. This is known as Data Deprioritization (or Network Deprioritization), a common practice by mobile virtual network operators (MVNO).

Big and high-flying cellular carriers don’t deprioritize their network, but you can’t be too sure. Refer to the terms and agreement of your mobile data plan on the carrier’s website and check for any mention of “network deprioritization” or “data restriction.” You could also contact customer support or shoot them an inquiry email for confirmation.
It’s worth mentioning that Data Deprioritization is temporary; connection speed will return to normal (for all users) when the network congestion clears up.
9. You’ve Hit Your Data Usage Limit
Your ISP can reduce your internet speed when you hit a certain usage threshold on your monthly data plan. This is known as Data Throttling. Check the usage policy of your internet plan and make sure you haven’t exceeded the usage threshold beyond which your connection speed starts to throttle.

Note that Data Deprioritization and Data Throttling are two entirely different terms. They’re both speed reduction techniques but they happen for different reasons. Data throttling occurs when you’ve hit your internet plan’s usage limit while deprioritization majorly happens during heavy network congestion.
10. Network Configuration Issues
You may be unable to access the internet at high-speed if your phone’s network settings aren’t configured correctly. Or perhaps, some apps have disrupted your network configuration.
Resetting all network-related settings to factory default can fix this problem. Launch your Android’s Settings app and navigate to System > Advanced > Reset options > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth > Reset Settings.

To reset network settings on iOS devices, head to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

11. Your Phone Isn’t Up-to-date
Devices running outdated operating systems may lack the software compatibility required to enjoy a high-speed cellular (or Wi-Fi) connection. If your mobile data speed remains sluggish after trying all possible solutions, check if your device is running the latest software. On Android, go to Settings > System > Advanced > System update.

If you have an iPhone, navigate to Settings > General > Software Updates and download any update available on the page.
Now You Know Why
Tethering your internet to another device can also make your mobile data slow. If your mobile hotspot is active, turn it off and check if that boosts your connection speed. Ejecting and re-inserting your SIM card is another proven solution that’s worth trying.
We should mention that a faulty cell phone antenna can also cause connectivity issues. So, if the problem persists after trying all the recommendations in this article, visit an authorized service center to have your phone examined for possible hardware damage.
Be sure to refer your friends to this article the next time you hear them ask “Why is my mobile data so slow?”