在印度寻找 500 卢比以下最好的鼠标?不要再看了,因为已经整理了这个列表,所以你不必再看了。(Looking for the best mouse under 500 rupees in India? Don’t look any further, as have curated this list so that you don’t have to. )
如今,要获得像样的鼠标,用户无需花大价钱,因为它们以可承受的价格提供。让我们讨论一些价格低于500 卢比(INR 500)的不错的老鼠。
注意:由于价格不断波动,一些列出的老鼠可能会超过 500 INR。 (Note: Some of the listed mice might be above 500 INR as the prices keep fluctuating. )
Techcult is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
500 卢比以下的 10 款最佳鼠标。在印度(India)(2022 年)
在我们谈论鼠标之前,让我们先谈谈在使用我们在印度最好的鼠标购买像样的鼠标之前要考虑的事项 - 购买指南(India – Buying Guide)。
1. 人体工程学(1. Ergonomics)
2. DPI(每英寸点数)——游戏(2. DPI (Dots Per Inch) – Gaming)
为了更好地理解它可以简化为“ DPI越高,光标移动越远”。当鼠标设置为高DPI时,它可以对每分钟的移动做出反应。
3. 传感器类型(光学与激光)(3. Type Of Sensor (Optical Vs Laser))
4. 连接性(有线与无线)(4. Connectivity (Wired Vs Wireless))
5. 兼容性(5. Compatibility)
6. 电缆长度(6. Cable Length)
最好选择带有长电缆的鼠标。一般来说,每只鼠标都配有 3-6 英尺长的电线;任何电线低于 3 英尺的鼠标都是不建议使用的。
7. 投票率(游戏)(7. Polling Rates (Gaming))
轮询率(Polling rate)是购买鼠标之前要考虑的重要因素之一。可以表示为次数;鼠标在 1 秒内向计算机报告其位置。
8. RGB 自定义(游戏)(8. RGB Customizations (Gaming))
9. 游戏风格(游戏)(9. Play Styles (Gaming))
10. 保修(10. Warranty)
为您购买的产品获得保修总是好的。同样,一些制造商为其产品提供保修。最好购买具有至少 1 年保修期的鼠标。
这些是在购买鼠标之前要考虑的一些最重要的事情。这是 15 只老鼠的列表,它们根据不同的目的进行了专门分类,例如
- 工作和休闲用途(Casual Use)( 10 只老鼠名单(List))
- 游戏(5 只鼠标列表)
印度 500 卢比以下的 10 只最佳鼠标(10 Best Mouse Under 500 Rupees in India)
这份500 卢比以下的最佳鼠标列表。(Best)基于质量、品牌、保修和用户评级:
注意:在购买任何用于家庭或办公室的鼠标之前,请务必查看保修和客户评论。 (Note: Always check for warranty and customer reviews before buying any mouse for your home or office use. )
1.惠普X1000(1. HP X1000)
HP x 1000 有线鼠标是一款时尚小巧的鼠标,便于携带。它有三个按钮来提高生产力。它非常适合Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7和Windows 8 等(Windows)Windows版本。鼠标中的光学传感器适用于任何表面。它具有灵巧的设计,可以舒适地使用左手和右手。最好推荐给那些经常长时间使用它的人。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 3 个按钮提高生产力
- 分辨率 1000 DPI 技术
- 光学传感器适用于大多数表面
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
90 g |
Dimensions: |
5.7 x 9.5 x 3.9 cm |
Color |
Glossy black and Metallic gray |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS |
- 带有时尚的设计,看起来非常体面。
- 它配备 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供出色的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与几乎所有Windows版本兼容。
以下是(Below)HP X1000鼠标的一些优点(Pros)和缺点(Cons),它在我们的印度(India)500 卢比以下最佳鼠标(Mouse)列表中占有一席之地。
仅支持 Windows 操作系统
2.惠普X900(2. HP X900)
HP X900是该公司生产的著名的经济实惠的鼠标之一。与其他 HP 鼠标一样,HP (Just)X900 既(HP X900)符合人体工学又坚固耐用。
说到鼠标,它带有三个按钮,并使用USB端口连接。与X1000(X1000)相比,X900 配备了 1000dpi 的有点过时的光学跟踪传感器(Optical Tracking Sensor)。在建筑质量方面,它感觉坚固且使用舒适。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1 年有限现场保修
- 强大的 1000 DPI 光学传感器
- 经久不衰的品质
- 三键导航
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
70 g |
Dimensions: |
11.5 x 6.1 x 3.9 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS and Mac OS |
- 带有时尚的设计,看起来非常体面。
- 它带有 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供良好的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows和Mac OS兼容。
同时支持Mac OS和Windows OS
3.惠普X500(3. HP X500)
HP X500是 500 卢比以下最好的鼠标之一。在印度(India)。鼠标虽然老了点,但也算是2020年性价比超高的鼠标了。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
140 g |
Dimensions: |
15.3 x 13.9 x 6.4 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS |
- 带有优雅的设计,看起来非常体面。
- 它带有光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供良好的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与 Windows 操作系统兼容。
4.戴尔MS116(4. Dell MS116)
戴尔 MS116(Dell MS116)是最好的鼠标之一,同时看起来时尚和优雅。就像(Just)其他鼠标一样,它带有三个按钮并使用USB端口连接。
与HP X1000相比,该设备做工精良,并获得了许多正面评价和评价。鼠标自带1000dpi光学跟踪(Tracking)传感器,非常准确。
这款有线鼠标的整体性能质量非常出色,而且价格非常实惠,因此,如果您正在为 500 卢比以下的 PC 寻找最佳鼠标,那么这款绝对适合您。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1 年国内保修
- 1000 DPI 光学跟踪
- 即插即用方便
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
86.18 g |
Dimensions: |
11.35 x 6.1 x 3.61 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS |
- 带有优雅的设计,看起来非常体面。
- 它配备 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供出色的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与 Windows 操作系统兼容。
仅限于 Windows 操作系统
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 印度流媒体的 8 个最佳网络摄像头(8 Best Webcam for Streaming in India)
5.联想300(5. Lenovo 300)
Lenovo 300是一款简单、实惠的鼠标,外观时尚而正式。就像(Just)其他鼠标一样,它带有三个按钮并使用USB端口连接。鼠标完美贴合用户的手部,即使在使用多个小时后仍感觉舒适,这使其适合我们最好的 500 卢比以下鼠标。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 18 个月保修
- 1000DPI 设备分辨率
- 3 按钮支持
- 10米无线接收范围
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
Wireless |
Weight |
60 g |
Dimensions: |
5.6 x 9.8 x 3.2 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- 采用时尚的设计,看起来非常正式。
- 它配备 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供出色的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows和Mac OS兼容。
6.联想M110(6. Lenovo M110)
就像Lenovo 300一样,Lenovo M110是一款物美价廉的鼠标。它经过专门设计,使用寿命更长,最重要的是,鼠标感觉符合人体工程学,使其成为购买 500 卢比以下 PC 的最佳鼠标之一。( best mouse to buy for PC under 500 rupees.)
就像其他鼠标一样,它带有三个按钮并使用USB端口连接。联想 M110(Lenovo M110)与联想 300(Lenovo 300)几乎相似,但在设计和低分辨率传感器方面有所改变。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 1.5M线长
- 生产力和舒适度
- 充足的存储空间
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
90 g |
Dimensions: |
13.6 x 9.4 x 4 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- 采用时尚的设计,感觉非常坚固。
- 它配备 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供出色的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows和Mac OS兼容。
7. AmazonBasics 3 键 USB 有线鼠标(7. AmazonBasics 3-Button USB Wired Mouse)
亚马逊不仅是著名的在线电子零售商,而且还以“(Amazon)亚马逊(Amazon)基础”品牌生产多种产品。因此,将AmazonBasics USB 有线鼠标(AmazonBasics USB Wired Mouse)列入 500 卢比以下(best mouse under 500 Rs. in India.)的最佳鼠标列表是很自然的。在印度。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 1000DPI 设备分辨率
- 三键支持
- 适用于 Windows 和 Mac OS
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
81.65 g |
Dimensions: |
10.92 x 6.1 x 3.43 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- 采用时尚的设计,看起来非常正式。
- 它带有 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供良好的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows和Mac OS兼容。
8.罗技M90(8. Logitech M90)
谈到罗技 M90(Logitech M90),它是一款具有正式外观和坚固框架的基本鼠标。就像(Just)其他鼠标一样,它带有三个按钮并使用USB端口连接。
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 1000DPI 设备分辨率
- 经久耐用
- 即插即用的简单性
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
82 g |
Dimensions: |
430.71 x 403.15 x 418.5 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- 带有坚固的框架,看起来非常正式。
- 它带有 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供良好的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows、Mac OS和Chrome OS兼容。
- 支持(Systems)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 印度 12,000 卢比以下的最佳手机(Best Mobile Phones Under Rs 12,000 in India)
9.罗技M105(9. Logitech M105)
罗技 M105(Logitech M105)以其表面处理和颜色选择而闻名。虽然鼠标看起来很运动,但它可以用于工作和休闲目的。
就像其他鼠标一样,它带有三个按钮并使用USB端口连接。根据评论,这款鼠标手感舒适,适合所有尺寸。其可模仿的功能使其成为 2022 年在印度以低于 500 卢比的价格购买的最佳鼠标之一。(. Its imitable features make it one of the best mouse to buy under Rs 500 in India in 2022.)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 1年保修
- 1000DPI 设备分辨率
- 2个按钮支持
- 配备 12 个月的电池寿命
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
10 g |
Dimensions: |
10.06 x 3.35 x 6.06 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- 带有坚固的框架,看起来非常正式。
- 它带有 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供良好的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows、Mac OS、Linux和Chrome OS兼容。
- 支持(Systems)
10.罗技M100r(10. Logitech M100r)
罗技 M100r(Logitech M100r)是您可以立即购买的著名实惠鼠标之一。就像(Just)其他鼠标一样,它带有三个按钮并使用USB端口连接。
罗技 M100r(Logitech M100r)获得了积极的评价和评级。在构建方面,该设备也感觉坚固而正式。它也是日常使用的 500 卢比以下最好的鼠标之一。(It is also one of the best mouse under 500 rupees for daily use.)
我们喜欢的功能:(Features We Like:)
- 3 年保修
- 1000DPI 设备分辨率
- 设置简单
- 全尺寸舒适
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
120 g |
Dimensions: |
13 x 5.2 x 18.1 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- 带有坚固的框架,看起来非常正式。
- 它带有 1000dpi 光学跟踪支持,可为用户移动提供良好的精度。
- 使用标准USB连接进行连接,无需任何软件或设置即可使其工作。
- 带有标准的 3 按钮布局,滚轮作为第三个按钮。
- 它与Windows、Mac OS和Linux兼容。
- 支持(Systems)
1、有必要买dpi高的鼠标吗?(1. Is it necessary to buy a mouse with a higher dpi?)
不,没有必要,因为低 dpi 可以更好地控制鼠标。大多数游戏鼠标都有可切换的 dpi 设置。
2. 使用鼠标需要安装软件吗?(2. Do we have to install software to use the mouse?)
3. 鼠标需要电池吗?(3. Does the mouse require batteries?)
如果您仍然感到困惑或难以选择合适的鼠标,那么您可以随时使用评论部分向我们询问您的问题,我们将尽最大努力帮助您找到印度 500 卢比以下的最佳鼠标。(If you’re still confused or having difficulty in choosing a decent mouse then you can always ask us your queries using the comment sections and we will do our best to help you find the best mouse under 500 Rs in India.)
10 Best Mouse Under 500 Rs. in India (2022)
Looking for the best mouse under 500 rupees in India? Don’t look any further, as have curated this list so that you don’t have to.
Mouse plays a vital role, and it can be used for several purposes; a right mouse can help complete your tasks efficiently and easily.
The first mouse ever made came with a wooden shell, circuit board and two wheels. On comparing with today’s mice, we can clearly say that there is a lot of innovation and evolution in the making of mice.
Users with laptops might argue that the trackpad is enough for managing basic tasks, but it is always comfortable to use a mouse as it helps the user to be more productive and efficient.
A good mouse used to be very expensive in the past, but due to the rapid increase in technology and availability of components at cheaper rates, mice have become very affordable.
To get a decent mouse these days, a user doesn’t need to spend a fortune as they are available at affordable rates. Let us discuss some of the decent mice which are available under INR 500.
Note: Some of the listed mice might be above 500 INR as the prices keep fluctuating.
Techcult is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
10 Best Mouse Under 500 Rs. in India (2022)
Before we talk about the mice, let us talk about the things to consider before buying a decent mouse with our best mouse in India – Buying Guide.
1. Ergonomics
Ergonomics plays a vital role while purchasing a mouse. Almost every manufacturer tries to design a mouse which is ergonomic for the user.
The main thing that the user needs to consider is the Mouse shape, as mice come in different sizes and shapes these days. A user needs to check if the shape and size of the mouse are comfortable to use, and on top of that, the user needs to check how good the grip is.
2. DPI (Dots Per Inch) – Gaming
DPI is one of the key factors to consider while buying a mouse, as it plays a major role. For starters who has no idea what DPI is, it is the standard to measure the mouse sensitivity.
For better understanding it can be simplified as “The higher the DPI, the farther the cursor moves”. When the mouse is set to high DPI, it can react to every minute movement.
On setting the DPI to high all the time is not ideal as it can be tough to control the cursor. User needs to check if the mouse comes with a button which can change the DPI settings instead of being stuck to a fixed DPI setting.
When it comes to the Gaming, the DPI settings play a crucial role in providing gaming experience to the user. Some of the high-end gaming mice come with buttons dedicated to switching between different DPI settings.
3. Type Of Sensor (Optical Vs Laser)
All mice are not the same, and they come with different features and specifications. User needs to consider the type of sensor as they matter.
Almost every mouse comes with Optical sensor, but few come with a Laser sensor. You might ask what the big deal between Optical and Laser sensor is; it is the difference in the technology used in the illumination of the surface.
This might sound little confusing, to keep things simple we can say that the Optical mouse uses infrared LED light and when the light hits the surface it reflects and the sensor inside captures the reflection and works by analyzing the reflections. The biggest drawback with the Optical sensor is that it won’t work well on glossier surfaces due to a lot of reflection.
Whereas the Laser mouse uses Laser beam, and the biggest advantage with the sensor is it works well even on glossier surfaces as it has a more powerful sensor. The sensor can pick even small traces of reflections, making it resistant to glossy surfaces.
Generally, optical mice are quite common everywhere, and they are very affordable too, the Laser mice are a bit expensive than the Optical ones and come with few drawbacks.
It is always better to compare and purchase based on the necessity, but Optical mice are mostly suggested.
4. Connectivity (Wired Vs Wireless)
When it comes to connectivity, there are several ways to connect a mouse to the device, but the most famous and reliable way is the wired connection. The only disadvantage with the wired connection is the wire, which might twist, tangle or even get damaged. On top of everything, it lacks mobility.
The other famous ways are the Bluetooth and RF connections which supports wireless connection, but both the connections needs cells to work.
The RF connection is faster than Bluetooth mouse, but it is very negligible. Even the RF connection comes with a drawback as the user needs to sacrifice one USB port for the receiver.
This drawback is fixed in the Bluetooth connectivity, but it has latency issues. A user cannot find the latency unless playing games or performing high-end tasks.
Wired mice are highly suggestible and affordable; if the user doesn’t feel lack of mobility as a drawback, it can be considered as the best choice.
5. Compatibility
Almost every mouse these days supports all Operating systems, but some might cause compatibility issues.
It is always better to check compatibility before purchasing a mouse.
6. Cable Length
It is always better to choose a mouse which comes with a long cable. Generally, every mouse comes with 3-6ft long wire; any mouse with wire below 3ft is not suggestible.
Some of the mice these days come with Braided and Tangle-Free coating instead of the regular plastic wire. It is always better to choose a mouse with a different cable than the regular one.
7. Polling Rates (Gaming)
Polling rate is one of the essential components to consider before buying a mouse. It can be expressed as the number of times; a mouse reports its position to the computer in 1 second.
Generally, the Polling rate isn’t a big deal for normal users, but it matters to the Gamers or to the users who perform high-end tasks. It is always better to set the polling rate to maximum, but as everything comes with a cost, it drains a lot of CPU resources.
Almost all the basic mice come with a fixed polling rate, but few expensive mice come with a button to change the Polling rate, which can also be manually adjusted through Control panel.
8. RGB Customizations (Gaming)
RGB isn’t a big deal to normal users, but it is one of the essential factors that Gamers care a lot about. A right gaming mouse supports RGB customizations, and the user needs to make sure if this feature is available or not while purchasing a gaming mouse.
9. Play Styles (Gaming)
This is one of the vital factors to consider while purchasing a gaming mouse. This feature might not be available in the basic gaming mice, but it can be found on expensive gaming mice.
As different games come with different gameplays, the mouse needs to support all the quick functions which help in improving the gaming experience to the user.
Some of the gaming mice come with default play styles set for specific games; users need to cross-check whether the extra buttons of the mouse support customizations.
10. Warranty
It is always good to get a warranty on the product you purchase. Similarly, several manufacturers provide a warranty to their products. It is ideal to buy a mouse which comes with at least 1year of warranty.
These are some of the most important things to consider before buying a mouse. Here is the list of 15 mice which are categorized specifically for based on different purposes such as
- Work and Casual Use (List of 10 mice)
- Gaming (List of 5 mice)
10 Best Mouse Under 500 Rupees in India
This list of the Best mouse under 500 Rs. is based on quality, brand, warranty, and user ratings:
Note: Always check for warranty and customer reviews before buying any mouse for your home or office use.
1. HP X1000
HP x 1000 wired mouse is a stylish and compact mouse that is easy to carry around. It has three buttons to improve productivity. It is well suited with Windows versions like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. The optical sensor in the mouse works on any surface. It has an ambidextrous design that allows using both left and right hand with comfort. It is best recommended for those who use it regularly for long sessions.
Features We Like:
- 1 year warranty
- 3 buttons improve productivity
- Resolution 1000 DPI Technology
- Optical sensor works on most surfaces
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
90 g |
Dimensions: |
5.7 x 9.5 x 3.9 cm |
Color |
Glossy black and Metallic gray |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS |
- Comes with a sleek design and looks very decent.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides excellent precision to user movements.
- Connects using the standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with almost all the Windows versions.
Below are some of the Pros and Cons of the HP X1000 mouse that earned it a spot in our list of best Mouse under 500 Rupees in India.
Very Affordable
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
Accurate Optical Tracking Sensor
Sturdy and Sleek finish
Comes with Warranty
Though the device looks sturdy, it doesn’t feel premium.
Supports only Windows OS
Feels very tiny in hands
2. HP X900
HP X900 is one of the famous affordable mice the company has made. Just like other HP mice, the HP X900 feels ergonomic and sturdy at the same time.
Talking about the mouse, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port. X900 comes with a bit-outdated Optical Tracking Sensor with 1000dpi when compared to the X1000. When it comes to building quality, it feels sturdy and comfortable to use.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Limited Onsite Warranty
- Powerful 1000 DPI optical sensor
- Long-lasting quality
- 3-button navigation
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
70 g |
Dimensions: |
11.5 x 6.1 x 3.9 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sleek design and looks very decent.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides a good precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
Very Affordable
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
Decent Optical Tracking Sensor
Sturdy and Sleek finish
Supports both Mac OS and Windows OS
Though the device looks sturdy, it seems very boring.
Limited Warranty
The mouse feels outdated.
3. HP X500
HP X500 is one of the best mice under 500 Rs. in India. Though the mouse is old, it can be considered as an excellent affordable mouse of 2020.
The mouse doesn’t come with the most exciting features, but it is a decent one. The most exciting thing about this mouse is its Ergonomic design as it provides relaxed control for both left and right-hand users. Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port.
Features We Like:
- 1 Years Domestic Warranty
- 3 button support
- Optical tracking technology
- Wired Connectivity
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
140 g |
Dimensions: |
15.3 x 13.9 x 6.4 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS |
- Comes with classy design and looks very decent.
- It comes with Optical tracking support which provides a good precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows OS.
Very Affordable
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
Decent Optical Tracking Sensor
Sturdy and Classy finish
Perfect for the users who have large hands
Though the device looks sturdy, it seems very boring.
Limited Warranty
People with small hands, find it very inconvenient.
The mouse feels outdated.
4. Dell MS116
Dell MS116 is one of the best mice which look sleek and classy at the same time. Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port.
When compared to HP X1000, the device is very well built and has received many positive reviews and ratings. The mouse comes with 1000dpi Optical Tracking sensor, and it is very accurate.
The overall performance quality of this wired mouse is excellent and it is available at a very affordable price, so if you are looking for the best mouse for your PC under 500 rupees, then this one is absolutely for you.
Features We Like:
- 1 Years Domestic Warranty
- 1000 DPI optical tracking
- Plug and play convenience
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
86.18 g |
Dimensions: |
11.35 x 6.1 x 3.61 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows OS |
- Comes with classy design and looks very decent.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides excellent precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows OS.
Very Affordable
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
Decent Optical Tracking Sensor
Sturdy and Classy finish
Limited Warranty
Limited to only Windows OS
Users with small hands find it inconvenient to use for longer durations.
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5. Lenovo 300
Just like other mouse manufacturers, Lenovo makes excellent mice which are long-lasting, affordable and looks great at the same.
Lenovo 300 is a simple, affordable mouse with a sleek and formal finish. Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port. The mouse fits perfectly in the user’s hands and feels comfortable even after multiple hours of usage which makes it fit in our best mouse under 500 Rs list.
Features We Like:
- 18 months Warranty
- 1000DPI Device Resolution
- 3 Button Support
- 10 metres Wireless Reception Range
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
Wireless |
Weight |
60 g |
Dimensions: |
5.6 x 9.8 x 3.2 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sleek design and looks very formal.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides excellent precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
Very Affordable
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
Accurate Optical Tracking Sensor
Supports multiple Operating Systems
Though the device looks sturdy, it doesn’t feel premium.
Limited warranty
6. Lenovo M110
Just like Lenovo 300, the Lenovo M110 is a decent, affordable mouse. It is specially built to last longer, and on top of that, the mouse feels ergonomic which make it one of the best mouse to buy for PC under 500 rupees.
Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port. The Lenovo M110 is almost similar to the Lenovo 300 with some changes in the design and a low-res sensor.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 1.5M wire length
- Productivity and Comfort
- Plenty of Storage
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
90 g |
Dimensions: |
13.6 x 9.4 x 4 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sleek design and feels very sturdy.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides excellent precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
Very Affordable
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
Accurate Optical Tracking Sensor
Supports multiple Operating Systems
Though the device looks sturdy, it doesn’t feel premium.
Limited warranty
As per some reviews, the design doesn’t feel appealing.
7. AmazonBasics 3-Button USB Wired Mouse
Amazon is not just a famous online e-retailer but also makes several products under the brand “Amazonbasics”. So it is only natural to include AmazonBasics USB Wired Mouse under the list of the best mouse under 500 Rs. in India.
When it comes to the build, it feels formal and sturdy. It can be considered as a decent choice for those who are planning to purchase an affordable mouse. Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port.
As per the reviews, it is found that the mouse feels comfortable even after many hours of use.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 1000DPI Device Resolution
- 3-button Support
- Works with Windows and Mac OS
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
81.65 g |
Dimensions: |
10.92 x 6.1 x 3.43 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sleek design and looks very formal.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides good precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows and Mac OS.
Very Affordable
Accurate Optical Tracking Sensor
Supports multiple Operating Systems
Comes with a two-year warranty
People with small hands might feel inconvenience.
8. Logitech M90
Logitech makes fantastic mice which are very affordable. Logitech’s mice generally last many years, thanks to their excellent design and build quality.
Talking about Logitech M90, it is a basic mouse with a formal finish and a sturdy frame. Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port.
This mouse has received many positive reviews and ratings, so if you’re planning to purchase a mouse which is affordable and long-lasting, it can be considered as a choice.
Features We Like:
- 1-year Warranty
- 1000DPI Device Resolution
- Extermly durable
- Plug-and-play simplicity
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
82 g |
Dimensions: |
430.71 x 403.15 x 418.5 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sturdy frame and looks very formal.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides good precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Chrome OS.
Very Affordable with a sturdy frame
Decent Optical Tracking Sensor
Supports a wide range of Operating Systems
Looks good for Casual and Work environments
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9. Logitech M105
Logitech M105 is famous for its finish and color choices. Though the mouse looks sporty, it can be used for both work and casual purposes.
Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port. As per the reviews, this mouse feels comfortable and is suitable for all sizes. Its imitable features make it one of the best mouse to buy under Rs 500 in India in 2022.
So if you’re planning to purchase an affordable mouse that looks cool instead of the boring black finish, this can be considered as a choice.
Features We Like:
- 1 Year Warranty
- 1000DPI Device Resolution
- 2 Buttons Support
- Comes with 12-month battery life
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
10 g |
Dimensions: |
10.06 x 3.35 x 6.06 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sturdy frame and looks very formal.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides good precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Chrome OS.
Very Affordable with a sturdy frame and impressive finish
Decent Optical Tracking Sensor
Supports a wide range of Operating Systems
Can be used for both Work and Casual purposes
Ambidextrous design
Limited Warranty
Some claim that the design fades after a notice period.
10. Logitech M100r
Logitech M100r is one of the famous affordable mice that you can purchase right away. Just like other mice, it comes with three buttons and connects using a USB port.
The Logitech M100r has received positive reviews and ratings. When it comes to the build, the device feels sturdy and formal too. It is also one of the best mouse under 500 rupees for daily use.
Features We Like:
- 3-year Warranty
- 1000DPI Device Resolution
- Simple to setup
- Full-size comfort
Resolution |
1000 dpi |
Connectivity |
USB connectivity / Wired |
Weight |
120 g |
Dimensions: |
13 x 5.2 x 18.1 cm |
Color |
Black |
Buttons |
3 |
Compatibility |
Supports Windows and Mac OS |
- Comes with a sturdy frame and looks very formal.
- It comes with 1000dpi Optical tracking support which provides good precision to user movements.
- Connects using a standard USB connection and doesn’t require any software or set up to make it work.
- Comes with the standard 3-button layout with the scroll wheel as the third button.
- It is compatible with Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
Very Affordable with a sturdy frame and exceptional finish
Decent Optical Tracking Sensor
Supports a wide range of Operating Systems
Can be used for both Work and Casual purposes
Ambidextrous design
Supports three years of warranty
People with small hands might feel inconvenient to use for more extended periods.
1. Is it necessary to buy a mouse with a higher dpi?
No, it is not necessary as low dpi gives more control over the mouse. Most of the gaming mouses have switchable dpi settings.
2. Do we have to install software to use the mouse?
No, most of the mouses can be easily set up and used directly after plugging in. The mouse that has programmable buttons may require software to change the settings.
3. Does the mouse require batteries?
Some mouses require, and some don’t require batteries.
There are many options for the mouse to choose from. Each has different specifications and meets different customer requirements.
If you’re still confused or having difficulty in choosing a decent mouse then you can always ask us your queries using the comment sections and we will do our best to help you find the best mouse under 500 Rs in India.