25 款适用于 Windows 的最佳加密软件(25 Best Encryption Software For Windows)
AxCrypt可以说是可供用户使用的最好的 Windows 加密软件。它非常适合加密计算机和笔记本电脑上的所有类型的文件。大多数数字安全专家认为AxCrypt是最好的开源加密软件。用户使用该软件通常不会遇到问题,因为它使用起来非常简单方便。他们可以轻松地加密或解密他们选择的任何文件。不过,这是一项高级订阅,因此对于需要保护其设备上许多不同事物的人来说,它主要是一个不错的选择。
下载 AxCrypt( Download AxCrypt)
2. DiskCryptor
与AxCrypt一样,DiskCryptor也是一个开源加密平台。它具有比大多数其他Windows加密平台更多的功能。DiskCryptor也可以说是最快的加密软件。用户可以轻松加密他们的硬盘驱动器、USB驱动器、SSD驱动器,甚至设备上的驱动器分区。它无疑是最好的 Windows 加密软件之一。
下载 DiskCryptor( Download DiskCryptor)
3. VeraCrypt
下载 VeraCrypt( Download VeraCrypt)
4. Dekart 私有磁盘(4. Dekart Private Disk)
Dekart Private Disk与(Dekart Private Disk)VeraCrypt非常相似,因为它是一个相当简单的工具。它没有很多功能,它创建了一个虚拟加密磁盘。然后它将这个磁盘挂载为一个真实的磁盘。它比VeraCrypt慢,但它仍然是Windows加密软件中更好的选择之一。
下载 Dekart 专用磁盘( Download Dekart Private Disk)
5. 7-Zip
7-Zip 不会帮助用户加密整个驱动器或分区。但它是单个文件的最佳软件之一。7-Zip 完全免费下载和使用。通过互联网压缩和共享文件在人们中更受欢迎。用户可以使用适用于 Windows 的最佳文件压缩工具(best file compression tools for Window)来压缩他们的文件,然后在他们通过 Internet 时对其进行密码保护。收件人仍然可以在没有密码的情况下访问该文件,但其他人不能。对于业余用户来说这是一个不错的选择,但高级用户不会太喜欢它。
下载 7-Zip( Download 7-Zip)
(Gpg4Win)当人们想通过 Internet 共享文件时,Gpg4Win是一款了不起的加密软件。该软件为此类文件提供了一些最佳加密,并使用数字签名保护它们。通过这一点,该软件确保除了文件的接收者之外没有人可以读取该文件。Gpg4Win还确保如果有人正在接收文件,它来自特定的发送,而不是来自奇怪的来源。
下载 Gpg4Win( Download Gpg4Win)
7.Windows 10 加密(7. Windows 10 Encryption)
这是 Windows 10 操作系统设备为用户提供的预装加密。用户需要拥有有效的Microsoft订阅,并且需要登录才能访问此加密。Microsoft会自动将用户的恢复密钥上传到其服务器。它提供了极其强大的加密并具有大部分相关功能。
8. 比特锁(8. Bitlocker)
拥有最新版本的Windows 10操作系统的人将已经在他们的设备上安装了Bitlocker 。它为计算机上的整个驱动器和磁盘提供加密。它拥有一些软件中最好的加密,并提供密码块链接加密。Bitlocker不允许未经授权的人访问计算机硬盘驱动器上的数据。它是黑客最难破解的加密软件之一。
下载 Bitlocker( Download Bitlocker)
9. 赛门铁克端点加密(9. Symantec Endpoint Encryption)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) ShowBox APK 安全还是不安全?(Is ShowBox APK safe or unsafe?)
10. Rohos 迷你驱动器(10. Rohos Mini Drive)
Rohos Mini Drive是保护USB驱动器的最佳加密软件。该软件可以在USB(USBs)上创建隐藏和加密分区驱动器。这是保护USB上的私人文件的绝佳选择。这是因为USB(USB)驱动器很容易丢失,并且可能包含机密信息。Rohos Mini Drive将密码保护文件并具有强大的加密功能。
下载 Rohos 迷你驱动器( Download Rohos Mini Drive)
11.挑战者(11. Challenger)
此加密软件是适用于Windows设备的最佳免费选项之一。还有一个提供额外功能的高级选项。但是免费选项也是一个很好的选择。Challenger提供便携式加密、云加密(cloud encryption)等选项。在适用于Windows(Windows)设备的最佳加密软件中,它确实是一个不错的选择。
下载挑战者( Download Challanger)
12. AES 加密(12. AES Crypt)
AES Crypt可用于许多不同类型的操作系统。该软件使用广受欢迎的高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard),可以轻松安全地加密文件。使用AES Crypt(AES Crypt)软件加密文件很容易,所有用户需要做的就是右键单击文件并选择AES Encrypt。一旦他们设置了密码,就很难进入文件。
下载 AES 地穴( Download AES Crypt)
13. 安全棒(13. SecurStick)
与AES Crypt一样,SecurStick也使用高级加密标准(Advanced Encryption Standard)来保护Windows设备上的文件。但是,SecurStick只允许Windows用户加密可移动媒体,例如USB驱动器和便携式硬盘。SecurStick的缺点之一是无需成为管理员即可使用此加密软件。
14.文件夹锁(14. Folder Lock)
顾名思义,文件夹锁(Folder Lock)的加密功能相当有限。对于只想加密其设备上的文件夹的Windows操作系统用户来说,这只是一个不错的选择。它是一款轻量级软件,允许用户对Windows设备和 USB 等可移动设备上(USBs)的文件夹进行密码保护。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 5 大调查绕过工具(Top 5 Survey Bypassing Tools)
15. Cryptainer LE
这是适用于 Windows 的最强大的加密软件之一,因为(Windows)它对Windows设备上的文件和文件夹进行 448 位加密。该软件有助于在计算机存储上创建多个加密驱动器。
下载 Cryptainer LE( Download Cryptainer LE)
16. 确定安全(16. CertainSafe)
下载某些保险箱( Download Certain Safe)
17. 加密锻造(17. CryptoForge)
CryptoForge 是个人和组织最好的加密软件之一。该软件提供专业级加密,例如加密计算机上的文件以及加密云服务上的文件和文件夹。这就是使它成为Windows上最好的加密软件之一的原因。
下载 CryptoForge( Download CryptoForge)
18. 加密货币(18. InterCrypto)
InterCrypto是一款出色的 Windows 加密软件,用于加密媒体文件,例如 CD 加密软件以及USB闪存驱动器加密。该软件还创建加密文件的自解密版本。
下载 InterCrypto( Download InterCrypto)
19. LaCie 私人-公共(19. LaCie Private-Public)
LaCie是最好的加密服务开源平台,因为它是完全可移植的。人们甚至不需要安装它来使用该应用程序。该应用程序的大小甚至不到 1 MB。
下载花边( Download Lacie)
20. Tor 浏览器(20. Tor Browser)
与此列表中的其他软件不同,Tor 浏览器(Tor Browser)不会加密Windows设备上的文件。相反,它是一个网络浏览器,人们可以通过它访问网站而不知道谁在访问它们。Tor 浏览器(Tor Browser)是加密计算机IP 地址(IP address)的最佳应用程序。
下载 Tor 浏览器( Download Tor Browser)
21. 加密专家 8(21. CryptoExpert 8)
CryptoExpert 8具有AES-256算法来保护人们的文件。用户可以简单地将他们的文件存储在CryptoExpert 8保险库中,他们还可以使用该软件备份他们的所有文件和文件夹。
下载加密专家 8( Download CryptoExpert 8)
22. 文件库 2(22. FileVault 2)
与CrpytoExpert 8软件一样,FileVault 2允许用户将他们想要加密的文件存储在软件的保险库中。它具有用于加密的 XTS-AES-128 算法,这对黑客来说非常困难。这就是为什么它也是适用于Windows的最佳加密软件之一。
23. 最后通行证(23. LastPass)
LastPass本质上并不是人们可以用来加密文件的Windows加密软件。(Windows)相反,人们可以将他们的密码和其他类似数据存储在LastPass上,以保护其免受黑客攻击。该软件还可以帮助人们在忘记密码时找回密码。用户可以在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)上下载此软件作为扩展程序
下载 LastPass( Download LastPass)
24.IBM 卫报(24. IBM Guardiam)
IBM Guardiam是适用于Windows的最佳高级加密软件之一。一旦人们付费获得订阅,他们就会获得一些最好的功能。用户和公司都可以使用IBM Guardian 来管理整个数据库和许多不同类型的文件。用户甚至可以决定其文件的加密级别。(level of encryption)它可以说是最难破解的加密。
下载 IBM Guardiam( Download IBM Guardiam)
25. 克鲁托斯 2(25. Kruptos 2)
Kruptos 2是另一个很棒的高级订阅加密软件。许多高级金融公司使用这个平台来保护非常机密的信息。它不仅在Windows设备上提供加密,而且在Dropbox和OneDrive等(OneDrive)云(Cloud)服务上提供加密。它允许人们通过互联网将文件共享到兼容设备,而无需担心安全问题。
下载 Kruptos 2( Download Kruptos 2)
推荐:13 款用于密码保护文件和文件夹的最佳 Android 应用(13 Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files and Folders)(Recommended: 13 Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files and Folders)
25 Best Encryption Software For Windows
The world is becoming increasingly digital every day. People are using their persоnal computers more and more. But what people dо not realize is that as they connect more with thе rest of the world using the іnternet, they also expose themselves. There arе mаny people on the internet juѕt waiting to hack into computers and get people’s personal data.
People are trying more and more to protect their Windows laptops using encryption software. Personal computers usually have data pertaining to bank information and much other confidential information. Losing such information can be catastrophic for people as they stand to lose a lot. Thus, people are constantly looking for the best encryption software for Windows.
There are various software and tools that are available to encrypt Windows laptops. But not every software is fool-proof. Some software has loopholes that hackers and people with malicious intent can exploit. Therefore, people need to know which are the best encryption software for Windows laptops and computers.
25 Best Encryption Software For Windows
The following are the best encryption software for Windows computers:
1. AxCrypt
AxCrypt is arguably the best Windows encryption software available for users. It is perfect for encrypting all types of files on computers and laptops. Most digital security experts recognize AxCrypt as the best open-source encryption software. Users usually do not have problems using the software as it is very easy and convenient to use. They can easily encrypt or decrypt any file of their choosing. It is a premium subscription, though, so it is mostly a great option for people who need to protect many different things on their devices.
Download AxCrypt
2. DiskCryptor
Like AxCrypt, DiskCryptor is also an open-source encryption platform. It has more features than most other encryption platforms for Windows. DiskCryptor is also arguably the fastest encryption software available. Users can easily encrypt their hard drives, USB drives, SSD drives, and even the drive partitions on their device. It is certainly one of the best Windows encryption software.
Download DiskCryptor
3. VeraCrypt
The best thing about VeraCrypt is that the developers quickly patch all the loopholes and security risks as soon as someone discovers them. VeraCrypt does not allow users to encrypt single files, but it does an excellent job encrypting entire partitions and drives. It is very fast, and more importantly, it is free. So if someone does not have too much confidential information, and they simply want to protect a few things, VeraCrypt is the way to go.
Download VeraCrypt
4. Dekart Private Disk
Dekart Private Disk is much like VeraCrypt in that it is a rather simple tool to use. It does not have many features, and it creates a virtual encrypted disk. It then mounts this disk as a real disk. It is slower than VeraCrypt, but it is still one of the better options among encryption software for Windows.
Download Dekart Private Disk
5. 7-Zip
7-Zip will not help users encrypt entire drives or partitions. But it is one of the best software for individual files. 7-Zip is completely free to download and use. It is more popular among people to compress and share files over the internet. Users can compress their files using best file compression tools for Windows, then password-protect them as they go across the internet. The recipient can still access the file without a password, but no one else can. It is a great option for amateur users, but advanced users will not love it too much.
Download 7-Zip
6. Gpg4Win
Gpg4Win is an amazing encryption software when people want to share files over the internet. The software provides some of the best encryption for such files and protects them using digital signatures. Through this, the software ensures that no one but the recipient of the file can read the file. Gpg4Win also ensures that if someone is receiving a file, it comes from specific sends and not from strange sources.
Download Gpg4Win
7. Windows 10 Encryption
This is the pre-installed encryption that Windows 10 operating system devices offer to users. Users need to have a valid Microsoft subscription, and they need to sign in to access this encryption. Microsoft will automatically upload the user’s recovery key to its servers. It offers extremely strong encryption and has most of the relevant features.
8. Bitlocker
People who own the latest versions of the Windows 10 operating system will already have Bitlocker on their devices. It offers encryption for entire drives and disks on a computer. It has some of the best encryption among software and offers cypher block chaining encryption. Bitlocker does not allow unauthorized people to access data on a computer’s hard drive. It is one of the toughest encryption software for hackers to crack.
Download Bitlocker
9. Symantec Endpoint Encryption
Symantec is third-party encryption software that which people have to pay to use it. It is an amazing option to secure files and sensitive operations. The software has easy passphrases, data recovery options, local data back-up options, and other great features.
Also Read: Is ShowBox APK safe or unsafe?
10. Rohos Mini Drive
Rohos Mini Drive is the best encryption software to protect USB drives. The software can create hidden, and encryption partition drives on USBs. This is a great option to protect private files on a USB. It is because it is easy to lose USB drives, and that can comprise confidential information. Rohos Mini Drive will password protect the files and have strong encryption to go with it.
Download Rohos Mini Drive
11. Challenger
This encryption software is one of the best free options available for Windows devices. There is also a premium option that offers extra features. But the free option also does a very good option. Challenger offers options such as portable encryption, cloud encryption, and many others. It is truly a great option among the best encryption software for Windows devices.
Download Challanger
12. AES Crypt
AES Crypt is available on many different types of operating systems. The software uses the highly popular Advanced Encryption Standard, which makes it easy to encrypt files safely. It is easy to encrypt files using the AES Crypt software that all users need to do is right-click on a file and select AES Encrypt. Once they set a password, it is very difficult to get into the file.
Download AES Crypt
13. SecurStick
Like the AES Crypt, SecurStick also uses the Advanced Encryption Standard to protect files on Windows devices. However, SecurStick only allows Windows users to encrypt removable media such as USB drives and portable hard disks. One of the disadvantages of SecurStick is that one does not need to be an administrator to use this encryption software.
14. Folder Lock
As the name suggests, Folder Lock is rather limited in the encryption features it offers. It is only a great option for Windows operating system users who just want to encrypt the folder on their device. It’s a light software which allows user to password-protect folders on Windows devices and removable devices like USBs.
Also Read: Top 5 Survey Bypassing Tools
15. Cryptainer LE
This is one of the strongest encryption software available for Windows as it has 448-bit encryption for files and folders on Windows devices. The software helps to create multiple encrypted drives on the computer’s storage.
Download Cryptainer LE
16. CertainSafe
Certain safe is a multi-stage locking system. If someone wants to access a website, CertainSafe will make sure the website is safe, and it will also protect the website in case there are threats from the computer. The software also stores all encrypted files on different servers to protect them from hackers.
Download Certain Safe
17. CryptoForge
CryptoForge is one of the best encryption software for both individuals and organizations. The software offers professional-grade encryption such as encrypting files on computers as well as encrypting files and folders on cloud services. This is what makes it one of the best encryption software for Windows.
Download CryptoForge
18. InterCrypto
InterCrypto is excellent windows encryption software for encrypting media files such as CD encryption software as well as USB flash drive encryption. The software also creates self-decrypting versions of encrypted files.
Download InterCrypto
19. LaCie Private-Public
LaCie is the best open-source platform for encryption services as it is completely portable. People don’t even need to install it to use the application. The app is less than even 1 MB in size.
Download Lacie
20. Tor Browser
Unlike the other software on this list, Tor Browser does not encrypt files on a Windows device. It is instead a web browser through which people can access websites without knowing who is accessing them. Tor Browser is the best application to encrypt the IP address of a computer.
Download Tor Browser
21. CryptoExpert 8
CryptoExpert 8 has the AES-256 algorithm to protect people’s files. Users can simply store their files in the CryptoExpert 8 vault, and they can also back up all of their files and folder using this software.
Download CryptoExpert 8
22. FileVault 2
Like the CrpytoExpert 8 software, FileVault 2 allows users to store the files they want to encrypt in the software’s vault. It has the XTS-AES-128 algorithm for encryption, which means it is very difficult for hackers. This is why it is also one of the best encryption software for Windows.
23. LastPass
LastPass is not essentially an encryption software for Windows that people can use to encrypt their files. Instead, people can store their passwords and other similar data on LastPass to protect it from hackers. This software can also help people recover their passwords if they forget. Users can download this software as an extension on Google Chrome
Download LastPass
24. IBM Guardiam
IBM Guardiam is one of the best premium encryption software available for Windows. Once people pay to get the subscription, they get some of the best features. Both users and corporations can use IBM guardian to entire databases and many different types of files. Users can even decide the level of encryption on their files. It is arguably the most difficult encryption to break.
Download IBM Guardiam
25. Kruptos 2
Kruptos 2 is another great premium subscription encryption software. Many high-level financial firms use this platform to protect very confidential information. It not only offers encryption on Windows devices but also on Cloud services like Dropbox and OneDrive. It allows people to share files over the internet to compatible devices without worrying about safety.
Download Kruptos 2
Recommended: 13 Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files and Folders
There are various encryption tools and software for Windows. Some offer niche encryption options, while others offer professional-grade security. Users need to decide which software to use based on what is the level of security they need. All the software in the above list are great options, and users will have a high level of security no matter which option they choose.