很多时候, 您会发现需要在Android手机上安装屏幕录像机。无论是向您的朋友发送有趣的 meme 视频,还是分享某人有争议的Instagram故事或Facebook Live ,在(Facebook Live)WhatsApp上激怒您的Girl帮派。
专门用于屏幕(Screen)录制的第三方应用程序现已上市,开发人员正在全力以赴确保您不会错过任何 iOS 用户喜欢的东西。
最好的Android(Best Android)屏幕录像机应用程序现在可供您下载。
更新到Android 10的几款Android手机,如三星(Samsung)或 LG,在其原始设备制造商皮肤中拥有用于屏幕录制的内置功能。它只需要解锁并启用。
甚至MIUI和Oxygen OS 皮肤(Oxygen OS Skins)都带有内置的屏幕录像机。可悲的是,Android系列中的某些手机仍然没有默认功能。使用 iOS 11,包括默认功能,即将到来的Android Q(Android Q)更新似乎也将带来一个用于屏幕录制目的的本机应用程序。
如何在Android 手机上激活(Android Phone)屏幕(Screen)录制?
如果您拥有运行Android 10的(Android 10)三星(Samsung)或 LG 智能手机,那么您可以通过几个简单的步骤激活屏幕录制功能。这将为您省去为其下载第三方Android应用程序的麻烦。
1. 访问“快速设置”菜单。
2. 寻找屏幕录像机(Screen Recorder)选项。(如果没有看到,请向左滑动到其他磁贴页面)
3.三星- 可以启用屏幕录制音频;(Samsung- Screen)一个选项将出现在您的屏幕上。– 它使用内部媒体音频来录制音频。之后,屏幕录像机将开始倒计时。
对于 LG- 一旦你点击,屏幕录制倒计时开始。
10 个最佳 Android 屏幕录像机应用(10 Best Android Screen Recorder Apps)
如果您希望为此目的下载第三方应用程序。以下是最适合您的 Android 屏幕录像机应用程序列表:
#1. Az Screen Recorder
这是一款高品质的安卓(Android)屏幕录像机,具有稳定、流畅、清晰的视频截屏能力。无论是与朋友和家人的视频通话,还是手机上的游戏流,还是现场表演、YouTube视频或Tik Tok内容,都可以使用Android上的(Android)AZ 屏幕(AZ Screen)录像机下载所有内容。
屏幕录像机支持内部(Internal)音频,并确保您的所有屏幕录像都有清晰的音频。该应用程序不仅仅是一个屏幕录像机,它还包含一个视频编辑工具。您可以创建视频并对其进行自定义。只需一个名为AZ Screen Recorder 的(AZ Screen)Android屏幕录像机即可完成所有工作。
- 全高清(Full High Definition)视频录制 - 1080p、60 FPS、12 Mbps
- 在分辨率、比特率和帧率方面有很多选择。
- 内部(Internal)声音功能(适用于Android 10)
- Face Cam可以在屏幕上的任何位置、任何大小、覆盖窗口中进行调整。
- 您可以暂停和恢复屏幕录制。
- 创建自己的GIF(GIFs)很容易,因为他们有一个单独的功能,称为GIF制作器。
- 要停止屏幕录制,您可以摇晃智能手机。
- 将所有屏幕录制的视频通过 Wi-Fi 传输到您的计算机,快捷方便。
- 视频编辑器可以裁剪、修剪、删除部分、将视频转换为GIF(GIFs)、压缩视频等。
- 您甚至可以合并视频、添加背景音轨、为视频添加字幕并编辑其音频。
- 创建 1/3 至 3X 速度选项的延时视频。
- 直播和流媒体可以在Facebook、Twitch、Youtube等上进行。
- 不仅是屏幕录制,还可以使用AZ Screen Recorder进行屏幕截图。
- 这个一站式目的地还提供图像编辑器。
基本上,这个应用程序拥有从 A 到 Z 的所有内容,用于屏幕录制甚至屏幕截图。它非常完美,在Google Play商店中获得了 4.6 星评级,可供下载。此应用程序的高级版本将作为应用内购买购买。高级版有一些免费版没有的附加功能。高级版没有广告会中断您流畅的屏幕录制体验。
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#2. Screen Recorder
这个简单友好的屏幕录像机使录制视频截图变得非常容易。它在您的主屏幕或您正在查看的任何屏幕上都有一个蓝色按钮作为小部件,可让您快速访问开始和结束录制。Android应用程序是免费的,完全没有广告干扰。它可在Google Play商店下载,并获得 4.4 星评级。只有Android 10手机可以利用内部声音与屏幕录制一起录制音频。
- 可以录屏,也可以截图。
- 正面和背面凸轮功能可用。
- 录制时允许在屏幕上绘制笔记。
- 对于 android 7.0 及更高版本,通知面板具有快速磁贴功能
- 提供基本的视频编辑功能-视频(Video)修剪、插入文本等。
- 白天和黑夜的不同主题。
- 允许使用魔术(Magic)按钮暂停和恢复录制。
- 为用户提供多种语言选项
- 记录高清分辨率 - 60 FPS
总的来说,考虑到该应用程序是免费的并且没有烦人的广告,它非常整洁。由Kimcy 929开发的(Kimcy 929)Screen Recorder提供了第三方应用程序可能需要的屏幕录制功能。
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#3. Super Screen Recorder
这个屏幕名副其实,因为它真的超级棒!此应用程序由HappyBees开发,可在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载。它的星级评分为 4.6 星,这就是它进入此列表的原因。第三方屏幕录像机完全免费,不会因水印问题而困扰您。它也不需要根,并且对您从中获取的录音没有时间限制。
- 高品质(High-quality)屏幕录像机 - 12Mbps、1080 P 和 60 FPS。
- (Pause)从通知栏中随意暂停和恢复。
- 手势可以设置为停止录制。
- 没有时间限制,有外部视频。
- 将视频保存在Android上的任何位置。
- 视频(Video)旋转功能 - 横向或纵向模式。
- 视频(Video)编辑器,允许合并、压缩、添加背景声音等。
- (Draw)录制时使用画笔工具在屏幕上绘图。
- (Convert)使用GIF Maker将视频转换为GIF(GIFs)。
- 默认情况下,水印是关闭的。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 用于上网的 10 个最佳 Android 浏览器(10 Best Android Browsers for Surfing the Internet)
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#4. Mobizen Screen Recorder
不仅仅是屏幕录制,Mobizen远不止于此。它还提供屏幕截图和视频编辑。第三方 android 应用程序在Google Play 商店中获得 4.2 星评级,可供下载。可悲的是,三星(Samsung)不支持此应用程序,并且无法使用它。但这不是问题,因为Android 10+ 三星(Samsung)手机具有内置的屏幕录像机。使用 4.4 及更高版本的Android(Android)用户会发现这个应用程序非常有吸引力。这是一个很棒的应用程序,可以录制视频聊天,甚至流式传输您的游戏。
以下是您可能要在 Android 上下载Mobizen(Mobizen)屏幕录像机的一些原因:
- 100% 免费功能。
- 截图,录屏。
- 查看(View)录制持续时间以跟踪时间。
- 多种编辑功能 - 压缩、修剪、将文本添加到录音中。
- 清除屏幕录制功能以录制无水印。
- Face Come(Came)功能与录音功能。
- (Shoot)使用 SD 卡等外部存储器拍摄长屏幕录像。
- 高质量(High-quality)流媒体 - 1080p 分辨率、12 Mbps质量和 60 FPS。
- 安卓 4.4(Android 4.4)及以后的版本不能生根。
- 通过应用内购买消除(Remove)广告中断。
用于屏幕录制、编辑和捕获的Mobizen应用程序是一个不错的选择,尤其是对于使用Android 4.4及更高版本的用户。您在应用程序上所做的所有工作都可以保存到您使用的Android设备上的任何位置。
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#5. Adv Screen Recorder
这款适用于安卓(Android)设备的第三方屏幕录像机是专门为功能齐全而开发的,无需root,无限制。他们一直能够坚持自己的使命,这就是为什么他们在Google Play 商店中以高评和 4.4 星评价而屹立不倒的原因。该应用程序已被翻译成多种语言——阿拉伯语(Arabic)、意大利语(Italian)、西班牙语(Spanish)、德语(German)、葡萄牙语(Portuguese),当然还有英语(English)。这使得全球范围内的各种用户都可以访问它。
- 用于录制的默认和高级引擎。(Advanced)
- 先进的引擎允许在录制时暂停和恢复功能。
- 正面和背面都可用。
- (Draw)使用许多可用的颜色选项在屏幕录制上绘图。
- 基本视频编辑 - 修剪、文本自定义。
- 设置徽标/横幅并轻松自定义它们。
- 不需要生根。
- 不包含水印。
- 它包含添加,可以通过应用内购买删除。
- 轻量级应用。
这是一款适用于Android(Android)手机的出色第三方屏幕录像机,而且它不会要求您进行 root 访问,这一事实使其成为更好的选择。要停止屏幕录制,您可以访问通知选项卡。你绝对可以试试这个。
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#6. Rec.
对于灵活流畅的屏幕录制,您可以使用Rec。安卓应用。该应用程序具有出色且简单的用户友好界面,这使其成为许多用户的有吸引力的选择。具有 4.4 版本的Android(Android)用户必须允许对Rec进行 root 访问。应用。
只有Android 4.4及更高版本的用户才能从Google Play 商店安装此应用。以下是rec的一些功能。应用程序 ( Pro ) 向用户提供:
- 带音频的屏幕录制 - 最长 1 小时。
- 音频由麦克风录制。
- 直观的用户界面。
- (Set)为您的屏幕录制设置一个计时器。
- 在屏幕上显示持续时间。
- 允许将喜欢的配置设置为预设。
- 通过应用内购买添加(Add)免费体验。
- 可以设置摇动手机停止录制等手势。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 12 个最佳天气应用程序和小部件(12 Best Weather Apps and Widget for Android)
在下载应用程序之前,您应该知道这些功能只能在Pro版本中使用,以通过应用程序内购买。免费版没有预定义的 10 秒屏幕录制时间和低分辨率拍摄的基础知识。这就是为什么该应用程序没有取得很大成功并且在 google play 商店中仅获得 3.6 星的低评分的原因。
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#7. Screen Recorder With Audio And Face Cam, Screenshot
这是一个相当不错和诚实的屏幕录像机,它提供了它的名字所暗示的一切。如果您需要 Android 手机上的屏幕录像机,直观的用户界面是下载的绝佳建议。第三方 android 应用程序可在Google Play商店免费下载和安装,并获得 4.3 星评级。
- 不需要生根。
- 录制的视频上没有水印。
- 有多种视频格式可供选择。
- 高分辨率录制。
- 无限的录制时间和音频可用性。
- 一键截屏,一键录制。
- 录制游戏和视频聊天。
- 免费视频在朋友和家人之间分享,甚至直接在社交媒体上分享。
- 屏幕记录和屏幕截图的编辑功能。
- 游戏记录器带有面部摄像头功能。
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#8. Google Play Games
Google为所有可能的 android 需求提供了解决方案。Google Play游戏让您的游戏体验更有趣,无论是街机游戏还是拼图游戏。
您可能会认为Google Play游戏只是用于游戏目的的在线中心,但它远不止于此。默认情况下,它具有各种可用的屏幕录制功能。大量游戏玩家会喜欢这个新功能。您可能还没有发现这一点,但阅读此内容将帮助您使用屏幕记录以流式传输高清(High Def)游戏。不仅是游戏,而且该应用程序允许对所有内容进行屏幕录制。
尤其是对于最新的安卓版本,谷歌(Google)玩游戏可能是因祸得福。Android 操作系统(Android OS)的最新智能手机通常默认具有此应用程序。
- 没有广告中断,也没有应用内购买。
- 视频的分辨率可以是 480 p 或 720 p。
- 游戏录制。
- 与朋友分享您的成就时刻。
- 也可以在手机上录制其他应用程序。
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#9. Apowerec
这款适用于Android(Android)的屏幕录像机应用程序功能强大且简单。它由Apowersoft Limited(Apowersoft)开发,可在Google Play 商店下载。您可以免费下载它并享受它的所有功能,例如非常高分辨率的视频质量。
无论是游戏直播、视频聊天录制、直播和其他屏幕活动;可以使用 Apowerec 屏幕录像机。(Apowerec)
- 高清(High)1080 p 分辨率全屏录制。
- (Audio)可以使用电话扬声器甚至麦克风进行录音。
- 纵向和横向视频录制功能。
- 面部摄像(Cam-)头 - 仅用于前置摄像头在屏幕录制中显示您的面部并录制语音。
- 浮动操作按钮将有助于快速暂停、恢复或停止屏幕录制。
- 在屏幕录制上捕获手指触摸。这对那些希望制作游戏或应用教程的人很有帮助。
- 比特率和帧率选项。
- 屏幕录制的长度没有栏。
- 分享视频很简单。
- 记录的文件存储在应用程序中。
- 智能录制功能 - 选择应用程序以启动自动屏幕录制。
此屏幕录像机需要 Android 5 或更高版本才能安装。它的标准评级为 3.4 星。该应用程序适用于屏幕录制、截图和管理视频。该应用程序有不错的评论,可能值得一试!
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#10. Screen Recorder & Video Capture, My Video Recorder
由MyMovie Inc.开发,这款屏幕录像机非常适合Android用户及其屏幕录制需求。它拥有大量观众,并在Google Play商店中获得 4.3 星评级。最好的部分是它提供的一切,并且不向用户收取任何费用。适用于Android(Android)用户的第三方屏幕录像机具有最佳功能。特别是对于那些希望流式传输游戏或与朋友进行视频聊天的人。使用My Videorecorder(My Videorecorder)应用程序,甚至可以轻松录制现场表演和管理录音。
- 不需要生根。
- 录音上不会显示水印。
- 在YouTube(YouTube)和其他平台上分享视频和屏幕截图非常舒适。
- 音频(Audio)质量非常好并且可用。
- 全(Full)高清图形 - 1080 p分辨率(Resolution)。
- 一键截图。
- 创建(Create)截屏视频并与朋友分享。
我向 Android 5.0 及更高版本的用户强烈推荐这款录像机。在此之下,此屏幕录像机将不兼容。
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虽然我们都在等待Android Q更新,但我们希望看到录像机(Video)成为内置的默认功能;这些第三方应用程序似乎是个好主意。
我们希望这份适用于 Android( Best Screen Recorder Apps for Android)用户的最佳屏幕录像机应用程序列表对您有所帮助。请让我们知道您对所用产品的评论。如果我们错过了什么,您可以在下面的评论部分提及。
10 Best Android Screen Recorder Apps (2022)
Very often, you find the need for a screen recorder on your Android phone. Be it to send your friends a funny meme video or to share someone’s controversial Instagram story or a Facebook Live, to rile up your Girl gang on WhatsApp.
Third-party applications specifically for the purpose of Screen recording have now hit the markets, and the developers are going all out to make sure that you do not miss out on anything which the iOS users enjoy.
You can use this screen record feature to stream your gaming experience, record educational videos so you can watch them anytime you want. Screen recorders do come in handy more often than one would expect.
Other creative uses that one can come up with for these third-party screen recording applications for Android are editing videos with the app, create your own videos with cuttings from other videos and also create your own GIFs.
The Best Android screen recorder apps are now available for you to download.
Several Android phones, like Samsung or LG that are updated to Android 10, possess an inbuilt feature for screen recording in their original equipment manufacturer skin. It just has to be unlocked and enabled.
Even MIUI and Oxygen OS Skins come with an in-built screen recorder. Sadly, some phones in the Android family still do not have the default feature. With iOS 11, including the feature by default, it seems like the upcoming Android Q update will also bring a native app for screen recording purposes.
How to Activate Screen Recording on Android Phone?
If you possess a Samsung or an LG smartphone, which is running Android 10 then you can activate the screen recording feature in a couple of easy steps. This will save you the trouble of downloading third-party Android apps for it.
1. Visit the “Quick Settings” menu.
2. Look for the Screen Recorder option. (If you do not see it, swipe left to the other tile pages)
3. For Samsung- Screen record audio can be enabled; an option will be on your screen for it. – It uses internal media audio for recording audio. After that, the countdown will begin for the screen recorder.
For LG- as soon as you tap, the screen recording countdown starts.
10 Best Android Screen Recorder Apps
If you wish to download a third-party application for this purpose. Here is a list of the best Android screen recorder applications for you:
#1. Az Screen Recorder
This is a high-quality Android screen recorder with a stable, smooth, and clear ability to capture video screenshots. Be it video calls with friends and family or game streaming on your mobile phone or live shows, YouTube videos, or Tik Tok content, everything can be downloaded using this AZ Screen recorder on your Android.
The screen recorder supports Internal audio and ensures that all your screen recordings have clear audio. The application is so much more than just a screen recorder as it also has a video editing tool in it. You can create your videos and customize them so well. Everything can be done with just a single Android screen recorder called AZ Screen recorder.
It is a very powerful option and has tons of features that you might love!
- Full High Definition recording of videos- 1080p, 60 FPS, 12 Mbps
- Many options when it comes to resolutions, bit rates, and frame rates.
- Internal sound feature (for Android 10)
- Face Cam can be adjusted on the screen anywhere, in any size, in an overlay window.
- You can pause and resume the screen recording.
- Creating their own GIFs is easy as they have a separate feature called the GIF maker for it.
- To stop the screen recording, you can shake your smartphone.
- Wi-Fi transfer for all screen recorded videos to your computer, quick and easy.
- The video editor can crop, trim, remove parts, convert videos to GIFs, compress the video, etc.
- You can even merge videos, add background soundtrack, subtitles to the video, and edit its audio.
- Creating time-lapse videos of 1/3rd to 3X speed options.
- Live broadcasting and streaming can be done on Facebook, Twitch, Youtube, etc.
- Not just screen recording, but also screenshots can be taken with the AZ Screen Recorder.
- An image editor is also available in this one-stop destination.
Basically, this app has everything from A to Z for screen recording or even screenshots. It is perfect and has been given a 4.6-star rating on Google Play store, where it is available for download. The premium version of this application is to be bought as an in-app purchase. The premium version has several additional features that will not be given in the free version. No ads will interrupt your fluid screen recording experience with the premium version.
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#2. Screen Recorder
This simple and friendly screen recorder makes it extremely easy to record video screenshots. It has a blue button as a widget on your home screen or whichever screen you are viewing, which gives you quick access to start and end the recording. The Android app is free of cost and has no advertisement interruptions at all. It is available for download on Google Play store and has a 4.4-star rating on it. Only the Android 10 phones can utilize the internal sound for recording audio along with the screen recording.
Here are some features of this third-party screen recorder app for Android phones:
- Can record screens and also take screenshots.
- The front and back face cam feature is available.
- Allows drawing notes on the screen when you record.
- For android 7.0 and after, has quick tiles feature for your notification panel
- Basic video editing features are available- Video trimming, inserting text, etc.
- Separate themes for day and night.
- Allows pausing and resuming the recording with the Magic button.
- Multiple language options for users
- Records HD resolution- 60 FPS
Overall, considering that the application is free of cost and doesn’t have annoying ads, it is very neat. The features that one may need from a third-party app for screen recording are all here with the Screen Recorder, developed by Kimcy 929.
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#3. Super Screen Recorder
This screen will live up to its name because it actually is pretty super! This app is developed by HappyBees and is available for download on the Google Play Store. It sports a stellar rating of 4.6-stars, which is the reason it has made it to this list. The third-party screen recorder is absolutely free of cost and will not trouble you with watermark issues. It also does not require a root and has no limitations of timing on the recordings you take from it.
The reason for the success and popularity gained by the Superscreen recorder is the variety of features it offers without charging a single penny. Here is a list of some of them:
- High-quality screen recorder- 12Mbps, 1080 P, and 60 FPS.
- Pause and resume as you please, from the notification bar.
- Gestures can be set to stop recording.
- No time limit, with external videos.
- Save the video in any location on your Android.
- Video rotating feature- landscape or portrait mode.
- Video editor, which allows merging, compressing, adding background sounds, etc.
- Draw on the screen with the brush tool while recording.
- Convert videos into GIFs with the GIF Maker.
- By default, the watermark is off.
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This user-friendly screen recorder with an amazing feature for video editing can help you make your high definition videos. The developers suggest that you freeze some heavy apps in the background to prevent interruptions during the recording. Before using this, we suggest you go through the app requirements and permissions.
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#4. Mobizen Screen Recorder
Not just screen recording, Mobizen is so much more than that. It offers screenshot capturing and video editing also. The third-party android application, scores a 4.2-star rating on Google play store, where it is available for download. Sadly, Samsung does not support this application, and it won’t work on it. But that is not an issue as Android 10+ Samsung phones have in-built screen recorders. Android users with 4.4 and after versions will find this app extremely appealing. It is a great app to record video chats and even streams your gameplay.
Here are some reasons why you might want to download the Mobizen screen recorder on your Android:
- 100% free features.
- Screenshots, screen record.
- View recording duration to keep track of the timing.
- Variety of editing features- compressing, trimming, add text to the recording.
- Clear screen recording feature to record without a watermark.
- Face Came feature with voice recording.
- Shoot long screen recordings with external memory like an SD card.
- High-quality streaming- 1080p resolution, 12 Mbps quality, and 60 FPS.
- No rooting for Android 4.4 and after versions.
- Remove ad interruptions with the in-app purchases.
The Mobizen application for screen recording, editing, and capturing is a great option, especially for those who use Android 4.4 and later. All the work you did on the app can be saved to any location on the Android device you use.
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#5. Adv Screen Recorder
This third-party screen recorder for Android devices was specifically developed with a view to being full of features, without the need for rooting and no restrictions. They have been able to keep up to their mission, which is why they stand tall on Google play store with great reviews and a 4.4-star rating on it. The app has been translated into multiple languages – Arabic, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and of course, English. This makes it accessible to a large variety of users across the globe.
Here are the features that the ADV recorder offers to its users:
- Default and Advanced engines for recording.
- The advanced engine allows pause and resumes feature while recording.
- Face cam- both front and back available.
- Draw on the screen recording with a lot of available color options.
- Basic video editing- trimming, text customizations.
- Set a logo/banner and customize them easily.
- Does not require rooting.
- Does not contain a watermark.
- It contains adds, which can be removed with in-app purchases.
- Lightweight application.
This is a great third-party screen recorder for Android phones, and the fact that it will not ask you for root access makes it an even better option. To stop the screen recording, you can reach for your notification tab. You can definitely give this one a try.
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#6. Rec.
For flexible and fluid screen recording, you can use the Rec. android app. The app has a great and simple user-friendly interface, which makes it an attractive option for many of its users. Android users with 4.4 version will have to allow root access to the Rec. application.
Only users having Android 4.4 and above can install this app from the Google play store. Here are some of the features that rec. application (Pro) offers to the users:
- Screen recording with audio- up to a maximum of 1 hour.
- The audio is recorded by the mic.
- Intuitive UI.
- Set up a timer for your screen recording.
- Shows duration on the screen.
- Allows setting favorite configurations as pre-sets.
- Add free experience with in-app purchases.
- Gestures like shaking the phone to stop recording can be set.
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Before you download the app, you should know that these features can only be used in the Pro version to get through an in-app purchase. The free version is useless with a predefined time of 10 seconds of screen recording and the very basics of low-resolution shooting. This is why the app has not seen a lot of success and stands at a low rating of 3.6-stars on the google play store.
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#7. Screen Recorder With Audio And Face Cam, Screenshot
This is a rather good and honest screen recorder that offers all that its name suggests. The intuitive UI makes it an excellent suggestion for downloading if you need a screen recorder on your android phone. The third-party android application is available for free download and installation on the Google Play store and stands tall with a 4.3-star rating.
Here are some of the features, which will justify why I am talking so positively of this particular screen recorder:
- No rooting is needed.
- No watermark on recorded videos.
- Various video formats are available.
- High-resolution recording.
- Unlimited recording time and audio availability.
- One-touch is required to screenshot and a single tap to record.
- Recording gameplays and video chats.
- Free videos are sharing between friends and family, even directly to social media.
- Editing features for both screen records and screenshots.
- The game recorder comes with a face cam feature.
The Screen recorder with audio, the face came, and the screenshot is a great idea. The features are all there, and they work as well as they are promised by the developers of this application. The app has in-app purchases too. The worst part of the free version app is the interruption by multiple ads, which makes your screen recording experience terrible. You can stop that with an in-app purchase.
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#8. Google Play Games
Google has a solution for all possible android needs. The Google Play games make your gaming experience more fun, be it an arcade game or a puzzle.
You might be thinking that Google Play games are just an online hub for gaming purposes, but it is so much more than that. It has a variety of screen recording functions available on it by default. The massive gamers will love this new feature. You might not have discovered this yet, but reading this will help you use the screen record to stream gameplay in High Def. Not just, games but the app allows screen recording of everything.
Especially for the latest android versions, Google play games can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The latest smartphones of Android OS have this application by default, generally.
Here are some of its functions as a screen recorder:
- No ads interruption and no in-app purchases.
- The resolution of videos can be either 480 p or 720 p.
- Gameplay recording.
- Share your moments of achievements with friends.
- Record other apps on your phone too.
Since the application is not purely dedicated to screening recording, you cannot expect too much from it. It might not provide you with all the features and advanced functions that others in this list are. Also, the app may not be able to screen record in some specific phone models.
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#9. Apowerec
This screen recorder app for Android is a powerful and simple one. It is developed by Apowersoft limited and is available for download on the Google play store. You can download it for free and enjoy all its features, such as very high-resolution video quality.
Be it game streaming, video chats recording, live streams, and other screen activities; the Apowerec screen recorder can be used.
Here are some of the features that the third party application will provide you with:
- Full-screen recording in High definition 1080 p resolution.
- Audio recording is available- with a phone speaker or even mic.
- Portrait as well as landscape video recording feature.
- Face Cam- only for the front camera to show your face and record voice in the screen recording.
- The floating action button will help to pause, resume, or stop the screen recording quickly.
- Capturing finger touches on the screen recording. This will be helpful for those who wish to make gaming or app tutorials.
- Options for bit rates and frame rates.
- No bar on the length of the screen recording.
- Sharing videos is simple.
- The recorded files get stored within the app.
- Smart recording feature- select apps for automatic screen recording to start.
This screen recorder required an Android 5 or more for installation. It is given a standard rating of 3.4 stars. The app is suitable for screen recording, taking screenshots, and managing videos. The app has decent reviews and might be worth a try!
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#10. Screen Recorder & Video Capture, My Video Recorder
Developed by MyMovie Inc., this screen recorder is a good one out there for Android users and their screen recording needs. It has a great audience and stands at a 4.3-star Google Play store rating. The best part being all that it offers, and does not charge its users any money. The third-party screen recorder for Android users is jam-packed with the best features. Especially for those who wish to stream gameplays or capture video chats with your friends. Even recording live shows and management of recordings is made easy with the My Videorecorder app.
Here are some of the features that highlight this app to its users:
- No rooting is needed.
- No watermark will show on recordings.
- Sharing videos and screenshots on YouTube and other platforms are super comfortable.
- Audio quality is excellent and available.
- Full high definition graphics – 1080 p Resolution.
- One tap screenshots.
- Create screencasts and share them with friends.
I highly recommend this video recorder to Android 5.0 and up users. Below that, this screen recorder will be incompatible.
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While we all await the Android Q update, we expect to see the Video recorder being a built-in default function; these third-party applications seem like a great idea.
There is no need to wait for the upgrade when you can use these great apps right now and screen record so many games, live shows, live streams, and video chats.
The screen recorders shoot in high definition, and it will be great to create your content like tutorials and gameplays.
They all mostly have excellent video editing features that will complete your needs for your creations.
We hope this list of Best Screen Recorder Apps for Android users was a helpful one. Do let us know your reviews on the ones you used. If we have missed out on anything, you can mention it in the comment section below.