这些提示将告诉您如何make Windows 11/10 faster。使用这些技巧,您可以使 Windows PC 启动更快,运行和关闭更快,以及提高和提升 Windows 11/10 性能。以下是一些有用的实用技巧,可加速慢速 PC 并使 Windows 11/10 在游戏和日常使用中更快。
加速 Windows 11/10
这是几年前我在WinVistaClub.com上写的第一篇文章——当时非常受欢迎,收到了超过 5000 次(WinVistaClub.com)Stumbles。我决定对其进行更新并在此处发布,以使其适用于Windows 11、Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows 7 以及一般的Windows。
对于普通用户来说,前几个点通常足以调整 Windows(tune-up Windows)。剩下的还有一些,调整爱好者可能希望考虑提高 Windows 11 的性能。我建议您在调整系统之前先创建一个系统还原点。我还建议您不要一次或一天进行太多更改。此外,查看特定调整是否适用于您的Windows版本。
让 Windows 11/10 运行得更快
虽然您可以手动进行调整,但使用Ultimate Windows Tweaker之类的免费软件可能会让您的事情变得更容易。您可以通过执行以下建议来加速Windows 11/10
- 限制启动数量
- 删除预装的垃圾软件
- 开启快速启动
- 减少视觉效果
- 删除垃圾文件(Delete Junk Files),清理注册表(Clean Registry)和优化 Windows
- 使用高性能电源计划
- 定期重启电脑
- 使用固态硬盘。
为什么程序在您不使用时启动。即使是您需要的那些也可以通过单击程序图标来手动启动。我不希望有任何(ANY)初创公司——除了我的防病毒软件正在运行。因此,请自行决定每次Windows启动时需要启动哪些。您可以使用Windows 8/7 中的MSConfig或Windows 10 中的任务管理器来(Task Manager)管理启动程序(manage startup programs)。您还可以延迟启动程序(delay Startup Programs)或控制它们在Windows启动时的加载顺序。
删除任何(Remove any crapware) 可能预装在新Windows PC 上的垃圾软件,因为很多时候正是这些垃圾软件(crapware)导致机器爬行!
在Windows 10/8.1中,您可以选择打开快速启动(Turn on Fast Startup)选项。您将在“Control Panel > Power Options > Choose电源按钮的功能”> “关机(Shutdown)设置”中看到此设置。
打开控制面板并搜索视觉效果(Effects)。在性能选项下,您可以调整以获得最佳性能(Adjust for best performance)或手动选择或取消选择选项。这将调整视觉效果 并消除大量的视觉效果。但是,您可能想要检查屏幕字体的平滑边缘,(Smooth edges of screen fonts, )因此需要进行自定义(Custom)选择。
禁用所有功能实际上会否定“对眼睛友好”的Windows 11/10/8/7的目的,并使其看起来和感觉“平淡无奇”——因此请谨慎行事并明智地选择您的选项。
5 ]删除垃圾文件(Delete Junk Files),清理注册表(Clean Registry)和优化Windows
虽然删除垃圾文件和临时文件可能不会完全让您的Windows更快,但它更多的是一个良好的内务管理问题。您可以使用内置的磁盘清理实用程序(Disk Cleanup Utility )或CCleaner等免费软件来执行相同操作。是否应该 偶尔使用免费的注册表清理器(Registry Cleaner) 来清理Windows 注册表(Windows Registry)是一个有争议的问题,所以你可以接听电话。但是,我确实每月使用一次它来删除剩余的注册表项。偶尔压缩注册表(Compacting the Registry)也是一个好主意。这些优化 Windows 以获得更好性能的(optimize Windows for better performance)初学者技巧 也会让您感兴趣。
“Power Saver”计划中的默认电源设置将(Power Setting)Windows 操作系统中的(Windows OS)CPU限制为 50% 。打开电源选项控制面板(Power Options Control Panel)并将其更改为“高性能(High Performance)”电源计划,让您的 CPU 充分发挥作用。
一个小而简单的提示!每周至少重新启动一次 PC,尤其是在您经常使用它的情况下。(Restart)重新启动(Restart)PC 是清除其内存并确保关闭任何开始运行的错误进程和服务的好方法。
如果可能,请使用SSD!它肯定会让您的Windows 10启动、运行和关闭更快!
正如我所说,以上内容应该足以加快 Windows 10 的速度。万一你是一个调整爱好者,你可以阅读以下提示。查看哪些适用于您的 Windows 版本 - Windows 10、Windows 8 或 Windows 7。(As I said, The above should be enough to speed up Windows 10. Just in case you are a tweak enthusiast, you may go through the following tips. See which apply to your Windows version – Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7.)
对驱动器进行碎片整理(Defragment Drives)
(Defragment)定期对您的驱动器进行碎片整理。当然,如今,您实际上并不需要手动执行此操作,因为内置的Windows 碎片整理程序 可以在系统空闲时很好地在后台对文件进行碎片整理。但是,如果您愿意,也可以使用第三方免费的碎片整理软件(free defragmentation software)。
检查硬盘是否有错误(Check Hard Disk for errors)
有时,最好使用Windows内置的工具CHKDSK ((CHKDSK)用于检查磁盘)(Check Disk)检查硬盘驱动器是否存在错误。在Windows 10/8中,微软(Microsoft)重新设计了CHKDSK 实用程序。在自动维护(Maintenance)期间会定期检查磁盘是否存在文件系统错误、坏扇区、丢失的簇等,您现在无需再去运行它。
更改系统启动选项(Change System startup options)
您可以通过系统(System)属性(Properties)更改显示操作系统列表的时间,(change the time to display the list of operating systems)甚至将启动时间缩短 10 秒。
处理器调度(Processor Scheduling)
根据您的Windows计算机的使用情况,您可以配置处理器调度,以便在使用程序(Programs)或后台进程(Background Processes)时为您提供最佳性能。
性能信息和工具(Performance Information and Tools)
Windows 启动性能诊断(Windows Boot Performance Diagnostics)
您还可以使用内置的Windows 启动性能诊断 来检测Windows 启动性能(Windows Boot Performance)问题并尝试确定其根本原因。
禁用或延迟加载 Windows 服务(Disable or delay loading of Windows Services)
Windows安装了超过 130 种服务!禁用(Disable)您确定不需要的服务。例如,如果您的 PC 是独立的,则可能有一些服务可以禁用或切换到手动模式。服务的自动启动和关闭需要时间和资源。这些可以保存。BlackViper 的服务配置是一个很好的指南。根据 BlackViper 的建议,我们创建了SMART,这是一个用于在Windows 10/8/7、Vista、XP服务中(Services)调整 Windows 服务的实用程序。
- 如果您不使用打印机,请禁用“Print Spooler”服务。
- 如果您运行的不是平板(Tablet)电脑,请禁用“平板(Tablet)电脑输入”服务。
- 如果您没有将相机、网络摄像头或扫描仪连接到您的 PC,请禁用“Windows Image Acquisition”服务。
您还可以延迟特定服务的加载(delay the loading of specific Services)。
禁用搜索索引器(Disable Search Indexer)
如果您不经常使用Search,您可能需要考虑禁用Search Indexing。为此,请打开Control Panel\System和Maintenance\Performance Information和工具(Tools)。在LHS上,您将看到调整索引(Indexing) 选项(Options)、视觉效果(Effects)、电源设置(Power Settings)等选项。在控制面板的“(Control Panel)索引(Indexing)选项”下(Options)取消选中(Untick) 要索引的文件 . 但是,禁用索引的完整方法还包括进入硬盘的属性并取消选中“索引此驱动器以加快搜索”选项。然后您必须进入Services.msc,禁用并停止“Windows Search”服务。
请注意,搜索索引器仅在计算机空闲时运行,因此您无需在(Search Indexer)Windows 10/8/7中关闭此非常强大的功能。
禁用瞬态多监视器管理器(Disable Transient Multimon Manager) (TMM)
Transient Multimon Manager ( TMM ) 是Microsoft Windows操作系统的一项功能,旨在改善连接和断开显示器的用户体验,尤其是对于移动用户。当您启动Windows 10/8/7/Vista 时,您会看到 2-3 秒延迟,然后是空白黑屏。这是Windows搜索外部监视器的时间。因此,如果您不使用外接显示器,您可以随时安全地关闭它!
要禁用TMM,请单击Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler。在LHS上,展开“任务计划程序库”,然后展开“Microsoft”,然后展开“Windows”,最后单击“MobilePC”。您将看到一个名为“ TMM ”的任务。Rt-单击(Rt-Click)它,然后选择“禁用”。
启动碎片整理(Boot Defragmentation)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Dfrg\ BootOptimizeFunction
(Select Enable)从右侧的列表中选择启用。右键单击它并选择Modify。将值更改为 Y 以启用和 N 以禁用。重启(Reboot)。
关闭时禁用清除页面文件(Disable Clear page file on shutdown)
如果出于安全原因您已将页面文件设置为在每次关机时清除,这将需要一些时间。每次关机时清理页面文件意味着用零覆盖数据(overwriting the data by zeros),这需要时间。
要更改此设置,请打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)并导航到以下注册表项:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Session Manager\ Memory Management
修改(Modify)(如果不存在,请在空白处右键单击并创建)Value Data Type/s和Value Name/s:
- 数据类型:REG_DWORD [Dword 值]
- 值名称:ClearPageFileAtShutdown
- 数值数据(Value Data)设置:[0 =禁用清除页面文件(Page File Disabled)| 1 =启用清除页面文件](Page File)
您也可以使用此Microsoft Fix It或我们的 Ultimate Windows Tweaker轻松完成。
其他杂项提示(Other Miscellaneous Tips)
1) 通常,人们也建议偶尔清空Prefetch目录。但Windows使用此目录来加速启动应用程序。它分析您在启动过程中使用的文件和您启动的应用程序,并创建一个索引,以指示这些文件和应用程序在您的硬盘上的位置。使用此索引,Windows可以更快地启动文件和应用程序。CCleaner等实用程序也可以选择清除预取器。如果您选择使用“清除预取器”选项,请准备好运行“未优化”的Windows一段时间。
预取器最好不要管!在任何情况下,Windows都会将其从 128 个条目清理到 32 个最常用的应用程序的预取文件。
2) 在启动期间,进入BIOS 设置(BIOS settings),在启动期间按Del键,并禁用“Seek floppy drive”选项。这为那些不使用软盘驱动器的人节省了时间。还有一些BIOS hack,例如Enabling Quick Post、Disabling Boot Delay等,但最好避免这些。
3) 改变引导顺序。(Boot-Order Sequence. )通常,BIOS设置为先从软盘启动,然后是 CD,然后是硬盘(Hard Disk)。将引导顺序(Boot-Order)更改为:首先是Hard Disk,然后是CD/Floppy,可能会“刮”一秒钟。
4) 禁用 Windows startup/shutdown/logon/logoff sounds。打开Control Panel > Sounds和音频(Audio)设备 >声音(Sound)选项卡。在节目事件(Program Events)中,为这些事件选择“无声音”。
5)如果不需要,请禁用屏幕保护程序。(Disable the Screen Saver)右键单击您的 Windows 8Desktop > Personalize > ScreenSaver > None > OK。
7) 要真正减少关机时间,请打开Regedit并导航到以下键:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control
单击(Click)“控制”文件夹。选择(Select)“ WaitToKillServiceTimeout ”右键单击(Right-click)它并选择Modify。我认为默认值是 20000。将其设置为较低的四位数(例如 5000)将使您的 PC 关机更快,但您最终可能会丢失数据或导致可能的磁盘损坏,因此请明智地使用此调整。(so use this tweak judiciously.) 请记住(Remember),Windows在任何情况下都无法识别此处的 3 位数字。
8) 卸载Windows(Windows)安装的一些您不使用的额外内置程序。您可能没有使用Games、Meeting Space、Fax等。为此,请打开Control Panel\ Programs\ Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features On or Off并执行必要的操作。But wait, before you rush, exercise a little caution here! For instance, you may want to turn off “Tablet PC Components, etc.” – but then get set to miss the Snipping Tool too!
9) 禁用 Aero不会真正提高 Windows 7 的性能。
10)由于“OOBE”(开箱即用体验),Windows 安装后可能需要一段时间才能启动或关闭,但(Out)重启(Box Experience)几次(Windows)后就会消失。另外,请记住,在安装操作系统后的最初几周后,您的Windows机器会运行得更快一些,这要归功于其名为SuperFetch的新功能,它主要研究用户经常运行的程序并将它们加载到自动记忆。
11) 您还可以查看Soluto,它使 Windows 启动更快。
12)微软(Microsoft)为慢速Windows电脑发布了Fix It。(Fix)它会自动诊断和修复系统性能不佳的原因,例如节电设置、多个杀毒程序运行、多个启动程序运行以及登录计算机的用户过多。
(Ryan Wieser)来自美国(USA)的表演爱好者Ryan Wieser在这里添加了一些他自己的:
禁用 8.3 文件名创建(Disable 8.3 filename creation)
NFTS文件系统设置为在(NFTS)Windows中为任何被视为“长文件名”的文件自动创建“短文件名” 。这已完成,因此文件与旧的 16 位遗留应用程序兼容。Microsoft承认创建 8.3 文件名会降低文件系统性能。要为将来的文件禁用 8.3 文件名,您需要打开“Regedit”并导航到:“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control FileSystem”并找到DWORD “ NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation ”并将其值设置为 1。要为现有文件禁用 8.3 文件名,您将需要打开命令提示符并键入“fsutil.exe 行为集 disable8dot3 1”。来源微软。(Microsoft.)
停止ehtray.exe(Stop ehtray.exe)
当您在Windows Vista中首次使用 Windows Media Center时,它会自动在启动时添加一个名为“ehtray.exe”的后台进程。(Media Center)此启动条目不能简单地在MSConfig中取消勾选或删除,并且不会再出现。再次启动Media Center后,无论现有条目是否已被禁用或删除,它都会创建一个重复条目。“ehtray.exe”应该是一个托盘图标进程,以便于访问“数字媒体管理器”。这个过程对我来说完全没用,而且会占用内存。为防止ehtray运行,您可以重命名文件本身或将其完全删除,这不会妨碍Media Center功能。要重命名或删除此系统文件,您必须首先通过简单地添加此上下文菜单扩展来获得所有权和完全控制权。该文件位于 C:Windowsehome 目录下。只需(Simply)将其重命名为ehtray.old或在获得所有权后将其删除。
启用直接读写缓存(Enable Direct Read and Write Cache)
纯粹从调整者的角度来看,您可以通过启用写入缓存来从SATA(SATA)硬盘驱动器中挤出更多性能。但是,如果您遇到断电,数据损坏或丢失的风险会增加!单击(Click)开始按钮(Start Button),编写设备管理器(Device Manager)并单击Enter。然后展开磁盘(Disk) 驱动器(Drives)。现在右键单击(Right-click)硬盘驱动器并选择属性。在这里,在 Policies 上,选中Enable Advanced Performance。单击确定。(Click OK.)默认情况下,Windows将数据写入磁盘,然后将数据存储在缓存中以获得更好的性能。您可以通过允许硬盘跳过将数据直接写入硬盘驱动器而不是将数据直接放入缓存中来更改此行为以获得更好的性能。这将带来更好的性能,但风险很小(small risk)。如果您的电源突然断电,您将丢失已写入缓存的数据,并且由于数据尚未写入磁盘,您最终可能会丢失文件甚至损坏Windows安装,具体取决于您的数据类型。硬盘已经在缓存中。如果您有UPS,那么启用此设置应该是非常安全的。我没有UPS,但风险对我来说不够大,所以我启用了这个设置。为此,只需进入设备管理器(Device Manager),查看硬盘驱动器属性,单击策略(Policy)选项卡,然后勾选“启用高级性能”。
更改您的 DNS 服务器(Change your DNS servers)(Change your DNS servers)
现在,您可能正在使用您的 ISP 的DNS服务器来翻译网址,这在大多数情况下很慢。OpenDNS声称拥有高速DNS服务器,在大多数情况下,它的响应速度比您的 ISP 的服务器快得多。尝试一下,看看您是否注意到改进。
调整您的页面文件(Adjust your Page File)
页面文件(Page File)是存储在硬盘上的虚拟内存,无论您有多少RAM ,(RAM)它都会不断使用。禁用它不是一个好主意,除非您有 3-4GB 的RAM,在这种情况下您可以进行试验。如果您有两个硬盘驱动器,则可以将页面文件(Page File)存储在远离Windows安装的单独磁盘上,这将提高性能。如果您的第二个驱动器比根驱动器慢,那么我建议您将页面文件(Page File)保留在根驱动器上。设置页面文件(Page File)很重要足够大并将其设置为固定大小以防止其扩展而导致性能损失。因此,将页面文件(Page File)的“初始”和“最大”大小设置为相同并让自己有足够的分页空间非常重要。RAM:页面文件(Page File-)
- 1GB:2048-2048MB
- 2GB:1024-1024MB
- 3-4GB:512-512MB 或者如果你想试验就没有
- 等等。
您可以根据需要调整页面文件(Page File)的大小。不管它有多大。较大页面文件(Page File)的唯一缺点是磁盘空间较小。请务必将其保持在较大的固定尺寸。
提高一般资源管理器性能(Improve general Explorer performance)
这是不言自明的。进入您的根驱动器,单击Organize,指向Layout,然后取消选中“ Details Pane ”。详细信息窗格似乎确实减慢了窗口响应速度。在“组织(Organize)”按钮下,单击“文件夹和搜索选项”。在“查看”选项卡下,取消勾选“在文件夹提示中显示文件大小信息”和“显示文件夹和桌面项目的弹出描述”。然后单击“文件夹选项(Folder Options)”窗口顶部的“应用于所有文件夹”以摆脱所有文件夹上的“详细信息(Details)”窗格。
使 Windows 中的各种菜单显示得更快(Make various menu’s in Windows appear faster)
这是Windows XP中的一项流行调整,用于消除缓慢的启动菜单延迟。由于Windows Vista和更高版本具有不同的开始菜单,此调整将不再适用,但它仍然适用于Windows中的其他各种菜单,否则在暂停它们时会有很长的延迟。打开Regedit并导航到:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
将“ MenuShowDelay ”字符串更改为值“20”。您可以将其设置为任意低,但我发现“20”是一个不错的值。
Happy Tweaking!
How to speed up Windows 11 and make it run Start, Run, Shutdown faster
These tips will tell you how you can make Windows 11/10 faster. Using these tips, you can make Windows PC startup faster, and run & shut down faster as well as improve & boost Windows 11/10 performance. Here are some useful practical tips to speed up a slow PC & make Windows 11/10 faster for gaming & daily use.
Speed up Windows 11/10
This was the first post I wrote on WinVistaClub.com several years back – and was very popular, having received over 5000 Stumbles – in those days. I decided to update it and post it here, to make it applicable for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 – and Windows in general.
For a regular user, the first few points are usually more than sufficient to tune-up Windows. The remaining are some more, which a tweak enthusiast may wish to consider to improve Windows 11 performance. I suggest you create a system restore point first before tweaking your system. I also suggest you do not make too many changes at one time or in a single day. Also, see if the particular tweak applies to your version of Windows.
Make Windows 11/10 Run Faster
While you can carry out the tweaks manually, using freeware like Ultimate Windows Tweaker may make things that much easier for you. You can speed up Windows 11/10 by carrying out the following suggestions:
- Restrict the number of start-ups
- Remove pre-installed Crapware
- Turn on Fast Startup
- Reduce Visual Effects
- Delete Junk Files, Clean Registry & optimize Windows
- Use High-Performance Power Plan
- Restart PC regularly
- Use SSD.
1] Restrict the number of start-ups
Why have programs starting up when you don’t use them. Even those you need can always be started manually by clicking on the program’s icon. I prefer not to have ANY startups – except my antivirus software running. So decide for yourself which ones you need to start-up every time your Windows boots. You may use MSConfig in Windows 8/7 or Task Manager in Windows 10 to manage startup programs. You can also delay Startup Programs or control the order in which they load when Windows boots.
2] Remove pre-installed Crapware
Remove any crapware which may have come pre-installed on your new Windows PC, as many a time it’s this crapware that causes a machine to crawl!
3] Turn on Fast Startup
In Windows 10/8.1, you can select the Turn on Fast Startup option. You will see this setting in Control Panel > Power Options > Choose what the power buttons do > Shutdown settings.
4] Reduce Visual Effects
Open Control Panel and search for Visual Effects. Under Performance Options, you can Adjust for best performance or select or unselect the options manually. This will tweak visual effects and remove a lot of eye-candy. You may, however, want to check the Smooth edges of screen fonts, and therefore go in for a Custom selection.
Disabling all can actually negate the purpose of ‘eye-friendly’ Windows 11/10/8/7, and make it look and feel ‘bland’ – so use your discretion and chose your options wisely.
5] Delete Junk Files, Clean Registry & optimize Windows
While deleting junk and temporary files may not exactly make your Windows faster, it is more a matter of good housekeeping. You may use the built-in Disk Cleanup Utility or freeware like CCleaner to do the same. Whether one should use a free Registry Cleaner to clean up the Windows Registry occasionally is a matter of debate, so you may take a call on it. However, I do use it once a month to remove left-over registry keys. Compacting the Registry occasionally is a good idea too. These beginner tips to optimize Windows for better performance will also interest you.
6] Use High-Performance Power Plan
The default Power Setting in the “Power Saver” plan limits the CPU to 50 percent in Windows OS. Open the Power Options Control Panel and change it to “High Performance” Power Plan to give your CPU full throttle.
7] Restart PC regularly
One small and simple tip! Restart your PC at least once a week, especially if you use it a lot. Restarting a PC is a good way to clear out its memory and ensuring that any errant processes and services that started running get shut down.
8] Use a Solid State Drive
If possible, use an SSD! It will definitely make your Windows 10 start, run and shut down faster!
As I said, The above should be enough to speed up Windows 10. Just in case you are a tweak enthusiast, you may go through the following tips. See which apply to your Windows version – Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7.
Defragment Drives
Defragment your Drives regularly. Of course, nowadays, you don’t really need to do it manually as the built-in Windows defragmenter does a good job at defragmenting files in the background whenever your system is idle. But if you wish you may use a third-party free defragmentation software too.
Check Hard Disk for errors
From time to time, it is a good practice to check your hard disk drive for errors using a tool built into Windows called CHKDSK (for Check Disk). In Windows 10/8, Microsoft has redesigned CHKDSK utility. The disk is periodically checked for file system errors, bad sectors, lost clusters, etc., during Automatic Maintenance and you now no longer need to go and run it.
Change System startup options
You may change the time to display the list of operating systems via System Properties and shave off maybe even 10 seconds off the boot time.
Processor Scheduling
Depending on the usage of your Windows computer, you can configure processor scheduling, so that it gives you the best performance while using Programs or for Background Processes.
Performance Information and Tools
Identify programs, features, drivers slowing down a fast startup, shutdown or hibernation using built-in Performance Information and Tools.
Windows Boot Performance Diagnostics
You can also use the inbuilt Windows Boot Performance Diagnostics to detect Windows Boot Performance problems and attempt to determine their root causes.
Disable or delay loading of Windows Services
Windows has over 130 services installed! Disable the services you are sure you do not require. For example, if your PC is a stand-alone one, there may be several services which you can disable or switch over to manual mode. Auto-starting and closing down of services take time & resources. These can be saved. BlackViper’s Service Configurations is an excellent guide to follow. Based on BlackViper’s recommendations, we have created SMART, a utility to tweak Windows Services in Windows 10/8/7, Vista, XP Services.
Personal preferences will dictate which you should consider disabling. But there are a few Automatic services you could consider setting to Manual:
- If you don’t use a printer, disable the “Print Spooler” service.
- If you’re not running a Tablet PC, disable the “Tablet PC Input” service.
- If you don’t connect cameras, webcams, or scanners to your PC, then disable the “Windows Image Acquisition” Service.
I wouldn’t disable the “ReadyBoost” service even if you don’t use it as “ReadyBoost” is integrated into this service so setting this service to manual or disable with slow down your boot time.
You can also delay the loading of specific Services.
Disable Search Indexer
If you do not use Search regularly, you may want to consider disabling Search Indexing. To do so, open Control Panel\System and Maintenance\Performance Information and Tools. On the LHS you will see options to Adjust Indexing Options, Visual Effects, Power Settings, etc. Untick files to index under “Indexing Options” in the Control Panel. However, the complete way to disable indexing would also involve going into your hard disk’s properties and unticking the option “Index this drive for faster searching”. Then you must go into Services.msc, disable and stop the “Windows Search” Service.
Do note that the Search Indexer only runs when the computer is idle, so you need not turn off this very powerful feature in Windows 10/8/7.
Disable Transient Multimon Manager (TMM)
The Transient Multimon Manager (TMM) is a Microsoft Windows operating system feature targeted at improving the user experience of connecting and disconnecting displays, particularly for the mobile user. When you start Windows 10/8/7/Vista, you see a 2-3 sec delay followed by a blank black screen. This is the time Windows searches for external monitors. So if you don’t use an external monitor, you could always safely turn this off!
To disable TMM, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler. On LHS, expand “Task Scheduler Library” then expand “Microsoft”, then expand “Windows” and finally click “MobilePC”. You will see a task called “TMM”. Rt-Click on it, and select “Disable”.
Boot Defragmentation
Ensure that boot defragmentation is enabled so that files used during start-up are clubbed together. To check this, start Regedit and navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Dfrg\ BootOptimizeFunction
Select Enable from the list on the right. Right-click on it and select Modify. Change the value to Y to enable and N to disable. Reboot.
Disable Clear page file on shutdown
If you have set your Page file to be cleared on every shutdown for security reasons, it will take some time. Cleaning the page-file on every shutdown means overwriting the data by zeros, and it takes time.
To change this setting, open Registry Editor and navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Session Manager\ Memory Management
Modify (and if not present, right-click in open space and create) the Value Data Type/s and Value Name/s:
- Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value]
- Value Name: ClearPageFileAtShutdown
- Setting for Value Data: [0 = Clear Page File Disabled | 1 = Clear Page File Enabled]
Exit Registry and Reboot.
You could also use this Microsoft Fix It or our Ultimate Windows Tweaker to do it easily.
TIP: See this post if your Desktops icons are slow to load.
Other Miscellaneous Tips
1) Generally, people also recommend emptying the Prefetch directory once in a while. But Windows uses this directory to speed up launching applications. It analyzes the files you use during startup and the applications you launch, and it creates an index to where those files and applications are located on your hard disk. Using this index, Windows can launch files and applications faster. Utilities like CCleaner too, have the option to clear the prefetcher. Should you choose to use this option of ‘clearing prefetcher’, be ready to run a ‘un-optimized’ Windows for a little while.
The Prefetcher is best left alone! In any case, Windows cleans it at 128 entries down to the 32 most used application’s prefetch files.
2) During boot time, enter the BIOS settings, by pressing Del key during boot-up, and disable ‘Seek floppy drive’ option. This saves time for those who do not use floppy drives. There are also some BIOS hacks like Enabling Quick Post, Disabling Boot Delay, etc., but best to refrain from these.
3) Change Boot-Order Sequence. Normally, the BIOS is set to boot from floppy first, then CD and then Hard Disk. Changing the Boot-Order to be: Hard Disk first, then maybe CD/Floppy, could possibly “shave” a second.
4) Disable Windows startup/shutdown/logon/logoff sounds. Open Control Panel > Sounds & Audio devices > Sound tab. In Program Events select ‘No sound’ for these events.
5) Disable the Screen Saver if you don’t need it. Right-click on your Windows 8 Desktop > Personalize > ScreenSaver > None > OK.
6) Fonts take time to load. Removing some can save on resources. But one must be careful in deciding which fonts to remove. If you delete some system fonts, you may be in for trouble.
7) To really reduce your shutdown time, open Regedit and navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control
Click on the “Control” Folder. Select “WaitToKillServiceTimeout” Right-click on it and select Modify. The default value is, I think, 20000. Setting it to a lower four-digit value, (say 5000) will make your PC shutdown faster, but you could end up losing data or cause possible disk corruption, so use this tweak judiciously. Remember, Windows does not, in any case, recognize a 3-digit numeral here.
8) Uninstall some extra built-in programs Windows installs, that you do not use. You may not be using some like Games, Meeting Space, Fax, etc. To do so, open Control Panel\ Programs\ Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features On or Off and do the needful. But wait, before you rush, exercise a little caution here! For instance, you may want to turn off “Tablet PC Components, etc.” – but then get set to miss the Snipping Tool too!
9) Disabling Aero will NOT really improve performance in Windows 7.
10) Windows may take time to start or shutdown soon after its installation due to ‘OOBE’ (Out Of Box Experience), but that should go away after a few restarts. Also, do remember that your Windows machine will tend to run a little faster, after the first few weeks, after the OS is installed, thanks to its new feature called SuperFetch, which basically studies the programs that the user frequently runs and loads them into memory automatically.
11) You can also check out Soluto, which makes Windows boot faster.
12) Microsoft has released a Fix It for slow Windows computers. It will automatically diagnose and fix causes of poor system performance, such as the power saver setting, multiple anti-virus programs running, multiple startup programs running, and too many users logged on to the computer.
Ryan Wieser, a performance enthusiast, from the USA, has added a few more of his own here:
Disable 8.3 filename creation
The NFTS file system is set to automatically create a “short filename” for any file considered a “long filename” in Windows. This is done, so files are compatible with old 16bit legacy applications. Microsoft admits the creation of 8.3 filenames can degrade your file system performance. To disable 8.3 filenames for future files, you will need to open “Regedit” and navigate to: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ FileSystem” and find the DWORD “NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation” and set its value to 1. To disable 8.3 filenames for existing files, you will need to open a command prompt and type “fsutil.exe behavior set disable8dot3 1”. Source Microsoft.
Stop ehtray.exe
When you use Windows Media Center in Windows Vista, for the first time it will automatically add a background process to the startup called “ehtray.exe”. This startup entry cannot be simply unticked in MSConfig or deleted and expected to never appear again. Once you start Media Center again, it will create a duplicate entry regardless if the existing entry has been disabled or deleted. “ehtray.exe” is supposed to be a tray icon process for easy access to the “Digital Media Manager.” This process is completely useless to me and uses memory. To prevent ehtray from running, you can rename the file itself or delete it altogether, which will not hamper Media Center functionality. To rename or delete this system file, you must first take ownership and full control by simply adding this context menu extension. The file is found under the C:\Windows\ehome directory. Simply rename it to ehtray.old or delete it after taking ownership.
Enable Direct Read and Write Cache
Purely from a tweaker’s point of view, you can squeeze a little more performance out of your SATA hard disk drive by enabling write caching. But there is an increased risk of data corruption or loss, should you experience a power loss! Click on the Start Button, write Device Manager and click Enter. Then expand the Disk Drives. Now Right-click on the hard disk drive and select Properties. Here, on Policies, check on Enable Advanced Performance. Click OK. By default, Windows will write data to disk and then store the data in cache for better performance. You can change this behavior for even better performance by allowing your hard disk to skip writing data directly to your hard drive and rather just throw the data straight into the cache. This will result in even better performance, but there is a small risk. If your power goes out suddenly, you will lose the data that had been written to cache, and since the data has not been written to disk, you may end up with lost files or even a corrupted Windows installation depending on what kind of data the hard disk had in the cache. If you have a UPS, then it should be perfectly safe to enable this setting. I do not have a UPS, but the risk isn’t big enough for me, so I enable this setting. To do so, simply go into the Device Manager, look under your hard drive properties, click the Policy tab, and tick “Enable advanced performance”.
Change your DNS servers
Right now, you are probably using your ISP’s DNS servers to translate web addresses, which in most cases are slow. OpenDNS claims to have high-speed DNS servers which in most cases are much more responsive than your ISP’s servers. Try it out and see if you notice an improvement.
Adjust your Page File
The Page File is virtual memory stored on your hard disk and is constantly in use regardless of how much RAM you have. Disabling it is not a good idea unless you have 3-4GB of RAM in which case you can experiment. If you have two hard drives, you can store the Page File on a separate disk away from your Windows installation which will improve performance. If your second drive is slower than the root drive, then I would recommend keeping your Page File on the root drive. It is important to set your Page File large enough and make it a fixed size to prevent it from expanding which can cause performance loss. So it is important to set the “initial” and “maximum” size of the Page File the same and allow yourself to have more than enough room for paging.
RAM: Initial and max size of Page File-
- 1GB: 2048-2048MB
- 2GB: 1024-1024MB
- 3-4GB: 512-512MB or none if you want to experiment
- And so on.
You can resize the Page File as necessary. It doesn’t matter how large it is. The only downside of a larger Page File is less disk space. Just be sure to keep it at a large fixed size.
Improve general Explorer performance
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Go into your root drive, click Organize, point to Layout, and untick the “Details Pane”. The details pane seems to really slow down window responsiveness. Under the Organize button click “Folder and Search Options”. Under the “View” tab untick “Display file size information in folder tips” and “Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items”. Then click “Apply to all folders” at the top of the Folder Options window to get rid of the Details pane on all folders.
Make various menu’s in Windows appear faster
This was a popular tweak in Windows XP to do away with the slow start menu delay. Since Windows Vista and later have a different start menu this tweak would no longer apply, but it still works on other various menus in Windows that otherwise have a long delay when pausing over them. Open Regedit and navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Change the “MenuShowDelay” string to a value of “20”. You can set it as low as you want but I find “20” to be a good value.
Happy Tweaking!