但是,Android手机不会自动具有此功能。要在Android(Android)手机上获得将语音转换为文本形式的功能,您必须从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载应用程序。Play Store上有数百个语音转文本应用程序。然而,并非所有这些都是准确和有效的。说一些重要的事情并且语音到文本的应用程序误解你在说什么,这绝对是最糟糕的事情。因此,了解适用于Android手机的最佳语音转文本应用程序非常重要。以下文章列出了所有能够准确快速地将语音转换为文本的最佳应用程序。
适用于 Android 的 22 个最佳语音转文本应用程序(22 Best Speech To Text Applications For Android)
1.谷歌键盘(Google Keyboard)
Google 键盘(Google Keyboard)的主要目的不是为用户将语音转换为文本。此应用程序的主要目的是为Android用户提供更方便和轻松的打字体验。然而,尽管语音转文本不是其主要功能,但谷歌键盘(Google Keyboard)仍然是Android手机上最好的语音转文本应用程序。谷歌(Google)始终处于新技术发展(new technological developments)的最前沿,谷歌键盘的语音到文本功能也是如此。谷歌的软件可以破译非常难的口音。它还可以在将语音转换为文本的同时理解复杂的术语和正确的语法。这就是为什么它将语音转换为文本的最佳应用程序之一。
下载谷歌键盘( Download Google Keyboard)
2. ListNote 语音转文本笔记(ListNote Speech-To-Text Notes)
List Note是Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中最好的应用程序之一,通常用于在手机上做笔记。应用程序上的语音到文本界面试图通过快速识别语音并将其转换为文本来简化此过程。它是这方面最快的应用程序之一。List Note的语法范围很广,在将语音转换为文本时很少出现故障。该应用程序还具有其他一些出色的功能,例如使用密码保护笔记以及为笔记创建不同组的能力。
下载 ListNote Speech To Text Notes( Download ListNote Speech To Text Notes)
对于作家来说,这是一个很棒的应用程序。作家通常需要写长篇文章,许多作家的思维过程比打字速度快。SpeechNotes是完美的语音转文本应用程序,用于制作长笔记。即使该人在说话时暂停,该应用程序也不会停止录音,并且它还可以识别口头命令以在笔记中添加正确的标点符号。这是一个完全免费的应用程序,尽管人们也可以付费获得高级版本,这基本上会删除任何广告。然而,总体而言, (Overall)SpeechNotes也是适用于Android的最佳语音转文本应用程序之一。
下载演讲稿( Download Speechnotes)
4.龙无处不在(Dragon Anywhere)
此应用程序的唯一问题是它是一个高级应用程序。这意味着人们不付费就无法使用此应用程序的功能。但是,如果您确实选择付款,您将不会后悔。在将语音转换为文本时, Dragon Anywhere(Dragon Anywhere)的准确率高达 99%。这是任何此类应用程序中的最高准确率。由于用户支付溢价,他们甚至没有字数限制。因此,他们可以通过简单地对着应用程序说话来写长篇文章,而不必担心字数限制。该应用程序还具有使用Dropbox(Dropbox.)等云服务共享笔记的能力。尽管每月 15 美元的订阅费很高,但对于希望转录整个会议或写很长文章的人来说,这当然是值得的。
随时随地下载龙( Download Dragon Anywhere)
5.语音笔记(Voice Notes)
语音笔记(Voice Notes)是一个简单而高效的应用程序,它可以正常工作而不会引起任何问题。与其他语音转文本应用程序不同,该应用程序不提供广泛的功能。但它知道自己最擅长什么并坚持下去。它易于用户使用,即使在手机未打开的情况下也能轻松理解语音。此外,语音笔记(Voice Notes)可以识别119 种语言(119 languages),这意味着它在世界许多地方都具有很高的适用性。此外,该应用程序是完全免费的。用户可以获得高级版本,但它不提供任何特殊功能,主要是为了支持应用程序开发人员。这就是为什么它是Android上最好的语音到文本应用程序之一。
下载语音笔记( Download Voice Notes)
6.语音转文本记事本(Speech To Text Notepad)
Google Play Store上的Speech To Text Notepad应用程序是一个只允许用户使用语音做笔记的应用程序。这是应用程序缺少某些功能的地方。他们不能使用键盘输入他们想要做的笔记。他们只能使用语音来做到这一点。但是该应用程序在这方面做得非常好。Speech To Text Notepad可以轻松识别用户所说的任何内容,并将其非常准确地转换为文本。因此(Thus),Speech To Text记事本是那些不想输入笔记的人的完美应用程序。
下载语音转文本记事本( Download Speech To Text NotePad)
7.语音转文本(Speech To Text)
Speech To Text是另一个出色的应用程序,它优化了手机的语音识别软件,将用户的话直接转换为文本。用户可以直接使用Speech To Text应用程序发送电子邮件和文本,从而大大增加了用户的便利性。此外,该应用程序甚至可以轻松地将文本转换为语音。因此,如果有人希望应用程序读出某些内容,Speech To Text应用程序也会为用户大声朗读该特定文本。应用程序可以使用应用程序的TTS 引擎(TTS engine)执行此操作。因此,Speech To Text是另一个最好的语音到文本应用程序安卓(Android)。
下载语音转文本( Download Speech To Text)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 PUBG Mobile 上更改快速聊天语音(Change Quick Chat Voice On PUBG Mobile)
8.语音转文字(Voice To Text)
Voice To Text应用程序中只有一个大问题。这个问题是该应用程序仅将语音转换为文本,仅用于文本消息和电子邮件。因此,用户无法使用此应用程序做任何笔记。但是(Otherwise),对于希望在其 Android 手机上使用语音转文本功能的用户来说,语音转(Android)文本是(Voice)一款(Text)出色的应用程序。该应用程序可以轻松且准确地识别 30 多种语言。它是语音转文本应用程序中准确率最高的应用程序之一,它还可以帮助用户保持良好的语法水平。
下载语音转文本( Download Voice To Text)
9.语音输入应用(Voice Typing App)
用户需要了解的有关此应用程序的所有信息都在名称本身中。语音输入应用程序。与Speech To Text Notepad一样,这是另一个仅支持通过语音输入的应用程序。此应用程序中没有键盘。它支持许多不同类型的语言,是一个很好的转录应用程序。这是一个在会议期间做笔记的特别棒的应用程序,它还允许用户直接从应用程序发送短信。这就是为什么语音输入(Voice Typing)应用程序也是适用于Android手机的最佳语音转文本应用程序之一。
下载语音输入应用程序( Download Voice Typing App)
Evernote通常是世界上最好的笔记应用程序之一。许多用户喜欢这个应用程序,因为它具有广泛的功能以及将笔记直接存储到Dropbox、Google Drive和OneDrive等云存储服务的能力。一些用户可能不知道该应用程序现在也有很棒的语音识别软件。所有用户都需要在应用程序中单击键盘上方的听写图标,他们就可以非常轻松地开始记录语音到文本的笔记。此外,一旦用户在Evernote(Evernote)上完成笔记,应用程序将以文本和音频文件的形式存储笔记。这意味着如果用户怀疑文本文件的准确性,他们可以随时参考原始文件。
下载印象笔记( Download Evernote)
11.天琴座虚拟助手(Lyra Virtual Assistant)
Lyra 虚拟助理(Lyra Virtual Assistant)本质上就像在你的Android手机上安装Siri 。它执行一系列操作,例如设置提醒、创建警报、打开应用程序和翻译文本。Lyra 虚拟助手(Lyra Virtual Assistant)还有一个相当简单但有效的语音到文本转换软件,用户非常容易上手。他们可以通过告诉虚拟助手输入什么来做笔记、设置提醒,甚至发送消息和电子邮件。因此(Thus),如果用户想要具有其他强大功能的Android语音转文本应用程序,他们应该考虑使用Lyra 虚拟助手。(Lyra Virtual)
下载 Lyra 虚拟助手( Download Lyra Virtual Assistant)
12.谷歌文档(Google Docs)
Google不一定将Google Docs应用程序标记为语音转文本软件。Google Docs主要用于创建书面内容并通过(Google Docs)GSuite轻松与其他人协作。但是,如果有人在手机上使用Google Docs应用程序,他们绝对可以充分利用Docs的语音转文本功能。人们(People)通常在Google Docs上写长篇文章,而在手机小屏幕上写这么长时间可能对健康有害。因此,他们可以使用非常智能的Google Docs(Google Docs)语音转文本软件,可以轻松识别 43 种不同语言的语音并将其准确转换为文本。
下载谷歌文档( Download Google Docs)
13.配音员(Voice Writer)
语音作家不是来自非常流行的开发人员的应用程序,但它是一个很棒的应用程序。用户可以轻松地使用此应用程序做笔记并通过许多应用程序(如Whatsapp、Facebook和Instagram )发送消息。它也可用于批量 WhatsApp 营销(Bulk WhatsApp Marketing).. 它也可用于批量 WhatsApp 营销(Bulk WhatsApp Marketing).. 此外,此应用程序的一个惊人功能是它可以直接将语音翻译成另一种语言的文本形式。用户可以转到此应用程序的翻译选项,然后用特定语言说话。Voice Writer会将其转换并翻译成用户想要的任何其他语言的文本。因此(Thus),用户可以说印地语(Hindi),但可以直接获取英语文本。这就是使Voice Writer 成为适用于(Voice Writer one)Android手机的最佳语音转文本应用程序之一的原因。
下载语音作家( Download Voice Writer)
14. TalkType 语音键盘(TalkType Voice Keyboard)
顾名思义, TalkType语音(Voice)键盘主要不是语音到文本的应用程序。它本质上是一个 Android 用户可以使用的键盘,而不是普通的Android 键盘(Android Keyboard)。该应用程序在百度的 Deep Speed 2(Baidu’s Deep Speed 2)上运行,这是一款比谷歌平台更好的键盘软件。该键盘具有非常快速的语音到文本功能,支持 20 多种语言,并兼容不同的应用程序,如Whatsapp、Google Docs、Evernote等。用户可以使用此应用轻松发送消息和做笔记。
下载 TalkType 语音键盘( Download TalkType Voice Keyboard)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 43 Best Hacking E-books Every Beginner Should Know About!
下载 Dictadroid( Download Dictadroid)
16.免提笔记(Hands-Free Notes)
Heterioun Studio的这个应用程序是Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中首批优秀的语音转文本应用程序之一。该应用程序具有非常简单轻巧的界面,这对用户来说非常方便。用户需要记录他们的信息或笔记,并要求应用程序“识别文本”。在几分钟内,用户将获得文本形式的听写。Hands-Free Notes 是将语音转换为文本的速度较慢的应用程序之一,因为许多其他应用程序都是实时进行的。但是该应用程序通过确保它们将语音转换为具有类似应用程序中最高准确度级别之一的文本来弥补这一点。
17.TalkBox语音信使(TalkBox Voice Messenger)
虽然这个语音转文本应用程序有一些限制,但它非常适合想要将短消息转换为文本的人。TalkBox Voice Messenger仅允许用户将最多一分钟的录音转换为文本。这个应用程序不仅非常适合做简短的笔记和发送Whatsapp消息,而且用户还可以通过对TalkBox Voice Messenger的语音转文本软件说话,在Facebook和Twitter 上(Twitter)发布更新。这就是为什么它是适用于Android移动设备的最佳语音转文本应用程序之一。
下载 TalkBox 语音信使( Download TalkBox Voice Messenger)
18.语音转文字 – 文字转语音(Voice To Text – Text To Voice)
下载语音到文本 - 文本到语音( Download Voice To Text – Text To Voice)
19.语音发短信(Speech Texter)
如果用户遇到互联网连接较弱的情况,Speech Texter通常不适合他们。但是,如果互联网速度不是问题,那么在将语音转换为文本方面,很少有应用程序比Speech Texter更好。(Speech Texter)该应用程序允许用户使用该应用程序的功能发送消息、做笔记,甚至撰写长篇报告。应用程序中的自定义词典意味着用户很少会犯语法错误,甚至可以轻松识别标点符号命令。Speech Texter具有识别 60 多种语言的能力,很容易成为适用于Android手机的最佳语音转文本应用程序之一。
下载语音文本器( Download Speech Texter)
20.通过语音写短信(Write SMS By Voice)
顾名思义,Write SMS by Voice不是一个支持做笔记或写长篇报告的应用程序。但由于大多数用户不会将他们的手机用于此类目的,Write SMS By Voice对于全天发送许多SMS和其他文本消息的人来说是一个很棒的应用程序。这是一个应用程序,通过将语音转换为文本,是SMS文本发送的最佳界面之一。(SMS)它对标点命令、难读的口音有很好的识别能力,甚至可以识别 70 多种不同的语言。因此,Write SMS By Voice是大多数Android手机用户的绝佳选择。
下载通过语音写短信( Download Write SMS By Voice)
21.语音笔记本(Voice Notebook)
Voice Notebook是在您的(Voice Notebook)Android设备上轻松创建有关主题的完整笔记本的最佳应用程序。该应用程序可以快速识别和翻译语音,同时允许用户轻松添加标点符号,提供语法支持,甚至可以通过语音命令轻松撤消最近添加的内容。用户也不必担心丢失笔记,因为Voice Notebook允许他们轻松地将笔记上传到Dropbox等云服务。(Dropbox)这就是为什么Voice Notebook是另一个最好的Android语音到文本应用程序之一。
下载语音笔记本( Download Voice Notebook)
22.实时转录(Live Transcribe)
Live Transcribe使用Google Cloud Speech API并优化手机的麦克风以准确识别用户的语音。然后它将语音转换为实时语音,为用户提供即时结果。还有一个噪音指示器,可以告诉用户他们的语音是否足够清晰,可以让应用程序识别。该应用程序使用其软件来识别用户在说什么,甚至可以自己输入标点符号。Live Transcribe还支持 70 多种不同的语言。因此,Live Transcribe是另一个出色的语音到文本应用程序。
下载实时转录( Download Live Transcribe)
23. 布雷纳
Braina与此列表中的其他应用程序相比是独一无二的,因为即使是最复杂的行话,它也能识别。在其他人使用复杂的科学或医学术语的行业工作的人可以使用此应用程序。与其他应用程序不同,它可以快速识别此类术语并轻松将它们从语音转换为文本形式。此外,该应用程序可识别来自世界各地的 100 种不同语言,用户还可以通过语音命令删除、撤消、添加标点和更改字体。唯一的缺点是用户需要支付 49 美元一年才能访问Braina的最佳功能(Braina)
下载大脑( Download Braina)
推荐:2020 年适用于 Android 的 23 款最佳视频播放器应用(23 Best Video Player Apps For Android in 2020)(Recommended: 23 Best Video Player Apps For Android in 2020)
如您所见,各种语音到文本的应用程序本身都很棒。有些应用程序非常适合做笔记。有些非常适合制作长篇报告,而另一些则非常适合社交媒体和发送消息。有些像Braina和Live Transcribe,它们更适合企业和专业环境,更适合小众。共同点是它们在将语音转换为文本方面都非常高效和准确。它们都大大增加了用户的便利性。Android用户可以从语音到文本应用程序(Android)中确定他们需要什么。完成此操作后,他们可以从上述任何适用于Android的最佳语音到文本应用程序中进行选择。
22 Best Speech To Text Applications For Android Phone
Instead of talking constantly, peoplе now prefer texting instead. It is simply more convenient since people can keep doing differеnt things while they text. Theу can also talk to multiple peoрle at the same time. This is not рosѕible while talking on the phone or through video calls. The higher cоnveniеnce of texting is slowly mаking it the most populаr form оf communication over mobile devices.
But nothing is perfect. There is also a problem with constantly texting. Texting for a long period of time can be tiring for fingers. Moreover, writing long text messages can be downright frustrating and time-consuming. It’s not exactly a great option to revert to phone calls or video calls as they also have their fair share of problems.
Fortunately for Android phone users, there is a way to avoid the problem of frustrating texting. Instead of texting for long hours or writing long texts, you can say what message you want to send, and the phone would automatically convert your speech into text form. This means that you will not have to use your fingers at all.
However, Android phones do not have this feature automatically. To get the feature of converting your speech into a text form on your Android phones, you will have to download applications from the Google Play Store. There are hundreds of speech-to-text applications on the Play Store. Not all of them are accurate and effective, however. It would be absolutely the worst thing to be saying something important and the speech-to-text application to misinterpret what you are saying. Thus, it is important to know the best speech-to-text apps for Android phones. The following article lists all the best apps that accurately and quickly convert your speech to text.
22 Best Speech To Text Applications For Android
1. Google Keyboard
Google Keyboard’s primary purpose is not to convert speech to text for users. The primary purpose of this application is to give Android users a more convenient and easy typing experience. However, despite speech-to-text not being its primary feature, Google Keyboard is still the best speech-to-text app for Android phones. Google is always at the forefront of new technological developments, and it does the same with Google Keyboard’s speech-to-text feature. Google’s software can decipher very difficult accents. It can also understand complicated terms and correct grammar while converting speech to text. It is why it is among the best apps to convert speech to text.
Download Google Keyboard
2. ListNote Speech-To-Text Notes
List Note is among the best application on the Google Play Store for generally making notes on one’s phone. The speech-to-text interface on the application attempts to make this process easy by quickly recognizing and convert speech to text. It is one of the fastest applications in this regard. The grammatical range of List Note is vast, and it rarely has glitches when converting speech to text. The app also has some other great features, such as the ability to protect notes using passwords and to create different groups for notes.
Download ListNote Speech To Text Notes
3. SpeechNotes
This is a great application for writers. Writers usually need to write long pieces, and many writers’ thinking process is faster than their typing speed. SpeechNotes is the perfect speech-to-text application for making long notes. The application does not stop recording even if the person paused while speaking, and it also recognizes verbal commands to add the right punctuation in notes. It is a completely free application, although people can also pay to get a premium version, which essentially removes any ads. Overall, however, SpeechNotes is also one of the best speech-to-text apps for Android.
Download Speechnotes
4. Dragon Anywhere
The only problem with this application is that it is a premium application. This means people cannot use the features of this application without paying for it. However, if you do choose to pay, you will not regret it. Dragon Anywhere comes with an astounding accuracy of 99% when converting speech to text. It is the highest accuracy rate in any such application. Since users are paying a premium, they do not even have a word limit. Thus, they can write long pieces by simply speaking into the app without worrying about a word limit. The app also comes with the ability to share notes using cloud services like Dropbox. Despite a high subscription fee of $15 per month, it is certainly worth it for people who wish to transcribe entire meetings or write very long pieces.
Download Dragon Anywhere
5. Voice Notes
Voice Notes is a simple and efficient application that works without causing any problems. The app does not offer a wide range of features, unlike other speech-to-text applications. But it knows what it does best and sticks to it. It is easy to use for users and can easily understand speech, even if the phone is not open. Moreover, Voice Notes can recognize 119 languages, which means it’s highly applicable in many parts of the world. Moreover, the application is completely free. Users can get a premium version, but it does not offer anything special and is mostly to support the app developer. This is why it is one of the best speech-to-text applications for Android.
Download Voice Notes
6. Speech To Text Notepad
The Speech To Text Notepad application on the Google Play Store is an application that only allows the user to make notes using speech. This is where the application lacks certain features. They cannot use a keyboard to type in the notes they want to make. They can only do it using speech. But the application does this extremely well. Speech To Text Notepad easily recognizes whatever the user is saying and very accurately converts it to text. Thus, Speech To Text notepad is the perfect application for people who never want to type their notes.
Download Speech To Text NotePad
7. Speech To Text
Speech To Text is another great application that optimizes the phone’s speech recognition software to convert a user’s words directly to the text. Users can send emails and texts directly using the Speech To Text application, thus greatly increasing convenience for users. Moreover, the application even converts text to speech easily. Thus if someone wants the app to read out something, the Speech To Text application will read aloud that particular text for users also. The application can do this using the TTS engine of the application. Thus, Speech To Text is another of the best speech-to-text applications for Android.
Download Speech To Text
Also Read: Change Quick Chat Voice On PUBG Mobile
8. Voice To Text
There is only one great problem in the Voice To Text application. This problem is that the application only converts speech to text only for text messages and emails. Thus, users can not make any notes using this application. Otherwise, however, Voice To Text is a great application for users looking to use the speech-to-text feature on their Android phones. The application can easily recognize over 30 languages with complete ease and high accuracy. It is one of the applications with the highest level of accuracy among speech-to-text applications, and it also helps users maintain a good grammar level.
Download Voice To Text
9. Voice Typing App
Everything that a user needs to know about this application is in the name itself. The voice typing app. Like the Speech To Text Notepad, this is another application only supports typing through speech. There is no keyboard in this application. It supports many different types of languages, and it is a great application for transcribing. This is an especially great application for making notes during meetings, and it also allows users to send text messages directly from the app. This is why the Voice Typing app is also one of the best speech-to-text apps for Android phones.
Download Voice Typing App
10. Evernote
Evernote is generally one of the best note-taking applications in the world. Many users love this application for its wide variety of features and the ability to store notes directly to cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. Some users may not know that the application now also has great speech recognition software. All users need to click the dictation icon above the keyboard in the application, and they can start taking speech-to-text notes very easily. Moreover, once the user finishes taking notes on Evernote, the application will store the note in both text and audio file form. This means users can always refer to the original file if they doubt the accuracy of the text file.
Download Evernote
11. Lyra Virtual Assistant
Lyra Virtual Assistant is essentially like having Siri on your Android phones. It does a range of things such as setting reminders, creating alarms, opening applications, and translating text. The Lyra Virtual Assistant also has a rather simple yet effective speech-to-text conversion software that is very easy for users to handle. They can take notes, set reminders, and even send messages and emails by telling the virtual assistant what to type. Thus, users should look into Lyra Virtual assistant if they want a speech-to-text app for Android with other great features.
Download Lyra Virtual Assistant
12. Google Docs
Google does not necessarily brand the Google Docs application as a speech-to-text software. Google Docs is mostly for creating written content and easily collaborating with other people through the GSuite. But, if someone is using the Google Docs application on their phone, they can definitely make great use of the speech-to-text feature of Docs. People usually write long pieces on Google Docs, and writing for so long on a small phone screen can be hazardous to health. Thus, they can use the very intelligent speech-to-text software of Google Docs, which can easily recognize and convert speech from 43 different languages into text accurately.
Download Google Docs
13. Voice Writer
A voice writer is not an application that comes from a very popular developer, but it is a great app. Users can easily use this app to make notes and send messages over many apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, and Instagram. It may also be used for Bulk WhatsApp Marketing.. It may also be used for Bulk WhatsApp Marketing.. Moreover, one of the amazing features of this application is that it can directly translate speech into a text form of another language. Users can go to the translate option of this app and then speak in a particular language. Voice Writer will convert and translate it into text in any other language that the user wants. Thus, a user could speak in Hindi but directly get the text in the English language. This is what makes Voice Writer one of the best speech-to-text apps for Android phones.
Download Voice Writer
14. TalkType Voice Keyboard
TalkType Voice keyboard, as the name suggests, is not primarily a speech-to-text application. It is essentially a keyboard that Android users can use instead of the stock Android Keyboard. The application runs on Baidu’s Deep Speed 2, one of the keyboard software that is even better than Google’s platform. The keyboard comes with a very fast speech-to-text feature, which supports more than 20 languages and is compatible with different applications like Whatsapp, Google Docs, Evernote, and many others. Users can easily send messages and make notes using this app.
Download TalkType Voice Keyboard
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15. Dictadroid
Dictadroid is a very high-quality dictation and voice transcribing app that is very useful for professional and home settings. Users can make a textual note of their notes, messages, important reminders, and meeting using the speech-to-text feature of this application. Moreover, the developers added a new version in the app where Dictadroid can even create text from pre-existing recordings on the phone. Thus, users can easily pull up any important old recordings and have them in text form using this application.
Download Dictadroid
16. Hands-Free Notes
This application from the Heterioun Studio was one of the first good speech-to-text applications for the Google Play Store. The application has a very easy and light interface, which makes it very convenient for users. Users need to record their message or note and ask the app to “Recognize Text.” Within a few minutes, users will get the dictation in text form. Hands-Free Notes is one of the slower applications for converting speech to text, as many other apps do it in real-time. But the application makes up for this by ensuring that they convert speech into text with one of the highest accuracy levels among similar applications.
17. TalkBox Voice Messenger
While this speech-to-text application has some limitations, it is great for people who want to convert short messages to text. TalkBox Voice Messenger only allows users to convert maximum of one-minute recordings to text. Not only is this application great for making short notes and sending Whatsapp messages, but users can also post updates on Facebook and Twitter by simply speaking into the speech-to-text software of TalkBox Voice Messenger. This is why it is one of the best speech-to-text apps for Android mobile devices.
Download TalkBox Voice Messenger
18. Voice To Text – Text To Voice
As the name suggests, this application can quickly convert voice messages into text form. But it can also do the opposite and read out messages, notes, and other text to users quickly and fluently. The application has many different types of voices that users can ask it to read the text in. Moreover, it recognizes dozens of different languages quickly, which means that many users can easily use it. The interface of this app is simple, as users only need to press the microphone button to convert their speech into text.
Download Voice To Text – Text To Voice
19. Speech Texter
If a user experiences weak internet connectivity, often, Speech Texter is not the app for them. But if the internet speed is not a problem, few apps are better than Speech Texter at converting speech to text. The app allows users to send messages, make notes, and even write long reports using the app’s features. A custom dictionary in the application means that users can rarely make grammatical errors and even recognize punctuation commands with ease. With the ability to recognize over 60 languages, Speech Texter is easily one of the best speech-to-text apps for Android phones.
Download Speech Texter
20. Write SMS By Voice
As you can probably tell by the name, Write SMS by Voice is not an application supporting making notes or writing long reports. But since most users do not use their phones for such purposes, Write SMS By Voice is a great application for people who send many SMS’s and other text messages throughout the day. This is an app with one of the best interfaces for SMS texting by converting speech to text. It has great recognition for punctuation commands, difficult accents and even recognizes more than 70 different languages. Thus, Write SMS By Voice is a great option for the majority of Android phone users.
Download Write SMS By Voice
21. Voice Notebook
Voice Notebook is the best app to easily create an entire notebook about a subject on your Android device. The app can recognize and translate speech quickly while allowing users to add punctuation with ease, providing grammatical support, and even undo recent additions through voice commands easily. Users also do not have to worry about losing their notes as Voice Notebook allows them to upload the notes to cloud services like Dropbox easily. This is why Voice Notebook is another one of the best speech-to-text apps for Android.
Download Voice Notebook
22. Live Transcribe
Live Transcribe uses Google Cloud Speech API and optimizes the phone’s microphone to recognize the user’s speech accurately. It then converts the speech into real-time, giving the users instant results. There is also a noise indicator that tells users if their speech is clear enough for the application to recognize. The app uses its software to recognize what the user is saying and even enters punctuation on its own. There is support for over 70 different languages on Live Transcribe also. Thus, Live Transcribe is another great speech-to-text application.
Download Live Transcribe
23. Braina
Braina is unique over the other apps on this list because it can recognize even though the most complicated jargon. People working in industries where others use complicated scientific or medical terms can use this application. Unlike other apps, it will quickly recognize such terms and easily convert them from speech to text form. Moreover, the app recognizes 100 different languages from all over the world, and users can also voice commands to delete, undo, add punctuation, and change font. The only drawback is that users will need to pay $49 for one year to access the best features of Braina
Download Braina
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As you can see, various speech-to-text applications are all great in their own right. Some applications are perfect for taking notes. Some are great for making long reports, and others are great for social media and sending messages. Some like Braina and Live Transcribe, which are more niche and better for the corporate and professional environment. The common thing is that they are all highly efficient and accurate in converting speech to text. They all greatly increase the convenience for users. It is for Android users to determine what they need from a speech-to-text application. After they do so, they can then choose from any of the above best speech-to-text applications for Android.