但是,如果您熟悉Android并具有一定的技术经验,则可以轻松地对您的设备进行 root。您所要做的就是找到合适且值得信赖的指南,并仔细准确地遵循这些步骤。现在,对Android(Android)设备进行 root 的普遍看法是,您需要一台计算机和ADB等特殊软件。但是,可以在没有 PC 的情况下根植您的设备。解锁引导加载程序后,您可以使用多个应用程序直接在没有 PC 的情况下对您的设备进行 root。在本文中,我们将详细讨论这个问题,并向您展示如何在没有 PC的情况下对Android设备进行 root。(Android)
如何在没有 PC 的情况下 Root Android 手机(How to Root Android Phone without a PC)
在开始之前,建议您完全备份您的 Android 手机(full back of your Android phone),以防万一出现问题,您可以随时使用备份恢复您的手机。
根是什么意思?(What is the meaning of Root?)
如果您不知道 root 中究竟发生了什么以及它有什么不同,那么本节将消除您的疑虑。Rooting 和Android设备意味着获得对各种(Android)Android子系统的特权控制(称为 root 访问) 。
每部Android智能手机都带有由运营商或(Android)OEM或Android操作系统本身设置的某些内置限制。我们无法控制某些设置和功能。简而言之,Android系统的某些部分对用户来说是超出范围的。这就是生根发挥作用的地方。当您根植您的 Android 手机(root your Android phone)时,您可以完全控制智能手机的各个方面。您可以安装需要管理权限的特殊应用程序、删除预装的系统应用程序、替换库存操作系统等等。
根设备后,您将获得对内核的完全管理访问权限。因此,您可以完全删除当前的操作系统,并将其替换为任何基于Linux的操作系统。除此之外,您还可以旁加载受限制的应用程序,授予它们 root 访问权限,并使用以前不可用的功能。它完全改变了您设备的外观和功能。植根您的设备使您能够充分利用您的Android智能手机。
生根有什么好处?(What are the Advantages of Rooting?)
- 由于您可以删除系统应用程序,因此可以释放内部内存并提高设备的性能。它使您的设备更快、更快捷。
- 您还可以安装应用程序或将已安装的应用程序传输到 SD 卡,从而进一步释放内存。
- 由于生根授予您对内核(Kernel)的访问权限,因此您可以轻松地对设备的CPU和GPU进行超频或超频。
- 您可以更改设备的整个界面并自定义图标、通知面板、电池图标等各个方面。
- 生根设备还可以提高设备的电池寿命。
- 生根最好的部分是您可以完全替换现有的Android操作系统并用更轻的东西替换它。在旧智能手机的情况下,这会产生奇迹并显着提高它们的性能并使其更具响应性。
Root的缺点是什么?(What are the Disadvantages of Rooting?)
- 根植您的Android设备违反了Android和所有智能手机OEM(OEMs)的公司政策。它会自动使您的保修失效。
- 如果在 root 期间或之后发生任何损坏,将手机带到服务中心不会有任何好处。他们不仅会拒绝帮助您,而且还可能会对您采取法律行动。但是,这取决于国家或地区有关生根的法律。
- 生根是一个复杂的过程,如果您犯了任何错误,您的设备将被简化为砖头。它将变得完全功能失调,您将丢失所有个人数据。
- 您的设备将不再收到官方的Android软件更新。
- 最后,保护您的设备免受恶意应用程序侵害的Google安全措施将不再起作用,从而使您的设备易受攻击。
生根 Android 设备的先决条件是什么?(What are the Pre-Requisites to Rooting your Android Device?)
在您开始生根设备之前,您需要注意一些事项。如前所述,我们今天的重点是弄清楚如何在没有 PC的情况下扎根您的Android设备。(Android)唯一可能阻止您这样做的是锁定的引导加载程序。一些OEM(OEMs)故意锁定其引导加载程序,以使用户无法根植他们的设备。在这种情况下,您需要先使用计算机和ADB解锁引导加载程序,然后才能继续进行 root。但是,在大多数情况下,引导加载程序已经解锁,您可以使用应用程序来根您的设备。下面列出了在启动 root 之前需要确保的其他事项。
1. 如前所述,植根设备会使您的保修失效,因此请确保您愿意承担风险。生根设备时要小心并避免任何错误。
2. 记下您设备的型号(device’s model number)。
3.将所有数据备份(Back up all your data)到云端或某些外部硬盘驱动器上。
4. 确保您的手机已充满电。
5. 由于我们将用于 root 和Android设备的大多数应用程序在(Android)Play 商店(Play Store)中不可用,因此您需要为您的浏览器(例如Chrome)启用“未知来源”设置以安装这些应用程序的APK文件.
6. 最后,从开发者(Developer)选项中启用USB调试。
如何在没有 PC 的情况下 Root Android 智能手机(How to Root an Android smartphone without a PC)
如前所述,有几个有用的应用程序可以让您在没有 PC的情况下根植您的Android设备。(Android)这些应用程序适用于从Android 5.0到Android 10.0的任何(Android 10.0)Android操作系统。在本节中,我们将讨论Framaroot、Kingroot、Vroot等应用程序,并了解如何使用它们来 root安卓(Android)设备。所以,事不宜迟,让我们开始吧。
1. 法玛根(1. Framaroot)
Framaroot是最流行的安卓(Android)设备生根软件之一。它非常易于使用,几乎可以通过单击来启动 Android设备。(Android)Framaroot不需要 PC 来启动生根过程,最好的部分是它适用于几乎所有Android智能手机,无论其OEM或运营商如何。请按照以下步骤了解如何使用Framaroot。
1. 正如所料,你不会在Play Store上找到这个应用程序,因此,你需要做的第一件事就是下载它的 APK 文件(download its APK file)。
2. 现在,在您的设备上安装该应用程序;这应该不是问题,因为您必须已经为您的浏览器启用了未知来源设置。(Unknown Sources)
3. 安装应用程序后,启动它。
4. 之后,从顶部的下拉菜单中选择“安装超级用户”选项。(“Install Superuser”)
5. 现在,选择适合您设备的Exploit ,然后点击(Exploit)Root 按钮(Root button)。
6.如果一切正常, Framaroot现在将自动开始对您的设备进行 root 并显示成功消息。
7. 如果您没有收到Success消息,则表示Exploit与您的设备不兼容。
8. 在这种情况下,您需要尝试其他替代漏洞利用选项,其中一个将起作用,您将收到Success消息。
9. 使用Framaroot的另一个额外好处是,如果您不喜欢设备的 root 版本,那么您可以反转整个过程。
10. 如果您愿意,您可以取消您的设备的根目录。
2. Z4Root
Z4Root是另一个有趣的应用程序,它允许您在没有 PC 的情况下对您的 Android 手机进行 root(root your Android phone without a PC)。此应用程序最适合具有频谱芯片组的设备。它支持很多好看的用户界面,也适用于所有主要的智能手机品牌。这个应用程序最好的一点是,您可以选择临时或永久地植根您的设备。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1.您需要做的第一件事是下载(download the APK file)此应用程序的APK文件。由于该应用在Play 商店(Play Store)中不可用,因此您需要使用APK文件安装该应用。
2. 现在启动应用程序,您将看到两个选项。您可以选择临时或永久(temporarily or permanently)植根您的设备。
3. 我们建议您选择永久 root 选项。点击它,您的设备将开始生根。
3.通用Androot(3. Universal Androot)
与之前讨论的应用程序相比,这是一个稍微旧的应用程序。它现在不是那么流行,但它仍然是一个相当不错的生根应用程序。如果您有旧的Android智能手机,那么上述应用程序很可能无法在其上运行。Universal Androot将成为您的首选应用程序。与Framaroot和Z4Root类似,如果您以后改变主意,它允许您取消设备的根目录。最好的部分是只需几秒钟就可以根植您的Android手机。按照下面给出的步骤来了解如何使用Universal Androot。
1.首先,下载Universal Androot应用程序(APK file for the Universal Androot app)的APK文件。
2. 现在打开您的文件管理器(File Manager)并转到您的下载(Downloads)部分以找到最近下载的APK文件。
3. 点击它开始安装。只有启用了未知(Unknown)来源设置,您才能使用APK文件安装应用程序。(APK)
4. 安装应用程序后,启动它。
5. 现在点击顶部的下拉菜单,然后为您设备上运行的Android版本选择(Android)Superuser for Android选项。
6. 之后,如果您希望您的设备在重新启动后取消root,请选中暂时Root旁边的复选框。
7.最后,点击root按钮(root button),您的设备将在几秒钟内获得root权限。
4. 金根(4. KingRoot)
KingRoot是一款中文(Chinese)应用程序,您只需点击几下即可在没有计算机的情况下对您的Android设备进行 root。(Android)唯一的要求是在应用程序植根您的设备时,您需要有稳定的互联网连接。虽然应用程序界面主要使用中文,但(Chinese)APK文件也有大量的英文(English)。此应用程序的另一个功能是它允许您检查您是否已经具有 root 访问权限。下面给出了使用KingRoot的分步指南。
1. 第一步是下载应用程序的 APK 文件(download the APK file)。
2. 现在使用APK文件安装应用程序。这应该不是问题,因为您现在必须启用“未知(Unknown) 来源(Sources)”设置。
3.安装完成后,启动应用程序(launch the app)。
4. 现在点击Start Root 按钮(Start Root button)。
5. 该应用程序现在将自动检查您的设备是否与 root 兼容。
6. 之后,点击开始(Start)按钮。
8.最后,重新启动您的设备,您已经成功地 在没有PC的情况下植根了您的Android手机。 ( rooted your Android phone without a PC. )
1. 您需要做的第一件事是使用 Vroot 的 APK 文件下载并安装应用程序(download and install the app using the APK file)。
2. 根您的设备可能会影响您的数据,因此我们强烈建议您在继续根之前备份所有内容。
3. 现在启动应用程序并点击Root 按钮(Root button)。
4. Vroot现在将开始生根您的设备。这可能需要一些时间。
5. 完成后,您需要手动重启设备。
6. 如前所述,您会发现一些您可能想要卸载的其他应用程序。
6. C4自动根(6. C4 Auto Root)
1.首先点击此链接进入C4 Auto Root官网。
2. 在这里,您将找到所有兼容设备的列表。请(Please)搜索您的设备并下载与之兼容的APK文件。
3. 现在使用此APK文件安装应用程序,然后启动它。
4. 之后,单击Root 按钮(Root button),它将开始对您的设备进行 root。
5. 这可能需要几分钟。之后重新启动手机,您将拥有一部已扎根的Android智能手机。
我们希望这些信息对您有用,并且您能够在没有 PC 的情况下对您的 Android 设备进行 root。( root your Android device without a PC.)您正在植根您的设备,您可以完全控制您的设备。您可以自由安装任何您想要的应用程序并删除您认为不必要的系统应用程序。但是,在实际植根设备之前,您必须充分阅读并熟悉整个过程。最好先在没人使用的旧设备上试用它。这是因为生根违反了每个智能手机品牌的保修政策,他们不会对因生根而对设备造成的任何损坏负责。
在本文中,我们讨论了几个生根应用程序,它们允许您在没有 PC 的情况下生根您的设备。其中一些可能与您的手机不兼容。在这种情况下,您可以随时尝试不同的。您甚至可以在 Google 上搜索您设备的名称并查看论坛(Forum)的答案,了解哪个 root 应用程序最适合它。
How to Root Android without a PC (2022)
Rooting an Android device could be an intimidatіng task for beginners and amateurs. Owing tо the risks involved, people often hesitate to root their Android smartphone. For starters, you will lose any warranty claims after roоting your deviсe, and if anything gоes wrong in the procеss, your phone may be рermanently rendered unusable.
However, if you are familiar with Android and have some technical experience, you can easily root your device. All that you have to do is find a suitable and trustworthy guide and follow the steps carefully and precisely. Now, the general perception regarding rooting an Android device is that you need a computer and special software like ADB. However, it is possible to root your device without a PC. Once the bootloader is unlocked, you can use several apps to root your device without a PC directly. In this article, we are going to discuss this issue in detail and show you how to root an Android device without a PC.
How to Root Android Phone without a PC
Before you start it is advised that you take a full back of your Android phone, in case, something goes wrong you can always restore your phone using the backup.
What is the meaning of Root?
If you are unaware of what exactly happens in root and what difference does it make, then this section will clear your doubts. Rooting and Android device means to attain privileged control (known as root access) over various Android subsystems.
Every Android smartphone comes with certain built-in restrictions set by the carrier or the OEM or the Android operating system itself. There are certain settings and features that we cannot control. To put it in simple words, certain sections of the Android system are out of bounds for the user. This is where rooting comes into play. When your root your Android phone, you get complete control over every aspect of your smartphone. You can install special apps that require administrative access, delete pre-installed system apps, replace the stock operating system, and so much more.
Once you root your device, you get complete administrative access to the kernel. As a result, you can completely remove the current operating system and replace it with anything that is Linux based. In addition to that, you can sideload restricted apps, give them root access, and use features that were not available earlier. It completely changes the appearance and the abilities of your device. Rooting your device enables you to fully utilize your Android smartphone.
What are the Advantages of Rooting?
As mentioned earlier, rooting your Android device grants you complete control over your phone. As a result, you can make several administrative level changes that affect and improve the performance of the device. Given below are some of the advantages of rooting your device.
- Since you can remove system apps, it frees up the internal memory and that improves the performance of the device. It makes your device faster and snappier.
- You can also install apps or transfer installed apps to your SD card and that further frees up internal memory.
- Since rooting grants you access to the Kernel, you can easily overclock or underclock your device’s CPU and GPU.
- You can change the entire interface of your device and customize every aspect like icons, notification panel, battery icon, etc.
- Rooting your device also improves the battery life of your device.
- The best part about rooting is that you can completely replace the stock Android operating system and replace it with something lighter. In the case of old smartphones, this works wonders and significantly improves their performance and makes them more responsive.
What are the Disadvantages of Rooting?
Having a rooted device is quite beneficial and has its own perks as discussed above. However, there are many downsides to rooting. These include:
- Rooting your Android device is against the company policies of Android and all smartphone OEMs. It automatically nullifies your warranty.
- In the event of any damage during or after root, taking your phone to a service center won’t do any good. Not only will they refuse to help you but it is also possible that they might take legal action against you. This is, however, subjective to the laws of the country or region regarding rooting.
- Rooting is a complex process and if you make any mistake, your device will be reduced to a brick. It will become completely dysfunctional and you will lose all your personal data.
- Your device will no longer receive official Android software updates.
- Finally, Google security measures that protect your device from malicious apps will no longer be functional, leaving your device vulnerable.
What are the Pre-Requisites to Rooting your Android Device?
Before you can begin with rooting your device, there are a few things that you need to take care of. As mentioned earlier, our focus today will be to figure out how to root your Android device without a PC. The only thing that might prevent you from doing so is a locked bootloader. Some OEMs deliberately lock their bootloader so that users are not able to root their devices. In this case, you need to unlock the bootloader using a computer and ADB first, and only then can you proceed to root. However, in most cases, the bootloader is already unlocked, and you can use an app to root your device. Given below is a list of other things that you need to ensure before starting a root.
1. As mentioned earlier, rooting your device nullifies your warranty, so make sure that you are willing to take the risk. Be careful and avoid any mistakes while rooting your device.
2. Take note of your device’s model number.
3. Back up all your data on the cloud or some external hard drive.
4. Make sure that your phone is completely charged.
5. Since most of the apps that we are going to use to root and Android devices are not available on the Play Store, you need to enable the “Unknown Sources” setting for your browser (say Chrome) to install APK files of these apps.
6. Finally, enable USB debugging from Developer options.
How to Root an Android smartphone without a PC
As mentioned earlier, there exist several useful apps that will allow you to root your Android device without a PC. These apps work on any Android operating system starting from Android 5.0 to Android 10.0. In this section, we are going to discuss apps like Framaroot, Kingroot, Vroot, etc. and see how you can use them to root your Android device. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
1. Framaroot
Framaroot is one of the most popular rooting software for Android devices. It is extremely easy to use and can practically root an Android device with a single click. Framaroot does not require a PC to initiate the rooting process, and the best part is that it works for almost all Android smartphones, irrespective of their OEM or carrier. Follow the steps given below to learn how to use Framaroot.
1. As expected, you won’t find this app on the Play Store, and therefore, the first thing that you need to do is download its APK file.
2. Now, install that app on your device; this should not be a problem as you must have already enabled the Unknown Sources setting for your browser.
3. Once the app has been installed, launch it.
4. After that, select the “Install Superuser” option from the drop-down menu on the top.
5. Now, select Exploit that is suitable for your device and then tap on the Root button.
6. Framaroot will now automatically begin to root your device and show a success message if everything works out.
7. If you do not get the Success message, then it means that the Exploit is not compatible with your device.
8. In this case, you need to try other alternative exploit options, and one of them will work, and you will get the Success message.
9. Another additional benefit of using Framaroot is that if you do not like the rooted version of your device, then you can reverse the entire process.
10. You can unroot your device if you like.
2. Z4Root
Z4Root is another interesting app that allows you to root your Android phone without a PC. This app is best suited for devices having a spectrum chipset. It supports a lot of good-looking UI and also works on all major smartphone brands. The best thing about this app is that you can choose to root your device either temporarily or permanently. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. The first thing that you need to do is download the APK file for this app. Since this app is not available on the Play Store, you need to install the app using an APK file.
2. Now launch the app, and you will be presented with two options. You can either choose to root your device temporarily or permanently.
3. We would recommend you to go for the permanent root option. Tap on it, and your device will start rooting.
4, This might take some time. Once completed, you will get a Success message on your screen.
5. Now restart your phone, and you will now have a rooted phone with complete access to various Android sub-systems.
3. Universal Androot
This is a slightly old app as compared to the ones discussed previously. It isn’t that popular nowadays, but it is still a pretty good rooting app. If you have an old Android smartphone, then the chances are that the apps mentioned above won’t work on it. Universal Androot will then be your go-to app. Similar to Framaroot and Z4Root, it allows you to unroot your device if you change your mind later on. The best part is that it only takes a few seconds to root your Android mobile. Follow the steps given below to see how to use Universal Androot.
1. Firstly, download the APK file for the Universal Androot app.
2. Now open your File Manager and go to your Downloads section to locate the recently downloaded APK file.
3. Tap on it to begin the installation. You will be able to install an app using the APK file only if the Unknown sources setting is enabled.
4. Once the app has been installed, launch it.
5. Now tap on the dropdown menu on the top and select the Superuser for Android option for the Android version that is running on your device.
6. After that select the checkbox next to Root temporarily if you want your device to be unrooted after a restart.
7. Finally, tap on the root button and your device will get rooted in a few seconds.
8. As mentioned earlier, this app also has a dedicated Unroot button that can reverse the rooting process.
4. KingRoot
KingRoot is a Chinese app that allows you to root your Android device without a computer, in a matter of few clicks. The only requirement is that you need to have a stable internet connection while the app roots your device. Although Chinese has been primarily used in the app interface, the APK file has significant amounts of English as well. One additional feature of this app is that it allows you to check whether or not you already have root access. Given below is a step-wise guide to using KingRoot.
1. The first step would be to download the APK file for the app.
2. Now install the app using the APK file. This shouldn’t be a problem as you must have enabled the Unknown Sources setting by now.
3. After the installation is completed, launch the app.
4. Now tap on the Start Root button.
5. The app will now automatically check if your device is compatible with a root.
6. After that, tap on the Start button.
7. Wait for a few seconds, and your device will get rooted. You will see a Success message pop up on the screen once the root is completed.
8. Finally, reboot your device, and you have successfully rooted your Android phone without a PC.
5. Vroot
Vroot is another one-click rooting app that does not require any support from a computer. It was originally designed for Chinese smartphones but it also works for other Android devices. If you are using Vroot to root your Android device, then it will install many Chinese apps on your device after the root. You can choose to keep these apps or uninstall them immediately. Follow the steps given below to learn how to use Vroot.
1. The first thing that you need to do is download and install the app using the APK file for Vroot.
2. Rooting your device might affect your data, and thus we would highly recommend you to backup all your stuff before proceeding with the root.
3. Now launch the app and tap on the Root button.
4. Vroot will now start rooting your device. This might take some time.
5. Once completed, you need to restart your device manually.
6. As mentioned earlier, you will find some additional apps that you might want to uninstall.
6. C4 Auto Root
If you are a Samsung user, then this app is the best suited for your needs. It was designed specifically for Samsung smartphones and offered a safe and trustworthy means to root your device. Apart from that, you can also use this app for other Android smartphones as it is compatible with most of them. Follow the steps given below to see how to use this app.
1. Firstly, click on this link to go to the official site of C4 Auto Root.
2. Here, you will find a list of all compatible devices. Please search for your device and download the APK file that is compatible with it.
3. Now install the app using this APK file and then launch it.
4. After that, click on the Root button, and it will begin to root your device.
5. This might take a couple of minutes. Restart your phone after that you will have a rooted Android smartphone.
We hope that you find this information useful and you were able to root your Android device without a PC. You are rooting your device grants you complete control over your device. You are free to install any app that you want and remove system apps that you deem unnecessary. However, you must read about it sufficiently and be familiar with the entire process before actually rooting your device. It would be a good idea to try it first on an old device that no one uses. This is because rooting is against the warranty policy of every smartphone brand, and they won’t take responsibility for any damage to the device that occurs due to rooting.
In this article, we have discussed several rooting apps that allow you to root your device without a PC. Some of them might not be compatible with your phone. In that case, you can always try a different one. You can even Google your device’s name and check Forum answers as to which rooting app is the best suited for it.