在过去的几周里,我们有机会测试并使用了当今最难以捉摸的计算机组件之一:Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070显卡。我们在一台由华硕(ASUS)提供支持的预置台式计算机中安装了它,因为这是您现在找到它的少数几种方式之一,至少价格合理。正如您所想象的那样,我们立即想知道ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070到底有多快,尤其是在开启光线追踪和DLSS的游戏时。因此,在运行基准测试并获得一个想法之后,我们现在准备分享我们对这款 GPU 的发现:
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070:适合谁?
- 能够在超高品质设置下以更高分辨率(如 1440p 甚至 4K)玩任何游戏
- 光线(Ray)追踪和DLSS提供一流的视觉效果和性能
- 这些天你在商店里找不到的最好的显卡之一🙂
关于ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070(ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070),我们有很多好话要说:
- 在我们使用的每款游戏和基准测试中,它的表现都非常出色
- 支持光线追踪和DLSS
- 它有 8 GB 的GDDR6 内存(GDDR6 RAM),适合任何游戏
- 该卡不会发热很多,尽管它的冷却系统并不大
- 功耗是不错的
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070是 Nvidia (ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070)RTX 3000系列中最平衡的显卡。即使在 1440p 分辨率下使用光线追踪,它也能提供卓越的性能和速度。它还只需要相当大的功率即可运行,并且不会产生很多热量。如果您能以推荐的价格或 500美元(USD)左右的价格找到它,我们建议您毫不犹豫地购买它。不过,就目前的情况而言,您可能不会,除非您寻找具有ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070规格的预构建计算机。
Nvidia 的GeForce RTX 3070显卡旨在成为希望以合理价格获得出色性能的人们的最佳选择。它不如GeForce RTX 3080或高端RTX 3090强大,但它可以轻松与GeForce 2080 Ti 等旧款高端机型竞争。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070的视图
RTX 3070的最佳之处在于它的目标受众是既想要光线追踪又想要 DLSS(ray tracing and DLSS)的游戏玩家。光线追踪(Ray tracing)是一种技术,它允许GPU通过复制光线从现实中的物体反弹的方式来渲染更逼真的照明效果、阴影和反射。这使得游戏看起来非常漂亮,但对显卡的性能造成了巨大的影响,通常会大大降低每秒的帧数。这就是其他技术DLSS的用武之地。DLSS是Deep Learning Super Sampling的缩写,是一种利用 AI(人工智能)的(Artificial Intelligence)Nvidia RTX技术(Nvidia RTX)) 以增加游戏中每秒渲染的帧数。它以较低的分辨率渲染帧,以便您获得更好的帧速率,但每个帧都会应用一系列效果,使其看起来更好,并且可以与以更高的分辨率渲染时的样子相媲美。DLSS由称为Tensor Cores的 AI 处理器提供支持,这种处理器仅在RTX显卡中才有。
安装在 PC 中的ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 GPU
总而言之,GeForce RTX 3070的目标是在 1440p 和 4K 分辨率的高或超视觉设置下进行游戏,到目前为止,预算不足的人很难接触到这些设置。不幸的是,这只是理论。在现实生活中,Nvidia存在一些供应问题,这意味着现在很难在商店中找到任何GeForce RTX 3070显卡。如果你碰巧找到了,它的价格通常比推荐的要高得多。据我们所知,目前获得GeForce RTX 3070显卡的最佳选择是购买预装的台式电脑。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070显卡的规格几乎与标准Nvidia RTX 3070 (Nvidia RTX 3070) GPU完全相同。它由Ampere GA104单元提供动力,在 46 个流式多处理器 (SM) 上具有 5888个CUDA内核,在 256 位总线宽度上具有8 GB GDDR6 RAM ,其引擎时钟在游戏中以 1500 MHz和 1725 MHz的默认基本速度运行模式。在超频模式下,GPU可以提升更多,最高可达 1755 MHz。
也就是说,这款显卡应该可以在1440p的超画质设置下运行近几年推出的所有热门游戏。它还应该能够以 4K 运行任何游戏,尽管在这种情况下,您可能不得不降低视觉设置。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070:GPU-Z中的详细信息(GPU-Z)
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070在三个(ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070)DisplayPort (1.4a) 和一个HDMI (2.1) 端口上支持最高 7680 x 4320 像素的分辨率,最多可支持四台显示器。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070上的端口
与RTX 3070 (RTX 3070) GPU的其他实现相比,对于此特定型号,华硕(ASUS)选择使用基于鼓风机的冷却系统。该公司表示,它为空间有限的机箱设计了这款显卡。卡内的鼓风机非常大,并在双滚珠轴承上旋转。它应该能够快速移动大量空气并始终保持卡凉爽。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070使用的鼓风机
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070没有背板,因此它的电路板保持开放且可见。虽然我们不喜欢这样的设计选择,但它传达的信息很明确:华硕(ASUS)试图让这款显卡尽可能地实惠。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070没有背板
最后,这款显卡的另一个优点是它使用两个 8 针连接器从电源单元获取电力。根据华硕(ASUS)的说法,一个好的 750瓦(Watts)电源应该足以毫无问题地使用这款显卡。还值得注意的是,这张卡不支持Nvidia NVLink或AMD Crossfire。
关于尺寸,ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070显卡相当大:10.59 x 4.41 x 1.57 英寸或 26.9 x 11.2 x 4 厘米。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070透视图
如果您想查看有关硬件规格和功能的更多详细信息,请访问此网页:ASUS TURBO-RTX3070-8G 规格(ASUS TURBO-RTX3070-8G Specifications)。
为了了解ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070显卡在现实生活中的作用,我们玩了几场比赛。我们在具有以下硬件和软件的预置“Powered by ASUS”台式电脑上对其进行了测试:(“Powered by ASUS”)
- CPU:Intel Core i9-10850K(3.6/5.2 GHz,十核,20线程)
- 主板:华硕 Prime Z-490-V
- 内存:威刚 16GB DDR4 (2666 MHz)
- 存储:SSD 金士顿 A400(SSD Kingston A400) 480G
- 操作系统:Windows 10 Pro x64,2020年 10 月更新(October 2020 Update)
请注意,以下所有游戏均使用尽可能高的图形设置进行基准测试。我们在开启和关闭光线追踪以及开启和关闭DLSS的情况下重复了基准测试。和我们一样(Just),我们相信您很想知道这两种技术如何影响GeForce RTX 3070显卡的性能。
我们使用ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070(ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070)显卡测试的第一款游戏是《古墓丽影:暗影》(Shadow of the Tomb Raider),我们发现这款游戏非常漂亮。但是,图形质量是有代价的,这意味着如果您希望能够在最大视频设置下玩此游戏,则需要一台功能相当强大的游戏机。正如您在下图中看到的那样,在不使用光线追踪的情况下播放时,无论是 1080p 还是 1440p,帧速率都超过了 100,令人印象深刻。即使在没有DLSS(DLSS)的情况下启用光线追踪,在 1440p 下也能提供超过 60 fps 的速度,在 1080p 下提供超过 100 fps 的速度。DLSS将 1080p 的 fps 提高 9%,将 1440p 的 fps 提高 18%。
(Benchmark)古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow)的基准测试结果
Metro Exodus是最近对硬件资源需求最高的游戏之一,至少如果您想以尽可能高的图形质量玩它。在我们的测试中,它也是渲染帧数最少的游戏。尽管如此,在所有测试和两种分辨率下, RTX 3070 GPU都设法每秒渲染超过 60 帧。在 1080p 中,我们在没有光线追踪或DLSS的情况下获得了 101 fps ,同时使它们每秒传输 86 帧。在 1440p 中,启用DLSS 可使(DLSS)帧率提升 12.5%!
Metro Exodus 的基准测试结果
我们还在Fortnite中对(Fortnite)深受在线游戏玩家欢迎的ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070进行了基准测试。(ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070)如果您不启用光线追踪,这并不是一款对图形要求特别高的游戏。然而,将光线追踪设置为最高质量,即使是最强大的GPU也会下跪。正如您在下一张图表中看到的那样,我们的RTX 3070在 1080p 中从 222 fps 下降到 37 fps,在 1440p 中从 141 下降到 22 fps。同样在质量模式下启用DLSS意味着 1080p 上的 fps 增加 67% 和每秒超过 60 帧,这很棒。在 1440p 中,DLSS每秒的帧数几乎翻了一番,但 42 仍然低于我们认为在良好条件下可播放的阈值。
Fortnite 的基准测试结果
赛博朋克 2077(Cyberpunk 2077)是另一款华丽的游戏,它需要强大的显卡才能在最大的视觉效果下运行良好。即使没有光线追踪,这款游戏看起来也令人惊叹,RTX 3070能够在 1080p 和 1440p 中提供近 100 fps 和 61 fps!开启光线追踪后,每秒帧数显着下降,降至约 30 fps(1080p 每秒 37 帧,1440p 每秒 28 帧)。在这里,启用DLSS可以大大提高性能,有效地将 fps 提高一倍至 60 左右,这令人印象深刻!
赛博朋克 2077 的基准测试结果
我们还将《死亡搁浅》(Death Stranding)纳入我们的基准游戏列表。虽然这款游戏没有光线追踪,但它是一款非常漂亮的游戏,而且它还支持 Nvidia 的DLSS技术。在关闭DLSS的情况下,我们在 1080p 中测量了 162 fps,在 1440p 中测量了 130 fps。两项成绩都非常出色,可见RTX 3070确实是一款非常能干的显卡。此外(Furthermore),启用DLSS会导致更高的帧速率,尤其是在 1440p 中,我们每秒获得的帧数增加了 27%。
基准测试(Benchmark)结果导致死亡搁浅(Death Stranding)
3DMark Port Royale是实时光线追踪的专用基准。使用没有DLSS的(DLSS)GeForce RTX 3070显卡,我们在 1080p 下获得 61 fps,在 1440p 下获得 37 fps。开启 DLSS(DLSS)导致帧率大幅提升:1080p 为 63%,1440p 为 75%!
(Benchmark)3DMark皇家港口的(Port Royale)基准测试结果
3DMark 的 Time Spy(3DMark’s Time Spy)基准测试给ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070打了 13327 分。根据该应用程序的说法,这是一个很棒(Great)的结果,并且确认该显卡可以在超高或高视觉设置下运行任何游戏。
(Benchmark)3DMark Time Spy中的(Time Spy)基准测试结果
在运行基准测试时,我们还发现ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070显卡需要大约 200瓦(Watts)的功率。最后,另一个重要因素是显卡产生的热量。为了查看卡的温度,我们在监测温度的同时运行了Furmark大约一个小时。我们发现华硕 Turbo GeForce RTX 3070(ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070)显卡的温度不会超过 66摄氏度(Celsius)(151华氏度(Fahrenheit))。换句话说,这是一张很酷的显卡!
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 是最好的中高端显卡之一。它可以以超过 60 FPS 的速度运行任何高品质或超高品质的游戏,同时开启 1440p 和 1080p 的光线追踪。(The ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 is one of the best mid to high-range graphics cards. It can run any game in high or ultra quality at more than 60 FPS, with ray tracing turned on, both in 1440p and in 1080p.)
您对ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070有何看法?
这些是我们对ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070(ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070)显卡的想法和意见。它是目前最好的中档显卡之一。在结束此评论之前,请在下面的评论中告诉我们您对ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070的看法。
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 review: Excellent gaming performance
Durіng the last fеw weeks, we had the chance tо test and play with one of thе most elusive computer сomponents оf these days: an Nvіdia GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card. We got it inѕide a prebuilt desktop computer powered by ASUS because that’s one of the few ways you fіnd it right now, at least at a reаsonаble price. As you can imagine, we instantly wanted to know how fаst the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 really is, еspecially when gaming with ray tracing and DLSS on. Ѕо, after running benchmarks and gettіng an idea, we’re now ready to share what we’ve found abоut this GPU:
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070: Who is it good for?
This graphics card is a great choice for the gamers who want:
- To be able to play any game at higher resolutions, like 1440p or even 4K, on ultra quality settings
- Ray tracing and DLSS for top-notch visuals and performance
- One of the best graphics cards you can(‘t) find in shops these days 🙂
Pros and cons
We have a lot of good things to say regarding the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070:
- Its performance was excellent in every game and benchmark that we used
- Supports ray tracing and DLSS
- It has 8 GB of GDDR6 RAM, plenty for any game
- The card doesn’t heat a lot, although its cooling system is not large
- The power draw is decent
As for its downsides, the only one you have to consider is that it is difficult to find it in shops at the recommended price.
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 is the most balanced graphics card from Nvidia’s RTX 3000 series. It delivers premium performance and speed, even with ray tracing on and on 1440p resolutions. It also needs just a decent amount of power to run and doesn’t heat a lot. If you can find it at the recommended price or anywhere around 500 USD, we say go ahead and buy it without hesitation. As things are now, though, you probably won’t, unless you look for a prebuilt computer that has the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 on its specs.
Design and hardware specifications
Nvidia’s GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card aims to be the best choice for people who want awesome performance at a reasonable price. It’s not as powerful as the GeForce RTX 3080 or the high-end RTX 3090, but it can compete easily with older premium models like the GeForce 2080 Ti.
A view of the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070
What’s best about the RTX 3070 is that its target audience is gamers who want both ray tracing and DLSS. Ray tracing is a technology that allows the GPU to render more realistic lighting effects, shadows, and reflections, by replicating the way light bounces off objects in reality. That makes games look really beautiful, but takes a huge toll on the graphics card’s performance, usually lowering the number of frames per second by a lot. That’s where the other tech - DLSS - comes in. DLSS, short for Deep Learning Super Sampling, is an Nvidia RTX technology that takes advantage of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to increase the number of frames per second rendered in games. It renders frames at lower resolutions, so that you get a better framerate, but each frame gets a series of effects applied that make it look better and comparable to what it would have looked like if it was rendered at a higher resolution. DLSS is powered by AI processors called Tensor Cores found only in RTX video cards.
The ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 GPU mounted in a PC
All in all, the GeForce RTX 3070 targets gaming at high or ultra visual settings in 1440p and 4K resolutions that, up until now, were hard to reach by people who didn’t have generous budgets. Unfortunately, that’s just the theory. In real life, Nvidia has some supply issues, meaning that it’s hard to find any GeForce RTX 3070 graphics cards in stores right now. And if you do happen to find one, its price is usually much higher than the recommended one. As far as we can tell, the best option to get a hold of a GeForce RTX 3070 video card at the moment is to buy a prebuilt desktop computer.
The ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card has almost the exact specs of the standard Nvidia RTX 3070 GPU. It’s powered by an Ampere GA104 unit with 5888 CUDA cores on 46 Streaming Multiprocessors (SM), 8 GB of GDDR6 RAM on a 256-bit bus width, and its engine clock runs at a default base speed of 1500 MHz and 1725 MHz in gaming mode. In overclocking mode, the GPU can boost up a bit more, up to 1755 MHz.
In other words, this graphics card should be able to run all the popular games launched in recent years at ultra graphics quality settings on 1440p. It should also be able to run any game in 4K, although in that case, you might have to go down in terms of visual settings.
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070: Details in GPU-Z
The ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 supports a maximum resolution of 7680 x 4320 pixels on three DisplayPort (1.4a) and one HDMI (2.1) ports, offering support for a total of up to four displays.
The ports on the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070
When compared to other implementations of the RTX 3070 GPU, for this specific model, ASUS chose to use a cooling system based on a blower fan. The company says that it designed this graphics card for chassis with limited space. The blower fan inside the card is pretty large and spins on dual ball bearings. It should be able to move large volumes of air fast and keep the card cool at all times.
The blower fan used by the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 has no backplate, so its circuit board is left open and visible. Although we’re not fans of such a design choice, the message it sends is clear: ASUS tries to make this graphics card as affordable as possible.
ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 has no backplate
Finally, another good thing about this graphics card is that it uses two 8-pin connectors for getting its electrical power from the power supply unit. According to ASUS, a good 750 Watts power supply should be enough to use this video card without issues. It’s also worth noting that this card does not support Nvidia NVLink or AMD Crossfire.
Regarding size, the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card is fairly large: 10.59 x 4.41 x 1.57 inches or 26.9 x 11.2 x 4 cm.
Perspective of the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070
If you want to see more details about the hardware specs and features, visit this webpage: ASUS TURBO-RTX3070-8G Specifications.
Performance in games and benchmarks
To understand what the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card can do in real life, we played several games. We tested it on a prebuilt “Powered by ASUS” desktop PC that had the following hardware and software:
- CPU: Intel Core i9-10850K (3.6/5.2 GHz, ten cores, 20 threads)
- Motherboard: ASUS Prime Z-490-V
- Memory: ADATA 16GB DDR4 (2666 MHz)
- Storage: SSD Kingston A400 480G
- Operating System: Windows 10 Pro x64 with October 2020 Update
Note that all the following games were benchmarked using the highest possible graphics settings. We repeated the benchmarks with ray tracing on and off and with DLSS on and off. Just like us, we believe that you’re curious to see how each of these two technologies affects the performance of the GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card.
The first game that we tested with the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card was Shadow of the Tomb Raider, a game that we find to be exquisitely beautiful. However, the graphics quality comes at a price, and that means that you need a fairly powerful gaming machine if you want to be able to play this game at maxed video settings. As you can see in the graph below, playing without ray tracing delivers frame rates above the 100 mark, both in 1080p and 1440p, which is quite impressive. Even going so far as to enable ray tracing without DLSS offers more than 60 fps in 1440p, and 100 fps in 1080p. DLSS gives an additional boost of 9% more fps in 1080p, and 18% more fps in 1440p.
Benchmark results in Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Metro Exodus is one of the recent games with the highest need for hardware resources, at least if you want to play it at the highest graphics quality possible. It is also the game that rendered the fewest frames in our tests. Still, the RTX 3070 GPU managed to render more than 60 frames per second in all the tests and at both resolutions. In 1080p, we got 101 fps without ray tracing or DLSS, while enabling them delivered 86 frames per second. In 1440p, enabling DLSS led to a framerate boost of 12.5%!
Benchmark results in Metro Exodus
We have also benchmarked ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 in Fortnite, popular with online gamers. It’s not a particularly graphics-demanding game if you don’t enable ray tracing. However, ray tracing set to the maximum quality makes even the most powerful GPU kneel. As you can see in the next chart, our RTX 3070 went down from 222 to 37 fps in 1080p, and from 141 to 22 fps in 1440p. Enabling DLSS, also on quality mode, meant a 67% increase in fps on 1080p and a bit more than 60 frames per second, which is great. In 1440p, DLSS almost doubled the number of frames per second, but 42 is still below the threshold of what we consider playable in good conditions.
Benchmark results in Fortnite
Cyberpunk 2077 is another gorgeous game that requires powerful graphics cards to run well at maxed visuals. The game looks stunning even without ray tracing, and the RTX 3070 manages to deliver almost 100 fps in 1080p and 61 fps in 1440p! With ray tracing turned on, the number of frames per second drops significantly, down to about 30 fps (37 frames per second in 1080p, 28 frames per second in 1440p). Here, enabling DLSS improves things by a lot, effectively doubling the fps to about 60, which is impressive!
Benchmark results in Cyberpunk 2077
We also included Death Stranding in our list of benchmarked games. Although this game doesn’t come with ray tracing, it’s a stunningly beautiful game, and it also supports Nvidia’s DLSS technology. With DLSS off, we measured 162 fps in 1080p and 130 fps in 1440p. Both results are excellent, showing that the RTX 3070 is indeed a very capable graphics card. Furthermore, enabling DLSS leads to an even higher framerate, especially in 1440p, where we got 27% more frames per second.
Benchmark results in Death Stranding
3DMark Port Royale is a specialized benchmark for real-time ray tracing. Using the GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card, without DLSS, we had 61 fps in 1080p and 37 fps in 1440p. Turning DLSS on led to a pretty huge increase in framerate: 63% on 1080p and 75% on 1440p!
Benchmark results in 3DMark Port Royale
3DMark’s Time Spy benchmark scored the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 with 13327 points. That’s a Great result, according to the app, and one that confirms that this graphics card can run any game at ultra or high visual settings.
Benchmark results in 3DMark Time Spy
While running the benchmarks, we also found out that the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 video card needs about 200 Watts of power. And, in the end, another important element is the heat produced by the video card. To see how hot the card gets, we ran Furmark for about an hour while monitoring the temperatures. What we found was that the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 card doesn’t get hotter than 66 degrees Celsius (151 Fahrenheit). In other words, this is one cool graphics card!
Maximum temperature recorded in Furmark
The ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 is one of the best mid to high-range graphics cards. It can run any game in high or ultra quality at more than 60 FPS, with ray tracing turned on, both in 1440p and in 1080p.
What is your opinion about the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070?
These were our thoughts and opinions about the ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card. It is one of the best mid-range video cards right now. Before closing this review, let us know what you think about ASUS Turbo GeForce RTX 3070 in a comment below.