Sonos是无线扬声器领域最受欢迎的品牌之一。那是因为它们提供了出色的音频质量,并且可以通过在它们之间轻松设置无线连接来让整个房子充满音乐。如果您想在客厅和厨房里听同一首最喜欢的歌曲,Sonos扬声器的网格可能是您想要的。在过去的几周里,我们测试并使用了第一款Sonos便携式扬声器,即Sonos Move。它承诺提供同样令人惊叹的声音和简单的用户体验,并且无论您走到哪里,它都可以让您随身携带。您是否(Are)想了解有关Sonos Move的更多信息(Sonos Move)的功能和音质?阅读这篇评论:
Sony Move:它对谁有好处?
如果满足以下条件, Sonos Move是一款出色的无线扬声器:
- 您渴望拥有优质音质的无线扬声器
- 您想进入Sonos生态系统,或者您已经是其中的一员
- 钱对你来说不是问题
Buy now
以下是Sonos Move的优点:
- 具有丰富声音的优质音频质量
- Wi-Fi 和蓝牙连接
- 高品质的(High-quality)构建和令人愉悦的设计
- Sonos应用程序易于设置和使用
- 支持Google Assistant和Amazon Alexa
- 续航不错,充电比较快,充电底座整洁
- 防尘防水
- TruePlay自动声音校准
Sonos Move也有一些缺点:
- 有点大又重,它不像你想象的那么便携
- 使用蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2),此模式下无法连接多个设备
- 它比具有类似功能的其他扬声器成本更高
Sonos Move是一款出色的无线智能扬声器,给我们留下了深刻的印象。由于其一流的驱动器(低音扬声器和高音扬声器)以及自动TruePlay声音校准,它提供了优质的音频质量。Sonos Move看起来很棒,设置起来非常简单,而且Sonos应用程序可以与您可能想到的任何音乐流媒体服务集成。充电座触感很好,当您需要工作或只是在屋外放松时,可以轻松将扬声器取出,并且Wi-Fi连接非常好。此外,切换到蓝牙(Bluetooth)提供了同样出色的音质,尽管它禁用了智能谷歌助手(Google Assistant)和亚马逊 Alexa(Amazon Alexa)功能。我们喜欢Sonos Move,并且我们向任何正在寻找一流的智能无线扬声器以在家中和周围使用并且还可以负担得起其高价的人推荐它。
拆箱 Sonos Move
考虑到这是一款便携式扬声器,Sonos Move 装在一个相当大且重的盒子里。(Sonos Move)盒子由优质纸板制成,根据您获得的颜色版本,它使用的主要颜色是黑色或白色。在它的侧面,包装内有Sonos Move(Sonos Move)扬声器的大图像,展示了它的充电底座和内置车把等东西。
在盒子里面,所有东西都被整齐地包装和额外的纸板保护。拿出所有东西,你会看到你花了什么钱:Sonos Move便携式扬声器、充电底座和一个纺织袋。您还可以找到快速入门指南和保修文件。
拆箱 Sonos Move 是一种优质且令人满意的体验。一切都以高品质尖叫,与便携式扬声器一起,您还可以获得充电底座,而不仅仅是普通的电源线,还有一个用于携带和保护它的纺织袋。(Unboxing the Sonos Move is a premium and satisfying experience. Everything screams high-quality, and together with the portable speaker, you also get a charging base instead of just a regular power cord, and also a textile bag for carrying and protecting it.)
当我们看到Sonos Move(Sonos Move)的大盒子时,我们以为扬声器会很大,但我们并不太了解这款设备实际上有多大。它比您称为“便携式”的大多数无线扬声器更大更重。确切地说,Sonos Move的高 x 宽 x 深为 9.44 x 6.29 x 4.96 英寸(240 x 160 x 126 毫米),重量为 6.61 磅(3 公斤)。
Sonos Move是一款漂亮的设备,设计相当简约。它的形状是一个大的椭圆圆柱体,它被包裹在一个金属格栅中。Sonos Move的顶部、底部和背面均由橡胶塑料制成,触感柔软,看起来可以处理表面划痕而不会留下永久性痕迹。
在Sonos Move的顶部,有一个面板,上面有一系列的触摸控件,可以调高和调低音量、播放和暂停音乐,以及将麦克风静音。这些控件还支持用于跳过曲目的滑动手势。一个小的LED灯用于显示扬声器是打开还是关闭,在麦克风是否静音时发出信号,并在收到语音反馈时发出指示。
Move是Sonos的第一款便携式扬声器,进入该系列产品意味着该公司也非常重视耐用性。Sonos Move拥有IP56(防护等级 56(Ingress Protection 56))的认证,这意味着它具有防尘和防水功能。灰尘(Ingress)进入并没有完全阻止,但它不能大量进入设备,以至于影响其操作。虽然扬声器可以承受来自任何方向的强大水射流:它无法在游泳池中跳水。它也可以毫无问题地处理雨水。
在音质方面,Sonos Move拥有一些令人印象深刻的规格。根据其官方网页(official webpage),Move有两个 D 类放大器,这意味着比(Move)A(Class-A)类或 B 类放大器通常可以提供的更低的功耗、更少的热量和更长的电池寿命。此外(Furthermore),使用的放大器也是数字的,因此交付的音频质量应该是一流的。至于驱动器,Sonos Move使用一个高音扬声器和一个中低音扬声器。高音扬声器向下发送声音以创建宽广的声场,而中低音扬声器旨在处理中频和低频(低音)。
Sonos Move的无线连接由支持 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz网络上的 802.11 b/g/n 标准的(GHz)Wi-Fi芯片处理。此外,如果Wi-Fi不可用,Move可以使用蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)连接到任何流媒体设备(例如您的智能手机)。还值得注意的是,从Wi-Fi切换到蓝牙(Bluetooth)非常容易。在扬声器背面,在电源和设置按钮之间,还有一个细按钮,按下时会立即更改Move的无线操作模式。
Sonos Move内部的电池容量为 36 WH,充满电后可提供长达 10 小时的续航时间。好消息是,扬声器还可以通过背面的 USB-C 端口充电,而不仅仅是充电底座。换句话说,如果你把它带到外面并且没电了,你可以使用任何 USB-C 适配器在旅途中为它充电。
由于其精美的设计和优质材料,Sonos Move 看起来既美观又耐用。这绝对是一款制作精良的设备,应该可以使用很长时间。看看它的规格,我们对它所提供的东西印象深刻,无论是在音频质量方面,还是在连接选项方面。(The Sonos Move looks good and durable thanks to its beautiful design and high-quality materials. It's definitely a well-built device that should last for a long time. Looking at its specs, we were impressed by what it has to offer, both in terms of audio quality, as well as connectivity options.)
使用 Sonos Move
当我拿到Sonos Move进行测试时,首先引起我注意的是它的大小和重量。这不是胆小的人的便携式扬声器。它比您想象的要大,虽然您可以将它带到户外,但它的绝对重量(3 公斤)使其成为户外活动的艰难选择。我确实在花园里带了它,我会带它去汽车旅行,但我不敢徒步徒步旅行。
Sonos Move的音质毫不费力地给我、我的家人和我的朋友留下了深刻的印象。它的低音扬声器和高音扬声器发出的音乐听起来非常好,说实话,自从我得到它以来,我几乎从未关闭过它。此外(Furthermore),我有两个Sonos Move扬声器进行测试,我每天都使用它们来让我公寓的所有房间都充满音乐。Sonos Move不仅能提供出色的中频和高频,还能提供出色的低频,无论您选择何种音乐,都能产生深沉、温暖和清晰的声音。我主要听金属音乐,但也涉足电子音乐和trip-hop,并每天定期听古典音乐。Sonos移动(Sonos Move)对这些类型的任何一个都没有失望。
正如我之前提到的,我们收到了两个Sonos Move扬声器。通过Google (Google)Play Store和 Apple App Store均提供的(App Store)Sonos应用程序,设置它们出乎意料地简单。由于我以前从未使用过任何Sonos设备,因此我必须使用它们创建一个帐户。然后,只需在应用程序中轻按几下,然后按一下扬声器上的按钮,将它们连接到我的 Wi-Fi 网络,两个扬声器就立即启动并运行。这是一个简单的过程,给我留下了很好的印象。
Sonos应用程序不是我所期望的,我这样说是有道理的。它不仅可以设置扬声器,还可以与大量音乐流媒体服务集成。这包括Spotify、YouTube Music、Apple Music以及您可能想到的几乎所有其他服务。它甚至可以读取您本地的音乐库并播放您的歌曲,而无需切换到其他应用程序。几天后,我注意到我已经习惯了使用Sonos应用程序,以至于我什至没有想到打开Spotify或我智能手机的默认音乐应用程序。
回到扬声器本身,我真的很欣赏Sonos为他们充电的方法。与市面上的大多数便携式扬声器不同,您无需将电缆插入Sonos Move即可为其充电,但如果您愿意,也可以这样做。🙂Move不是依靠USB电缆,而是安装在充电底座上。电源通过底座上的两个触针传递,与扬声器背面的触针完美对齐。在某种程度上,它类似于您为智能手机使用无线充电板的方式。
根据我的经验,Sonos Move在充满电的情况下确实可以持续使用大约 10 个小时甚至更长时间。但是,我没有以最大音量使用扬声器,因为它响亮而有力。在最大音量下,自主性可能会更短。另一方面,当您使用随附的充电底座时,电池充满电并不需要很长时间:大约三个小时,也许更短。
我还想对Sonos Move的自动(Sonos Move)TruePlay功能说几句话,因为它使扬声器变得更好。Move有一些内置麦克风,可以收集有关音乐声音的信息。根据扬声器的周围环境,声音可能会发生显着变化。TruePlay 会(TruePlay)自动调整其输出,因此无论您将扬声器放在壁橱中、墙壁附近、桌子上还是花园的野餐桌上,无论环境如何,它的声音都一样好。唉(Alas),TruePlay仅在您以无线模式使用Sonos Move时才有效;(Sonos Move)在蓝牙(Bluetooth)模式,不可用。
最后,让我们谈谈谈话 - 当然是使用Sonos Move。🙂 为什么?因为Sonos Move也是一款可以使用Google Assistant和Amazon Alexa的智能音箱。可悲的是,我们国家 -罗马尼亚(Romania)- 可用的功能是有限的,但这不是因为Sonos,而是因为谷歌(Google)和亚马逊(Amazon)。我用Sonos Move尝试了Google Assistant并且必须说所有基本功能,例如告诉它调高或调低音量、跳过一首歌曲,甚至加载另一个播放列表,都运行良好。大多数情况下,即使播放的音乐音量很大,扬声器的麦克风也能准确捕捉声音。
总结一下,Sonos Move 是我用过的最好的无线扬声器之一。它不仅提供出色的音质,而且易于设置,而且 Sonos 应用程序与众多音乐流媒体服务集成这一事实非常棒。我相信对于任何想要用高品质声音填满他或她的房子和花园的人来说,它都是一个绝佳的选择。就便携性而言,Sonos Move 更像是一款派对扬声器,而不是您徒步旅行时易于携带的音箱。(To wrap it up, the Sonos Move is one of the best wireless speakers I've used. Not only does it deliver excellent sound quality, but it's also easy to set up, and the fact that the Sonos app integrates with so many music streaming services is great. I believe that it's an excellent choice for anyone who wants to fill his or her house and garden with high-quality sound. When it comes to portability, the Sonos Move is more of a party speaker, rather than an easy-to-carry boombox that you take on hikes.)
您对Sonos Move有什么看法?
现在您对Sonos Move(Sonos Move)有了更多的了解,了解它的优点和重量。🙂 我发现它是一款出色的无线扬声器,我非常喜欢它。但是,它并不是适合所有人的设备。它非常昂贵,并且根据您的需求,市场上可能还有其他选择。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的意见:您会购买Sonos Move吗?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您对它的见解。
Sonos Move review: A superb smart wireless speaker
Ѕonos is one of the most popular brands in the world of wireless speakеrs. That's because they offer excellent audio quality and can work together to fill your entire house with muѕic, using eаsy to set up wireless connections between them. If you're looking for a waу to listen to the same faνorite ѕong in your living room, as well as іn your kitchen, a mesh оf Sonos speakers is probably what you'll want. For the last few weeks, we've tested аnd uѕed the first Sonos portable speaker, namelу the Sonos Move. It promises to deliver the same amazing ѕound аnd eaѕy user experience, аnd it allows you to take іt out with you, wherever you go. Are yoυ curious to discovеr mоre about Sonos Move's features and audio qualitу? Read this reviеw:
Sony Move: Who is it good for?
The Sonos Move is an excellent wireless speaker for you, if:
- You long for a wireless speaker of high quality and with premium sound
- You want to enter the Sonos ecosystem, or you're already a part of it
- Money is not an issue for you
See price on:
Buy now
Pros and cons
Here are the pros of the Sonos Move:
- Premium audio quality with rich sound
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity
- High-quality build and pleasant design
- The Sonos app is easy to set up and use
- Support for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa
- Good battery life, relatively fast charging, and a neat charging base
- Dust and water resistance
- TruePlay automatic sound calibration
There are a few downsides too with the Sonos Move:
- Somewhat large and heavy, it is not as portable as you'd think
- Uses Bluetooth 4.2 and can't connect to multiple devices in this mode
- It costs more than other speakers with similar features
The Sonos Move is an outstanding wireless smart speaker that managed to impress us. It delivers premium audio quality thanks to its first-class drivers (woofer and tweeter), and also due to the automatic TruePlay sound calibration. Sonos Move looks great, it's extremely easy to set up, and the Sonos app can integrate with about any music streaming service you might think of. The charging cradle is a nice touch, making it easy to take the speaker out when you need to work or just chill outside your house, and the Wi-Fi connectivity is excellent. Furthermore, switching to Bluetooth offers the same great sound quality, although it disables the smart Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa features. We loved the Sonos Move and we do recommend it to anyone who's looking for a top-notch smart wireless speaker to use in their homes and around them, and who can also afford its premium price.
Unboxing the Sonos Move
The Sonos Move comes in a rather large and heavy box considering the fact that this is a portable speaker. The box is made of high-quality cardboard and, depending on the color edition you get, the main colors used on it are either black or white. On its sides, the package features large images of the Sonos Move speaker inside, showcasing things like its charging base and built-in handlebar.
Inside the box, everything is neatly packed and protected by additional cardboard pieces. Taking everything out, you get to see what you've spent your money on: the Sonos Move portable speaker, the charging base, and a textile pouch. You also find the quick start guide and warranty documents.
Unboxing the Sonos Move is a premium and satisfying experience. Everything screams high-quality, and together with the portable speaker, you also get a charging base instead of just a regular power cord, and also a textile bag for carrying and protecting it.
Hardware specifications and design
When we saw the large box of the Sonos Move, we expected the speaker to be large, but we didn't quite understand how big this device actually is. It's larger and heavier than most wireless speakers that you'd call "portable." To be exact, the Sonos Move is 9.44 x 6.29 x 4.96 inches (240 x 160 x 126 millimeters) in height x width x depth and it weighs 6.61 lb (3 kg).
The Sonos Move is a beautiful device with a rather minimalistic design. Its shape is that of a large elliptical cylinder and it's wrapped in a metallic grille. The top, bottom, and back of the Sonos Move are made of rubberized plastic that's soft to the touch and looks like it can handle superficial scratches without getting permanent marks.
On the top of the Sonos Move, there's a panel that holds a series of touch controls to turn the volume up and down, play and pause the music, as well as mute the microphone. These controls also support slide gestures for skipping tracks. A small LED light is used to show you whether the speaker is on or off, to signal if the microphone is muted, and also to indicate when voice feedback is received.
Move is Sonos' first-ever portable speaker and, getting into this line of products meant that the company also paid great attention to durability. Sonos Move holds a certification for IP56 (Ingress Protection 56), which means that it's both dust and water protected. Ingress of dust is not completely stopped, but it can't enter the device in such high amounts that it would affect its operations. While the speaker can withstand powerful water jets coming from any direction: it can't survive a plunge in the pool. It can also handle rain without any issues.
Moving on to the sound quality, the Sonos Move boasts some impressive specs. According to its official webpage, Move has two Class-D amplifiers, which means lower power dissipation, less heat, and more battery life than Class-A or Class-B amplifiers can usually offer. Furthermore, the amplifiers used are also digital, so the audio quality delivered should be first-class. As for the drivers, Sonos Move uses one tweeter and one mid-woofer. The tweeter sends sounds downwards to create a wide soundstage, while the mid-woofer is designed to handle both mid-range frequencies and low frequencies (bass).
The wireless connectivity of the Sonos Move is handled by a Wi-Fi chip that supports the 802.11 b/g/n standards on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. Also, if Wi-Fi is not available, Move can use Bluetooth 4.2 to connect to any streaming device (like your smartphone). It's also worth noting that switching from Wi-Fi to Bluetooth is very easy. On the back of the speaker, between the power and setup buttons, there's another thin button that, when pressed, instantly changes the wireless operating mode of the Move.
The battery inside the Sonos Move has a capacity of 36 WH that offers an autonomy of up to 10 hours when fully charged. The good news is that the speaker can also be charged via a USB-C port found on its back, not just its charging base. In other words, if you take it outside and run out of battery, you can use any USB-C adapter to charge it on the go.
The Sonos Move looks good and durable thanks to its beautiful design and high-quality materials. It's definitely a well-built device that should last for a long time. Looking at its specs, we were impressed by what it has to offer, both in terms of audio quality, as well as connectivity options.
Using the Sonos Move
The first thing that captured my attention when I got the Sonos Move for testing was how large and heavy it is. This is not a portable speaker for the faint of heart. It's bigger than you'd expect and, although you can take it outside with you, its sheer weight (3 kg) makes it a tough choice for the great outdoors. I did take it out in the garden, and I would take it on a car trip, but there's no way I would dare to carry it on a hike on foot.
The Sonos Move didn't have a hard time impressing me, my family, and my friends with its audio quality. The music coming out of its woofer and tweeter sounds so good that, to be honest, since I got it, I have practically never turned it off. Furthermore, I had two Sonos Move speakers for testing, and I used both of them daily to fill all the rooms of my apartment with music. The Sonos Move manages to deliver not just great mid-range and high frequencies, but also excellent lows, resulting in a deep, warm, and clear sound, no matter what your choices in music are. I mostly listen to metal music, but also dab into electronic and trip-hop, and take my regular daily dose of classical tunes. The Sonos Move didn't disappoint in any of these genres.
As I've mentioned earlier, we received two Sonos Move speakers. Setting them up was unexpectedly easy, via the Sonos app, which is available both in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. As I've never used any Sonos devices before, I had to create an account with them. Then, all it took was a few taps in the app and a push of a button on the speakers to connect them to my Wi-Fi network and both speakers were up and running in no time. It's a straightforward process that left me with a good impression.
The Sonos app was not what I expected, and I say that in a good sense. It's designed not only to set up the speakers, but also to integrate with a huge range of music streaming services. That includes Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, and almost any other service you might think of. It can even read your local music library and play your songs, without having to switch to other apps. After a couple of days, I noticed that I became so accustomed to using the Sonos app that I didn't even think of opening Spotify or my smartphone's default music app.
Going back to the speakers themselves, I really appreciated Sonos' approach to charging them. Unlike most portable speakers out there, you don't have to plug a cable into the Sonos Move to charge it, although you can, if you want to. 🙂 Instead of relying on a USB cable, the Move sits on a charging base. The electrical power is delivered via two contact pins on the base, which align perfectly with the pins found on the back of the speaker. In some way, it's similar to how you use a wireless charging plate for your smartphone.
In my experience, the Sonos Move really did last for about 10 hours and even more on a full battery charge. However, I didn't use the speaker at full volume because it's loud and powerful. At maximum volume, the autonomy is probably shorter. On the other hand, fully charging the battery doesn't take long when you use the included charging base: about three hours, maybe less.
I'd also like to say a few things about the automatic TruePlay feature of the Sonos Move because it's something that makes the speaker even better. The Move has some built-in microphones that can pick up information on how the music sounds. Depending on the surroundings of the speaker, the sound can change significantly. TruePlay automatically adjusts its output so that it sounds just as great regardless of the environment, no matter whether you put the speaker: in a closet, near a wall, on a table, or on a picnic table in your garden. Alas, TruePlay only works when you're using the Sonos Move in wireless mode; in Bluetooth mode, it is not available.
Finally, let's talk about talking - with the Sonos Move, of course. 🙂 Why? Because the Sonos Move is also a smart speaker that can use Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. Sadly, the features available in our country - Romania - are limited, but that's not because of Sonos, it's because of Google and Amazon. I tried the Google Assistant with the Sonos Move and must say that all the basics, like telling it to turn the volume up or down, skip a song, or even load another playlist, worked pretty well. Most of the time, the speaker's microphone captures voice accurately, even if the music playing on it is at a high volume.
To wrap it up, the Sonos Move is one of the best wireless speakers I've used. Not only does it deliver excellent sound quality, but it's also easy to set up, and the fact that the Sonos app integrates with so many music streaming services is great. I believe that it's an excellent choice for anyone who wants to fill his or her house and garden with high-quality sound. When it comes to portability, the Sonos Move is more of a party speaker, rather than an easy-to-carry boombox that you take on hikes.
What's your opinion about the Sonos Move?
Now you know more about the Sonos Move, what makes it great and what's a bit heavy. 🙂 I found it to be an excellent wireless speaker, and I like it a lot. However, it's not a device for everybody. It's quite expensive, and, depending on what you're looking for, there might be other options available on the market. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion: Would you buy the Sonos Move? Share your insights about it in the comments section below.