在两个平台之间做出决定并不容易,而且您不想选择一个然后切换到另一个 - 再次导入所有媒体将是一件令人头疼的事情。查看每个平台的优缺点,以便您选择正确的选项。

Emby 与 Plex 的成本(The Costs Of Emby Vs Plex)

Emby 提供三个定价等级。每月订阅费用为每月 4.99 美元,而年度订阅费用为每年 54 美元。您还可以支付 119 美元的一次性费用,以终身使用所有Emby Premiere功能,包括Emby DVR、云同步和影院模式。
Plex每月收费 4.99 美元,但其年度价格为 39.99 美元,价格稍微便宜一些。最具成本效益的选择是 119.99美元(USD)的终身订阅。Plex Pass让用户可以访问更高级的功能,例如带宽上限、更好的硬件转码等等。
Emby 与 Plex:功能(Emby Vs Plex: Features)
Emby 和Plex 都是(Plex are media servers)用于家庭流媒体的媒体服务器,但用户期望的不仅仅是最低要求。例如,许多人寻求直播电视和DVR功能——Emby和Plex都提供这些功能。但是,这些功能通常被锁定在高级订阅之后。
Plex允许用户将他们的内容从他们的主设备流式传输到同一网络上的任何设备。您无需成为订阅者。另一方面,Emby只允许通过网络应用、 (Emby)Roku和Apple TV(Apple TV–a)进行免费的本地流媒体播放——这是一个奇怪的服务集合。

Emby有一些Plex没有的功能。第一个是电影模式(Cinema Mode),它为观众提供真正的电影般的体验,在故事片之前播放预告片和自定义介绍。由于许多剧院仍然关闭,这让您可以在家中捕捉这种体验。
另一个功能是封面艺术插件(Cover Art plugin)。它为用户提供了 30 多种不同风格的处理和叠加,让您可以自定义电影的外观。虽然Plex确实为您提供了更改封面艺术的选项,但它没有任何这样的内置功能。您必须依赖第三方插件。
Unsupported App Store是最受欢迎的Plex扩展(Plex)之一。这是许多人选择使用Plex而不是其他服务的原因之一。它提供对非官方Plex频道的访问,其中包含您在其他任何地方都找不到的内容。您还可以找到提供更多内容的官方支持的附加组件。
这两个平台都提供对Trakt Scrobbler、Sub-Zero 和其他大牌扩展的(Trakt Scrobbler, Sub-Zero, and other big-name extensions)访问。Plex获得更好支持的原因仅仅是因为它的年龄。因为该服务存在的时间更长,它有更多的扩展和更大的社区。
在兼容性方面, Plex(Plex)有优势。它支持Sonos和Android Auto ,这是(Android Auto)Emby不支持的两项服务。这似乎不是一个争论点,但通过音响系统播放音频的能力可以成就或破坏流媒体平台。
Emby 与 Plex:隐私(Emby Vs Plex: Privacy)
与Plex不同,Emby是一个开源平台。所有Emby软件,包括用户管理、流媒体等,都在您的服务器上本地运行。除非您使用Emby (Emby) Connect(远程流媒体服务),否则它在任何时候都不需要互联网访问。

Plex在 2017 年因更改其隐私政策而受到抨击。尽管该公司放弃了其决定并澄清了其语言,但许多用户已经跳槽到Emby和其他平台。Plex收集用户信息以帮助改进其服务,但许多用户——尤其是那些通过不合法手段获得内容的用户——不希望公司查看他们的媒体库。
尽管Plex在很大程度上是一项私人服务,但如果您想完全控制内容的隐私(privacy of your content),Emby是您的不二之选。只要您避免将Emby连接到互联网,您的信息就会受到保护。
Emby Vs Plex:哪个最好?(Emby Vs Plex: Which Is Best?)

Emby vs Plex: Which Is The Better Media Server for You?
The advent of Plex was a major boon to cord cutters. It gave them the ability to stream all the media they wanted throughout their home from a single machine. While Plex continues to be a popular choice, it’s no longer the only option on the market. Emby is growing in popularity and utility.
Deciding between the two platforms isn’t easy, and you don’t want to choose one and then swap to the other–importing all your media again would be a headache. Take a look at the pros and cons of each platform so you can choose the right option.

The Costs Of Emby Vs Plex
The primary reason anyone uses a media server like Emby or Plex is to reduce costs, whether by eliminating cable or cutting back on the number of subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, and the like.
The first thing to note is that both Emby and Plex are free to use. The subscription services simply offer more features that users can take advantage of.

Emby offers three pricing tiers. The monthly subscription is $4.99 per month, while the annual subscription is $54 per year. You can also pay a one-time fee of $119 for lifetime access to all Emby Premiere features, including Emby DVR, cloud sync, and cinema mode.
Plex also charges $4.99 per month, but is slightly more affordable with its yearly price of $39.99. The most cost-effective option is the lifetime subscription at $119.99 USD. Plex Pass gives users access to more advanced features like bandwidth caps, better hardware transcoding, and more.
Emby Vs Plex: Features
Both Emby and Plex are media servers for in-home streaming, but users expect more than the bare minimum. For instance, many people seek live TV and DVR functionality–something that both Emby and Plex offer. However, these features are often locked behind the premium subscriptions.
Plex allows users to stream their content from their main device to any device on the same network. You don’t need to be a subscriber. On the other hand, Emby only allows free local streaming through the web app, Roku, and Apple TV–a strange collection of services.
Remote streaming is a paid feature on both platforms. If you want to stream content from your home media server to your phone while you’re out and about, you will have to pay for it. However, this feature also allows you to download content to your device for offline viewing.

Emby has a few features that Plex doesn’t. The first is Cinema Mode, which gives viewers a true cinema-like experience that plays trailers and custom intros before a feature film. With many theaters still closed, this lets you capture that experience at home.
Another feature is the Cover Art plugin. It provides users with more than 30 different styles of treatments and overlays, allowing you to customize how your movies look. While Plex does give you the option to change the cover art, it doesn’t have any built-in features like this. You have to rely on third-party plugins.
The strength of services like Emby and Plex lie in their add-on support. These third-party extensions provide a layer of customization which other official platforms do not. While both Emby and Plex support a number of different extensions, Plex has better support and a wider number of options.
The Unsupported App Store is one of the most popular Plex extensions. It’s one of the reasons many people choose to use Plex over other services. It provides access to unofficial Plex channels with content you can’t find anywhere else. You can also find officially-supported add-ons that provide even more content.
Both platforms provide access to Trakt Scrobbler, Sub-Zero, and other big-name extensions. The reason Plex has better support is simply due to its age; because the service has been around longer, it has more extensions and a larger community.
You want to have access to your content no matter the device. Both Emby and Plex support all major operating systems for both phones and desktop PCs, as well as most streaming boxes. The differences in compatibility lies not with what you can view content on, but where you can play sound.
Plex has a leg up when it comes to compatibility. It supports Sonos and Android Auto, two services that Emby does not. This might not seem like a point of contention, but the ability to play audio over your sound system can make or break a streaming platform.
Emby Vs Plex: Privacy
Users want privacy in their services. You don’t want a service spying on your movie library, nor do you want it gathering data it has no use for. With that regard, Emby has the advantage.
Unlike Plex, Emby is an open-source platform. All of the Emby software, including user management, streaming, and more, operates locally on your server. It has no need for internet access at any point unless you use Emby Connect (the remote streaming service).

Plex came under fire in 2017 for a change to its privacy policy. Though the company backpedaled on its decision and clarified its language, many users already jumped ship to Emby and other platforms. Plex collects user information to help improve its services, but many users–especially those with content obtained by less than legal means–do not want a company to view their media libraries.
Although Plex is largely a private service, if you want total control of the privacy of your content, Emby is the way to go. As long as you avoid connecting Emby to the internet, your information will be protected.
Emby Vs Plex: Which Is Best?
By features alone, Plex is the winner. The platform has more features, more add-ons, and a much larger user base than Emby. However, both Plex and Emby offer similar features and services. Emby has the potential to grow even more and overtake Plex.

There is no clear winner. Both platforms offer utility in different ways. If you need broader compatibility with a wide range of devices, Plex is the better option. If total privacy and open-source software is your concern, Emby is the better choice.