自大流行开始以来,笔记本电脑的网络摄像头(WebCam)已成为最重要和最有益的工具。从演示文稿到教育研讨会,网络摄像头(WebCams)在将我们与他人在线连接方面发挥着至关重要的作用。这些天来,一些Mac用户面临着没有相机可用的 MacBook(No Camera Available MacBook)问题。幸运的是,这个错误可以很容易地修复。今天,我们将讨论修复 Mac Camera 无法正常工作问题的解决方案。(Today, we will be discussing the solutions to fix Mac Camera not working issue.)

如何修复 Mac 相机(Fix Mac Camera)无法正常工作(Working)的问题
尽管需要WebCam的应用程序会自动将其打开。但是,用户有时可能会收到No Camera Available MacBook错误。出现此错误的原因有多种,如下一节所述。
为什么相机不能在 MacBook 上工作?
(Why is the camera not working on MacBook?
应用程序设置:(Application Settings:) MacBook 不附带直接满足FaceTime摄像头的应用程序。相反,网络摄像头(WebCam)根据Zoom或Skype等单个应用程序的配置运行。因此(Hence),这些应用程序很可能会阻碍正常流媒体的过程并导致Mac 相机(Mac Camera)无法正常工作。
Wi-Fi 连接问题(Wi-Fi Connectivity issues):当您的Wi-Fi不稳定或您没有足够的数据时,您的网络摄像头(WebCam)可能会自动关闭。这样做通常是为了节省能源和Wi-Fi带宽。
使用网络摄像头的其他应用程序:(Other Apps using WebCam: )很可能有多个应用程序同时使用您的Mac 网络摄像头(Mac WebCam)。这可能是您无法为您选择的应用程序打开它的原因。因此,请确保关闭所有可能正在使用您的网络摄像头的程序,例如(WebCam)Microsoft Teams、Photo Booth、Zoom或Skype。这应该可以解决相机无法在 MacBook Air 上运行的问题。(This should fix Camera not working on MacBook Air issue.)
注意:(Note:)您可以通过从应用程序启动活动监视器(Activity Monitor)轻松查看所有正在运行的应用程序。(Applications.)
仔细按照给定的方法,修复Mac Camera无法正常工作的问题。
方法 1:强制退出 FaceTime、Skype 和类似应用程序
(Method 1: Force Quit FaceTime, Skype, and similar Apps
如果您的网络摄像头(WebCam)问题通常在使用FaceTime时出现,请尝试强制退出该应用程序并重新启动它。它可以快速恢复网络摄像头(WebCam)功能并修复Mac 摄像头(Mac Camera)无法正常工作的问题。请按照给定的步骤执行此操作:
1.从屏幕左上角转到Apple 菜单,然后选择(Apple menu)Force Quit,如图所示。

2. 将显示一个对话框,列出当前正在运行的所有应用程序。选择FaceTime或类似的应用程序,然后单击Force Quit,如突出显示的那样。

同样,您可以通过确保定期更新所有应用程序来解决No Camera Available MacBook错误。(No Camera Available MacBook)像Skype这样的(Skype)应用程序(Apps)会定期更新其界面,因此需要在最新版本中运行以避免(run in the latest version)MacBook Air或Pro或任何其他型号出现音频视频问题。
如果问题在特定应用上仍然存在,请重新安装它(reinstall it)以一次性解决所有问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用键盘快捷键强制退出 Mac 应用程序(How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut)
方法 2:保持 MacBook 更新(Method 2: Keep your MacBook Updated)
确保(Make)将 macOS 更新到最新版本,以确保所有程序和应用程序(包括WebCam )的无缝运行。以下是如何通过更新您的 Mac来修复Mac 相机无法正常工作的问题:(Mac Camera)
1.从屏幕左上角打开Apple 菜单,然后选择(Apple menu)System Preferences。

2. 如图所示,单击软件更新(Software Update)。

3. 检查是否有可用更新。如果是,请单击立即更新(Update Now)并等待 macOS 更新。

(Method 3: Use Terminal App
1.从Mac Utilities 文件夹(Mac Utilities Folder)启动终端(Terminal),如下所示。

2. 复制粘贴sudo killall VDCAssistant命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 现在,执行这个命令:sudo killall AppleCameraAssistant。
4. 出现提示时输入您的密码(Password)。
5. 最后,重启你的 MacBook(restart your MacBook)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Mac 上使用实用程序文件夹(How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac)
方法 4:允许摄像头访问 Web 浏览器
(Method 4: Allow Camera Access to Web Browser
如果您一直在Chrome或Safari等浏览器上使用网络摄像头,并且遇到Mac 相机(Mac Camera)无法正常工作的问题,则问题可能出在网络浏览器设置上。通过授予必要的权限来允许网站访问相机,如下所示:
1. 打开Safari并点击Safari 和 Preferences(Safari and Preferences)。
2. 单击顶部菜单中的网站(Websites)选项卡,然后单击相机(Camera),如图所示。

3. 您现在将看到可以访问您的内置摄像头的所有网站的列表。通过单击下拉菜单(drop-down menu)并选择允许(Allow)来启用网站权限(permissions for websites)。
方法 5:(Method 5: )允许相机访问(Allow Camera Access to )应用程序
与浏览器设置一样,您需要为所有使用相机的应用程序启用权限。如果将相机(Camera)设置设置为拒绝(Deny),应用程序将无法检测到网络摄像头,从而导致Mac 相机(Mac Camera)无法正常工作的问题。
1. 从Apple 菜单(Apple menu)中选择系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。

2. 点击安全和隐私(Security and Privacy),然后选择相机(Camera),如下图所示。

3. 所有可以访问MacBook(MacBook)网络摄像头的应用程序都会显示在这里。单击(Click)左下角的单击锁定以进行更改图标。(Click the lock to make changes)
4.选中(Check the box )所需应用程序前面的框以允许相机访问这些应用程序。为清楚起见,请参阅上图。(Refer)
5.重新启动( Relaunch)所需的应用程序并检查相机无法在Mac上工作的问题是否已解决。
方法 6:修改屏幕时间权限(Method 6: Modify Screen Time Permissions)
这是另一个可能会改变相机功能的设置。屏幕时间设置可能会限制您的网络摄像头(WebCam)在家长控制下的功能。要检查这是否是相机无法解决 MacBook(MacBook)问题的原因,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 打开系统偏好设置(System Preferences)并选择屏幕时间(Screen Time)。
2. 在这里,单击左侧面板中的内容和隐私,如图所示。(Content and Privacy)

3.从顶部菜单切换到应用程序选项卡。(Apps )
4. 选中相机(Camera)旁边的框。
5. 最后,勾选您希望Mac相机访问的应用程序(applications)旁边的框。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法登录 iMessage 或 FaceTime(Fix Could Not Sign in to iMessage or FaceTime)
方法 7:重置 SMC
(Method 7: Reset SMC
Mac上的系统管理控制器(System Management Controller)或SMC负责管理多个硬件功能,如屏幕分辨率、亮度等。这就是为什么重置它可能有助于恢复网络摄像头(WebCam)功能。
选项 1:适用于 2018 年之前生产的 MacBook(Option 1: For MacBook manufactured till 2018)
1.关闭(Shut down)您的笔记本电脑。
2. 将您的 MacBook 连接到Apple 电源适配器(Apple power adaptor)。
3. 现在,按住Shift + Control + Option keys 和电源按钮(Power button)。
4. 等待大约30 秒(30 seconds),直到笔记本电脑重新启动并且SMC自行重置。
选项 2:适用于 2018 年之后制造的 MacBook(Option 2: For MacBook manufactured after 2018)
1.关闭(Shut down)你的 MacBook。
2. 然后,按住电源按钮(power button)约10 至 15 秒(10 to 15 seconds)。
3. 等待一分钟,然后再次打开(switch on)MacBook。
4. 如果问题仍然存在,请再次关闭(shut down)MacBook。
5. 然后按住Shift + Option + Control键7 到 10 秒(7 to 10 seconds),同时按下电源按钮(power button)。
6. 稍等片刻,打开 MacBook(switch on MacBook ),检查Mac 相机(Mac Camera)不工作问题是否已解决。
方法 8:重置 NVRAM 或 PRAM(Method 8: Reset NVRAM or PRAM)
另一种可能有助于恢复内置摄像头(Camera)正常功能的技术是重置PRAM或NVRAM设置。这些设置与屏幕分辨率、亮度等功能相关联。因此,要修复Mac 相机(Mac Camera)无法正常工作的问题,请按照给定的步骤操作:
1. 从Apple 菜单(Apple menu)中,选择关机(shut down)。
2.立即再次打开它(Switch it On ),按住键盘上的Option + Command + P + R 键(keys)。
3. 20 秒(20 seconds)后,松开所有按键。
您的NVRAM和PRAM设置现在将被重置。您可以尝试使用Photo Booth(Photo Booth)或Facetime等应用程序启动相机。应该纠正No Camera Available MacBook错误。
方法9:以安全模式启动(Method 9: Boot in Safe Mode)
1. 从Apple 菜单(Apple menu)中,选择关机(shut down)并立即按shift 键(shift key)。
2.看到登录屏幕后松开(login screen)Shift键(Shift)
3. 根据提示输入您的登录详细信息(login details)。您的 MacBook 现在以安全模式(Safe mode)启动。

4.尝试在不同的应用程序中打开(switch on) Mac相机。(the Mac camera)如果它工作正常,请正常重启您的Mac。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 MacBook 插入时不充电的问题(Fix MacBook Not Charging When Plugged In)
方法 10:检查 Mac 网络摄像头的问题
(Method 10: Check for issues with Mac Webcam
检查Mac上的内部网络(Mac)摄像头(WebCam)设置是明智的,因为硬件错误可能会使MacBook难以检测到内置摄像头并导致没有可用的摄像头 MacBook(No Camera Available MacBook)错误。按照给定的步骤检查您的笔记本电脑是否检测到您的相机:
1. 打开Apple 菜单(Apple menu)并选择About this mac,如图突出显示。

2. 点击系统报告(System Report) > 摄像头(Camera),如下图所示。

3. 您的摄像头信息应与网络摄像头(WebCam) 型号 ID(Model ID)和唯一 ID(Unique ID)一起显示在此处。
4.如果不是,则需要检查并修复Mac Camera的硬件问题。(Mac Camera)请联系Apple 支持(Apple Support)或访问最近的 Apple Care。(nearest Apple Care.)
5. 或者,您可以选择从 Mac 商店购买 Mac WebCam 。(buy Mac WebCam)
我们希望本指南能够帮助您解决 Mac 相机无法正常工作的问题( fix Mac Camera not working problem)。通过评论部分提出您的疑问或建议。
How To Fix Mac Camera Not Working
Since the pandemic startеd, WebCam of the laptop has beсome the most important and beneficial tool. From presentations to educational seminars, WebCams play an esѕential role in connеcting υs with othеrs online, virtually. These days, sevеral Mac users arе facing No Camera Available MacBook isѕue. Fortunately, this error can be fixed quite easily. Today, we will be discussing the solutions to fix Mac Camera not working issue.

How To Fix Mac Camera Not Working Issue
Although an application that requires WebCam, switches it on, automatically. However, the users sometimes may get No Camera Available MacBook error. There are several reasons why this error might occur, as explained in the next section.
Why is the camera not working on MacBook?
Application Settings: MacBooks do not come with an application that caters to the FaceTime camera directly. Instead, WebCam functions according to configurations on individual applications like Zoom or Skype. Hence, chances are that these applications are hindering the process of normal streaming and causing Mac Camera not working problem.
Wi-Fi Connectivity issues: When your Wi-Fi is unstable or you do not have enough data, your WebCam may automatically shut down. This is usually done to conserve energy as well as Wi-Fi bandwidth.
Other Apps using WebCam: It is quite possible that more than one app may be using your Mac WebCam simultaneously. This might be the reason that you are unable to switch it on for the application of your choice. Thus, make sure to close all programs, such as Microsoft Teams, Photo Booth, Zoom, or Skype, which may be utilizing your WebCam. This should fix Camera not working on MacBook Air issue.
Note: You can easily see all running applications by launching Activity Monitor from Applications.
Follow the given methods carefully, to fix Mac Camera not working issue.
Method 1: Force Quit FaceTime, Skype, and similar Apps
If the issue on your WebCam usually arises while using FaceTime, try force quitting the app and launching it again. It can quickly restore the WebCam function and fix Mac Camera not working issue. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Go to the Apple menu from the top left corner of the screen and select Force Quit, as shown.

2. A dialog box will be displayed listing all applications that are currently running. Select FaceTime or similar apps and click on Force Quit, as highlighted.

Similarly, you can resolve the No Camera Available MacBook error by ensuring all apps are updated regularly. Apps like Skype, regularly update their interface, and hence, need to run in the latest version to avoid audio-video issues on your MacBook Air or Pro or any other model.
In case, the issue continues to persist on a specific app, reinstall it to resolve all issues in one go.
Also Read: How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut
Method 2: Keep your MacBook Updated
Make sure that macOS is updated to the latest version to ensure seamless functioning of all programs & applications, including WebCam. Here’s how to fix Mac Camera not working issue by updating your Mac:
1. Open the Apple menu from the top left corner of the screen and select System Preferences.

2. Click on Software Update, as depicted.

3. Check if an update is available. If yes, click on Update Now and wait for macOS to be updated.

Method 3: Use Terminal App
You can also utilize the Terminal app to do away with the problem of the Mac camera not working.
1. Launch Terminal from Mac Utilities Folder, as highlighted below.

2. Copy-paste sudo killall VDCAssistant command and press Enter key.
3. Now, execute this command: sudo killall AppleCameraAssistant.
4. Enter your Password, when prompted.
5. Finally, restart your MacBook.
Also Read: How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac
Method 4: Allow Camera Access to Web Browser
If you have been using your WebCam on browsers like Chrome or Safari, and facing Mac Camera not working issue, the problem may lie in the web browser settings. Allow the website access to the camera by granting necessary permissions, as instructed below:
1. Open Safari and click on Safari and Preferences.
2. Click the Websites tab from the top menu and click on Camera, as shown.

3. You will now see the list of all the websites which have access to your built-in camera. Enable the permissions for websites by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting Allow.
Method 5: Allow Camera Access to Apps
Like browser settings, you need to enable permissions for all applications that use the camera. If the Camera settings are set to Deny, the application won’t be able to detect the webcam, resulting in Mac Camera not working issue.
1. From the Apple menu and select System Preferences.

2. Click on Security and Privacy and then, select Camera, as illustrated below.

3. All the applications which have access to the webcam of your MacBook will be displayed here. Click the Click the lock to make changes icon from the bottom left corner.
4. Check the box in front of the required applications to allow camera access to these apps. Refer above pic for clarity.
5. Relaunch the desired application and check if the camera not working on Mac issue is resolved.
Method 6: Modify Screen Time Permissions
This is another setting that may alter the function of your camera. Screen-time settings may limit the function of your WebCam under parental controls. To check if this is the reason behind the camera not working on MacBook issue, follow the steps given below:
1. Open System Preferences and select Screen Time.
2. Here, click on Content and Privacy from the left panel, as shown.

3. Switch to the Apps tab from the top menu.
4. Check the box next to the Camera.
5. lastly, tick the boxes next to the applications for which you want Mac camera access.
Also Read: Fix Could Not Sign in to iMessage or FaceTime
Method 7: Reset SMC
The System Management Controller or SMC on Mac is responsible for managing several hardware functions like screen resolution, brightness, etc. This is why resetting it may help restore the WebCam function.
Option 1: For MacBook manufactured till 2018
1. Shut down your laptop.
2. Connect your MacBook to the Apple power adaptor.
3. Now, press-hold the Shift + Control + Option keys along with the Power button.
4. Wait for about 30 seconds until the laptop reboots and SMC resets itself.
Option 2: For MacBook manufactured after 2018
1. Shut down your MacBook.
2. Then, press and hold the power button for about 10 to 15 seconds.
3. Wait for a minute, and then switch on the MacBook again.
4. If the problem persists, shut down your MacBook again.
5. Then press and hold Shift + Option + Control keys for 7 to 10 seconds while simultaneously, pressing the power button.
6. Wait for a minute and switch on MacBook to check if the Mac Camera not working problem has been resolved.
Method 8: Reset NVRAM or PRAM
Another technique that may help to restore the normal functioning of the in-built Camera is resetting the PRAM or NVRAM settings. These settings are associated with functions such as screen resolution, brightness, etc. Therefore, to fix Mac Camera not working issue, follow the given steps:
1. From the Apple menu, select shut down.
2. Switch it On again and immediately, press-hold Option + Command + P + R keys from the keyboard.
3. After 20 seconds, release all keys.
Your NVRAM and PRAM settings will now be reset. You can try launching the camera using applications such as Photo Booth or Facetime. The No Camera Available MacBook error should be rectified.
Method 9: Boot in Safe Mode
Checking the Camera function in Safe mode has worked for several Mac users. Here’s how to log into Safe mode:
1. From the Apple menu, select shut down and press the shift key immediately.
2. Release the Shift key once you see the login screen
3. Enter your login details, as and when prompted. Your MacBook is now booted in Safe mode.

4. Try to switch on the Mac camera in different applications. If it works, restart your Mac normally.
Also Read: Fix MacBook Not Charging When Plugged In
Method 10: Check for issues with Mac Webcam
It would be wise to check internal WebCam settings on your Mac as hardware errors may make it difficult for your MacBook to detect the built-in camera and cause No Camera Available MacBook error. Follow the given steps to check if your camera is being detected by your laptop or not:
1. Open the Apple menu and select About this mac, as shown highlighted.

2. Click on System Report > Camera, as depicted below.

3. Your camera info should be displayed here along with WebCam Model ID and Unique ID.
4. If not, then Mac Camera needs to be checked and repaired for hardware issues. Contact Apple Support or visit nearest Apple Care.
5. Alternately, you can opt to buy Mac WebCam from the Mac store.
We hope this guide was able to help you fix Mac Camera not working problem. Reach out with your queries or suggestions through the comment section.