如果您刚刚购买了新计算机或设备,您可能希望将Windows 10上的语言更改为您熟悉的语言。但是,要更改Windows显示语言,首先需要相应的Windows 10语言包。在编写本指南时,Microsoft提供了大约 200 种Windows 10语言包供您下载和使用,只要您拥有操作系统的有效许可证即可。本教程说明了如何将Windows 10上的语言从英语(English)更改为西班牙语,但您可以按照相同的步骤将Windows 10语言更改为另一种语言。最重要的是,如果你有一个(Windows 10)使用您不懂的语言的Windows 10计算机或设备,我们会详细说明每个设置旁边的图标,以提供更改语言所需的线索。让我们开始吧:
注意:(NOTE:)本指南是使用Windows 10 October 2020 更新(Windows 10 October 2020 Update)或更新版本创建的。如果您运行的是Windows 10 家庭单一语言版(Home Single Language Edition),则无法将语言添加到Windows 10,除非您升级到另一个版本。要了解您安装的Windows 10版本和版本,请阅读(Windows 10)如何检查 Windows 10 版本、操作系统版本、版本或类型(How to check the Windows 10 version, OS build, edition, or type)。
如何安装Windows 10语言包
在计算机或设备上安装 Windows 10 时(install Windows 10 on your computer or device),您可以选择设置其默认语言。但是,您可能正在处理以您不懂的语言配置的设备,或者您可能想知道如何更改访客配置文件的Windows显示语言。在这种情况下,您首先需要在Windows 10中为您要使用的语言安装语言包。听起来可能很复杂,但Windows 10语言设置允许您同时完成Windows 10语言包下载和更改Windows语言。
首先,打开设置应用程序(open the Settings app)。一种快速的方法是按键盘上的Windows + I然后,访问时间和语言(Time & Language)部分,其图标带有字母A。

单击(Click)或点击时间(Time)和语言设置(Language Settings)
在左侧栏中,按“语言”(“Language”)选项卡,其图标也带有字母A。Windows 10语言设置显示在右侧。任何已安装的Windows 10语言包都显示在首选语言(Preferred languages)下。单击或点击加号旁边的“添加语言”选项。(“Add a language”)

使用Windows 10语言设置将语言添加到Windows 10
这将打开一个包含所有可用Windows 10语言的窗口。您可以使用顶部的搜索框或向下滚动字母列表来查找所需的Windows 10语言包。
注意:(NOTE:)如果某种语言显示为灰色,则表明它已安装在您的Windows 10 设备上,因此请转到本指南的下一章了解如何更改Windows语言。

您可以将Windows 10中的语言更改为大多数可用选项
最快的方法通常是输入您需要的语言的名称——在我们的例子中是西班牙语(Spanish)。对于某些语言,有更多版本可用,因此您可能必须选择特定于您所在地区或国家/地区的版本。但是,在您决定之前,请检查您将要安装的Windows 10语言包中包含哪些内容。每个可用语言条目旁边最多可以有四个符号:

在Windows 10中,将语言更改为包含所需功能的语言
- 显示语言(Display language)- 熟悉的带有字母A的图标表示您可以将Windows显示语言更改为该语言。您选择的语言旁边必须有此符号。
- 语音识别(Speech recognition)- 麦克风符号让你知道有可用于该语言的语音识别服务,这意味着 Windows 10 应该能够理解你在说什么。
- 文字转语音(Text-to-speech)- 如计算机显示屏和文字气泡图标所示,Windows 10 使用这种语言。只有主要的 Windows 10 语言包,如英语(English)、西班牙语(Spanish)、中文(Chinese)等,具有语音识别(Speech recognition)和文本到语音( Text-to-speech)功能。
- 手写(Handwriting)- 纸上笔图标显示手写识别可用于某种语言。此选项对于带有笔和触摸屏设备的平板电脑很有用。
提示:(TIP:)您可能会注意到旁边没有显示上述四个符号中的任何一个的语言。虽然这些条目对于本指南来说不是可行的选项,但您可以使用它们来添加新的键盘输入语言(add a new keyboard input language)。
查看所有可用选项后,单击或点击要使用的Windows 10语言包。(Windows 10)然后,按Next - 弹出窗口左下角的按钮。

选择所需的Windows 10语言,然后按下一步
“安装语言功能”(“Install language features”)页面显示所选语言的可用选项。确保(Make)第一个可选功能 - “安装语言包”(“Install language pack”) - 被选中,因为这是您需要在Windows 10中更改语言的功能。您还可以单击或点击下方的“设置为我的 Windows 显示语言”(“Set as my Windows display language”)选项以检查它并立即更改Windows语言。但是,您也可以稍后设置它,如下一章所示。
接下来,选择您想要的任何其他语言功能。请记住,Windows 10 语言包及其可选功能会占用您的硬盘空间,最终可能会影响整体系统性能。所以最好只安装你要使用的东西。

如何立即更改Windows 10上的语言
您将返回到Windows 10语言设置屏幕,您可以在其中按照Windows 10语言包下载。

等待(Wait)Windows 10(Windows 10)语言包下载完成
语言包下载完成后,所选语言将添加到您可以在Windows 10中使用的语言列表中。
如何在Windows 10中更改语言(Windows 10)
更改Windows(Windows)语言有两种可能的方案。如果您在Windows 10中安装语言包之前选中了(Windows 10)“设置为我的 Windows 显示语言”(“Set as my Windows display language”)选项,则在下载完成后会提示您退出。单击(Click)或点击左侧的“是,立即退出”选项。(“Yes, sign out now”)

但是,您只需安装一次新的Windows 10语言包。之后(Afterward),它们在Windows 10语言设置中可用,并且应用它们和更改(Windows 10)Windows显示语言要容易得多。打开Settings,进入Time & Language,然后再次访问Language选项卡,如上一章所示。然后,单击“Windows 显示语言”(“Windows display language”)下的字段(显示操作系统当前语言的字段)以打开下拉菜单。您现在可以在您的计算机或设备上已安装的Windows 10语言包之间进行选择。(Windows 10)

拥有语言包时如何在Windows 10上更改语言
选择所需语言后,您会立即看到相同的蓝色弹出窗口,要求您退出。当您使用相同的用户帐户(user account)重新登录时,操作系统会以您选择的Windows 10语言显示。(Windows 10)
注意:(NOTE:)此时,Windows 10的大部分内容都以您选择的语言显示。但是,登录屏幕以及新用户帐户仍使用以前的语言。不用担心!将Windows显示语言更改为您喜欢的语言后,您可以轻松地将 Windows 登录屏幕翻译成您的本地语言(translate the Windows sign-in screen into your local language)。
当您更改Windows语言时,它也会成为Windows 10应用程序以及您在(Windows 10)Microsoft Edge和其他 Web 浏览器中访问的任何网站的默认设置。但是,您可以让您的操作系统使用一种显示语言,而您的应用程序和网站使用另一种显示语言。再次打开Windows 10 语言设置,然后在(Language Settings)首选语言下(Preferred languages),找到您要用于应用程序和网站的语言的名称。单击或点击任何条目会显示两个箭头。使用它们将网站和应用程序的首选语言移至列表顶部并排列其他语言条目。如果第一种语言不受支持,则使用第二种语言,依此类推,这对于在Windows 10中使用多种语言的用户很有帮助。当您按首选顺序排列完所有内容后,关闭“设置”(Settings)应用程序。

(Use)为不同的元素使用不同的Windows 10语言(Windows 10)
从现在开始,Windows 10 使用与您的Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)应用程序和您访问的网站不同的显示语言。
不幸的是,如果您的语言使用特殊字符,您可能会在某些应用程序中遇到问题。例如,媒体播放器可能无法使用您当地语言的所有字符,导致歌曲标题或字幕显示不正确,这可能很烦人。要解决此类问题,请阅读我们关于在 Windows 中设置非 Unicode 程序的语言的(setting the language of non-Unicode programs in Windows)教程。
如果您在 Web 浏览器中使用Microsoft服务,(Microsoft)以下是更改 Outlook、Office Online、OneDrive 等语言的方法(how to change the language for Outlook, Office Online, OneDrive, and more)。您还可以在Windows的浏览器中更改 Facebook 的语言(change Facebook’s language)。但是,当涉及Netflix时,您可以使用浏览器或Windows 10应用程序来修改您的个人资料的语言,您可以从我们的指南中了解如何在 Netflix 上更改语言(How to change the language on Netflix)。
您使用的是哪种 Windows 10 语言?
安装所需的Windows 10语言包后,您只需单击几下即可更改Windows语言。(Windows)如果您像我们一样使用多种语言,唯一的缺点是每次都必须注销。在您关闭本指南之前,我们对您在Windows 10(Windows 10)中使用的语言感到好奇。您(Did)找到想要的Windows语言包了吗?让我们在评论中知道。
How to change language on Windows 10: All you need to know -
If you just gоt a new computer or device, you might wаnt to change thе language on Wіndоws 10 to one you’re comfortable with. Howеver, to change the Windows dіsplay lаnguage, you first need the correѕponding Windows 10 language рack. At the tіme this guide is wrіtten, Mіcroѕoft offers around two hundred Windоws 10 language packs that you can download and use, as long as yоu have a valid license for the operating system. This tutorial illustrates hоw to change language on Windows 10 from English to Spanish, but you can follow the ѕamе steps to change the Windowѕ 10 language to another. On top of that, if you got a Windowѕ 10 computer or device that uses a language you don’t understand, we detail the icons next to every setting to provide the clues you need for changing the language. Let’s get started:
NOTE: This guide was created using Windows 10 October 2020 Update or newer. If you’re running the Windows 10 Home Single Language Edition, you can’t add a language to Windows 10 unless you upgrade to another version. To find out which version and edition of Windows 10 you have installed, read How to check the Windows 10 version, OS build, edition, or type.
How to install a Windows 10 language pack
When you install Windows 10 on your computer or device, you have the option to set its default language. However, you could be dealing with a device configured in a language you don’t understand, or you might want to know how to change the Windows display language for a guest’s profile. In that case, you first need to install a language pack in Windows 10 for the language you want to use. It might sound complicated, but the Windows 10 language settings allow you to complete the Windows 10 language pack download and change the Windows language at the same time.
To begin, open the Settings app. A quick way to do that is to press Windows + I on your keyboard. Then, access the Time & Language section, whose icon features the letter A.

Click or tap on the Time & Language Settings
From the left column, press on the “Language” tab, whose icon also features the letter A. The Windows 10 language settings are shown on the right. Any installed Windows 10 language packs are displayed under Preferred languages. Click or tap on the “Add a language” option next to the plus sign.

Use the Windows 10 language Settings to add a language to Windows 10
This opens a window with all the available Windows 10 languages. You can use the search box at the top or scroll down the alphabetical list to find the Windows 10 language pack you want.
NOTE: If a language is greyed out, then it’s already installed on your Windows 10 device, so go to the next chapter of this guide to see how to change the Windows language.

You can change language in Windows 10 to most of the available options
The fastest way is usually to type the name of the language you need - in our case, Spanish. For some languages, there are more versions available, so you might have to choose the one specific to your region or country. However, before you decide, check what’s included with the Windows 10 language pack you are about to install. There can be up to four symbols next to every available language entry:

In Windows 10, change language to one that includes the features you want
- Display language - The familiar icon featuring the letter A indicates that you can change the Windows display language to this one. The language you select must have this symbol next to it.
- Speech recognition - The microphone symbol lets you know there are speech recognition services available for that language, which means Windows 10 should be able to understand what you’re saying.
- Text-to-speech - As indicated by the computer display and text bubble icon, Windows 10 speaks this language. Only major Windows 10 language packs, like English, Spanish, Chinese, etc., have the Speech recognition and Text-to-speech features.
- Handwriting - The pen-on-paper icon shows that handwriting recognition is available for a language. This option is useful for tablets with pens and touchscreen devices.
TIP: You might notice languages that don’t have any of the four symbols above displayed next to them. While those entries are not viable options for this guide, you can use them to add a new keyboard input language.
After reviewing all the available options, click or tap on the Windows 10 language pack you want to use. Then, press Next - the button on the lower-left corner of the pop-up.

Select the Windows 10 language you want and press Next
The “Install language features” page shows you the available options for the selected language. Make sure the first optional feature - “Install language pack” - is checked, as that’s the one you need to change language in Windows 10. You can also click or tap on the “Set as my Windows display language” option underneath to check it and change the Windows language right away. However, you can also set it later, as shown in the next chapter.
Next, select any other language features you want. Keep in mind that Windows 10 language packs, as well as their optional features, take up space on your hard drive and can end up affecting the overall system performance. So it’s best to only install what you’re going to use.
When you are done checking the options you require, click or tap on the Install button in the lower-left corner.

How to change language on Windows 10 right away
You are returned to the Windows 10 language settings screen, where you can follow the Windows 10 language pack download.

Wait for the Windows 10 language pack download to finish
When the language pack finishes downloading, the selected language is added to the list of languages you can use in Windows 10.
How to change language in Windows 10
There are two possible scenarios to change the Windows language. If you checked the “Set as my Windows display language” option before installing the language pack in Windows 10, you are prompted to sign out when its download is finished. Click or tap on the “Yes, sign out now” option on the left.

Sign out to complete the Windows change language process
However, you are only required to install new Windows 10 language packs once. Afterward, they become available in the Windows 10 language settings, and it’s much easier to apply them and change the Windows display language. Open Settings, go to Time & Language, and access the Language tab again, as illustrated in the previous chapter. Then, click on the field under “Windows display language” - the one displaying your operating system’s current language - to open a dropdown menu. You can now choose between the Windows 10 language packs already installed on your computer or device.

How to change language on Windows 10 when you have the language pack
As soon as you select the language you want, you get the same blue pop-up asking you to sign out. When you sign back in with the same user account, the operating system is displayed in the Windows 10 language you chose.
NOTE: At this point, most of Windows 10 is displayed in the language you selected. However, the sign-in screen, as well as new user accounts, still use the previous language. Don’t worry! After changing the Windows display language to the one you prefer, you can easily translate the Windows sign-in screen into your local language.
How to change the language of apps, websites, and more
When you change the Windows language, it also becomes the default for Windows 10 apps and any websites you visit in Microsoft Edge and other web browsers. However, you can have your operating system use one display language and your apps and websites another. Open the Windows 10 Language Settings once more, and, under Preferred languages, find the name of the language you want to use for apps and websites. Clicking or tapping on any entry reveals two arrows. Use them to move the preferred language for websites and apps to the top of the list and arrange the other language entries. If the first language is not supported, the second one is used, and so on, which is helpful for those working with multiple languages in Windows 10. When you are done arranging everything in your preferred order, close the Settings app.

Use different Windows 10 languages for different elements
From now on, Windows 10 uses a different display language than your Microsoft Store apps and the websites you visit.
Unfortunately, if your language uses special characters, you can encounter problems in some apps. For instance, media players might not be able to use all the characters of your local language, displaying song titles or subtitles incorrectly, which can be annoying. To fix this type of issue, read our tutorial on setting the language of non-Unicode programs in Windows.
If you’re using Microsoft services in your web browser, here’s how to change the language for Outlook, Office Online, OneDrive, and more. You can also change Facebook’s language in your browser in Windows. However, when it comes to Netflix, you can use both a browser or the Windows 10 app to modify your profile’s language, as you can learn from our guide on How to change the language on Netflix.
What Windows 10 language(s) are you using?
After installing the desired Windows 10 language pack(s), you can change the Windows language with just a few clicks or taps. If you’re using multiple languages, like we are, the only downside is having to log out every time. Before you close this guide, we’re curious about the language(s) you’re using in Windows 10. Did you find the Windows language pack(s) you wanted? Let us know in the comments.