您是否觉得需要在Microsoft PowerPoint中对动画对象进行分组?嗯,有可能做到这一点,我们知道如何完成它。幸运的是,这个过程就像吃朗姆(Rum)葡萄干(Raisin)口味的冰淇淋一样简单。
本文将详细解释如何将相同的动画分配给位于PowerPoint幻灯片中的多个对象。无需单独添加动画,这意味着工作时间的减少。请记住(Bear),您需要拥有最新版本的Microsoft PowerPoint,因为我们是本文的基础。
Microsoft PowerPoint中的对象是什么?
对于那些想知道Microsoft PowerPoint中的对象的人来说,它们是您可以添加到幻灯片中的任何类型的元素。例如,图片是对象,文本是对象,形状是对象,基本上其他所有内容。
如何在PowerPoint中对对象进行(PowerPoint)分组(Group)和动画处理(Animate Objects)
- 启动 PowerPoint 应用程序
- 选择插入对象
- 将对象组合在一起
- (Add)为您的分组对象添加动画
![如何在 PowerPoint 中对对象进行分组和动画处理](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2K6HXCiJw6U/YVJ-xP11k8I/AAAAAAAAKR0/JVFoHLp5wlsujC910Tk7kPhKt8t0gOJhQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/fKyqWNAMwH50VcpEoZ12lLZU0Ek.png)
好的,所以您应该做的第一件事是打开Microsoft PowerPoint应用程序。我们可以通过单击开始菜单(Start menu)按钮来完成此操作,然后向下滚动直到您遇到PowerPoint。单击(Click)它以启动应用程序。从那里,您可以打开一个新文档或从已创建的文档继续。
下一步是单击Insert Objects。为此,请选择包含您要使用的所有对象的幻灯片。现在,如果您还没有插入对象,那么,让我们讨论如何完成此操作。
现在,在添加对象之后,是时候对所有对象进行分组了。我们可以单击CTRL +单独选择所有对象,也可以通过拖动鼠标光标突出显示所有对象。完成后,继续并右键单击其中一个对象,然后从下拉菜单中选择Group。
阅读:(READ:) 如何使用 PowerPoint 模糊图片的一部分。(How to blur part of a picture with PowerPoint.)
How to Group and Animate Objects in PowerPoint
Have уoυ еver felt the nеed to grоup animаted objects in Microsoft PowerPoint? Well, it is possible to do this, and we know how to get it done. Luckily for you, the procedure is as easy as eating Rum & Raisin flavored ice cream.
This article will explain in detail how to assign the same animation to multiple objects located in your PowerPoint slides. No need to add animations individually, which means a decrease in work time. Bear in mind that you will need to have the latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint because we’re basing this article on.
What are Objects in Microsoft PowerPoint?
For those who are wondering, objects in Microsoft PowerPoint, well, they are any types of elements you can add to a slide. For example, a picture is an object, the text is an object, shapes are objects, and basically everything else.
How to Group and Animate Objects in PowerPoint
In this post, we show you how to add multiple animations to one object in PowerPoint. It is possible to group multiple objects and animate them all at once. Animating a group of objects as a single entity is very much a possibility. Everything you need to know is listed below:
- Launch the PowerPoint app
- Select Insert Objects
- Group objects together
- Add animation to your grouped objects
1] Launch the PowerPoint app
![How to Group and Animate Objects in PowerPoint](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2K6HXCiJw6U/YVJ-xP11k8I/AAAAAAAAKR0/JVFoHLp5wlsujC910Tk7kPhKt8t0gOJhQCLcBGAsYHQ/s0/fKyqWNAMwH50VcpEoZ12lLZU0Ek.png)
OK, so the first thing you should do, is to open the Microsoft PowerPoint application. We can do this by clicking on the Start menu button, then scroll down until you’ve come across PowerPoint. Click on it to launch the app. From there, you can either open a new document or continue from an already created one.
2] Select Insert Objects
The next step here is to click on Insert Objects. To do this, select the slide that contains all the objects you want to make use of. Now, if you have yet to insert an object, well, let us discuss how to get this done.
First, click on the Insert tab, then below, you should see several options to choose from. You will select either Pictures or Shapes for whatever desired object you feel the need to use.
3] Group objects together
Now, after adding your objects, it is time to group all of them. We can either click CTRL + select all objects individually or highlight all by dragging the mouse cursor. Once you’ve done that, go ahead and right-click on one of the objects, and from the dropdown menu, select Group.
All selected objects are now grouped as a single entity. Now, whenever an animation is applied, it will affect all objects situated within the group. So, let us discuss how to add an animation to get things moving in the right direction.
4] Add animation to your grouped objects
OK, so when it comes down to adding animation to your grouped objects, simply click on the Animations tab on the Ribbon located in PowerPoint. Right away, you should come across a few options to choose from. Select the animation type that best fits your work and watch as all objects animate in the same way as one.
That’s it, really. Let us know if you have any problems in the comments section, and we shall definitely get back to you.
READ: How to blur part of a picture with PowerPoint.