很多厂商都在发布真无线耳机,这样的音频设备正在慢慢征服世界。然而,他们往往要为他们所提供的东西付出高昂的成本。松下(Panasonic)决定通过以更低的价格提供具有类似规格的真无线耳机来与苹果(Apple)和索尼等大品牌竞争。(Sony)松下 RZ-S500W(Panasonic RZ-S500W)就是这样一款具有出色规格和降噪功能的设备。我们已经测试了这些耳机,给人留下了深刻的印象,我们可以在这篇评论中告诉你更多关于它的信息:
松下 RZ-S500W:它对谁有好处?
Panasonic RZ-S500W是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- 想要一副质量好的真正无线耳机
- 渴望出色的降噪
- 不想在苹果(Apple)或索尼等公司生产的类似耳机上花太多钱(Sony)
Buy now
这些是松下(Panasonic)RZ-S500W 的最佳功能:
- 出色的降噪功能
- 很棒(Great)的声音,尤其是在中低频
- 反应灵敏且运行良好的触摸传感器
- 佩戴舒适,无论耳朵大小
- 一款出色的麦克风,可在通话期间提供清晰的声音
- 支持快速充电
- 价格和质量之间的良好平衡
- 高音频频率不是很好
- 缺乏AptX支持(Android用户无法获得与 iPhone 用户相同的音频质量)
Panasonic RZ-S500W被证明是我们尝试过的最好的真无线耳机。它们提供出色的音质、良好的电池寿命、灵敏的触控和一流的降噪功能。唯一阻碍松下 RZ-S500W(Panasonic RZ-S500W)的是缺乏对 aptX 的支持,这意味着Android用户的音频质量无法与 iPhone 用户获得的音频质量相提并论。否则,对于想要一副真正无线耳机的人来说,它们是一个很好的选择。
松下 RZ-S500W 拆箱
Panasonic RZ-S500W真无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机采用部分透明的长方形盒子。这是一种设计选择,让您无需打开实际包装即可看到入耳式耳机及其充电盒。
Panasonic RZ-S500W:盒子正面
松下 RZ-S500W:包装盒背面
在包装内,您可以找到无线入耳式耳机、充电盒、USB转USB-C 数据(USB-C)线、另外四套不同尺寸的耳塞(除了已经安装在耳机上的中型耳塞)、一些小册子手册(不同语言的)和保修文件。
松下 RZ-S500W:盒子里有什么
松下RZ-S500W真无线蓝牙耳机,看起来就是一款品质卓越的产品。它们采用精心设计的包装交付,堆放着您所需的一切。(The Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones look like a product of excellent quality. They're delivered in a carefully designed package, stacked with everything you need.)
Panasonic RZ-S500W无线耳机的设计简单而迷人。它们是两片圆形芽,每片都有一个倾斜的耳尖。两者都有触摸面板,周围是灰白色的穿孔,与机身的哑光黑色形成鲜明对比。
松下 RZ-S500W 耳机
说起来,这个充电盒看起来做工不错,就是有点难打开。你需要用双手才能做到这一点,但这也意味着它不容易意外打开。耳机不是一两套,而是五套不同的耳塞。默认情况下,安装在耳塞上的是中型。但是,您可以轻松地将它们替换为其他四套中的任何一套,它们涵盖了所有可能的耳朵尺寸:XS、S、L 和 XL。
Panasonic RZ-S500W耳机及其充电盒
关于松下 RZ-S500W(Panasonic RZ-S500W)的硬件规格,以下是你应该知道的:
耳机使用 8 毫米(5/16 英寸)驱动单元。这比您通常在真正的无线耳机上看到的要多,因此它们应该为您提供比大多数类似设备更好的音质。然而,使这些耳机脱颖而出的是它们的降噪功能。Panasonic RZ-S500W耳机配备双混合降噪(Dual Hybrid Noise Cancelling)功能,据Panasonic称,它使用前馈和反馈技术以及数字和模拟音频处理来消除您周围不需要的噪音。
为了连接到您的设备,Panasonic RZ-S500W在 2.4 GHz频段使用蓝牙 5.0 。(Bluetooth 5.0)耳机支持A2DP、AVRCP、HSP和HFP配置文件以及SBX和AAC音频编解码器。不幸的是,它们不支持AptX,因此 Android 用户无法获得与 iPhone 用户相同的音频质量。
由于这些是无线耳机,因此电池寿命至关重要。技术规格告诉我们,它们每个都有由锂(Lithium)聚合物制成的电池,运行电压为 3.7 伏,容量为 85 毫安时。这应该可以让耳机在降噪开启的情况下运行大约六个半小时,在降噪关闭的情况下运行长达七个小时。
关于充电时间,该机壳配备 800 mAh 电池并支持快速充电。它可以在大约两个小时内为耳机充满电,并在充电 15 分钟后为耳机提供大约 60 到 70 分钟的工作时间。如果您想知道充电盒充电需要多长时间,请知道如果它是空的,大约需要 2.5 小时,如果也插入耳机,大约需要 4 小时。
最后,重量规格如下:每个耳机重约 7 克(0.25 盎司),充电盒重约 45 克(1.6 盎司)。
有关Panasonic RZ-S500W耳机的所有规格和功能,请访问此网页:具有双重混合降噪功能的 RZ-S500W 真无线蓝牙耳机(RZ-S500W True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones with Dual Hybrid Noise Cancelling)。
Panasonic RZ-S500W 耳机的设计灵感而直接,技术规格告诉我们,无论在什么情况下,它们都应该提供出色的音质。(The design of the Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones is inspired yet straightforward, and the technical specs tell us they should deliver excellent audio quality no matter the circumstances.)
使用松下 RZ-S500W
拿到一对Panasonic RZ-S500W时,首先要做的就是给它们充电。这项活动大约需要一个小时,这意味着我们收到他们时他们已经有一些电池了。下次我给他们充电时,大约需要两个小时,就像松下(Panasonic)宣传的那样。
松下 RZ-S500W(Panasonic RZ-S500W)耳机和充电盒打开
一开始配对耳机很容易,我只需将它们从充电盒中取出即可进入蓝牙(Bluetooth)配对模式。但是,在我想配对的下一个设备上,如何做到这一点并不明显。正如我所发现的,我需要先轻按其中一个耳机将其打开,然后在其触摸传感器上按住约 7 秒钟。
两款耳机上都有触摸传感器,您可以通过多种手势来控制耳机的功能。轻按其中任何一个即可打开或关闭它们、播放/暂停音乐或接听电话。左耳机上的两下和三下轻按可改变音量,而右耳机上的轻按可在收听时跳过音轨。在左侧点击并按住约两秒钟可拒绝电话或启动安装在智能手机上的语音助手(Google Assistant、Siri),同时在右侧耳机上执行相同操作可打开或关闭降噪功能。
显然,我想检查耳机在听音乐时如何发出声音。于是,我将松下 RZ-S500W(Panasonic RZ-S500W)真无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机连接到了几个不同的设备上,播放了不同类型的音乐。我将耳机与华为 P20(Huawei P20)和小米红米 Note 8 (Xiaomi Redmi Note 8) Pro Android智能手机一起使用。8 毫米驱动器能够提供出色的音质,尤其是在聆听trip-hop 和流行音乐时,因为它们倾向于强调低频和中频。它们在更高的频率上也做得很好,尽管它们对我的口味来说似乎有点太软了。尽管如此,它们确实听起来不错!
最后,我必须说,松下RZ-S500W真无线蓝牙耳机所提供的一切让我很满意。无论是听音乐还是打电话时,音频质量都非常出色,而且降噪功能的效果比我预期的要好得多。(In the end, I must say that I'm pleased by what the Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones have to offer. The audio quality is excellent, both when listening to music and in phone calls, and the noise-canceling feature works much better than I expected.)
您对松下 RZ-S500W(Panasonic RZ-S500W)有何看法?
现在您知道对Panasonic RZ-S500W真无线蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机有何期待。你喜欢他们提供的东西吗?您是否正在(Are)考虑为自己或他人购买一双?请在下面的评论部分告诉我们您对Panasonic RZ-S500W耳机的看法。
Panasonic RZ-S500W review: True wireless Bluetooth earphones with excellent noise canceling
Many manufacturers are releasing true wireleѕs earрhones, and such audio deνices are slowly conquering the world. Howevеr, they tеnd to have high costs for what they have to offer. Panasonic decided to compete with big names such as Apple and Sony by offering true wireless еarphones wіth similar ѕpecs at lower prices. The Panasonic RZ-Ѕ500W is one such devicе with excellеnt specs and a noise-canceling feature. We've tested these earphones, we've made an impression, and we can tell yоu more about it in this review:
Panasonic RZ-S500W: Who is it good for?
The Panasonic RZ-S500W is an excellent choice for those of you who:
- Want a pair of truly wireless earphones of good quality
- Desire excellent noise canceling
- Don't want to spend too much on similar earphones made by the likes of Apple or Sony
See price on:
Buy now
Pros and cons
These are the best features of the Panasonic RZ-S500W:
- Excellent noise canceling features
- Great sound, especially on the low and mid audio frequencies
- Touch sensors that are responsive and work well
- Comfortable to wear regardless of the size of your ears
- A good microphone that delivers clear sound during phone calls
- Support for quick charging
- Good balance between price and quality
There are some downsides too:
- High audio frequencies are not very well represented
- Lack of AptX support (Android users don't get the same audio quality as iPhone users)
The Panasonic RZ-S500W proved to be some of the best true wireless earphones we've tried. They deliver excellent sound quality, good battery life, responsive touch controls, and top-notch noise canceling. The only thing that holds the Panasonic RZ-S500W back is the lack of support for aptX, which means that audio quality for Android users is not on par with what iPhone users get. Otherwise, they are an excellent buy for anyone who wants a superb pair of true wireless earphones.
Unboxing the Panasonic RZ-S500W
The Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones come in a partially transparent, rectangular box. It's a design choice that lets you see the in-ear headphones and their charging case inside without opening the actual package.
Panasonic RZ-S500W: The front side of the box
Like on its front side, the back of the box gives you some details about the earphones and their features. However, the backside doesn't have the same transparent cutout - instead, you get to see a photo of the wireless earphones.
Panasonic RZ-S500W: The back of the box
Inside the package, you find the wireless in-ear headphones, their charging case, a USB to USB-C cable, four additional different sized sets of earbuds (besides the medium-size ones that are already mounted on the earphones), some booklets with the manual (in different languages), and the warranty documents.
Panasonic RZ-S500W: What's inside the box
The Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones look like a product of excellent quality. They're delivered in a carefully designed package, stacked with everything you need.
Design and hardware specifications
The Panasonic RZ-S500W wireless earphones have a simple, yet attractive design. They're two pieces of round buds, each with an angled ear tip. Both have touch panels surrounded by grayish-white perforations that contrast their bodies' matte black color.
On the earphones' sides, Panasonic put its logo. Although the logo is visible when you're not wearing the earphones, you no longer see it when you put them in your ears.
There are many contacts near the ear tips and on the back of the earphones. Those are used for charging the earphones when you place them in their case.
The Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones
Speaking of which, the charging case looks well made, but it's somehow hard to open. You're going to need to use both hands to do it, but that also means that it's not easy to open by accident. The earphones come with not one or two, but five different sets of ear tips. By default, the ones mounted on the earbuds are medium-sized. However, you can easily replace them with any of the other four sets, which cover all the possible ear sizes: XS, S, L, and XL.
The Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones and their charging case
Regarding the hardware specifications of the Panasonic RZ-S500W, here's what you should know:
The earphones use 8 mm (5/16 in) driver units. That's more than you usually see on truly wireless earphones, so they should provide you with better sound quality than most similar devices. However, what makes these earphones stand out of the crowd is their noise-canceling feature. The Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones come with Dual Hybrid Noise Cancelling, which, according to Panasonic, uses feedforward and feedback tech together with both digital and analog audio processing to remove unwanted noise around you.
To connect to your devices, Panasonic RZ-S500W uses Bluetooth 5.0 on the 2.4 GHz frequency band. The headphones support A2DP, AVRCP, HSP, and HFP profiles and the SBX and AAC audio codecs. Unfortunately, they don't support AptX, so Android users don't get the same audio quality as iPhone users.
The earphones can also be used in phone calls or any voice apps, thanks to their built-in microphone. It's a mono, MEMS microphone (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) that Panasonic promises should reduce wind noise and transmit your voice clearly. Keep in mind, though, that the earphones don't have audio passthrough, so when talking over the microphone, your voice might sound muffled for yourself due to the noise-canceling feature. However, you should be very well heard on the other end by the person whom you're speaking with.
As these are wireless earphones, battery life is of the utmost importance. The technical specs tell us that each of them has its battery made of Lithium polymer running at 3.7 Volts and with a capacity of 85 mAh. That should allow the earphones to operate for approximately six and a half hours with noise canceling on and up to seven hours with noise canceling turned off.
Panasonic RZ-S500W while charging in their case
Regarding charging times, the case has a battery of 800 mAh and supports quick charging. It can fully charge the earphones in approximately two hours and gives them about sixty to seventy minutes of operating time after just 15 minutes of charging. If you're wondering about how long it takes to charge the charging case, know that it takes about 2.5 hours if it's empty and about four hours if the earphones are plugged into it too.
Finally, the weight specs are as follows: each earphone weighs about 7 grams (0.25 oz), and the charging case weighs approximately 45 grams (1.6 oz).
For all the specs and features of the Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones, visit this webpage: RZ-S500W True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones with Dual Hybrid Noise Cancelling.
The design of the Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones is inspired yet straightforward, and the technical specs tell us they should deliver excellent audio quality no matter the circumstances.
Using the Panasonic RZ-S500W
The first thing to do when getting your pair of Panasonic RZ-S500W is to charge them. This activity took about an hour, which means that they already had some battery when we received them. The next time I charged them, it took about two hours, just as Panasonic advertised.
The Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones and the charging case open
Pairing the earphones was easy at first, as all I had to do was take them out of the charging case to enter Bluetooth pairing mode. However, on the next devices I wanted to pair them with, it wasn't obvious how to do it. As I had found, I needed to first tap one of the earphones to turn it on and then press and hold for about seven seconds on its touch sensor.
Both earphones have touch sensors on them, and there are many gestures you can make to control what the earphones do. A tap on any of them turns them on or off, plays/pauses music, or accepts a call. Two and three taps on the left earphone change the volume, while a tap on the right earphone skips audio tracks while listening. Tapping and holding for about two seconds on the left one rejects phone calls or launches the voice assistant installed on your smartphone (Google Assistant, Siri) while doing the same on the right earphone switches noise canceling on or off.
Obviously, I wanted to check how the earphones deliver sound when listening to music. So, I connected the Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones to a few different devices and played different types of music. I used the earphones together with a Huawei P20 and a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro Android smartphone. The 8 mm drivers managed to offer excellent quality sound, especially when listening to trip-hop and pop music because they tend to emphasize low and mid frequencies. They did well on higher frequencies too, although they did seem to be a bit too soft for my taste. Nonetheless, they do sound good!
Panasonic RZ-S500W truly wireless earphones
Speaking of the noise-canceling feature, it works very well. The earphones don't block all the noises around you, but they manage to muffle them at a respectable level, more than I've ever heard on similar true wireless earphones.
I also checked how these earphones fare in phone calls. Admittedly, the phone experience was pretty good. The people with whom I've talked heard me clearly, so the microphone does its job quite well. However, as I've mentioned earlier in this review, my voice seemed distant when speaking over the phone, as the earphones don't have audio passthrough.
In the end, I must say that I'm pleased by what the Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones have to offer. The audio quality is excellent, both when listening to music and in phone calls, and the noise-canceling feature works much better than I expected.
What's your opinion about the Panasonic RZ-S500W?
Now you know what to expect from the Panasonic RZ-S500W true wireless Bluetooth earphones. Do you like what they've got to offer? Are you considering buying a pair for yourself or someone else? Let us know your thoughts about the Panasonic RZ-S500W earphones in the comments section below.