如果有一种工具在我们经济的有效和高效运行中发挥着非常关键的作用,那就是条形码(Barcode)!黑白条的简单集合已变得如此普遍,以至于它用于识别杂货店或超市中发现的几乎所有产品。那么,这种条形码技术( Barcode technology)有什么特别之处,以及它如何声称已经彻底改变了零售业?

一个人的努力可以成为另一个人成功的垫脚石!Barcode是Norman Joseph Woodland的创意,但正是George Laurer将这个想法付诸实践。Woodland在 1950 年开发了一个基于条形码符号的系统。它被称为Bulls-Eye Barcode。编码系统以机器可读的代码提供对产品及其价格的描述,但方法相当复杂。此外,激光和计算技术的成本也是该系统开发的主要障碍。20 年后的 1970 年代,劳勒(Laurer)将伍德兰(Woodland)的想法是通过开发一个矩形系统和一个带条而不是圆形的扫描仪来工作。事实证明,该系统更便宜,我们大多数人今天将其视为条形码。让我们试着理解——
- 条码系统的工作原理
- 条码类型
- 条码(Barcode)如何在零售业中流行起来
条码上黑白条的组合代表不同的文本字符,这些字符遵循该条码类型的设定算法。当元素的顺序发生变化时,您会得到完全不同的文本。然后,条形码扫描仪读取这种黑白模式,将它们转换成计算机可以理解的一行文本。我们有可以读取一维、二维条码的条码扫描仪。与 1D 相比,2D 条码要复杂一些,因为它们可以垂直和水平地组织信息。
通用产品代码 (UPC)(Universal Product Code (UPC))
- 机器可读条码——一系列独特的黑条
- 黑条下方的唯一 12 位数字。
国际商品编号 (IAN) (International Article Number (IAN) )
最初称为欧洲商品编号(Article Number),EAN更名为国际商品编号(International Article Number)。这种类型的条形码可以在产品的外包装或书籍的封底上找到。它由一个适合大容量扫描环境的 13 位代码组成。
代码 128(Code 128)
它是一种计算机友好型条形码,代表所有 128 个ASCII代码字符(数字、大写/小写字母、符号和控制代码)。它的字体最多支持七种不同的高度。所有七种不同高度的条码都有不同的名称,
- CCode128_S1
- CCode128_S2
- CCode128_S3
- CCode128_S4
- CCode128_S5
- CCode128_S6
- CCode128_S7
代码 39(Code 39)
Code 39标记具有可变长度的离散条形码符号系统。它以“*”字符开头和结尾。此字符也称为开始/停止字符。该代码在行业中得到应用,并被许多汽车行业和国防部标准(Department)标签强制使用。(Defense)
PDF 417
PDF417是一种堆叠线性条码格式,用于各种应用,例如身份证、库存管理和运输。它由 3 到 90 行数据组成,最多可以编码 1850 个ASCII或 2725 个数字字符。
GS1 数据条(GS1 DataBar)
GS1 DataBar是一种相对较新的条形码(Barcode)符号体系,旨在将大量信息放入比常规UPC条形码更小的空间中。它主要用于标记新鲜食品,因为它可以保存商品的批号或有效期等信息,以及在销售点使用的其他属性,例如商品重量。
3]条码如何(How Barcode)在零售和制造业中流行起来
Barcode Technology and how it works
If there’s one toоl that plays a very cruciаl role in the effective and efficіent operation of our economy, it’s Barcode! The simple collectiоn of black and white bars has become so ubiquitous that it’s used in the identification of almost аll products found аt a grocery store or а supermarket. So, what is spеcial about this Barcode technology and how it claims to have changed the retailing industry for good?
Barcode technology

Someone’s hard work can be another’s stepping-stone to success! Barcode was the brainchild of Norman Joseph Woodland, but it is George Laurer who is credited for bringing the idea to fruition. Woodland had developed a system based on barcode symbology in 1950. It was called the Bulls-Eye Barcode. The coding system provided a description of a product and its price in a code readable by a machine, but the method was quite complicated. Also, the cost of laser and computing technology then was a major impediment in the development of the system. Two decades later, in the 1970s, Laurer put Woodland’s idea to work by developing a rectangle system and a scanner with strips instead of circles. This system proved less expensive and most of us see it as barcodes today. Let us try to understand-
- How Barcode system works
- Types of Barcodes
- How Barcode became popular with retailing
1] How Barcode works
The combination of black and white bars on a barcode represents different text characters which follow a set algorithm for that barcode type. When the sequence of elements is changed, you get different text altogether. Then, a barcode scanner reads this pattern of black and white, it translates them into a line of text your computer can understand. We have barcode scanners that can read 1D, 2D barcodes. In comparison to 1D, 2D barcodes are a bit more complex as they organize information vertically and horizontally.
2] Types of barcode
Universal Product Code (UPC)
It refers to a type of code printed on retail product packaging that helps in identifying the item. The UPC mainly consists of 2 parts,
- The machine-readable barcode – a series of unique black bars
- A unique 12-digit number beneath black bars.
International Article Number (IAN)
Originally known as European Article Number, EAN was renamed to International Article Number. This type of barcodes can be found either on the outer packaging of a product or the back cover of a book. It consists of a 13 digit code found suitable for the high volume scanning environment.
Code 128
It is a computer-friendly barcode and represents all 128 ASCII code characters (numbers, upper case/lower case letters, symbols and control codes). Its font supports up to seven different heights. All barcodes with seven different heights are provided with different names,
- CCode128_S1
- CCode128_S2
- CCode128_S3
- CCode128_S4
- CCode128_S5
- CCode128_S6
- CCode128_S7
Code 39
Code 39 marks discrete barcode symbology with a variable length. It begins and ends with a ‘*’ character. This character is also called as a start/stop character. The code finds its application in industries and is mandated for many automotive industries and Department of Defense standard labels.
PDF 417
PDF417 is a stacked linear barcode format used in a variety of applications such as identification cards, inventory management, and transport. It consists of 3 to 90 rows of data that can encode up to 1850 ASCII or 2725 numeric characters.
GS1 DataBar
A GS1 DataBar is relatively a new Barcode symbology designed to fit a large amount of information into a smaller amount of space than a regular UPC bar code. It is mostly used to label fresh foods as it can hold information like an item’s batch number or expiry date, in addition to other attributes used at the point-of-sale such as the item weight.
3] How Barcode became popular with retail and manufacturing
When barcode technology was deployed in business processes, an automatic system for capturing product information was developed. This enabled shorter queues at checkout and just-in-time deliveries, making the business more attractive.
Besides, it also became easy to keep a track of inventory as the product details no more had to be fed manually but via a Barcode scanner. A quick scan via scanner displayed every detail of the product (the person at the counter could also check the expiry date) and the software connected to the scanner generated the bill instantly. All of this made running a huge, diversified, logistically complex operation much easier, increased productivity and reduced human errors.