过去每个人都依赖Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)来满足其文档创建和编辑需求的日子已经一去不复返了。目前,Microsoft 的Office(Office)应用程序有许多替代方案可用,并且在排行榜的顶部是 Google 自己的一组工作网络应用程序,即Google Docs、Sheets和Slides。尽管许多人仍然喜欢微软的 Office 套件来满足他们的离线需求,但将工作文件同步到一个人的(Microsoft’s Office suite)Gmail帐户然后在任何设备上工作的能力使得许多人转向谷歌的网络应用程序。Google Docs和Microsoft Word共享许多共同的功能,但是,Docs,作为一个网络应用程序而不是一个成熟的文字处理器,缺少一些重要的功能。其中之一是能够为页面添加边框。
首先,为什么边界很重要?为您的文档添加边框有助于实现更简洁和更精致的外观。边框也可用于将读者的注意力吸引到文本或图表的特定部分并打破单调。它们也是公司文件、简历等的重要组成部分。Google Docs缺少原生边框选项,并且依靠一些有趣的技巧来插入边框。当然,您可以下载文档副本并在Word中插入边框,但如果您没有该应用程序怎么办?
那么,在这种情况下,您在互联网上的正确位置。在本文中,我们将解释在Google Docs中创建边框的四种不同方法。

如何在Google Docs中创建边框?
如前所述,Google Docs没有添加页面边框的内置功能,但这个难题有四种解决方法。根据您希望包含在边框内的内容,您可以创建一个 1 x 1 的表格,手动绘制边框或从 Internet 拉取边框图像并将其插入到文档中。所有这些方法都非常简单,只需几分钟即可执行。如果您只想在边框中包含一个段落,事情会变得更加简单。
在 Google Docs 中创建边框的 4 种方法(4 Ways to Create Borders in Google Docs)
您如何在 Google Docs 中的文本周围设置边框?(How do you put a border around the text in Google Docs?)好吧,试试下面列出的任何一种方法来在Google Docs中创建边框:
方法 1:创建 1 x 1 表
在Google Docs(Google Docs)中创建边框的最简单方法是在相关文档中添加一个 1×1 表格(具有单个单元格的表格),然后将所有数据粘贴到单元格中。用户可以稍后重新调整表格的高度和宽度以实现所需的外观/格式。表格边框颜色、边框虚线等选项可用于进一步自定义表格。
1. 很明显,打开您希望在其中创建边框的Google 文档或创建一个新的(Google document)空白文档。( Blank document.)
2. 在顶部菜单栏(Menu bar)上,单击插入(Insert )并选择表格(Table)。默认情况下,Docs选择 1 x 1 的表格大小,因此只需单击第一个单元格(1st cell)即可创建表格。

3. 现在页面中添加了一个 1 x 1 的表格,您只需调整它(resize it)的大小以适合页面尺寸。要调整大小,请将鼠标指针悬停在任何表格边缘上(over your mouse pointer over any of the table edges)。一旦指针变为指向任一侧(顶部和底部)的箭头,中间有两条水平线,单击并拖动( click & drag)到页面的任意角落。
注意:(Note:)您也可以通过将输入光标放在其中然后反复按 Enter 键来放大表格。
4. 单击表格内的任意位置(anywhere)并使用右上角出现的选项(背景颜色、边框颜色、边框宽度和边框虚线)对其进行自定义((background colour, border colour, border width & border dash)或在表格内单击鼠标右键并选择表格属性(or right-click inside the table and select Table properties))。现在,只需将数据复制粘贴(copy-paste your data)到表中或重新开始。

如果您执行前面的方法,您会意识到页面边框只不过是一个与页面的四个角对齐的矩形。因此,如果我们可以绘制一个矩形并对其进行调整以适应页面,我们将拥有一个可供我们使用的页面边框。为此,我们可以使用Google Docs中的(Google Docs)绘图(Drawing)工具并画出一个矩形。一旦我们准备好边框,我们需要做的就是在其中添加一个文本框并输入内容。
1. 展开插入(Insert )菜单,选择绘图(Drawing ),然后选择新建(New)。这将打开文档绘图(Docs Drawing)窗口。

2. 单击形状(Shapes )图标并为文档的页面边框选择一个矩形(第一个形状)或任何其他形状。(Rectangle )

3.按住(Press & hold)鼠标左键并在画布上拖动十字线指针以(drag the Crosshair Pointer)绘制形状(draw the shape)。

4. 使用边框颜色、边框粗细和边框虚线选项自定义形状。接下来,单击文本(Text )图标并在绘图内创建一个文本框。( text box )粘贴您希望包含在边框内的文本。

5. 对所有内容感到满意后,单击右上角的保存并关闭(Save and Close)按钮。

6. 边框图和文字将自动添加到您的文档中。使用锚点将边框与页面边缘对齐。(Use the anchor points to align the border to the page edges.)单击右下角的编辑按钮以(Edit)Add/Modify随附的文本。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 无需打印和扫描即可对 PDF 文档进行电子签名(Electronically Sign PDF Documents Without Printing And Scanning Them)
方法 3:插入边框图像
1. 再次选择 Insert > Drawing > New。
2. 如果您已经在剪贴板中复制了边框图像,只需右键单击(right-click anywhere)绘图画布上的任意位置并选择粘贴(Paste)。如果没有,请点击图片(Image )并上传保存在您的计算机(upload the copy saved on your computer)、Google 相册或云端硬盘上的副本。( Google Photos or Drive.)

3. 您也可以从“插入图像(Insert Image)”窗口中搜索边框图像。

4.在边框图像内创建一个文本框并(Text box)添加您的文本。(add your text.)

5. 最后,点击保存并关闭(Save and Close)。调整边框图像以匹配页面尺寸。
方法 4:使用段落样式
2. 展开格式(Format )选项菜单并选择段落样式(Paragraph styles),然后选择边框和底纹(Borders and shading)。

3.将边框宽度( Increase the Border Width )增加到合适的值(1 pt)。确保选择所有边框位置(除非您不需要完全闭合的边框)。使用其他选项根据自己的喜好自定义边框。

4. 最后,单击“应用(Apply )”按钮在段落周围插入边框。

我们希望上述指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Google 文档中创建边框(create borders in Google Docs)并使用上述方法之一为您的Google文档实现所需的外观。如需有关此问题的更多帮助,请在下面的评论部分与我们联系。
4 Ways to Create Borders in Google Docs
Long gone are the days when everуone used to rely on Mіcrosoft Word for their document creating and edіting needs. Currently, there are a number оf alternаtives aνailable to Microsoft’s Оffice applications and on the top of the leaderboard is Googlе’ѕ own set of work web apps, i.e, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. While Microsoft’s Office suite is still preferred by many for their offline needs, the ability to sync work files to one’s Gmail account and then work on any device has made many switch to Google’s web apps. Google Docs and Microsoft Word share a lot of common features, however, Docs, being a web app and not a full-blown word processor, lacks a few important features. One of them is the ability to add borders to a page.
Firstly, why are borders important? Adding borders to your document helps achieve a cleaner and a much more sophisticated look. Borders can also be used to draw the reader’s attention to a specific part of the text or a diagram and break the monotony. They are also an essential part of corporate documents, resumes, etc. among other things. Google Docs lacks a native border option and relies on some interesting tricks to insert a border. Of course, you can download a copy of your document and insert a border in Word but what if you don’t have the application?
Well, in that case, you are at the correct location on the internet. In this article, we will be explaining four different methods to create borders in Google Docs.

How to Create Borders in Google Docs?
As mentioned earlier, Google Docs does not have a built-in feature to add a page border but there are exactly four workarounds to this conundrum. Depending on the content you wish to enclose within a border, you can either create a 1 x 1 table, draw the border manually or pull a border frame image from the internet and insert it in the document. All of these methods are pretty straightforward and will only take a couple of minutes to execute. Things get even simpler if you wish to only enclose a single paragraph in borders.
You should also check out the Docs templates gallery before creating a new blank document, just in case something fits your needs.
4 Ways to Create Borders in Google Docs
How do you put a border around the text in Google Docs? Well, try any of the below-listed methods to create borders in Google Docs:
Method 1: Create a 1 x 1 Table
The easiest way to create a border in Google Docs is to add a 1×1 table (a table with a single cell) into the concerned document and then paste all the data into the cell. The users can later readjust the table height and width to achieve the desired look/formatting. Options such as table border colour, border dash, etc. can be used to further customize the table.
1. As obvious, open the Google document you wish to create borders in or create a new Blank document.
2. On the top Menu bar, click on Insert and select Table. By default, Docs chooses a 1 x 1 table size so simply click on the 1st cell to create the table.

3. Now that a 1 x 1 table has been added to the page, all you need to do is merely resize it to fit the page dimensions. To resize, hover your mouse pointer over any of the table edges. Once the pointer changes to arrows pointing on either side (top and bottom) with two horizontal lines in between, click & drag towards any corner of the page.
Note: You can also enlarge the table by placing the typing cursor inside it and then repeatedly spamming the enter key.
4. Click anywhere inside the table and customize it using the options (background colour, border colour, border width & border dash) that appear at the top-right corner (or right-click inside the table and select Table properties). Now, simply copy-paste your data in the table or start afresh.

Method 2: Draw the Border
If you executed the previous method, you would have realized that a page border is nothing but a rectangle aligned with the four corners of a page. So, if we could draw a rectangle and adjust it to fit the page, we would have a page border at our disposal. To do exactly that, we can make use of the Drawing tool in Google Docs and sketch out a rectangle. Once we have the border ready, all we need to do is add a text box inside of it and type out the content.
1. Expand the Insert menu, select Drawing followed by New. This will open up the Docs Drawing window.

2. Click on the Shapes icon and select a Rectangle (the very first shape) or any other shape for your document’s page border.

3. Press & hold the left mouse button and drag the Crosshair Pointer across the canvas to draw the shape out.

4. Customise the shape using the border colour, border weight, and border dash options. Next, click on the Text icon and create a text box inside the drawing. Paste the text that you wish to enclose within borders.

5. Once you are happy with everything, click on the Save and Close button at the top-right.

6. The border drawing and text will be automatically added to your document. Use the anchor points to align the border to the page edges. Click on the Edit button at the bottom-right to Add/Modify the enclosed text.

Also Read: Electronically Sign PDF Documents Without Printing And Scanning Them
Method 3: Insert a Border image
If a simple rectangular page border isn’t your cup of tea, you can instead pick a fancy border image from the internet and add it to your document. Similar to the previous method, to enclose text or images into the border, you will need to insert a textbox inside the border.
1. Once again, choose Insert > Drawing > New.
2. If you already have the border-image copied in your clipboard, simply right-click anywhere on the drawing canvas and select Paste. If not, Than click on Image and upload the copy saved on your computer, Google Photos or Drive.

3. You can also perform a search for the border image from the ‘Insert Image’ window.

4. Create a Text box inside the border image and add your text.

5. Finally, click on Save and Close. Adjust the border-image to match the page dimensions.
Method 4: Use Paragraph Styles
If you only wish to enclose a few individual paragraphs into a border, you can make use of the paragraph styles option inside the Format menu. Border colour, border dash, width, background colour, etc. options are available in this method too.
1. Firstly, bring your typing cursor at the start of the paragraph you wish to enclose in a border.
2. Expand the Format options menu and select Paragraph styles followed by Borders and shading.

3. Increase the Border Width to a suitable value (1 pt). Ensure all border positions are selected (unless you don’t need a completely closed border). Use the other options to customize the border to your liking.

4. Finally, click on the Apply button to insert the border around your paragraph.

We hope the above guide was helpful and you were able to create borders in Google Docs and achieving the desired look for your Google document using one of the above methods. For any more assistance regarding this matter, connect with us in the comments section below.