正在努力为智能手机充电,但电池充电速度很慢?当您将手机插入数小时但电池仍未充电时,这可能会非常令人沮丧。智能手机电池充电缓慢的原因可能有很多,但在本指南中,我们将讨论九个最常见的罪魁祸首。 (Struggling to charge your smartphone but the battery is charging very slowly? This can be very frustrating when you have plugged in your phone for hours but your battery is still not charged. There can be many reasons why the smartphone battery is charging slowly, but in this guide, we will discuss the nine most common culprits. )
旧(Old)手机非常基本。带有一些导航键的小型单色显示屏和可兼作键盘的拨号盘是此类手机的最佳功能。你可以用这些手机做的就是打电话、发消息和玩Snake等 2D 游戏。结果,电池在充满电的情况下持续了数天。然而,随着手机变得越来越复杂和强大,它们的电力需求也成倍增加。现代的安卓(Modern Android)智能手机几乎可以做电脑能做的所有事情。令人惊叹的高清显示屏、快速的互联网接入、图形繁重的游戏等等已经成为手机的类比,它们真正不辜负“智能手机”的称号。
但是,您的设备越复杂和精密,其功率要求就越高。为了满足客户的需求,手机制造商不得不制造5000 mAh(毫安时)甚至10000 mAh电池的手机。与旧手机相比,这是一个重大的飞跃。尽管便携式充电器也进行了升级,快速充电或短跑充电等功能已成为新常态,但为设备完全充电仍需要大量时间。事实上,一段时间后(比如一两年),电池开始消耗的速度比以前更快,并且需要很长时间才能充电。结果,您经常发现自己时不时地将手机插入充电器并等待它充电,以便您可以继续工作。
智能手机电池充电缓慢的9 个原因(Reasons)
1. The USB cable is damaged/worn out
如果您的设备充电时间过长,那么罪魁祸首列表中的第一项就是您的USB 数据线(USB cable)。在包装盒中的所有移动组件和配件中,USB 电缆是最容易磨损或容易磨损的一种。( USB cable is the one that is most susceptible or prone to wear and tear.)这是因为,随着时间的推移,USB电缆的处理最不小心。它被跌落、踩踏、扭曲、突然拉扯、留在户外等等。USB电缆在一年左右后损坏 是很常见的。
移动制造商有意降低USB 数据(USB)线的耐用性,并将其视为消耗品。这是因为,在USB电缆卡在手机端口的情况下,您宁愿让USB电缆断裂并损坏,而不是更昂贵的移动端口。这个故事的寓意是,USB电缆应该在一段时间后更换。因此,如果您的智能手机电池无法充电,请尝试使用不同的USB数据线,最好是新的,看看是否能解决问题。如果您仍然面临同样的问题,请继续下一个原因和解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何识别计算机上的不同 USB 端口(How to Identify different USB Ports on your Computer)
2.确保电源足够强大(2. Make sure that the Power Source is Strong enough)
理想情况下,如果您将充电器插入墙上插座,然后将您的设备连接到它,这会有所帮助。但是,我们倾向于使用其他方法为手机充电,例如将手机连接到 PC 或笔记本电脑。尽管手机显示其电池状态为正在充电,但实际上,计算机或 PC 的功率输出非常低。大多数充电器的额定电流通常为2 A(安培) ,但在计算机中, ( 2 A(ampere) rating)USB 3.0的输出仅为 0.9 A 左右,USB 2.0的输出仅为0.5 mA左右。因此,使用计算机作为电源为手机充电需要很长时间。
使用无线充电时也面临类似的问题。许多高端安卓(Android)智能手机都提供无线充电功能,但并没有听起来那么好。与传统的有线充电器相比,无线充电器速度较慢。它可能看起来非常酷和高科技,但它不是很有效。因此,我们建议您坚持使用良好的老式 有线快速充电器( wired fast charger)在一天结束时连接到墙上的插座。如果您在连接到墙上插座时仍然遇到问题,那么该特定插座可能有问题。有时由于接线陈旧或失去连接,墙壁插座无法提供所需的电压或电流。尝试连接到不同的套接字,看看是否有什么不同;否则,让我们继续下一个解决方案。
3.电源适配器工作不正常(3. The Power Adapter isn’t working properly)
4.电池需要更换(4. The Battery Needs to the Replaced)
Android智能手机配有可充电锂离子电池。(Lithium-ion battery.)它由两个电极和一个电解质组成。当电池充电时,存在于电解液中的电子流向外部负极端子。这种电子流会产生电流,为您的设备供电。这是一种可逆的化学反应,这意味着当电池充电时,电子会以相反的方向流动。
现在,随着使用时间的延长,化学反应的效率会降低,电解液中产生的电子也会减少。因此,电池耗电更快,充电时间也更长(battery drains faster and takes a longer time to get recharged)。当您发现自己过于频繁地为设备充电时,这可能表明电池状况正在恶化。购买新电池并更换旧电池即可轻松解决此问题。为此,我们建议您将手机带到授权服务中心,因为大多数现代Android智能手机都配有不可拆卸的电池。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 7 款带有评级的 Android 最佳省电应用程序(7 Best Battery Saver Apps for Android with Ratings)
5.过度使用(5. Excessive Usage)
6.清除后台应用程序(6. Clear Background Apps)
当您使用完某个特定应用程序后,您可以通过按返回按钮或主页按钮将其关闭。但是,该应用程序继续在后台运行,在消耗RAM的同时也消耗了电池电量。这会对您的设备的性能产生负面影响,并且您会遇到延迟。如果设备有点旧,问题会更加突出。摆脱后台应用程序(background apps)的最简单方法是将它们从最近的应用程序部分中删除。点击最近的(Recent)应用程序按钮,然后点击“全部清除(Clear)”按钮或垃圾桶图标。
或者,您可以从Play 商店(Play Store)下载并安装一个好的清洁器和助推器应用程序,并使用它来清除后台应用程序。我们建议您下载 Super Clean,它不会关闭后台应用程序,还可以清除垃圾文件、增加内存(RAM)、检测和消除垃圾文件,甚至还有防病毒软件来保护您的设备免受恶意软件的侵害。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Google Play 服务电池耗尽(Fix Google Play Services Battery Drain)
7. USB 端口中的物理障碍物(7. Physical Obstruction in the USB port)
手机充电缓慢的下一个可能解释是,手机的 USB 端口存在一些物理障碍,导致充电器无法正常接触。( physical Obstruction in the mobile’s USB port that is preventing the charger from making proper contact.)灰尘颗粒甚至微细的棉绒纤维卡在充电端口内的情况并不少见。结果,当充电器连接时,它没有与充电引脚正确接触。这会导致向手机传输电力的速度很慢,因此完全充电需要更长的时间。灰尘或污垢的存在不仅会减慢 Android 智能手机的充电速度,(slow down the charging of your Android smartphone)而且通常会对您的设备产生不利影响。
8、USB接口损坏 (8. The USB port is damaged )
如果您在尝试了上述所有解决方案后仍然面临同样的问题,那么您手机的USB端口很可能已损坏。它有几个针脚,与USB(USB)电缆上的类似针脚接触。电荷通过这些引脚转移到智能手机的电池中。随着时间的推移,经过无数次的插拔,最终可能会导致一个或多个引脚损坏或变形(one or multiple pins have ultimately broken or disfigured)。损坏的针脚意味着接触不当,从而导致您的Android手机充电缓慢。这真的很不幸,因为除了寻求专业帮助之外,您无能为力。
我们建议您将手机带到授权服务中心并进行检查。他们会给您估计修理或更换端口的费用。大多数 Android 智能手机都有一年保修,如果您的设备仍在保修期内,我们将免费维修。除此之外,您的保险(如果有的话)也可以帮助支付账单。
9. 你的智能手机有点太旧了(9. Your Smartphone is a little too old)
如果问题与充电器或数据线等任何配件无关,并且您的充电端口看起来也很正常,那么问题通常出在您的手机上。Android智能手机通常最多可以使用三年。在那之后,一些问题开始出现,比如移动速度变慢、滞后、内存不足,当然还有电池快速耗尽和充电缓慢。如果您已经使用您的设备很长一段时间了,那么可能是时候升级了。(using your device for quite some while now, then it is probably time for an upgrade.)我们很抱歉成为坏消息的承担者,但很遗憾,是时候告别你的旧手机了。
几乎所有现代智能手机都使用 USB 3.0,这使它们能够更快地充电。与您的旧手机相比,另一侧的草看起来是绿色的。因此,请继续为自己购买一款您关注已久的超酷智能手机。你应得的。
推荐:(Recommended:) 在 Android 上通过电子邮件或短信发送图片(Send Picture via Email or Text Message on Android)
9 Reasons why your smartphone battery is charging slowly
Struggling to charge your smartphone but the battery is charging very slowly? This can be very frustrating when you have plugged in your phone for hours but your battery is still not charged. There can be many reasons why the smartphone battery is charging slowly, but in this guide, we will discuss the nine most common culprits.
Old mobile phones were pretty basic. A small monochromatic display with some navigation keys and a dialer pad that doubles down as the keyboard were the best features of such phones. All you could do with those mobiles were make calls, send messages, and play 2D games like Snake. As a result, the battery lasted for days when fully charged. However, as mobile phones became more and more complicated and powerful, their power requirement increases manifold. Modern Android smartphones can do almost everything that a computer is capable of. A stunning HD display, fast internet access, graphic-heavy games, and so on has become analogous with mobile phones, and they have truly lived up to their title of “Smartphone.”
However, the more complex and sophisticated your device is, the more is its power requirement. To satisfy the customer needs, mobile manufacturers had to build mobile phones with a 5000 mAh (milliamp hour) and even 10000 mAh battery in some cases. Compared to old mobile handsets, this is a significant leap. Although portable chargers have also been upgraded and features like fast charging or dash charging have become the new normal, it still takes a good deal of time to recharge your device completely. In fact, after some time (say a year or two), the battery starts draining faster than it used to and taking a long time to recharge. As a result, you constantly find yourself plugging your phone to the charger every now and then and waiting for it to get charged so that you can resume your work.
In this article, we are going to investigate the cause of this problem and understand why your Smartphone isn’t charging as fast as it used to. We will also provide you with a bunch of solutions that will fix the problem of your smartphone battery charging slowly. So, without any further ado, let’s get cracking.
9 Reasons why your smartphone battery is charging slowly
1. The USB cable is damaged/worn out
If your device takes too long to get charged, then the first item in the list of culprits is your USB cable. Out of all the mobile components and accessories that come in the box, the USB cable is the one that is most susceptible or prone to wear and tear. This is because, over the course of the time, the USB cable is treated with the least care. It is dropped, stepped upon, twisted, suddenly pulled, left outdoors, and so on. It is quite common for USB cables to get damaged after a year or so.
Mobile manufacturers intentionally make the USB cable less robust and treat it like an expendable. This is because, in a situation where your USB cable is stuck in your mobile’s port, you would rather have the USB cable break and get damaged than the more expensive mobile port. The moral of the story is that USB cables are meant to be replaced after some time. So, if your smartphone battery isn’t charging, try using a different USB cable, preferably a new one, and see if that solves the problem. If you are still facing the same problem, then proceed to the next cause and solution.
Also Read: How to Identify different USB Ports on your Computer
2. Make sure that the Power Source is Strong enough
Ideally, it would help if you plug your charger into a wall socket and then connect your device to it. However, we tend to use other methods to charge our mobiles like connecting our mobiles to a PC or a laptop. Although the mobile shows its battery status as charging, in reality, the power output from a computer or PC is pretty low. Most chargers usually have a 2 A(ampere) rating, but in a computer, the output is only about 0.9 A for USB 3.0 and a dismal 0.5 mA for USB 2.0. As a result, it takes ages to charge your phone using a computer as a power source.
A similar problem is faced while using wireless charging. A lot of high-end Android smartphones offer wireless charging, but it isn’t as great as it sounds. Wireless chargers are slow when compared to conventional wired chargers. It might look very cool and high-tech, but it isn’t very efficient. So, we would advise you to stick to the good old wired fast charger connected to a wall socket at the end of the day. If you are still facing a problem while connected to a wall socket, then it is possible that there is something wrong with that particular socket. Sometimes due to old wiring or lose connection, the wall socket does not supply the required amount of voltage or current. Try connecting to a different socket and see if that makes any difference; otherwise, let’s proceed to the next solution.
3. The Power Adapter isn’t working properly
A damaged power adapter or charger can also be the reason behind your smartphone battery, not charging. It is, after all, an electronic gadget and has a tangible life-span. Apart from that, short circuits, voltage fluctuations, and other electrical anomalies can cause your adapter to get damaged. It is designed in a way that, in case of any power fluctuations, it will be the one to absorb all the shock and save your phone from getting damaged.
Also, make sure that you are using the original charger that came in the box. You might still be able to charge your phone using someone else’s charger, but that isn’t a good idea. The reason behind that is every charger has a different ampere and voltage rating, and using a charger having different power ratings can damage your battery. Thus, the two important takeaways from this section are always to use your original charger, and if that isn’t working correctly, then replace it with a new original charger (preferably purchased from an authorized service center).
4. The Battery Needs to the Replaced
Android smartphones come with a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. It consists of two electrodes and an electrolyte. When the battery is charged, electrons present in the electrolyte flow towards the outer negative terminal. This flow of electrons generates current that provides power to your device. This is a reversible chemical reaction, which means the electrons flow in the opposite direction when the battery is being charged.
Now, over prolonged use, the efficiency of the chemical reaction decreases, and fewer electrons are generated in the electrolyte. As a result, the battery drains faster and takes a longer time to get recharged. When you find yourself charging your device too frequently, it could indicate a deteriorating battery condition. The problem can be easily solved by purchasing a new battery and replacing the old one. We would recommend you to take your phone down to an authorized service center for this purpose as most of the modern Android smartphones come with an undetachable battery.
Also Read: 7 Best Battery Saver Apps for Android with Ratings
5. Excessive Usage
Another common reason behind battery draining quickly or taking too long to get charged is excessive usage. You can’t complain about poor battery backup if you are constantly using your phone. A lot of people spend hours social media apps like Facebook and Instagram, which consume a lot of power due to the constant need to download stuff and refresh the feed. Apart from that, playing games for hours could rapidly drain your battery. A lot of people have the habit of using their phone while it is charging. You can’t expect your battery to charge quickly if you are constantly using some power-intensive apps like YouTube or Facebook. Avoid using your phone while charging and also try to cut down your mobile usage in general. This will not only improve battery life but also increase the life-span of your Smartphone.
6. Clear Background Apps
When you are done using a particular app, you close it by pressing the back button or the home button. However, the app continues to run in the background, consuming RAM while also draining the battery. This negatively affects the performance of your device, and you experience lags. The problem is more prominent if the device is a little old. The easiest way to get rid of background apps is by removing them from the recent apps section. Tap on the Recent apps button and tap on the “Clear all” button or a trash can icon.
Alternatively, you can download and install a good cleaner and booster app from the Play Store and use it to clear background apps. We would recommend you download Super Clean, which not shuts down background apps but also clears junk files, boosts your RAM, detects and eliminate trash files, and even has an antivirus to protect your device from malware.
Also Read: Fix Google Play Services Battery Drain
7. Physical Obstruction in the USB port
The next possible explanation behind your phone charging slowly is that there is some physical Obstruction in the mobile’s USB port that is preventing the charger from making proper contact. It is not uncommon to have dust particles or even micro-fibers of lint getting stuck inside the charging port. As a result, when the charger is connected, it doesn’t make proper contact with the charging pins. This leads to a slow transfer of power to the phone, and thus it takes much longer to get charged completely. The presence of dust or dirt can not only slow down the charging of your Android smartphone but also adversely affect your device in general.
Therefore, it is very important to keep your port clean at all times. To make sure, shine a bright flashlight at the port and use a magnifying glass if necessary, to inspect the interiors. Now take a thin pin or any other narrow pointy object and remove any unwanted particles that you find there. However, be careful to be gentle and do not damage any component or pin in the port. Objects like a plastic toothpick or a fine brush are ideal for cleaning the port and removing any source of physical Obstruction.
8. The USB port is damaged
If you are still facing the same problem even after trying all the solutions mentioned above, then there is a good chance that your mobile’s USB port is damaged. It has several pins that make contact with similar pins present on the USB cable. The charge is transferred to your Smartphone’s battery through these pins. Over the course of time and after numerous times of plugging in and plugging out, it is possible that one or multiple pins have ultimately broken or disfigured. Damaged pins mean improper contact and thus the slow charging of your Android phone. It is really unfortunate as there is nothing else that you can do about it apart from seeking professional help.
We would suggest you take your phone to an authorized service center and get it checked. They will give you an estimate of how much it will cost you to repair or replace the port. Most Android smartphones have a one-year warranty, and if your device is still under warranty period, it will be fixed for free. Apart from that, your insurance (if you have any) can also help pay the bills.
9. Your Smartphone is a little too old
If the problem is not related to any accessory like the charger or cable and your charging port also seems fair, then the problem is your phone in general. Android smartphones typically are relevant for three years at max. After that, a number of issues start to show up like mobile getting slow, lags, out of memory, and of course, rapid battery drain and slow charging. If you have been using your device for quite some while now, then it is probably time for an upgrade. We are sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but sadly, it is time to bid farewell to your old handset.
With time, the apps keep getting bigger and require more processing power. Your battery works beyond its standard limits, and that leads to loss of power retention capacity. Therefore, it is always wise to upgrade your Smartphone after a couple of years or so.
Almost all modern smartphones use USB 3.0, which enables them to charge faster. When compared to your old handset, the grass looks green on the other side. So, go ahead and get yourself the new uber-cool Smartphone that you had your eyes on for a long time. You deserve it.
Recommended: Send Picture via Email or Text Message on Android
Well, that’s a wrap. We hope that you found this article helpful. We know how frustrating it is to wait for your mobile to get recharged. It feels like forever, and therefore, you need to make sure that it is charging as fast as possible. Faulty or poor-quality accessories can not only make your phone charge slowly but also damage the hardware. Always follow good charging practices like the ones described in this article and use original products only. Feel free to contact customer support and, if possible, head down to the nearest authorized service center if you feel that there is a problem with the device’s hardware.