WebP是由Google开发的一种图像格式,它的尺寸比JPEG和PNG格式相对更小,并且可以在小尺寸下提供更好的图像质量。虽然许多现代浏览器(如Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome、Firefox等)允许您查看WebP图像,但也有一些免费的WebP图像查看器软件可以提供更多功能来查看WebP图像。这篇文章涵盖了此类适用于Windows 10的免费(Windows 10)WebP图像查看器软件。
适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的免费WebP 查看器(WebP Viewer)软件
- 灯光画廊
- 快速预览
- 油漆网
- XnView MP
- FastStone 图像查看器。

lightGallery 是适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的开源WebP查看器软件。界面整洁,顶部只有一个菜单栏可以使用可用选项。该软件附带的独特功能是它还可以播放动画 WebP 图像(play animated WebP images)。
使用此链接(this link)下载此软件并使用文件(File)菜单添加 WebP 图像。它还支持拖放(drag n drop)功能以添加图像。为了方便用户,添加图像的缩略图显示在其界面的底部。如果您不想看到缩略图,则可以使用“缩略图(Thumbnail)”菜单将其隐藏。
2] 快速预览

这个WebP查看器软件还有一些其他有趣的功能。它在图像的右键菜单中显示图像预览。此外,在图像的“属性(Properties)”窗口中,它会放置自己的FP选项卡,显示该图像的EXIF 数据(EXIF data)。您还可以使用该选项卡复制所有EXIF信息。它的下载链接在这里(here)。
阅读(Read):使用免费的动画WebP Maker服务和软件创建动画 WebP 图像。(Create animated WebP images)

Paint.NET是最好的也是我最喜欢的图像查看器和图像编辑器软件之一。它有很多功能。您可以使用它为图像添加图层、(add layers)添加阴影效果(add drop shadow effects)、应用不同的效果、调整色相/饱和度、亮度和对比度、垂直和水平翻转(flip)图像、旋转图像、注释图像等等。还支持WebP图像,您可以在其界面上打开多个图像。(open multiple images)
要打开 WebP 图像,请使用文件(File)菜单中的打开(Open)选项。当WebP图像可见时,您可以使用右下角可用的滑块放大和缩小,使用图层(Layers)菜单在该图像中添加多个图层,使用顶部菜单应用模糊、噪点、扭曲和渲染效果,使用图像(Image)菜单来调整大小、旋转、裁剪和翻转WebP图像等。只需(Just)使用不同菜单中的可用选项即可。编辑完图像后,使用“文件(File)”菜单中的“另存为(Save As)”选项以相同或其他受支持的格式保存WebP图像。(WebP)
阅读(Read):在线将 WebP 转换为 PNG 的免费工具(Free tools to convert WebP to PNG online)。
4] XnView MP

XnView MP是一个图像管理器,您可以免费将其用于教育(free for educational)或个人用途(personal use)。这个软件有很多功能。您可以使用它来捕获屏幕截图(capture screenshots)、播放图像幻灯片、比较图像(compare images)、通过应用滤镜和效果编辑图像、裁剪图像、旋转、调整对比度、亮度等。在众多功能中,还可以查看WebP图像。(WebP)
要打开WebP图像,请使用其导航窗格。选择一个包含WebP图像的文件夹,您将可以看到这些图像的缩略图。之后,选择一个图像,您可以查看它。一旦WebP图像可见,您可以放大(最高1600%)、复制该图像、将其移动到其他文件夹、删除、重命名等。只需(Simply)右键单击图像即可使用这些选项。除此之外,您还可以查看显示图像详细信息、EXIF 数据(EXIF data)和直方图(histogram)的左侧边栏。
阅读(Read):如何使用 WebP 转换器将 WebP 图像转换为 PNG 和 JPG(convert WebP images to PNG and JPG)。
5] FastStone 图像查看器

FastStone Image Viewer是一个图像管理器、编辑器、图像水印(image watermark)和转换器软件。它也可免费用于教育(free for educational)或个人用途(personal use)。与XnView MP一样,您可以使用它为图像添加效果、裁剪图像、调整大小等。红眼消除(Red-eye removal)、播放动画GIF、为图像添加边框等功能也存在。最重要的是,您可以查看WebP图像并将所有这些功能用于这些图像。
使用其导航窗格(navigation pane)选择WebP图像文件夹。选择文件夹后,缩略图可见。现在,要查看WebP图像,请双击图像缩略图。它将以全屏视图模式打开它。除了查看WebP图像外,您还可以右键单击WebP图像以播放幻灯片、移动、将图像复制到文件夹、重命名图像和查看图像属性。
该软件还带有批量图像重命名(batch image rename)和批量图像转换器(batch image converter)功能。这款功能丰富的WebP查看器软件绝对是一个不错的选择。
在所有这些适用于Windows 10 PC 的免费(Windows 10)WebP查看器软件中,lightGallery 具有优势,因为它也可以帮助您查看动画WebP图像。否则(Otherwise),一切都足以查看WebP图像。希望这些会有所帮助。
5 free WebP viewer software for Windows 10 PC
WebP is an image format developed by Google which is comparatively smaller in size than JPEG and PNG formats and gives better quality images in small size. While many modern browsers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc., let you view WebP images, there are some free WebP image viewer software also available that provide more features to view WebP images. This post covers such free WebP image viewer software for Windows 10.
Free WebP Viewer software for Windows 10
These WebP image viewer software also support many other image formats like JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc. We have covered the following in this post:
- lightGallery
- FastPreview
- Paint.NET
- XnView MP
- FastStone Image Viewer.
Let’s check these software one by one.
1] lightGallery

lightGallery is an open-source WebP viewer software for Windows 10. The interface is clutter-free and there is only a menu bar on the top part to use available options. The unique feature that comes with this software is it can play animated WebP images also.
Download this software using this link and add WebP images using the File menu. It also supports drag n drop feature to add images. To make it convenient to users, the thumbnails of added images are visible on the bottom part of its interface. If you don’t want to see thumbnails, then you can hide it using the Thumbnail menu.
It also comes with an autoplay or slideshow option that shows the next images automatically. Autoplay speed can also be adjusted in ms using Speed option under the View menu. There are some other features that you can use like set view mode or style to open next images, change thumbnail preview size, disable autoplay, etc.
2] FastPreview

FastPreview is another open-source image viewer which supports WebP and many other image formats. The thing that I like about this WebP viewer is there are no menus, sidebars, or other options on its interface. It only shows the image and nothing else. Another interesting feature is it automatically opens the image in best-fit view mode. You can also open an image in full size or free size mode using the right-click context menu.
This WebP viewer software has a couple of other interesting features. It shows the image preview in the right-click menu of an image. Also, inside the Properties window of an image, it places its own FP tab where it shows EXIF data of that image. You can also copy all the EXIF information using that tab. Its download link is here.
Read: Create animated WebP images using free animated WebP Maker services and software.
3] Paint.NET

Paint.NET is one of the best and my favorite image viewer and image editor software. It has tons of features. You can use it to add layers to images, add drop shadow effects, apply different effects, adjust hue/saturation, brightness & contrast, flip an image vertically and horizontally, rotate images, annotate an image, and more. WebP images are also supported and you can open multiple images on its interface.
To open a WebP image, use Open option in the File menu. When WebP image is visible, you can zoom in and out using the slider available on the bottom right corner, use Layers menu to add multiple layers in that image, apply blur, noise, distort, and render effects using the top menu, use Image menu to resize, rotate, crop, and flip WebP image, etc. Just play with options available in different menus. Once you have edited the image, use Save As option in File menu to save WebP image in the same or some other supported format.
Read: Free tools to convert WebP to PNG online.
4] XnView MP

XnView MP is an image organizer and you can use it free for educational or personal use. This software has a lot of features. You can use it to capture screenshots, play slideshow of images, compare images, edit images by applying filters and effects, crop images, rotate, adjust contrast, brightness, and more. Among the huge list of features, viewing WebP images is also possible.
To open WebP images, use its navigation pane. Select a folder containing WebP images and thumbnails of those images will be visible to you. After that, select an image, and you can view it. Once WebP image is visible, you can zoom in (up to 1600%), copy that image, move it to some other folder, delete, rename it, etc. Simply right-click on an image to use such options. Apart from that, you can also view the left sidebar that shows image details, EXIF data, and histogram.
Read: How to convert WebP images to PNG and JPG with WebP Converter.
5] FastStone Image Viewer

FastStone Image Viewer is an image organizer, editor, image watermark, and converter software. It is also available free for educational or personal use. Like XnView MP, you can use it to add effects to images, crop images, resize, and more. Red-eye removal, play an animated GIF, add borders to images, etc., features are also present. On top of that, you can view WebP images and use all these features for those images.
Use its navigation pane to select a WebP image folder. When the folder is selected, thumbnails are visible. Now, to view a WebP image, double-click on the image thumbnail. It will open it in full-screen view mode. In addition to view WebP images, you can right-click on a WebP image to play slideshow, move, copy image to a folder, rename image, and view image properties.
This software also comes with batch image rename and batch image converter features. This feature-rich WebP viewer software is definitely a good option.
Among all these free WebP viewer software for Windows 10 PC, lightGallery has an advantage because it can help you view animated WebP images too. Otherwise, all are good enough to view WebP images. Hope these will be helpful.