有趣的是,蓝牙(Bluetooth)这个词是以古代维京(Viking)国王Harald Blåtand的名字命名的,他统一了丹麦(Denmark)和挪威(Norway)。后来Blåtand这个词被翻译成蓝牙(Bluetooth)。这篇文章将分享蓝牙,它是如何工作的,以及(Bluetooth)WiFi和蓝牙(Bluetooth)之间的区别。

蓝牙(Bluetooth)使用 2.45 GHz 频率(GHz)范围连接到其他蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备。使用它的最大优点之一是它们不会消耗太多电力。如果他们太担心不安全的Wifi连接,许多人仍然更喜欢将它用于设备到设备的传输。
在内部,蓝牙(Bluetooth)可以使用 79 个通道中的任何一个与多个设备配对,确保没有干扰。协议已经升级,可以与多个蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备保持连接。因此,您可以在听音乐的同时同步您的智能手表。(Smartwatch)
一个必须处于搜索模式才能连接两个设备,而另一个需要处于配对模式。(other needs to be in pairing mode.)一旦尝试连接并确认,设备现在可以通过设置的通道连接。一旦设备相互识别,当它们在周围找到彼此时,它们将自动连接。
WiFi Direct和蓝牙(Bluetooth)有什么区别?
Wifi和蓝牙(Bluetooth)是两种完全不同的技术和用例。相反,我们可以比较Wifi Direct和Bluetooth。即使它已经发展,蓝牙(Bluetooth)最大的问题之一是它在传输文件时仍然很慢。
虽然还有其他方式,但一切都需要通过互联网。这就是WiFi Direct发挥作用的地方。您(Did)知道您可以在没有互联网的情况下通过WiFi连接两部智能手机吗?(WiFi)它们相互连接,就像连接到Wifi网络一样,然后可以相互发现以进行文件传输。它也称为WiFi 对等(WiFi Peer-to-Peer)网络。
由于这是Wifi,因此文件传输的速度要快得多,几乎比蓝牙(Bluetooth)快 20 倍。但是,与蓝牙(Bluetooth)相比,这将带来非常高的能源成本。
| Bluetooth | Wifi |
1. | Low power consumption | Consumes high power |
2. | Less Secure | Better security over Bluetooth |
3. | A limited number of parallel connection | Supports a large number of devices |
4. | Limited to 10-50 meters | Over 100 meters |
5. | Useful to connect to devices with a low amount of data transfer | Useful to transfer a large amount of data such as files. |
蓝牙(Bluetooth)随着时间的推移而发展。虽然第 3 版提供了更快的通信速度,但 4.0 推出了低功耗蓝牙(Bluetooth Low Energy)以减少智能手机的电池消耗,而现在有了蓝牙 5.0(Bluetooth 5.0),您可以在速度、范围和带宽方面获得另一个提升。
与第 4 版相比,蓝牙 5.0(Bluetooth 5.0)提供了两倍的速度、几乎 4 倍的范围和更少的功耗。它使现代设备可以在漫游时使用。由于(Due)各方面性能的提升,蓝牙在(Bluetooth)物联网(IoT)设备中也越来越受欢迎。
WiFi Direct 与 WiFi 有什么不同?
技术上没有。前者是建立在后者之上的,除了WiFi Direct(WiFi Direct)之外,它们是相同的,它即将在两个设备之间进行通信以进行高速数据传输。如果您经常在手机上使用它,则会导致电池耗尽。
除了文件(File)传输之外, Wifi Direct的目的是什么?
蓝牙(Bluetooth)使用 2.4 GHz无线电频率,该频率长期主导Wifi。因此,如果同一射频上有两个多设备,则有可能。然而,它很少发生。
我希望本指南足够清楚以了解Wifi Direct和蓝牙(Bluetooth)之间的基本区别。重要的是要了解每种技术都有其自身的局限性和优势。所以重要的是它们在哪里使用。
What Is Bluetooth? Difference between WiFi Direct and Bluetooth?
Fun Fact, the term Bluetooth is named after an ancient Viking king, Harald Blåtand, who unified Denmark and Norway. Later the word Blåtand was translated to Bluetooth. This post will share about Bluetooth, how it works, and the difference between WiFi and Bluetooth.

What is Bluetooth and How does it work?
At this age and time, Bluetooth doesn’t need an introduction. It’s a wireless protocol or peer-to-peer wireless technology that allows two devices to communicate over a short range for data transfer. Those who have used it for a long also know that it was also used to share the internet at the early stages of the Internet.
Nowadays, it is typically used to connect earphones, connect to PC, Wireless mouse, and all sort of things but not necessarily transfer files as it takes way too long, and now we have a faster way to send files.
Bluetooth uses a 2.45 GHz range of frequency to connect to other Bluetooth devices. One of the biggest advantages of using it is that they don’t consume much power. Many still prefer it for device-to-device transfer if they are worried too much about an unsecured Wifi connection.
Internally, Bluetooth can use any of the 79 channels to pair with multiple devices, ensuring there is no interference. The protocols have leveled up, and it is possible to stay connected with multiple Bluetooth devices. So you can sync your Smartwatch while you still listen to music.
One has to be in search mode to connect two devices, while the other needs to be in pairing mode. Once an attempt to connect is made and confirmed, the devices can now connect over a set channel. Once the devices recognize each other, they will automatically connect when they find each other around.
What is the difference between WiFi Direct and Bluetooth?
Wifi and Bluetooth are two completely different technology and use cases. Instead, We can compare Wifi Direct and Bluetooth. Even though it has evolved, one of the biggest problems with Bluetooth is that it is still slow when it comes to the transfer of files.
While there are other ways, everything needs to go through the internet. That’s where WiFi Direct comes into the picture. Did you know you can use to connect two smartphones over WiFi without internet? They connect to each other as if one has connected to a Wifi network, and then can discover each other for file transfer. It is also called WiFi Peer-to-Peer networking.
Since this is Wifi, file transfer happens at a lot higher speed, almost 20 times faster than what is possible over Bluetooth. However, this will come at a very high energy cost compared to Bluetooth.
| Bluetooth | Wifi |
1. | Low power consumption | Consumes high power |
2. | Less Secure | Better security over Bluetooth |
3. | A limited number of parallel connection | Supports a large number of devices |
4. | Limited to 10-50 meters | Over 100 meters |
5. | Useful to connect to devices with a low amount of data transfer | Useful to transfer a large amount of data such as files. |
How is Bluetooth evolving?
Bluetooth has evolved with time. While version 3 offered faster communication, 4.0 rolled out the Bluetooth Low Energy to reduce battery drain on smartphones, and now with Bluetooth 5.0 in the picture, you get another boost in speed, range, and bandwidth.
Compared to version 4, Bluetooth 5.0 offers double the speed, almost 4 times the range, and a lot less power. It makes the modern devices to be used while roaming around. Due to the increased performance in every aspect, Bluetooth is also getting popular among IoT devices.
Is WiFi Direct different from WiFi?
Technically no. The former is built on the latter, and they are the same except that for WiFi Direct, it’s about to communicate between two devices for high-speed data transfer. If you often use it on your phone, it will result in battery drain.
What is the purpose of Wifi Direct apart from File transfer?
It eliminates the need for a router for a short duration. If you need to share the internet of already connected Wifi to other devices, this comes in handy. Devices can connect directly with each other at better speed and security.
Can WiFi interfere with Bluetooth?
Bluetooth uses a 2.4 GHz radio frequency, the same frequency which has dominated Wifi for a long duration of time. So if there are two many devices on the same radio frequency, there is a possibility. However, it happens rarely.
How do I stop Bluetooth from connecting to other devices?
Once connected, the devices will automatically connect as they get close. While it is handy, it becomes an annoyance when the same device, like an earphone, is connected to more than one device. While you can unpair, a better way is to connect instead of doing it automatically manually. You can set the preference for all other devices except the ones you use often.
I hope this guide was clear enough to understand the basic differences between Wifi Direct and Bluetooth. It is important to understand that every technology has its own limitation and advantages. So what matters is where they are used.