2021 年,在线约会应用程序风靡一时,每周都会推出一款新应用程序。他们每个人都有自己的魅力或噱头来吸引忠实的用户群。Facebook是一家社交媒体和网络公司,最初是一个显示两个人的照片并要求用户选择“更热门”的(’ one)网站,并没有回避声称自己在这块蛋糕中的份额,并将自己投入到 30 亿美元的约会中行业。他们于 2018年9 月(September)开始了自己的约会服务,方便地命名为Facebook 约会(Facebook Dating)。这项仅限移动设备的服务首先在哥伦比亚(Colombia)推出,然后逐渐扩展到加拿大(Canada)和泰国(Thailand)在接下来的10 月(October),计划在其他 14 个国家/地区推出。Facebook Dating 于 2020 年在欧洲隆重登场,并于 2019 年在美国部分推出。 (Facebook Dating made a grand entrance in Europe in 2020 and partially launched in the United States in 2019. )
由于主要Facebook(Facebook)应用程序中内置的约会功能,它拥有庞大的用户群。例如,在美国,Facebook(United) 的(States)总(Facebook)用户群为 2.29 亿,估计有 3272 万个人已经在使用其约会功能。尽管拥有庞大的用户群并得到了终极科技巨头的支持,Facebook 约会(Facebook Dating)也有自己的问题报告。可能(May)是他们频繁的应用程序崩溃或用户无法完全找到约会(Dating)功能。在本文中,我们列出了Facebook 约会无法(Facebook Dating is not working)在您的设备上运行的所有潜在原因以及相关的修复程序。
修复 Facebook 约会不起作用(Fix Facebook Dating is not Working)
如何启用 Facebook 约会?(How to Enable Facebook Dating?)
自 2021 年起,Facebook约会功能可在 iOS 和Android设备上的特定国家/地区使用。启用(Enabling)和访问此服务相对容易,因为您只需要一个Facebook帐户。按照以下步骤启用Facebook的约会(Dating)服务:
1. 打开Facebook 应用程序(Facebook application),然后点击社交信息源右上角的汉堡菜单。(Hamburger menu)
2. 滚动浏览并点击“约会”(‘Dating’)。按照屏幕上的说明继续。 (Follow the on-screen instructions to continue. )
3. 按照设置说明操作后,系统会要求您分享您的位置(location)并选择一张照片(photo)。Facebook 将使用您帐户中的信息自动生成您的个人资料。 (Facebook will automatically generate your profile using the information on your account. )
4.通过添加更多信息、照片或帖子来自 定义您的个人资料。(Customise your profile)
5.满意后 点击“完成” 。(‘Done’ )
为什么 Facebook 约会不起作用以及如何解决?(Why isn’t Facebook Dating working and how to fix it?)
如果您已经启用它,Facebook Dating无法正常工作有几个不同的原因,列表包括 -
- 缺乏稳定而强大的互联网连接
- 当前的应用程序构建有一些固有的错误,需要更新。
- Facebook 服务器可能已关闭。
- 您的设备上的通知被阻止。
- 您的移动设备的缓存数据已损坏,因此应用程序不断崩溃。
- 您所在地区尚不提供约会服务。
- 由于年龄限制, 您不能使用约会服务。(Dating)
这些原因可以分为三个不同的类别:(These reasons can be classified into three different categories:)
- 首先,当Facebook约会在启用后不起作用时。
- 接下来,Facebook应用程序本身运行不顺畅
- 最后,您无法访问应用程序中的约会(Dating)功能。
下面列出了一些简单的修复方法,您可以一一解决,直到问题解决。 (Listed below are easy fixes that you can go through one by one until the problem is solved. )
修复 1:检查您的网络连接 (Fix 1: Check Your Network Connection )
这是显而易见的,但用户仍然低估了流畅稳定的互联网连接的重要性。您可以通过仔细检查您的连接速度( double-checking your connection’s speed)和强度(Ookla Speed Test)轻松排除这种可能性。如果您无法连接到 Internet,请自行对 Wi-Fi 网络进行故障排除(troubleshoot the Wi-Fi network)或联系您的 ISP。如果您有有效的移动数据计划,那么重启手机是很好的第一步。 (If you have an active mobile data plan, restarting your phone is a great first step. )
修复 2:更新 Facebook 应用程序 (Fix 2: Update the Facebook application )
使应用程序保持最新对于访问全新和改进的功能非常重要。更重要的是,更新可以修复可能导致应用程序频繁崩溃的错误。他们通常还修复任何可能阻碍应用程序并阻止其顺利运行的安全问题。因此,使用最新版本的应用程序是获得最佳整体体验的必要条件。 (using the newest possible version of an application is a must for the best overall experience. )
1.在您的移动设备上 打开Google Play Store应用程序。(Google Play Store)
2. 点击菜单按钮( Menu button )或汉堡菜单(Hamburger menu)图标,通常位于左上角。
3. 选择“我的应用程序和游戏”(‘My apps & games’)选项。
4. 在“更新”(‘Updates’)选项卡中,您可以点击“全部更新”(‘Update All’)按钮并一次更新所有已安装的应用程序,或者只点击Facebook 旁边的“更新”按钮。(Update’ )
要使应用程序在 iOS 设备上保持最新: (To keep the application up to date on an iOS device: )
1. 打开内置的App Store应用程序。
2. 现在,点击位于最底部的“更新”选项卡。(‘Updates’)
3. 进入更新(Updates)部分后,您可以点击顶部的“全部更新”按钮或仅更新(‘Update All’)Facebook。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Facebook 应用上查找生日?(How to Find Birthdays on Facebook App?)
修复 3:打开位置服务(Fix 3: Turn on the Location Services)
Facebook Dating与其他所有约会应用程序一样,需要您的位置(needs your location)来向您展示您周围潜在匹配对象的个人资料。这是基于您的距离偏好和您当前的地理位置,后者需要配置您的位置服务。这些通常在启用约会(Dating)功能时进行配置。如果未授予位置权限或禁用位置服务,应用程序可能会出现故障。(If location permissions aren’t granted or the location services are disabled, the application can malfunction.)
要在 Android 设备中打开位置权限:
1. 转到手机的设置菜单(Phone’s Settings menu),然后点击“应用程序和通知”(‘Apps & Notification’)。
3. 在 Facebook 的应用程序信息中,点击“权限”(‘Permissions’ ),然后点击“位置”(‘Location’)。
4. 在随后的菜单中,确保已启用定位服务(location services are enabled)。如果没有,请点击“始终允许(Allow all the time)”。
现在检查您是否能够修复 Facebook 约会不起作用。(Now check if you’re able to fix Facebook dating is not working.)如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
对于 iOS 设备,请遵循以下方法: (For iOS devices, follow this method: )
1. 转到手机的主屏幕,然后点击设置(Settings)。
2. 滚动查找“隐私”(‘Privacy’ )设置。
3. 选择“定位服务”(‘Location Services’),如果禁用,点击启用此设置。
修复 4:重新启动 Facebook 应用程序 (Fix 4: Restarting the Facebook Application )
如果您突然无法使用Facebook 约会(Facebook Dating),可能是应用程序中的一些错误造成的。有时,应用程序可能会因此而无法启动或顺利运行。重新启动应用程序可能是解决此问题的关键(Restarting the application might hold the key to solving this problem)。您可以通过主屏幕完全关闭应用程序(close the application )或从设置菜单强制停止它。(force stop)
修复 5:重新启动您的设备(Fix 5: Restart Your Device)
关闭然后(Turning a device off and then on)重新打开设备似乎对于任何和所有技术问题的解决方案都过于简单,但它非常有效。重新启动设备会刷新所有可能干扰Facebook应用程序的幕后活动。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Facebook Messenger 删除暴徒生活游戏(How To Delete Thug Life Game From Facebook Messenger)
修复 6:Facebook 约会在您的位置尚不可用(Fix 6: Facebook Dating isn’t available in your Location yet)
如果您无法在Facebook 上找到(Facebook)约会(Dating)部分,可能是因为它在您所在的地理位置尚不可用( it may be because it is not available in your geographical location yet)。自2018(September 2018)年9 月在哥伦比亚(Colombia)推出以来,截至 2021 年初,它已将服务扩展到以下国家:澳大利亚(Australia)、巴西(Brazil)、玻利维亚(Bolivia)、加拿大(Canada)、智利(Chile)、哥伦比亚(Colombia)、 圭亚那(Guyana)、厄瓜多尔(Ecuador)、欧洲(Europe)、老挝(Laos)、马来西亚(Malaysia)、墨西哥(Mexico)、巴拉圭(Paraguay)、秘鲁(Peru)、菲律宾(Philippines)、新加坡(Singapore)、苏里南(Suriname)、泰国(Thailand)、美国(United) 、乌拉圭(Uruguay)和越南(Vietnam)。_ (States)居住在任何其他国家/地区的用户将无法访问 Facebook 的约会(Dating)服务。
修复 7:您不能使用 Facebook 约会 (Fix 7: You are not allowed to use Facebook Dating )
Facebook只为(only for users above the)18 岁(age of 18)以上的用户提供约会(Dating)服务。因此,如果您是未成年人,您将无法找到登录Facebook 约会(Facebook Dating)的选项,直到您 18 岁生日。
修复 8:打开 Facebook 的应用通知 (Fix 8: Turn ON Facebook’s App Notification )
如果您不小心禁用了应用通知(disabled app notifications),Facebook不会更新您的活动。如果您已从 Facebook 为您的设备关闭了包括 Marketplace 在内的所有通知(turned off all notifications including Marketplace for your device from Facebook),您将需要破例来解决此问题。
1. 在您的设备上打开Facebook 应用程序(Facebook application),然后点击菜单(Menu)选项。在以下菜单中,点击“设置和隐私”(‘Settings and Privacy’)按钮。
2. 现在,点击“设置”(‘Settings’ )选项。
3. 向下滚动找到位于“通知”部分下的“(‘Notifications’ )通知设置”(‘Notification Settings’ )。
4. 在这里,关注Facebook Dating 特定的通知(Facebook Dating-specific notifications)并调整您希望接收的通知。(adjust which ones you would like to receive.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Facebook 页面或帐户设为私有?(How to Make Facebook Page or Account Private?)
修复 9:清除 Facebook 应用缓存(Fix 9: Clear Facebook App Cache)
缓存是存储在设备上的隐藏临时文件,可帮助您在浏览应用程序时减少加载时间。它们对于任何应用程序的顺利运行都很重要,但有时它们会出现故障并实际上会中断应用程序的工作。当缓存文件损坏(cache files are corrupt)或大量堆积时尤其如此。清除它们不仅会清理一些重要的存储空间,还会加快您的加载时间并帮助您的应用程序运行得更快。
1.在您的移动设备上 打开设置应用程序。(Settings )
2. 点击设置菜单中的“应用程序和通知”(‘Apps & notifications’)。
3. 您将找到设备上安装的所有应用程序的列表,通过列表找到 Facebook(find Facebook)。
4. 在 Facebook 的应用信息(App Info)屏幕中,点击“存储”(‘Storage’ )以查看存储空间的使用情况。
5. 点击标有“清除缓存”(‘Clear Cache’)的按钮。现在,检查缓存(Cache)大小是否显示为0B。
要清除 iPhone 上的缓存,请执行以下步骤: (To clear the cache on an iPhone, follow these steps: )
1. 点击您 iPhone 的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 您将找到所有当前应用程序的列表,向下滚动以找到Facebook,然后点击它。
3. 应用内设置,打开“重置缓存内容”( ‘Reset cached Content’ )滑块。
修复 10:检查 Facebook 本身是否已关闭(Fix 10: Check if Facebook itself is down)
如果您无法完全连接到Facebook,则可能是这个巨大的社交网络已经崩溃并关闭了。有时,服务器确实会崩溃,并且每个人的服务都会中断。检测崩溃的标志是访问Facebook 的状态仪表板(Facebook’s Status Dashboard)。如果显示页面是健康的,则可以排除这种可能性。否则,您只能等待服务恢复。(you have nothing to do but wait until the service is restored.)
修复 11:卸载然后重新安装 Facebook 应用程序(Fix 11: Uninstall then Reinstall the Facebook app)
要卸载应用程序,最简单的方法是长按应用(long-press on the app’s icon)程序抽屉中的应用程序图标,然后直接从弹出菜单中卸载。(uninstall)或者,访问“设置”菜单(Settings menu)并从那里 卸载应用程序。(uninstall)
要重新安装,请访问 Android 上的Google Playstore或iOS 设备上 的App Store 。
如果您仍然无法使用Facebook 约会(Facebook Dating),并且上面列出的任何方法都不起作用,您可以轻松联系 Facebook 的帮助中心(Help Centre)并与他们的技术支持团队沟通。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决 Facebook 约会无法正常工作(fix Facebook Dating Is Not Working)的问题。不过,如果您有任何疑问,请随时在下面的评论部分中询问他们。
How To Fix Facebook Dating Is Not Working (2022)
In 2021, online dating applications are all the rage with a new app launching up every singlе week. Each of them has its own charm or gimmick to attract a loyal user base. Facebook, the sоcial media and networking company, that started as a site displaying pictures of two individuаls and asking their users to сhoose the ‘hotter’ one did not shy away from claiming their piece of this pіe and thrusting themselves into the 3 billion dollars dating industry. They started their own dating service, convenіentlу named Fаcebook Dating, in September of 2018. This mobile-only service first launched in Сolombia then gradually expanded in Canada and Thailand in the follоwing October with plans for a launch in 14 other countrіes in place. Facebook Dating made a grand entrance in Europe in 2020 and partially launched in the United States in 2019.
Thanks to the dating feature built in the main Facebook application, it boasts a massive user base. For example, in the United States, Facebook has a total user base of 229 million and an estimate of 32.72 million individuals are already using its dating feature. Despite its massive user base and backing from the ultimate tech giant, Facebook Dating has its own share of reported problems. May it be their frequent application crashes or users not being able to find the Dating feature entirely. In this article, we have listed down all the potential reasons why Facebook Dating is not working on your device along with the associated fixes.
Fix Facebook Dating is not Working
How to Enable Facebook Dating?
As of 2021, Facebook dating is available in selective countries on iOS and Android devices. Enabling and accessing this service is relatively easy as you only need a Facebook account. Follow these steps to enable Facebook’s Dating service:
1. Open the Facebook application and tap on the Hamburger menu present at the top-right corner of your social feed.
2. Scroll through and tap on ‘Dating’. Follow the on-screen instructions to continue.
3. After following the setup instructions, you will be asked to share your location and select a photo. Facebook will automatically generate your profile using the information on your account.
4. Customise your profile by adding more information, photos or posts.
5. Tap on ‘Done’ once you are satisfied.
Why isn’t Facebook Dating working and how to fix it?
If you have already enabled it, there are a few different reasons for Facebook Dating not working correctly, the list includes –
- Lack of a steady and strong internet connection
- The current application build has some inherent bugs and needs updating.
- The Facebook servers may be down.
- Notifications are being blocked on your device.
- Your mobile device’s cache data is corrupted and thus the application keeps crashing.
- The dating service isn’t available in your area yet.
- You are not allowed to access the Dating service due to age restrictions.
These reasons can be classified into three different categories:
- Firstly, when Facebook dating isn’t working after enabling it.
- Next, the Facebook application itself isn’t functioning smoothly
- lastly, you are unable to access the Dating feature in your application.
Listed below are easy fixes that you can go through one by one until the problem is solved.
Fix 1: Check Your Network Connection
This is a no-brainer, but users still underestimaüte the importance of a smooth and steady internet connection. You can easily rule out this possibility by double-checking your connection’s speed and strength (Ookla Speed Test). If you are unable to connect to the internet, troubleshoot the Wi-Fi network yourself or contact your ISP. If you have an active mobile data plan, restarting your phone is a great first step.
Fix 2: Update the Facebook application
Keeping an application up to date is important to access brand new and improved features. More importantly, updates can fix bugs that may be causing an application to frequently crash. They usually also fix any security issue that may be hindering an application and preventing it from functioning smoothly. Thus, using the newest possible version of an application is a must for the best overall experience.
To check if the application is updated on Android follow the below-mentioned process:
1. Open the Google Play Store application on your mobile device.
2. Tap on the Menu button or the Hamburger menu icon, usually located to the top-left.
3. Select the ‘My apps & games’ option.
4. In the ‘Updates’ tab, you can either tap the ‘Update All’ button and update all the installed applications at once, or only tap on the ‘Update’ button located next to Facebook.
To keep the application up to date on an iOS device:
1. Open the built-in App Store application.
2. Now, tap on the ‘Updates’ tab located at the very bottom.
3. Once you are in the Updates section, you can either tap on the ‘Update All’ button located on the top or only update Facebook.
Also Read: How to Find Birthdays on Facebook App?
Fix 3: Turn on the Location Services
Facebook Dating, like every other dating application, needs your location to show you profiles of potential matches around you. This is based on your distance preferences and your current geographical location, the latter of which needs your location services to be configured. These are generally configured while enabling the Dating feature. If location permissions aren’t granted or the location services are disabled, the application can malfunction.
To turn on location permissions in an Android device:
1. Go to your Phone’s Settings menu and tap on ‘Apps & Notification’.
2. Scroll through the list of applications and locate Facebook.
3. Inside Facebook’s application information, tap on ‘Permissions’ and then ‘Location’.
4. In the subsequent menu, make sure that the location services are enabled. If not, then tap on “Allow all the time“.
Now check if you’re able to fix Facebook dating is not working. If not, then continue to the next method.
For iOS devices, follow this method:
1. Go to your phone’s home screen and tap on Settings.
2. Scroll through to find the ‘Privacy’ settings.
3. Select the ‘Location Services’ and tap to enable this setting if it is disabled.
Fix 4: Restarting the Facebook Application
If you are suddenly unable to use Facebook Dating, a few bugs in the application may be at fault. Sometimes the app may have trouble starting or functioning smoothly due to them. Restarting the application might hold the key to solving this problem. You can completely close the application through the home screen or force stop it from the settings menu.
Fix 5: Restart Your Device
Turning a device off and then on again may seem too simple of a solution for any and all tech problems, but it is surprisingly effective. Restarting the device refreshes all the behind the scene activities that may be interfering with the Facebook application.
Also Read: How To Delete Thug Life Game From Facebook Messenger
Fix 6: Facebook Dating isn’t available in your Location yet
If you are unable to find the Dating section on Facebook, it may be because it is not available in your geographical location yet. Since its launch in Colombia in September 2018, it has expanded its services to the following countries as of early 2021: Australia, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Europe, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, the United States, Uruguay, and Vietnam. A user residing in any other country will not be able to access Facebook’s Dating service.
Fix 7: You are not allowed to use Facebook Dating
Facebook allows its Dating services only for users above the age of 18. So, if you are a minor, you won’t be able to find the option to log in to Facebook Dating until your 18th birthday.
Fix 8: Turn ON Facebook’s App Notification
If you have accidentally disabled app notifications, Facebook will not update you on your activities. If you have turned off all notifications including Marketplace for your device from Facebook, you will need to make an exception to fix this issue.
To enable Push notifications for Facebook, follow the steps below:
1. Open the Facebook application on your device and tap on the Menu option. In the following menu, tap on the ‘Settings and Privacy’ button.
2. Now, tap on the ‘Settings’ option.
3. Scroll down to find ‘Notification Settings’ located under the ‘Notifications’ section.
4. Here, focus on Facebook Dating-specific notifications and adjust which ones you would like to receive.
Also Read: How to Make Facebook Page or Account Private?
Fix 9: Clear Facebook App Cache
Caches are hidden temporary files stored on your device to help reduce load times as you navigate through an application. They are important for the smooth functioning of any application, but occasionally, they malfunction and actually disrupt the application from working. This especially is the case when the cache files are corrupt or have built up immensely. Clearing them will not only clear up some important storage space but also speed up your load time and help your app operate faster.
Follow the method below to clear cache files in any Android Device:
1. Open the Settings application on your mobile device.
2. Tap on ‘Apps & notifications’ in the settings menu.
3. You will find a list of all the applications installed on your device, go through the list to find Facebook.
4. In Facebook’s App Info screen, tap on ‘Storage’ to view how the storage space is being consumed.
5. Tap on the button labeled ‘Clear Cache’. Now, check if the Cache size is displayed as 0B.
To clear the cache on an iPhone, follow these steps:
1. Tap on your iPhone’s Settings application.
2. You will find a list of all your current applications, scroll down to find Facebook, and tap on it.
3. In-app settings, turn on the ‘Reset cached Content’ slider.
Fix 10: Check if Facebook itself is down
If you are unable to connect to Facebook entirely, it is a possibility that the giant social network has crashed and is down. Occasionally, servers do crash and the service goes down for everyone. The tell-tale sign to detect a crash is to visit Facebook’s Status Dashboard. If it shows that the page is healthy, you can rule out this possibility. Otherwise, you have nothing to do but wait until the service is restored.
Alternatively, you can search the Twitter hashtag #facebookdown and pay attention to the timestamps. This will help you determine if other users are experiencing a similar outage as well.
Fix 11: Uninstall then Reinstall the Facebook app
This may seem drastic, but it is surprisingly useful. Sometimes, there may be a problem with the application’s settings. Hence, by reinstalling the application you essentially start from scratch.
To uninstall the application, the easiest way is to long-press on the app’s icon in the app drawer and directly uninstall from the pop-up menu. Alternatively, pay a visit to the Settings menu and uninstall the application from there.
To reinstall, visit the Google Playstore on Android or the App Store on an iOS device.
If you are still unable to use Facebook Dating and nothing listed above works, you can easily reach out to Facebook’s Help Centre and communicate with their technical support team.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix Facebook Dating Is Not Working issue. Still, if you have any doubts then feel free to ask them in the comment section below.