当 iPhone 过热时,它们会开始表现异常,并可能遭受长期损坏。也有一些关于手机爆炸或起火的报道,尤其是在继续充电时。充电时 iPhone 过热通常是电池故障问题的症状,而不是问题的根本原因。许多用户还报告了同时发生的 iPhone 过热和电池耗尽问题。您的 iPhone 不太可能爆炸,但立即处理它可以保护您的设备免受损坏,确保您的 iPhone 顺利运行并让您高枕无忧。因此,在本指南中,我们将告诉您如何修复 iPhone 过热且无法开机的问题。
如何修复 iPhone 过热和电池耗尽(How to Fix iPhone Overheating and Battery Draining)
如果您观察到 iPhone 过热和电池快速耗尽,您应该注意您如何使用和维护您的 iPhone。当出现充电问题时 iPhone 过热时,经常会出现 iPhone 过热警告。虽然,如果您的 iPhone 在正常的日常使用过程中反复过热,则可能存在与硬件和/或软件相关的问题。
注意:(Note:)使用 iPhone的最佳温度( optimal temperature)是32°C 或 90°F(32°C or 90°F)。
实施我们指南中列出的解决方案后,测试您的 iPhone 几天以确认 iPhone 过热警告不再出现。
方法 1:基本的 iPhone 维护技巧(Method 1: Basic iPhone Maintenance Tips)
这些基本技巧应该可以帮助所有智能手机用户解决过热问题,并有助于避免 iPhone 过热并且不会出现问题。
取下手机壳:(Remove the Phone Case:)额外的塑料/皮革涂层使手机更难冷却。因此,最好将手机壳暂时取下来解决发热问题。
避免在高环境温度下使用:(Avoid usage in High Ambient Temperatures: )请勿将手机长时间置于阳光下或炎热的环境中。
避免(Avoid) 阳光直射:(Direct Sunlight Exposure:)不要将其留在车内温度会迅速升高的地方。相反,在外面时,请将 iPhone 放在包里或阴凉处。
在线或离线玩游戏:(Playing Games, Online or Offline:)尤其是具有高级图形的游戏,会给您的手机带来巨大压力,导致您的 iPhone 过热。
避免使用地图:(Avoid using Maps:)它会产生大量热量。
避免给手机充电:(Avoid Charging your phone: )如果可能的话,在车内或炎热的环境中。当您到达较冷的地方时,请这样做。
Don’t use faulty adapter/cable:这些会使电池过载,导致 iPhone 在充电时过热。
方法2:关闭你的iPhone(Method 2: Switch off your iPhone)
解决 iPhone 过热问题的最流行方法之一是关闭手机。
1.同时按住Side/Power + Volume Up/Volume Down 按钮。
2. 当您看到滑动关机(Slide to Power Off )命令时松开按钮。
3.向右(right)拖动(Drag)滑块以启动该过程。等待(Wait)30 秒。
4. 保持手机关机,待其冷却下来,然后重新启动并恢复正常使用。
5. 现在,按住Power/Side button,直到出现 Apple 标志。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 Windows PC 控制 iPhone(How to Control iPhone using Windows PC)
方法 3:重置 iPhone 设置(Method 3: Reset iPhone Settings)
在此方法中,我们将讨论如何重置一些导致问题的设置或重置所有设备设置以消除小错误或故障。这应该可以解决 iPhone 过热和电池耗尽的问题。
选项 1:重置所有设置(Option 1: Reset All Settings)
1. 从主屏幕(Home screen)转到设置(Settings)菜单。
2. 点击常规。(General. )
3. 滚动到屏幕底部并点击重置(Reset),如图所示。
4. 现在,点击重置所有设置(Reset All Settings)。
这将在不删除任何数据文件和媒体的情况下恢复 iPhone默认设置。(Default settings)
选项 2:重置(Option 2: Reset )网络设置(Network Settings)
1. 前往设置(Settings)>常规。(General.)
2. 向下滚动并点击重置。(Reset.)
3. 在这里,点击重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings)。
这将清除所有与网络相关的配置(network-related configurations),包括 Wi-Fi 验证码。
选项 3:重置(Option 3: Reset )位置和隐私设置(Location & Privacy Settings)
1.如前所述,导航至设置(Settings )>常规(General )>重置。(Reset)
2. 现在,选择重置位置和隐私(Reset Location & Privacy)。
这将删除iPhone 上保存的所有位置和隐私设置。(location & privacy settings)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 iPhone 冻结或锁定(How to Fix iPhone Frozen or Locked Up)
方法四:关闭蓝牙(Method 4: Turn off Bluetooth)
使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)功能可能会成为手机的额外热量来源。因此,您必须仅在需要时打开它。要修复 iPhone 过热且无法开机的问题,请按如下方式关闭蓝牙:(Bluetooth)
1. 打开设置( Settings )应用程序。
2. 点击蓝牙。(Bluetooth.)
3. 如果蓝牙(Bluetooth)已打开,请点击将其关闭(OFF)。请参考上图。
方法 5:禁用定位服务(Method 5: Disable Location Services)
为了避免 iPhone 过热警告消息,您应该禁用定位服务。您可以按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1.在您的 iPhone 上启动设置应用程序。( Settings)
2. 向下滚动并点击隐私。(Privacy.)
3.定位服务(Location Services )默认开启。
方法六:开启飞行模式(Method 6: Enable Airplane Mode)
这种方法就像修复 iPhone 过热和电池耗尽问题的魅力一样。您只需要在充电时打开 iPhone上的飞行模式。(Airplane Mode)这将禁用GPS、蓝牙(Bluetooth)、Wi-Fi和蜂窝数据(Cellular Data)等功能,从而节省电池寿命并帮助 iPhone 降温。
1. 从主屏幕(Home screen)转到设置( Settings)菜单。
2.在您的Apple (Just)ID(Apple ID)下,找到并点击飞行模式(Airplane Mode)以启用它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 iPhone 无法发送短信(Fix iPhone Cannot Send SMS messages)
方法 7:禁用后台刷新(Method 7: Disable Background Refresh)
(Background Refresh)即使您不使用这些应用程序,后台刷新也会持续刷新您的应用程序。这会使您的手机在后台搜索更新并导致其过热。以下是在 iPhone 上禁用后台刷新的方法:
1. 导航到设置应用程序中的(Settings )常规(General)设置,如方法 2 中所做的那样。
2. 点击后台应用刷新(Background App Refresh),如图所示。
3. 现在,关闭(OFF)后台应用刷新。
方法 8:更新所有应用程序(Method 8: Update All Apps)
更新 iPhone 上已安装的应用程序将修复可能导致 iPhone 过热警告的错误。请按照以下步骤通过App Store更新应用程序:
1. 前往应用商店( App Store )
2. 在右上角,点击与您的 Apple ID 对应的个人资料图片。(Profile pic)
3. 在可用更新(Available Updates)部分下,您将找到需要更新的应用程序列表。
4. 点击全部(Update All )更新以一次更新所有应用程序。参考下图。
5. 或者,点击应用旁边的更新以单独更新选定的应用。(UPDATE)
方法9:更新iOS(Method 9: Update iOS)
(New)不时设计和推出新的更新,以解决 iOS 用户面临的常见问题。运行过时的版本会给你的 iPhone 带来压力,需要更新以避免 iPhone 过热并且不会打开问题。
1. 进入设置(Settings)>常规(General),如前所述。
2. 点击软件更新(Software Update)并检查是否有可用更新。
4. 否则,您将收到以下消息:iOS 已更新。(iOS is up to date.)
方法 10:删除不需要的应用程序(Method 10: Delete Unwanted Apps)
如果您的 iPhone 继续过热,即使外面不是特别热,您也应该检查 iPhone 过热警告是否是由特定应用程序引起的。要检查此类应用程序,请按照以下说明进行操作:
1. 前往设置(Settings)>常规。(General.)
2. 然后,选择iPhone Storage,如图所示。
3. 在此屏幕上,您将看到设备上安装的所有应用程序的列表,以及它们消耗的存储空间。
4. 如果您发现任何应用程序无法识别或不需要,请通过点击应用程序(app)并选择删除应用(Delete App)程序来删除该应用程序。
方法 11:联系 Apple 支持
如果您的 iPhone 在日常使用过程中持续过热,或者在继续充电时 iPhone 过热,则您的 iPhone 或其电池可能存在硬件问题。安排访问Apple Care是明智之举。您也可以通过其支持页面联系(Support Page)Apple。
如何防止 iPhone 过热警告?(How to Prevent iPhone Overheating Warning?)
远离阳光直射:由于 iPhone 在(Keep it away from Direct Sunlight: )35°C 以上(temperatures above 35°)的温度下开始过热,所以当外面很热时,请将它们放在阴凉处。与其把它放在汽车座椅上,不如把它放在手套箱里,这样会更凉爽。当您使用需要大量计算能力的应用程序(例如Google 地图(Google Maps)或在线游戏)时,这一点变得极为重要。
检查您的充电器和数据线:(Check your Charger and Cable: )确保在您的 iPhone上使用原装MFi(Made for iOS)Apple 充电器。(MFi (Made for iOS) Apple Charger)未经授权(Unauthorized)的 iPhone 充电器和电缆会使电池过度充电,从而导致设备过热。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
Q1。为什么我的 iPhone 会变热?为什么我的 iPhone 突然变热了?(Q1. Why does my iPhone get hot? Why is my iPhone suddenly getting hot?)
iPhone 上的硬件问题(Hardware issue),例如电池故障。
恶意软件或病毒(Malware or virus)可能会使设备过热,但这并不常见。
长时间广播,(Broadcasting for long periods)因为您的 iPhone 需要在保持屏幕正常运行的同时加载您的内容。
(Streaming online content)长时间流式传输在线内容会使您的手机过热。
在 iPhone 上使用高级图形玩游戏(Playing games)也会导致发热问题。
同时下载(Downloading) 各种应用程序(various apps)会使您的手机变热,最终变热。
充电(While charging)时,您的 iPhone 会有点发热。
Q2。如何阻止我的 iPhone 变热?(Q2. How do I stop my iPhone from getting hot?)
您可以执行一些基本故障排除,例如重新启动 iPhone、关闭 Wi-Fi 和蓝牙(Bluetooth),以及关闭位置设置应该可以解决 iPhone 过热问题。此外,您可以确保您的手机不会直接暴露在阳光下或温度可能会显着升高的地方。
Q3。iPhone会因过热而破裂吗?(Q3. Can an iPhone break from overheating?)
当您的 iPhone 变得太热时,电池的运行效率会降低并且开始表现不佳。手机的温度越高,电池保持能量的能力就越下降。从长远来看,高温(Hot)会损坏电池,并可能导致设备出现硬件问题。
我们希望您能够通过我们有用且全面的指南 修复 iPhone 过热问题,并且不会出现问题。( fix iPhone overheating and won’t turn on issue)让我们知道哪种方法适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请将它们放在评论部分。
Fix iPhone Overheating and Won't Turn On
When iPhones get ovеrheated, they begin to behave weirdly and may suffer long-term damage. Thеre have also been a few reports of phones exploding or bυrsting into flames, especially when kept on charging. iPhone overheating when charging is usually a symptom of battery failure issue rather than the root cause of the problem. Many uѕers also reported iPhone overhеаting and battery draining problems occυrring simultаneously. Іt’s highly unlikely that your iPhone would blast, but dealing with it right away, will protect your device from damage, ensure ѕmooth functіonіng of your iPhone & offer уou peace of mind. So, in this guide, wе will tell yoυ how to fіx iPhone overheating and won’t tυrn on issuе.
How to Fix iPhone Overheating and Battery Draining
If you observe iPhone overheating and battery draining fast, you should pay attention to how you are using and maintaining your iPhone. iPhone overheating warning often appears when iPhone overheating when charging issue arises. Although, if your iPhone repeatedly overheats during normal, everyday use, there may be hardware and/or software-related issues.
Note: The optimal temperature for using an iPhone is 32°C or 90°F.
After implementing the solutions listed in our guide, test your iPhone for a few days to confirm that the iPhone overheating warning no longer appears.
Method 1: Basic iPhone Maintenance Tips
These basic tips should help all smartphone users with overheating issues and will help avoid iPhone overheating and won’t turn on problems.
Remove the Phone Case: An additional coat of plastic/leather makes it more difficult for the phone to cool down. Hence, it is a good practice to remove the phone case to temporarily, solve the heating problem.
Avoid usage in High Ambient Temperatures: Don’t keep or use your phone in the sun or in hot environments for long.
Avoid Direct Sunlight Exposure: Don’t leave it in your car where temperatures can quickly increase. Instead, keep the iPhone in a bag or in the shade when outside.
Playing Games, Online or Offline: Especially games with advanced graphics, puts a huge strain on your phone, causing your iPhone to overheat.
Avoid using Maps: It generates a lot of heat.
Avoid Charging your phone: in tha car or in a hot environment, if possible. Do so when you reach a colder location.
Don’t use faulty adapter/cable: These will overload the battery, leading to iPhone overheating when charging issue.
Method 2: Switch off your iPhone
One of the most popular methods to fix the iPhone overheating problem is to switch off the phone.
1. Press-hold the Side/Power + Volume Up/Volume Down button simultaneously.
2. Release the buttons when you see a Slide to Power Off command.
3. Drag the slider to the right to initiate the process. Wait for 30 seconds.
4. Keep the phone switched off until it cools down, then restart it and resume normal usage.
5. Now, press and hold the Power/Side button until the Apple Logo appears.
Also Read: How to Control iPhone using Windows PC
Method 3: Reset iPhone Settings
In this method, we will discuss how to reset a few problem-causing settings or reset all device settings to get rid of minor bugs or glitches. This should fix iPhone overheating and battery draining problems.
Option 1: Reset All Settings
1. Go to the Settings menu from your Home screen.
2. Tap on General.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap on Reset, as shown.
4. Now, tap on Reset All Settings.
This will restore the iPhone Default settings without deleting any data files and media.
Option 2: Reset Network Settings
1. Go to Settings > General.
2. Scroll down and tap on Reset.
3. Here, tap Reset Network Settings.
This will clear all network-related configurations, including Wi-Fi authentication codes.
Option 3: Reset Location & Privacy Settings
1. Navigate to Settings > General > Reset, as instructed earlier.
2. Now, select Reset Location & Privacy.
This would delete all location & privacy settings saved on your iPhone.
Also Read: How to Fix iPhone Frozen or Locked Up
Method 4: Turn off Bluetooth
Using the Bluetooth feature can be an additional source of heat on your phone. Therefore, you must turn it on only when required. To fix iPhone overheating and won’t turn on issue, turn off Bluetooth as follows:
1. Open the Settings app.
2. Tap on Bluetooth.
3. If the Bluetooth is turned on, toggle it OFF by tapping on it. Refer to the pic above.
Method 5: Disable Location Services
In order to avoid iPhone overheating warning message, you should keep the location services disabled. You can do so by following these steps:
1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Scroll down and tap on Privacy.
3. The Location Services remain turned on by default.
4. Disable it by tapping on it so that it doesn’t cause iPhone overheating issue.
Method 6: Enable Airplane Mode
This method works like a charm to fix iPhone overheating and battery draining problems. You just need to turn on the Airplane Mode on your iPhone while charging. This will disable features like GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Cellular Data, which in turn will save battery life and will help iPhone to cool down.
1. Go to the Settings menu from your Home screen.
2. Just under your Apple ID, locate and tap on Airplane Mode to enable it.
Also Read: Fix iPhone Cannot Send SMS messages
Method 7: Disable Background Refresh
Background Refresh continuously refreshes your applications even when you aren’t using those. This keeps your phone searching for updates in the background and causes it to overheat. Here’s how to disable background refresh on an iPhone:
1. Navigate to General Settings in the Settings app, as done in Method 2.
2. Tap Background App Refresh, as depicted.
3. Now, toggle OFF the background app refresh.
Method 8: Update All Apps
Updating the installed apps on your iPhone will fix bugs that might result in iPhone overheating warnings. Follow these steps to update apps via App Store:
1. Go to App Store
2. From the top right corner, tap the Profile pic corresponding to your Apple ID.
3. Under the Available Updates section, you will find a list of apps that need to be updated.
4. Tap on Update All to update all apps at once. Refer pic below.
5. Or, tap UPDATE next to the app to update selected apps individually.
Method 9: Update iOS
New updates are designed and launched, from time to time, to solve common issues faced by iOS users. Running an outdated version will put a strain on your iPhone and needs to be updated to avoid iPhone overheating and won’t turn on issue.
1. Go to Settings > General, as instructed earlier.
2. Tap on Software Update and check if an update is available.
3. Install updates, if available and enter your passcode when prompted.
4. Or else, you will get the following message: iOS is up to date.
Method 10: Delete Unwanted Apps
If your iPhone continues to overheat, even though it isn’t particularly hot outside, you should check if iPhone overheating warning is caused by particular application/s. To check for such apps, follow the instructions given below:
1. Go to Settings > General.
2. Then, select iPhone Storage, as shown.
3. On this screen, you will see a list of all applications installed on your device, along with the storage space they are consuming.
4. If you find any app/s to be unrecognizable or unwanted, delete the app by tapping on the app and selecting Delete App.
Method 11: Contact Apple Support
If your iPhone continues to become overly heated during daily use, or iPhone overheating when charging continues, there could be a hardware problem with your iPhone or its battery. It would be wise to schedule a visit to Apple Care. You can also contact Apple via its Support Page.
How to Prevent iPhone Overheating Warning?
Keep it away from Direct Sunlight: Since iPhones begin to overheat at temperatures above 35°C, keep them in the shade when it is hot outside. Instead of just leaving it on the car seat, place it in the glove box where it will be cooler. This becomes extremely important when you are using apps that need a lot of computing power, such as Google Maps or online games.
Check your Charger and Cable: Make sure to use the original MFi (Made for iOS) Apple Charger with your iPhone. Unauthorized iPhone charger and cables will overcharge the battery, causing the device to overheat.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. Why does my iPhone get hot? Why is my iPhone suddenly getting hot?
There may be a variety of reasons for it, such as:
Hardware issue on your iPhone, for example, a faulty battery.
Malware or virus might overheat a device, but that’s quite uncommon.
Broadcasting for long periods as your iPhone needs to load your content while still keeping the screen operational.
Streaming online content for longer periods of time can get your phone to overheat.
Playing games, with advanced graphics, on the iPhone, can cause heating issues too.
Downloading various apps at the same time, causes your mobile to become warm, eventually hot.
While charging, your iPhone gets heated a little.
Q2. How do I stop my iPhone from getting hot?
You can perform some basic troubleshooting like restarting your iPhone, turning off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and also turning off your location settings should fix the iPhone overheating issue. Additionally, you can ensure that your phone is not in direct exposure to sunlight or at a place where the temperatures might rise significantly.
Q3. Can an iPhone break from overheating?
When your iPhone gets too hot, the battery does not run as efficiently and begins to perform poorly. The higher the temperature of the phone, the more degraded the ability of the battery to retain energy. Hot temperatures will damage the battery in the long run and might result in hardware issues in your device.
We hope you were able to fix iPhone overheating and won’t turn on issue with our helpful and comprehensive guide. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries or suggestions, drop them in the comment section.