如果您在升级Windows 10时收到消息Please insert the external storage media and press OK消息,而您的 PC 卡在此消息上,那么此帖子将能够为您提供帮助。

在本文中,我们将向您展示三种简单的方法来修复“请(Please)插入外部存储媒体并按确定”错误,以便将来您可以在外部更新或重新安装 Windows 操作系统时克服此错误(Windows OS)储存设备。
1]为您的SD卡(SD Card)使用USB端口(USB Port)
在使用 SD 卡在您的 PC 或笔记本电脑上安装新版本的Windows时,您可能会遇到上述错误,即使您将 SD 卡插入您的计算机后也会出现,最终该过程卡在一个循环中,需要通过退出设置过程来终止。
您还可以使用USB适配器通过计算机上的(USB)USB端口连接 SD 卡,这样做用户建议他们通过应用此特定方法解决了问题。因此,请按照以下步骤操作。
弹出消息出现后,您需要单击桌面上的“USB 可移动磁盘”选项才能访问卡上的文件。
用户报告说,您用作备份或Windows 10存储设备的外部存储设备必须是USB存储设备,并且需要连接到计算机上的USB端口。
任何计算机的基本输入输出系统(Basic Input-Output System)( BIOS ) 都是主板上的嵌入式软件。它是任何 PC 加载的第一个软件,因此它几乎从您打开它的那一刻起就可以使用 CD 驱动器、鼠标和键盘等硬件组件。
更新 BIOS(Updating BIOS)可以帮助您处理有关Windows 安装程序(Windows Setup)的某些问题,并且许多用户报告说更新BIOS使他们能够完成Windows安装过程而不会遇到上述错误。
首先,您需要通过在“开始”菜单中的“搜索”栏中键入“msinfo”命令来找出已安装在计算机上的当前版本的BIOS 。
您需要访问高级启动选项(Advanced Startup Options)。
成功执行上一步后,您需要导航到Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings,最后选择“重新启动”。
一旦出现“命令提示符”窗口,您需要输入“cd restore”命令,最后按“Enter”按钮。
Please insert the external storage media and press OK
If you receive a message Please insert the external storage media and press OK message while upgrading Windows 10, and your PC is stuck on this message, then this post will be able to help you.

Please insert the external storage media and press OK
In this article, we are going to show you three straightforward methods to fix “Please insert the external storage media and press ok” error so that in future you can overcome this error while updating or re-installing Windows OS with the help of an external storage device.
1] Using a USB Port for Your SD Card
While using an SD card to install the new version of Windows on your PC or laptop, you can encounter the above-mentioned error which appears even after you insert the SD card into your computer and eventually the process gets stuck in a loop which needs to be terminated by exiting the setup process.
You can also use a USB adapter in order to connect the SD card via a USB port on your computer, and by doing so users have suggested that they have solved the issue by applying this particular method. Therefore, follow the steps given below.
First and foremost, you need to plug the USB section of the adapter into the open USB port located on your computer.
You need to make sure that the port you are using is operational and ensure that it doesn’t cause connectivity issues. Even a slight disconnection might terminate the whole setup.
After executing the previous step successfully, you need to align the SD card in such a way so that the metal grooves are pointed downward and finally insert the SD card into the adapter.
As soon as the popup message appears, you need to click on the “USB Removable Disk” option on your desktop in order to access the files on the card.
Users have reported that the external storage device you are using as a backup or as a storage device for Windows 10 must be a USB storage device and it needs to be connected to a USB port on your computer.
So if you execute this method successfully, it is quite sure that you will be able to avoid the “Please insert the external storage media and press ok” error but still if you are facing the same issue follow the next process carefully.
2] Updating BIOS
Any computer’s Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) is embedded software on a motherboard. It is the first software that any PC loads so that it can use hardware components like CD drives, mouse, and keyboards practically from the moment you turn it on.
Updating BIOS can help you to deal with certain issues regarding Windows Setup and various users have reported that updating BIOS has enabled them to go through the Windows installation process without facing the above-mentioned error.
Firstly, you need to find out the current version of BIOS which you have installed on your computer by typing “msinfo” command within the “Search” bar present in the “Start” menu.
You will be able to locate the BIOS version just under the Processor model menu. Once you find the BIOS version, either copy or rewrite anything to a text file or a piece of paper.
After noting down the BIOS version, you need to prepare your computer for the update.
Once the update is done, you will definitely find that “Please insert the external storage media and press ok” error will be eradicated, and eventually you will be able to update and re-install your Windows easily.
3] Using “System Restore” option
You need to access Advanced Startup Options.
Firstly, you need to press the “Power” button present on the Windows login screen and then press and hold “Shift” key. Finally, restart the computer after pressing the “Shift” key.
After executing the previous step successfully, you need to navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings and finally select “Restart.”
Select “Enable Safe Mode with Command Prompt” option present in the list of “Startup” settings
As soon as the “Command Prompt” window appears, you need to type “cd restore” command, and finally press the “Enter” button.
After executing the previous step successfully, you need to enter “rstrui.exe” and again press the “Enter” button.
Finally, in the newly emerged window, click on the “Next” button and select an appropriate restore point, and then click on the “Yes” button to initiate the “System Restore” process.
We hope that at least one of the methods mentioned above will solve this Windows error.