修复 Gmail 通知在(Fix Gmail Notifications)Android上不起作用
方法一:从应用和系统设置开启通知(Method 1: Switch on Notifications from App and System settings)
可能由于某种原因,通知已从设置中禁用。这有一个简单的解决方案,只需重新打开它。此外,在此之前,请确保DND(请勿打扰)(DND (Do not Disturb))已关闭。按照这些简单的步骤打开Gmail通知。
1. 在您的智能手机上打开Gmail 应用程序(Gmail app)。
2. 现在点击左上角的三个水平线(three horizontal lines)。
3. 现在点击底部的设置选项。(Settings)
4. 点击常规设置(General settings)选项。
5. 之后单击管理通知(Manage notifications)选项。
6. 现在打开显示通知(toggle on the Show notifications)选项(如果它已关闭)。
7. 您也可以重新启动设备以确保更改已应用。
方法二:电池优化设置(Method 2: Battery Optimization Settings)
为了节省电池,Android智能手机采取了多种措施,关闭通知就是其中之一。您的手机可能已自动关闭Gmail通知以节省电量。为防止这种情况发生,您需要从电池电量不足时关闭通知的应用列表中删除Gmail 。
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在点击电池和性能(Battery and Performance)选项。
3. 现在单击选择应用程序(apps)选项。
4. 在给定的应用程序列表中查找Gmail并单击它。
5. 现在选择无限制选项。( No restrictions.)
方法 3:开启自动同步(Method 3: Turn on Auto-Sync)
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在点击用户和帐户(Users & Accounts)选项。
3. 现在点击Google 图标。(Google icon.)
4. 在这里,如果同步 Gmail(toggle on the Sync Gmail)选项已关闭,则打开它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android 上的应用程序冻结和崩溃(Fix Apps Freezing and Crashing On Android)
方法 4:检查日期和时间(Method 4: Check Date and Time)
Gmail通知不起作用的另一个可能原因是您手机上的日期和时间不正确(incorrect date and time on your phone)。解决此问题的最简单方法是打开自动日期和时间设置。这将确保Android设备通过从网络服务提供商处收集数据来自动设置时间。
1. 打开手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在点击系统(System)选项卡。
3. 选择日期和时间(Date and Time)选项。
4. 现在只需打开自动设置(toggle on the Set automatically)选项。
方法五:清除缓存和数据(Method 5: Clear Cache and Data)
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 点击应用(Apps)选项。
3. 现在从应用列表中选择Gmail(Gmail app)应用。
4. 现在单击存储(Storage)选项。
5. 您现在将看到清除数据和清除缓存(clear data and clear cache)的选项。点击相应的按钮,上述文件将被删除。
方法 6:更新应用程序(Method 6: Update the app)
1. 前往Play 商店(Playstore)。
2. 在左上角,你会发现三条水平线(three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
3. 现在点击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
4. 搜索Gmail 应用(Gmail app)并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
5. 如果是,则单击更新(click on the update)按钮。
6. 应用程序更新后,检查您是否能够修复 Gmail 通知无法解决 Android 问题。 ( fix Gmail notifications not working on the Android issue. )
方法 7:退出然后重新登录(Method 7: Sign out and then Sign in again)
2. 现在点击用户和帐户(Users & accounts)。
3. 现在选择谷歌(Google)选项。
5. 这将使您退出您的Gmail帐户。现在在此之后再次登录(Sign),看看问题是否已经解决。
推荐:(Recommended:) 如何在浏览器中离线使用 Gmail(How to Use Gmail Offline in Your Browser)
就是这样,我希望您能够修复无法在 Android( fix Gmail notifications not working on Android)问题上运行的 Gmail 通知。但是,如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Fix Gmail Notifications Not Working On Android
In a world that’s rapidly progreѕsing towards becoming completely digital, emails are аn irreplaceable part of our work lives. All our important mesѕages, task briefings, official statements, announcements, etc. take place via email. Out of all the email clients available Gmail is the most widely used in the world. In fact, every Android smartphone has а mobilе app for Gmail. It allows users to quickly check their messages, send a quick reply, attach files, and a lot more. In оrder to staу connected and up to date with all the importаnt messаges, it is necessarу that we get the notifications on time. A common bug that a lot of Android users experiеnce is that the Gmail aрp stops sеnding notifications. In this article, we are going to addresѕ this problеm and look for various solutions for it.
Fix Gmail Notifications Not Working On Android
Method 1: Switch on Notifications from App and System settings
It is possible that due to some reason, the notifications have been disabled from the settings. This has a simple solution, just turn it back on again. Also, before that, make sure that the DND (Do not Disturb) is switched off. Follow these simple steps to turn on notifications for Gmail.
1. Open the Gmail app on your smartphone.
2. Now tap on the three horizontal lines on the top left-hand side corner.
3. Now click on the Settings option at the bottom.
4. Tap on the General settings option.
5. After that click on the Manage notifications option.
6. Now toggle on the Show notifications option if it is turned off.
7. You can also restart the device to make sure that the changes have been applied.
Method 2: Battery Optimization Settings
In order to save battery Android smartphones take several measures and turning off notifications is one of them. It is possible that your phone has automatically switched off notifications for Gmail in order to conserve battery. To prevent this from happening you need to remove Gmail from the list of apps whose notifications are turned off when the battery is low.
1. Go to Settings of your phone.
2. Now tap on the Battery and Performance option.
3. Now click on the Choose apps option.
4. In the given list of apps look for Gmail and click on it.
5. Now select the option for No restrictions.
It is possible that the settings may vary from one device to the other but this is the general way in which you can remove Gmail from the list of apps that are affected when the battery is low.
Method 3: Turn on Auto-Sync
It is possible that you are not getting notifications because the messages aren’t getting downloaded in the first place. There is a feature called Auto-sync which automatically downloads messages as and when you receive this. If this feature is turned off then the messages would be downloaded only when you open the Gmail app and manually refresh. Therefore, if you are not receiving notifications from Gmail, you should check if Auto-sync is turned off or not.
1. Go to Settings of your phone.
2. Now tap on the Users & Accounts option.
3. Now click on the Google icon.
4. Here, toggle on the Sync Gmail option if it is switched off.
5. You can restart the device after this to make sure that the changes are saved.
Once the device starts, check if you’re able to fix Gmail notifications not working on the Android issue, if not then continue with the next method.
Also Read: Fix Apps Freezing and Crashing On Android
Method 4: Check Date and Time
Another probable reason for Gmail notifications not working is the incorrect date and time on your phone. The easiest way to fix this is by turning on automatic date and time settings. This will ensure that the Android device automatically sets the time by collecting data from the network service provider.
1. Open Settings on your phone.
2. Now tap on the System tab.
3. Select the Date and Time option.
4. Now simply toggle on the Set automatically option.
This will make sure that the date and time on your phone are in order and the same as that of everyone else in that region.
Method 5: Clear Cache and Data
Sometimes residual cache files get corrupted and cause the app to malfunction. When you are experiencing the problem of Gmail notifications not working on Android phone, you can always try clearing the cache and data for the app. Follow these steps to clear the cache and data files for Gmail.
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Tap on the Apps option.
3. Now select the Gmail app from the list of apps.
4. Now click on the Storage option.
5. You will now see the options to clear data and clear cache. Tap on the respective buttons and the said files will be deleted.
Method 6: Update the app
The next thing that you can do is update your Gmail app. A simple app update often solves the problem as the update might come with bug fixes to resolve the issue.
1. Go to Playstore.
2. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
3. Now click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
4. Search for the Gmail app and check if there are any pending updates.
5. If yes, then click on the update button.
6. Once the app gets updated, check if you’re able to fix Gmail notifications not working on the Android issue.
the issue still continues to exist.
Method 7: Sign out and then Sign in again
The next method in the list of solutions is that you sign out of the Gmail account on your phone and then sign in again. It is possible that by doing so it would set things in order and the notifications will start working normally.
1. Open the settings on your phone.
2. Now click on the Users & accounts.
3. Now select the Google option.
4. At the bottom of the screen, you will find the option to Remove account, click on it.
5. This will sign you out of your Gmail account. Now Sign in once again after this and see if the problem has been resolved or not.
Recommended: How to Use Gmail Offline in Your Browser
That’s it, I hope you were able to fix Gmail notifications not working on Android issue. But if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment section.