你喜欢视频给你的朋友和家人打电话吗?如果是这样,那么您需要阅读我们的 9 款最佳 Android 视频聊天应用指南,以便在 2020 年试用。(Do you love video calling your friends & family? If so, then you need to go through our guide of 9 Best Android Video Chat Apps to try in 2020.) 由于移动数据成本降低,适用于Android的(Android)视频(Video)聊天应用变得非常流行。事实上,现在人们更喜欢视频通话而不是普通通话,越来越多的人正在使用各种应用程序来这样做。
你还记得给远离的家人和朋友(family and friends)写信的时候吗?随着近年来发生的数字革命,信件已成为过去。沟通方式发生了巨大变化。起初是固定电话,然后是智能手机。随着各种应用程序的出现,视频通话已成为我们首选的通信方式。
想想看,就在十年前,视频通话的质量真的很差。它们带有掉帧、难以理解的声音和滞后。但现在高速互联网连接(internet connectivity)和过多的视频聊天应用程序(video chat apps)已经完全改变了这种情况。视频聊天应用程序(video chat apps)使用高效的压缩算法(compression algorithms)工作。互联网上有各种各样的。
虽然这确实是个好消息,但它很快就会变得相当势不可挡。其中最好的有哪些?您应该根据自己的需要选择哪一个?如果答案是肯定的,那么不要害怕,我的朋友。你是在正确的地方。我是来帮你的。在本文中,我将与您讨论目前您可以在互联网上找到的 9 款最佳Android 视频聊天应用程序。(Android video)我还将为您提供有关它们中的每一个的详细信息。所以,一定要坚持到底。现在,不再浪费时间,让我们更深入地研究这个问题。
9款最佳 Android 视频聊天应用程序(Best Android Video Chat Apps)(2022 年)
以下是迄今为止您可以在互联网上找到的 9 个最佳Android 视频聊天应用程序。(Android video)继续阅读以了解有关它们中的每一个的更多详细信息。
1.谷歌二重奏(1. Google Duo)
首先(First),我要和你谈谈的第一个Android视频聊天应用叫做(video chat app)Google Duo。到目前为止,它很可能是互联网上最好的Android视频聊天应用程序。(video chat apps)视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)的用户界面 (UI)既简单又简约。反过来,这将其视频通话方面带到了最前沿。
登录和验证您的号码的过程既简单又简单,就像在公园里散步一样。除此之外,该应用程序使您可以通过更快、更高效的视频通话与其他用户通话,类似于您从手机拨打标准电话(phone call)的过程。
此外,该应用程序还带有一个称为“敲敲”的功能。借助此功能,您可以在接听电话之前查看来电者的实时预览。视频聊天应用程序支持跨平台。因此,Android和 iOS 用户都可以使用该应用程序并享受其服务。
下载 Google Duo( Download Google Duo)
2. 脸书信使(2. Facebook Messenger)
现在,我希望大家将注意力转向我们列表中的下一个Android视频聊天应用程序,称为Facebook Messenger。你们中的大多数人可能都知道Facebook Messenger,因为它是最受欢迎的应用程序之一。但是,我们中的许多人不喜欢该应用程序。是的,该应用程序确实需要大量工作。但是,由于使用Facebook的(Facebook)人数众多(sheer number),它仍然是一个不错的选择。
视频通话的质量相当不错。最好的事情之一就是因为我们认识的几乎所有人都已经在Facebook 上(Facebook),所以使用这个应用程序比试图说服他们加入你选择的新平台要容易得多。因此,适用于Android(Android)的视频聊天应用程序对我们所有人来说都非常方便。开发人员已免费向其用户提供该应用程序。
下载 Facebook 信使( Download Facebook Messenger)
3. Imo 免费视频通话和聊天(3. Imo Free Video Calls and Chat)
您绝对可以尝试使用的另一个视频聊天(video chat)应用程序称为Imo免费视频通话和聊天。当然,该应用程序没有广泛的功能和优势,尤其是当您将它与您将在列表中找到的所有其他视频聊天应用程序进行比较时。(video chat)但它仍然是一个足够称职的应用程序。
视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)的独特之处在于它与免费的视频通话以及 4G、3G、2G 甚至LTE 网络(LTE networks)上的语音通话以及通常的Wi-Fi兼容。这反过来又使它成为一个不错的选择,以防您居住在互联网连接(internet connection)较差或不稳定的地方。视频聊天应用程序提供群组视频通话(group video call)选项。除此之外,其他一些很棒的功能包括照片和视频共享(video sharing)、免费贴纸、加密聊天等等。
下载 Imo 免费视频通话和聊天( Download Imo Free Video Calls and Chat)
4. Skype
我要与您讨论的下一个适用于Android的视频聊天应用程序称为Skype。该应用程序由其开发人员免费提供给用户。此外,该应用在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)的下载量超过 10 亿次。因此,您无需担心视频聊天应用程序的效率或可信度(efficiency or trustworthiness)。
适用于智能手机和 PC 的跨平台应用程序。但是,桌面应用程序(desktop application)远胜于Android 应用程序(Android app)。但是,Android 应用程序(Android app)确实具有许多功能。您可以一次与多达 25 人进行群组视频通话。(group video)除此之外,其他一些功能包括免费文本服务(text service)、表情符号、语音消息、发送照片的能力、表情符号等等。
另请阅读:Android 的 7 种最佳 FaceTime 替代品(Also Read: 7 Best FaceTime Alternatives for Android)
除此之外,该应用程序还提供Facebook以及Microsoft 帐户集成选项。(Microsoft account)除此之外,拨打固定电话和标准(standard cell)手机是完全可能的,而且费用很低。视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)具有出色的通话质量(excellent call quality)。但是,这反过来又会导致比列表中的其他应用程序消耗更多的数据。因此,如果您住在互联网连接(internet connection)较差或不稳定的地方,最好选择列表中的其他应用程序。
下载 Skype( Download Skype)
5. JusTalk
有很多主题可以帮助您根据自己的选择来装饰应用程序。除此之外,还有一个有趣的功能(fun feature),可让您在视频通话(video call)中涂鸦。反过来,这有助于为该过程增添一些乐趣。除此之外,视频聊天应用程序还提供加密、跨平台支持和群聊。
下载 JusTalk( Download JusTalk)
6.微信(6. WeChat)
现在,我要和你谈谈的下一个视频聊天应用叫做微信(WeChat)。这个应用程序也是视频聊天(video chatting)的不错选择。与您将在此列表中找到的许多其他应用程序类似,该应用程序也带有视频聊天、语音通话和短信功能。除此之外,他们拥有相当大的用户群(user base),而且每天都在快速增长。
视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)使用户可以一次与多达 9 人进行群组视频通话。(group video)除此之外,还有更多令人惊叹的功能,例如众多动画贴纸和个人照片流。您可以使用后一个功能来分享对您最有利的时刻。不仅如此,“附近(People Nearby)的人”、“摇一摇”和“朋友雷达”等功能还可以帮助用户结识新朋友。视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)兼容 20 种不同的语言。好像所有这些都不足以说服你尝试使用这个应用程序,这里有另一个有趣的数据——(data –)它是唯一拥有TRUSTe 认证的(TRUSTe certification)消息传递应用程序(messaging app). 因此,您可以完全确定您的隐私得到保护。
下载微信( Download WeChat)
7. 维伯(7. Viber)
现在,我将与您讨论的下一个适用于Android的(Android)视频聊天应用程序称为(video chat app)Viber。视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)是您可以在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中找到的最古老的应用程序之一。从一开始,该应用程序就由开发人员改进并提供了广泛的功能。
视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)由其开发人员在几乎操作系统上免费提供。除此之外,该应用程序还具有跨平台支持。不仅如此,它还适用于各种移动设备,例如Android、Apple、Blackberry和Windows手机。
用户之间的通信是完全安全的。这可以通过加密视频通话、语音通话、短信和群聊来实现。用户界面 (UI) 非常友好且直观。几乎没有技术知识的任何人都可以处理视频聊天(video chat)。拨打电话所需要做的就是单击用户名旁边的摄像头标志。(camera sign)这就对了。该应用程序将为您完成其余的工作。除此之外,完全可以玩朋友、分享联系人(share contact)文件、关注公众号等等。
下载 Viber( Download Viber)
8. 基克(8. Kik)
Kik是另一个流行的视频聊天(video chat)应用程序,您现在绝对可以考虑使用它。该应用程序实际上是一般的文本聊天应用程序(text chat app)。但是,它确实带有视频聊天(video chat)功能。
该应用程序具有单人聊天和群聊(group chat)功能。除此之外,此应用程序还支持大多数媒体共享功能,例如视频、图像、GIF(GIFs)等等,以及一些其他额外功能,例如贴纸。视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)最适合移动游戏玩家。除此之外,该应用程序不依赖于您使用的电话号码。(phone number)您只需要一个类似于Skype的标准用户名。但是,这是一项功能,Google Duo 和 WhatsApp(Google Duo and WhatsApp)等应用程序击败了它,因为它们不需要您拥有用户名或PIN 码(PINs)。视频聊天应用程序(video chat app)具有丰富多彩的用户界面(user interface)(UI) 这对于喜欢它的人来说是一个加分项。另一方面,想要认真对待的人应该搜索列表中的其他一些应用程序。
下载 Kik( Download Kik)
9. WhatsApp 信使(9. WhatsApp Messenger)
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我要与您讨论的最终Android 视频聊天应用程序称为(Android video)WhatsApp Messenger。现在,如果你不是生活在一块岩石下——(rock –)我很确定你不是——你肯定听说过WhatsApp。该应用程序最初是作为消息传递文本服务开始的。在后来的几年里,Facebook收购了该应用程序。
现在,该应用程序多年来经历了许多进步。截至目前,它为用户提供了视频聊天(video chatting)和音频通话的功能。视频通话的质量非常有效。除此之外,用户无需为使用服务或应用程序支付任何订阅费(subscription fee)或任何其他类型的费用。相反,WhatsAppMessenger会利用您正在使用的Android 设备(Android device)上的互联网连接——无论是(internet connection)WiFi、4G、3G、2G 还是EDGE。反过来,这可以让您保存当前使用的任何蜂窝计划的语音分钟数。
另请阅读: 6 款适用于 Android 的最佳歌曲查找器应用程序(Also Read: 6 Best Song Finder Apps For Android)
该应用程序拥有超过 10 亿用户的非常活跃的用户群。(user base)因此,您无需担心应用程序的效率或可信度(efficiency or trustworthiness)。除此之外,还有多媒体功能。借助此功能,用户可以发送和接收照片、视频、语音消息,发送和接收文档。当然,您可以通过WhatsApp Calling联系所有您爱的人,无论你们俩在世界上什么地方。该应用程序的最佳功能很可能是它的工作方式与您手机上的标准SMS相同。(SMS)因此,您无需记住任何PIN或用户名即可访问它。
下载 WhatsApp 信使( Download WhatsApp Messenger)
9 Best Android Video Chat Apps (2022)
Do you love video calling your friends & family? If so, then you need to go through our guide of 9 Best Android Video Chat Apps to try in 2020. Video chat apps for Android has become very popular since the cost of mobile data has reduced. In fact, now people prefer video calling instead of a normal call, and more & more people are using various apps to do so.
Do you remember a time when writing letters to family and friends who stayed away was a thing? With the digital revolution that occurred in recent years, letters have become a thing of the past. The mode of communication has changed drastically. At first, it was the landlines and then onto the smartphones. With the advent of a wide range of apps, video calling has become our preferred mode of communication.
To think about that, only a decade ago, the quality of video calling was really poor. They came with dropped frames, incomprehensible sound, and lags. But now the high-speed internet connectivity and the plethora of video chat apps have changed the scenario altogether. The video chat apps work using efficient compression algorithms. There is a wide range of them out there on the internet.
While this is indeed good news, it can become pretty overwhelming very quickly. What are the best ones among them? Which one should you choose as per your needs? In case the answers to that are yes, then do not be afraid, my friend. You are at the right place. I am here to help you with that. In this article, I will talk to you about the 9 best Android video chat apps that you can find out there on the internet as of now. I am also going to give you detailed information on each one of them. So, make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us dive deeper into the matter.
9 Best Android Video Chat Apps (2022)
Here are the 9 best Android video chat apps that you can find out there on the internet as of now. Keep on reading to know more detailed information on each one of them.
1. Google Duo
First of all, the first video chat app for Android that I will talk to you about is called Google Duo. It is most likely the best video chat apps for Android out there on the internet as of now. The user interface (UI) of the video chat app is simple as well as minimalistic. This, in turn, brings the video calling aspect of it to the forefront.
The process of logging in as well as verifying your number is straightforward as well as simple like a walk in the park. In addition to that, the app enables you to call others with faster and efficient video calls to every other user similar to the process you make a standard phone call from your mobile.
Furthermore, the app also comes with a feature that is called ‘Knock Knock.’ With the help of this feature, you can see a live preview of whoever is calling you before receiving the call. The video chat app supports cross-platform. Therefore, both the Android and iOS users, can make use of the app and enjoy its services.
Download Google Duo
2. Facebook Messenger
Now, I would request you all to turn your attention towards the next video chat app for Android on our list, called Facebook Messenger. Most of you probably know about Facebook Messenger since it is one of the most widely loved apps. However, many of us do not like the app. And yes it is true that the app needs a lot of work. However, it still is a great choice just because of the sheer number of people that use Facebook.
The quality of video calls is quite good. One of the best things is just because almost all of the people we know are already on Facebook that it is so much easier to just make use of this app instead of try and convince them to join a new platform of your choice. So, the video chat app for Android is quite convenient for all of us. The developers have offered the app to its users free of charge.
Download Facebook Messenger
3. Imo Free Video Calls and Chat
Another video chat app that you can definitely try and use is called Imo free video calls and chat. Of course, the app does not have a wide range of features and benefits, especially when you compare it to all the other video chat apps that you are going to find on the list. But it still is a competent enough app.
The unique feature of the video chat app is that it is compatible with free video calls as well as voice calls on 4G, 3G, 2G, and even LTE networks along with the usual Wi-Fi. This, in turn, makes it a great choice in case you live someone where the internet connection is poor or unstable. The video chat app offers group video call options. In addition to that, some of the other great features include a photo as well as video sharing, free stickers, encrypted chats, and many more.
Download Imo Free Video Calls and Chat
4. Skype
The next video chat app for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Skype. The app is offered to its users free of charge by its developers. Furthermore, the app boasts of a whopping more than 1 billion downloads on the Google Play Store. So, you do not need to worry about the efficiency or trustworthiness of the video chat app.
The cross-platform app that works both on smartphones as well as on PC. However, the desktop application is far better than the Android app. However, the Android app does come with a lot of features. You can make group video calls with as many as 25 people at once. In addition to that, some of the other features include a free text service, emoticons, voice messages, the ability to send photos, emojis, and many more.
Also Read: 7 Best FaceTime Alternatives for Android
Along with that, Facebook, as well as Microsoft account integration options, are also available on the app. In addition to that, calling to landline as well as standard cell phones is entirely possible for a low fee. The video chat app has excellent call quality. However, this, in turn, results in more data consumption than other apps on the list. So, in case you live in a place where the internet connection is poor or unstable, it would be better to opt for some other app on the list.
The Android app sure needs some betterment. However, the quality of the service is phenomenal.
Download Skype
5. JusTalk
Another video chat app for Android that is definitely worthy of your time as well as attention is called JusTalk. The app is one of the lesser-known apps. However, do not let that fool you. The app is quite good when it comes to performance.
There are a good number of themes that you can help decorate the app with as per your choice. In addition to that, there is also a fun feature that lets you doodle within a video call. This, in turn, helps add a bit of fun to the process. Along with that, the video chat app offers encryption, cross-platform support, and group chats as well.
The app is offered free of charge to its users. However, there are in-app purchases in case you would like to buy themes along with some of the other personalization items. All of it does not affect the functionality of the app, though.
Download JusTalk
6. WeChat
Now, the next video chat app that I am going to talk to you about is called WeChat. This app is also a pretty good choice for video chatting. Similar to many of the other apps that you are going to find on this list, this one too comes loaded with video chat, voice calls, and texting features. In addition to that, they have a fairly big user base that is growing fast each day.
The video chat app enables users to make group video calls with as many as 9 people at once. In addition to that, there are many more amazing features, such as numerous animated stickers and a personal photostream. You can use the latter feature for sharing the moments that are the most favourable to you. Not only that, features such as ‘People Nearby,’ ‘Shake,’ and ‘Friend Radar’ helps the users to meet and make new friends. The video chat app is compatible with 20 different languages. As if all of these were not enough to convince you to try and use this app, here is another interesting data – it is the only messaging app that has a TRUSTe certification. Therefore, you can completely sure of the protection of your privacy.
The developers have offered the app to its users free of charge. However, you are going to have to pay low charges to call landlines as well as mobiles. This is made possible via in-app purchases along with custom wallpapers as well as custom notifications.
Download WeChat
7. Viber
Now, the next video chat app for Android that I will talk to you about is called Viber. The video chat app is one of the oldest apps you can find on the Google Play Store. From the beginning, the app has been improved by the developers and provides a wide array of features.
The video chat app is offered free of charge by its developers on almost operating systems. In addition to that, the app also has cross-platform support. Not only that, it works on a wide range of mobile devices such as Android, Apple, Blackberry, and Windows phones.
The communication between users is completely secure. This is made possible by encrypting video calls, voice calls, text messages, and group chats. The user interface (UI) is quite friendly, as well as intuitive. Anyone with little to no technical knowledge can handle a video chat. All you need to do to make a call is simply click on the camera sign next to a user’s name. That is it. The app will do the rest of the work for you. In addition to that, it is entirely possible for playing friends, share contact files, follow public accounts, and many more.
Download Viber
8. Kik
Kik is another popular video chat app that you can definitely consider as of now. The app is actually a text chat app in general. However, it does come loaded with video chat features.
The app comes with single as well as group chat features. In addition to that, most of the media sharing features such as videos, images, GIFs, and many more are supported on this app along with some other extra features such as stickers. The video chat app is best suited for mobile gamers. In addition to that, the app does not rely on the phone number you are using. All you need is a standard username that you need to use similar to Skype. However, this is a feature where apps such as Google Duo and WhatsApp beat it since they do not need you to have usernames or PINs. The video chat app has a colourful user interface (UI) that can be a plus for those who like it. On the other hand, who would like to keep it serious should search for some other apps on the list.
Download Kik
9. WhatsApp Messenger
Last but not the least, the final Android video chat app that I am going to talk to you about is called WhatsApp Messenger. Now, in case you are not living under a rock – which I am pretty sure you are not – you have definitely heard about WhatsApp. The app first began its journey as a messaging text service. In later years, Facebook acquired the app.
Now, the app has been subjected to many progressions over the years. As of now, it offers its users the feature of video chatting as well as audio calls. The quality of the video calls pretty efficiently. In addition to that, the users do not have to pay any subscription fee or any other kind of charges whatsoever for using the service or the app. Instead, WhatsAppMessenger makes use of the internet connection that is present on the Android device you are using – be it WiFi, 4G, 3G, 2G, or EDGE. This, in turn, lets you save the voice minutes of whatever cellular plan you are using at the present moment.
Also Read: 6 Best Song Finder Apps For Android
The app boasts of a very active user base of more than one billion users. So, you would not need to worry about the efficiency or trustworthiness of the app. In addition to that, there is also a multimedia feature. With the help of this feature, the users can send as well as receive photos, videos, voice messages, send as well as receive documents. And of course, you can contact all those people you love with WhatsApp Calling no matter what both of you are in the world. The best feature of the app most likely is that it works in the same way as the standard SMS on your phone. As a result, you do not need to remember any PIN or username to access it.
Download WhatsApp Messenger
So, guys, we have come towards the end of the article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope the article has provided you with a much-needed value that you have been craving for all this time and that it was well worth your time as well as attention. In case you would have a specific question in mind, or if you think I have missed any particular point, or in case you would like me to talk to you about something else entirely, please do let me know. I would love to answer your questions and oblige to your requests. Until next time, stay safe, take care, and bye.