小型 PC 或迷你 PC 对很多人都很有吸引力。如果您不进行游戏、视频编辑或计算机辅助设计,您可能更喜欢桌面上更小但功能强大的 PC,而不是笨重的传统台式计算机。英特尔(Intel)的NUC产品线近年来取得了巨大的成功,NUC系列在不同的价位上有很多选择。英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)是该系列的中档机型,有很多优点。如果您想要一台配备英特尔酷(Intel Core)睿 i5 处理器的坚固迷你 PC ,请阅读NUC10i5FNH的这篇评论:
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH):它对谁有好处?
- 与传统台式电脑相比,更喜欢小型设备的人
- 需要最新 Wi-Fi 6、Thunderbolt和蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5)连接的用户
- 希望迷你 PC 性能可靠的用户
以下是我们对英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)的喜爱:
Buy now
- 微小的尺寸和重量
- Wi-Fi 6 和 Thunderbolt 就绪
- 其性能符合预期
- 内置读卡器
- 适用于 4K 显示器
- 易于安装在显示器背面
- 价格高于其他品牌
- 没有用于BitLocker加密的TPM芯片
- 可以多用一个 USB Type-A 端口
只要您的迷你 PC 不需要出色的图形性能,英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 就能(Intel NUC10i5FNH)满足您的所有期望。它具有出色的处理器、占用空间小的外形尺寸、大量的连接选项以及对 Wi-Fi 6 的支持。还内置了一个方便的读卡器,用于从数码相机导入图片和视频。总体而言(Overall),英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)是希望在家中、办公室使用小型 PC 的任何人的绝佳选择,尤其是对于那些在家工作且空间有限的人。
拆箱英特尔 NUC10i5FNH
英特尔NUC10i5FNH采用与所有其他(Intel NUC10i5FNH)NUC设备类似的蓝色小盒子。您会看到该设备的图片、其名称以及它使用的处理器类型。
用于英特尔 NUC10i5FNH的封装(Intel NUC10i5FNH)
您可以在包装盒底部找到有关您刚购买的特定型号、产品代码和制造商日期的信息。当您将所有东西拆箱时,您首先会看到英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)迷你 PC,正如预期的那样。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 随附(Intel NUC10i5FNH)的配件
拆箱英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 既快速又轻松。包装很简单,没有任何额外的溢价。在包装盒内,您可以找到设置新迷你 PC 所需的所有配件并立即开始使用。(Unboxing the Intel NUC10i5FNH is quick and painless. The packaging is simple, and it doesn’t come with any premium extras. Inside the box, you find all the accessories you need to set up your new mini-PC and get started right away.)
与NUC(NUC)系列中的所有其他设备一样,英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)具有功能设计。重点不是美学,而是效率、易于访问和使用。在正面,您可以看到电源按钮、一个音频插孔和两个USB 3.1 端口(USB 3.1 ports)(一个 Type-A 和另一个 Type-C)。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)正面的端口
在侧面,您会看到有助于保持最佳气流的通风格栅,其中一个有一个用于支持 UHS-II 的SDXC存储卡的插槽。
Intel NUC10i5FNH也有读卡器
在英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)的背面,有很多端口:三个 USB 3.1 Gen2端口(两个Type-A和一个 Type-C)、一个以太网(Ethernet)端口(1 Gbps)、一个HDMI 2.0b端口、电源插孔、和肯辛顿(Kensington)锁。英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)的尺寸为 4.6 x 4.4 x 2 英寸或 117 x 112 x 51 毫米的宽度、深度和高度。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)背面的端口
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)配备移动英特尔酷睿 i5-10210U(Intel Core i5-10210U)处理器,该处理器在笔记本电脑上也很常见。它有四个核心,八个执行线程,基本频率为 1.6 GHz,最大睿频为 4.2 GHz。这款移动处理器的一个优点是其低TDP(热设计功率)(TDP (Thermal Design Power))仅为 15W。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)内部的处理器
英特尔NUC(Intel NUC)设备也可以配备其他处理器,例如英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i7-10710U 或英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i3-10110U。如需更详细的规格和所有选项之间的比较,请访问此页面:英特尔 NUC 迷你电脑(Intel NUC mini-PCs)。
NUC内部没有专用的视频卡。所有型号均配备集成英特尔 UHD(Intel UHD)图形芯片,适用于 4K 显示器、生产力和多媒体消费,但不适用于游戏或视频编辑活动。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)内部的图形芯片
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)可配备 16 GB RAM DDR4-2666和 1 TB 硬盘。价格会根据您的特定型号中的硬件组件而变化。我们收到的用于测试的单元带有 16 GB 的RAM,并且没有硬盘驱动器。在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到其RAM的技术规格。要记住的一个方面是英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)支持高达 64 GB 的RAM,因此如果 16 GB 不够,您可以添加更多。
用于英特尔 NUC10i5FNH的内存(Intel NUC10i5FNH)
Intel NUC10i5FNH允许用户使用一个M.2 NVMe SSD驱动器和两个 2.5" SATA III硬盘驱动器或SSD(SSDs)。有关 M.2 外形尺寸和NVMe驱动器的更多详细信息,请阅读M.2 与 NVMe:有什么区别说到SSD(M.2 vs. NVMe: What is the difference when it comes to SSDs?)?
一般来说,英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)系列的一个小缺点是这些迷你 PC 没有用于BitLocker系统加密的内置TPM芯片。某些型号预装了Windows 10家庭(Home)版,并且无论如何都无法使用BitLocker 。我们收到的用于测试的单元没有硬盘驱动器,因此我们必须自己安装Windows 10。
如果您想了解有关英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)及其系列中其他设备的规格的更多信息,您可以在此处(here)找到完整的技术表(PDF 文件下载)。
设置和使用英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)
在您可以使用英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 之前(Intel NUC10i5FNH),您可能需要安装硬盘或一些RAM,或两者兼而有之。访问它的内部很容易。只需松开放置在其底部的四个螺钉即可。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 内部有什么
用于添加RAM(RAM)和存储的插槽易于访问和使用。此外,在英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)的包装内,您拥有所需的所有螺丝。在我们的评测单元中,我们安装了容量为 500 GB 的金士顿 A2000 NVMe SSD(Kingston A2000 NVMe SSD),读取数据的速度为 2200MB/s,写入数据的速度为 2000MB/s。
在英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)内添加SSD
大约一分钟后,SSD就安装好了,我们准备好了。我们在短短几分钟内安装了 Windows 10 ,然后开始使用(installed Windows 10)英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)。无论我们做什么,它的性能都令人满意:浏览网页、看电影、办公(Office)或运行虚拟机。Windows 10的启动时间很快(31.3 秒),与许多具有类似配置的笔记本电脑一致。应用程序(Apps)很活泼,在我们测试的日子里,操作系统总是感觉反应灵敏。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH - 启动时间
只要我们不强调英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)内部的处理器,几乎没有噪音。即使我们对CPU进行了压力测试,迷你 PC 的声音也不比使用具有类似硬件的笔记本电脑时听到的声音大。一个小缺点是英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)是灰尘和指纹磁铁。经过一天的使用,它看起来像下面的屏幕截图。如果你想让它干净整洁,你可能需要定期擦拭它。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)是指纹磁铁
我们还在英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)上进行了固件更新(firmware update),以将其带到最新版本,并在运行我们的标准基准测试之前从可能的最佳性能中受益。我们喜欢使用英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)的UEFI BIOS。它易于使用,组织良好且外观精美。
更新英特尔 NUC10i5FNH上的固件(Intel NUC10i5FNH)
设置英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)的一个缺点是您需要自己手动安装所有驱动程序。没有它们,您将无法享受无错误的体验,也无法获得最大的性能。为了简化此过程,最好安装Intel Driver & Support Assistant (Intel DSA),然后使用它来查找、下载和安装NUC内所有(NUC)Intel组件的所有驱动程序。正如您将看到的那样,它们有很多,这是确保安装所有内容的最简单方法。
您应该使用英特尔驱动程序(Intel Driver)和支持助手(Support Assistant)
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)上的无线和蓝牙连接(Bluetooth connectivity)非常出色。这款迷你 PC 配备英特尔 Wi-Fi 6 (Intel Wi-Fi 6)AX201无线网卡,可与市场上最快的路由器配合使用。Windows 10 报告了 2.4 Gbps Wi-Fi 连接,我们还喜欢使用蓝牙 5(Bluetooth 5)连接移动键盘、鼠标、耳机等。由于NUC只有三个USB Type-A端口,因此您可能需要蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接来将您想要的所有小工具连接到这台迷你 PC。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 上的 Wi-Fi
总的来说,我们对英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 提供的性能感到满意。它是一款迷你 PC,适用于除游戏、视频编辑或计算机辅助设计 (CAD) 之外的所有任务——这些任务需要强大的显卡。如果您想要更多功能,有足够的选项可供选择,包括配备英特尔酷睿 i7 处理器的 NUC。此外,如果您想要更低的价格,英特尔酷睿 i3 有更实惠的选择。(Overall, we are pleased with the performance offered by the Intel NUC10i5FNH. It is a mini-PC that’s good for everything except gaming, video editing, or computer-aided design (CAD) - tasks that require a powerful video card. If you want more power, there are enough options to choose from, including NUCs with an Intel Core i7 processor. Also, if you want a smaller price, there are more affordable options with an Intel Core i3.)
为了更好地了解配备Intel Core i5-10210U 处理器的(Intel Core)Intel NUC10i5FNH提供的性能,我们将其与配备(Intel NUC10i5FNH)Intel Core i5-10600K CPU的台式 PC 进行了比较,并运行了多个基准测试。虽然这台迷你 PC 内部的组件是台式 PC 的组件,但它的处理器是笔记本电脑的处理器。因此,关键的性能差异化因素是您购买的NUC内部使用的处理器。(NUC)
首先,我们使用CPU-Z对(CPU-Z)英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)进行了基准测试。在单线程(Single Thread)测试中,它的处理器获得了 478 分的优异成绩,仅比我们与之比较的桌面处理器慢 7%。
Intel NUC10i5FNH - CPU-Z单线程(Single Thread)结果
在 CPU-Z 的多线程测试中,英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)并没有受益于其面向笔记本电脑的处理器中可用的内核较少,并且它的得分比台式机低很多。
Intel NUC10i5FNH - CPU-Z 多线程结果
接下来,我们运行了PCMark 10,这是一个基准应用程序,用于评估系统在日常活动中的性能。这意味着网页浏览、视频会议、应用程序启动时间、生产力和数字内容创建。英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)的得分为 3896 分,与 2019 年底(2020 年上半年)生产的中端笔记本电脑相当。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH) - PCMark 10 结果
同样在日常使用中,我们检查了英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)浏览网页的速度。为此,我们在Google Chrome中使用了(Google Chrome)JetStream 2基准测试,它使用JavaScript和WebAssembly。您获得的分数越高,您的 PC 渲染网站的速度就越快。英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)得分不错,堪比台式机。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH) - JetStream 2 结果
7-Zip 是一款文件压缩应用程序,非常适合检查处理器的速度。英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i5-10210U 处理器上的内核数量较少,提供的结果与笔记本电脑上的结果相似,而不是台式电脑上的结果。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH) - 7-Zip 压缩结果
Intel NUC10i5FNH - 7-Zip 解压结果
为了测试英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 内部的英特尔酷睿 i5-10210U 处理器达到的温度,(Intel NUC10i5FNH)我们(Intel Core)进行了 AIDA64 的稳定性测试。我们看到的最高温度是 90摄氏度(Celsius)(194华氏度(Fahrenheit)),平均温度在 83°C 左右。虽然这个结果不是很好,但考虑到英特尔 NUC 的尺寸和有限的散热,这并不奇怪。好处是通风系统足以将处理器保持在其最高工作温度 100°C 以下,即使在满载时也是如此。
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH) -最高 CPU(Maximum CPU)温度
借助AIDA64 ,我们还检查了(AIDA64)英特尔酷睿(Intel Core)i5-10210U 处理器在要求苛刻的工作负载中需要多少功率。我们看到最大功耗仅为 39瓦(Watts)。出色的结果展示了英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)内部使用的笔记本电脑处理器的能源效率。
Intel NUC10i5FNH - CPU功耗
英特尔 NUC10i5FNH 是一款坚固的迷你 PC,只要您不需要专用显卡,它就能以可靠的性能做任何事情。我们运行的基准测试证实,它的性能可与 2019 年底(2020 年上半年)生产的中端笔记本电脑相媲美。(Intel NUC10i5FNH is a solid mini-PC that can do anything with reliable performance as long as you don’t require a dedicated video card. The benchmarks we run confirm that its performance is comparable to that of a mid-range laptop manufactured towards the end of 2019 - the first half of 2020.)
您对英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)有何看法?
现在您知道我们对英特尔 NUC10i5FNH(Intel NUC10i5FNH)迷你 PC 的看法,它的优点和缺点。您还知道它在性能和英特尔 NUC(Intel NUC)家族中可用的其他选项方面的期望。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对此的看法。另外,如果您已经拥有它,那么到目前为止您对它的体验如何?下方评论(Comment),一起讨论。
Intel NUC10i5FNH review: Solid performance in a small form factor!
Small form-factor PCs or mini-PCs are attractive tо a lot of people. If yoυ don’t do gaming, νideo editing, or computer-aided design, you may prefer a smaller but still powerful PС on your desk instead of a bulky traditionаl desktop comрuter. Intel's NUC line-up has enjoyed excellеnt success in recent years, and the NUC family has many орtions at different price-points. Intеl NUC10i5FNH іs the mid-range model of this family, with many good things going for it. If you want a solid mini-PC with an Intel Core i5 processor, read this review for the NUC10i5FNH:
Intel NUC10i5FNH: Who is it good for?
This small form-factor computer is an excellent choice for:
- People who prefer smaller devices to traditional desktop PCs
- Users who want the latest Wi-Fi 6, Thunderbolt, and Bluetooth 5 connectivity
- People who want reliable performance from their mini-PC
Pros and cons
Here are the things we love about the Intel NUC10i5FNH:
See price on:
Buy now
- Tiny size and weight
- Wi-Fi 6 and Thunderbolt ready
- Its performance meets expectations
- Built-in card reader
- Works with 4K displays
- Easy to mount on the back of your monitor
There are a few downsides to consider:
- The price is higher than that of other brands
- No TPM chip for BitLocker encryption
- Could use one more USB Type-A port
As long as you don’t need excellent graphics performance from your mini-PC, Intel NUC10i5FNH delivers on all your expectations. It has an excellent processor, a small form factor that takes little space, plenty of connectivity options, and support for Wi-Fi 6. There’s also a handy card reader built-in for importing pictures and videos from your digital camera. Overall, Intel NUC10i5FNH is an excellent option to consider for anyone who desires a small form-factor PC for their home, office, and especially for those who work from home and have limited space.
Unboxing the Intel NUC10i5FNH
The Intel NUC10i5FNH comes in a small blue box that is similar to all the other NUC devices. You see a picture of the device, its name, and the type of processor it uses.
The packaging used for Intel NUC10i5FNH
You find information about the specific model that you just bought, its product code, and its manufacturer date on the bottom of the box. When you unbox everything, you first see the Intel NUC mini-PC, as expected.
Intel NUC10i5FNH
Then, you find its kit with accessories: a VESA mount for placing the NUC on the back of most monitors, various screws for mounting drives, the quick setup guide, warranty and safety information, as well as the power adapter. As you can see, its size is similar to that of a laptop’s power adapter.
The accessories that come with Intel NUC10i5FNH
Unboxing the Intel NUC10i5FNH is quick and painless. The packaging is simple, and it doesn’t come with any premium extras. Inside the box, you find all the accessories you need to set up your new mini-PC and get started right away.
Design and hardware specifications
As all the other devices in the NUC family, the Intel NUC10i5FNH has a functional design. The focus is not on esthetics but efficiency, ease of access, and use. On the front, you see the power button, an audio jack, and two USB 3.1 ports (one Type-A and another Type-C).
The ports on the front of the Intel NUC10i5FNH
On the sides, you see the ventilation grids that help maintain optimal airflow, and on one of them, there is a slot for SDXC memory cards with UHS-II support.
Intel NUC10i5FNH has a card reader too
On the backside of the Intel NUC, there are plenty of ports: three USB 3.1 Gen2 ports (two Type-A and one Type-C), one Ethernet port (at 1 Gbps), one HDMI 2.0b port, the power jack, and a Kensington lock. The size of the Intel NUC10i5FNH is 4.6 x 4.4 x 2 inches or 117 x 112 x 51 mm in width, depth, and height.
The ports on the back of the Intel NUC10i5FNH
Intel NUC10i5FNH comes with a mobile Intel Core i5-10210U processor that is also commonly found on laptops. It has four cores, eight execution threads, a base frequency of 1.6 GHz, and a maximum turbo frequency of 4.2 GHz. An upside to this mobile processor is its low TDP (Thermal Design Power) of only 15W.
The processor inside the Intel NUC10i5FNH
The Intel NUC devices can be equipped with other processors too, like Intel Core i7-10710U or Intel Core i3-10110U. For more detailed specifications and a comparison between all options, go to this page: Intel NUC mini-PCs.
There’s no dedicated video card inside the NUC. All models come with an integrated Intel UHD graphics chip that is suitable for 4K monitors, productivity, and multimedia consumption, but not for gaming or video editing activities.
The graphics chip inside the Intel NUC10i5FNH
Intel NUC10i5FNH can be equipped with 16 GB of RAM DDR4-2666 and a 1 TB hard disk. The price changes depending on the hardware components found in your specific model. The unit that we received for testing came with 16 GB of RAM and without a hard disk drive. In the screenshot below, you can see the technical specifications of its RAM. One aspect to keep in mind is that the Intel NUC supports up to 64 GB of RAM, so you can add more if 16 GB is not enough.
The memory used for the Intel NUC10i5FNH
Intel NUC10i5FNH allows users to use one M.2 NVMe SSD drive and two 2.5" SATA III hard drives or SSDs. For more details about the M.2 form factor and NVMe drives, read M.2 vs. NVMe: What is the difference when it comes to SSDs?.
One small downside to the Intel NUC family, in general, is that these mini-PCs don’t have built-in TPM chips for BitLocker system encryption. Some models come with Windows 10 Home preinstalled, and BitLocker is not available for them anyway. The unit that we received for testing did not have a hard disk drive, so we had to install Windows 10 ourselves.
If you want to know more about the specifications of the Intel NUC10i5FNH and the other devices in its family, you can find the full technical sheet here (PDF file download).
Setting up and using the Intel NUC10i5FNH
Before you can use the Intel NUC10i5FNH, you may need to install a hard disk or some RAM, or both. Accessing its internals is easy. All it takes is loosening four screws that are placed on its bottom.
What is inside the Intel NUC10i5FNH
The slots for adding RAM and storage are easy to access and use. Also, inside the packaging of the Intel NUC, you have all the screws you need. In our review unit, we installed a Kingston A2000 NVMe SSD with a capacity of 500 GB that is capable of speeds of 2200MB/s for reading data and 2000MB/s for writing data.
Adding a SSD inside the Intel NUC10i5FNH
In about a minute, the SSD was installed, and we were ready to go. We installed Windows 10 in just a couple of minutes and then started using the Intel NUC10i5FNH. Its performance was satisfying no matter what we did: web browsing, watching movies, Office work, or running a virtual machine. The Windows 10 startup time was fast (31.3 seconds), in line with many laptops with a similar configuration. Apps were snappy, and the operating system always felt responsive during our days of testing.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - Boot time
As long as we did not stress the processor inside the Intel NUC, there was almost no noise. And even when we stress-tested the CPU, the mini-PC wasn’t louder than what you would hear when using a laptop with similar hardware. One small downside is that Intel NUC10i5FNH is a dust and fingerprint magnet. After just a day of use, it looked like in the screenshot below. If you want it clean and tidy, you may need to wipe it regularly.
Intel NUC10i5FNH is a fingerprint magnet
We also made a firmware update on the Intel NUC10i5FNH to bring it to the latest version and benefit from the best performance possible before running our standard benchmarks. We enjoyed using the UEFI BIOS of the Intel NUC. It is easy to use, well organized, and good looking.
Updating the firmware on the Intel NUC10i5FNH
One downside to setting up the Intel NUC10i5FNH is that you need to manually install all the drivers by yourself. Without them, you won’t enjoy a bug-free experience, nor the maximum performance available. To make this process easier, it is good to install the Intel Driver & Support Assistant (Intel DSA) and then use it to find, download, and install all drivers for all the Intel components inside the NUC. As you will see for yourself, there are plenty of them, and this is the easiest way to make sure you install everything.
You should use the Intel Driver & Support Assistant
Wireless and Bluetooth connectivity on the Intel NUC10i5FNH are excellent. This mini-PC has an Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 wireless network card that works well with the fastest routers on the market. Windows 10 reported a 2.4 Gbps Wi-Fi connection, and we also enjoyed Bluetooth 5 for connecting mobile keyboards, mice, headsets, and more. Since the NUC has only three USB Type-A ports, Bluetooth connectivity may be what you need to connect all the gadgets that you want to this mini-PC.
The Wi-Fi on the Intel NUC10i5FNH
Overall, we are pleased with the performance offered by the Intel NUC10i5FNH. It is a mini-PC that’s good for everything except gaming, video editing, or computer-aided design (CAD) - tasks that require a powerful video card. If you want more power, there are enough options to choose from, including NUCs with an Intel Core i7 processor. Also, if you want a smaller price, there are more affordable options with an Intel Core i3.
Performance in benchmarks
To get a better understanding of the performance offered by the Intel NUC10i5FNH equipped with an Intel Core i5-10210U processor, we compared it with a desktop PC with an Intel Core i5-10600K CPU and ran several benchmarks. While the components inside this mini-PC are those of a desktop PC, its processor is that of a laptop. Therefore, the key performance differentiator is the processor used inside the NUC that you buy.
First, we benchmarked the Intel NUC10i5FNH using CPU-Z. In the Single Thread test, its processor had an excellent score of 478 points, only 7% slower than the desktop processor we compared it with.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - CPU-Z Single Thread results
In CPU-Z’s Multi-Thread test, the Intel NUC did not benefit from the fewer cores available in its laptop-oriented processor, and it scored a lot lower than the desktop counterpart.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - CPU-Z Multi-Thread results
Next, we ran PCMark 10, a benchmark app that evaluates the system’s performance in regular daily activities. That means web browsing, video conferencing, app start-up times, productivity, and digital content creation. Intel NUC10i5FNH had a score of 3896 points, comparable to that of a mid-range laptop manufactured towards the end of 2019 - the first half of 2020.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - PCMark 10 results
On the same note – everyday use – we checked how fast the Intel NUC10i5FNH is browsing the web. To do that, we used the JetStream 2 benchmark in Google Chrome, which uses JavaScript and WebAssembly. The higher score you get, the faster your PC is at rendering websites. Intel NUC10i5FNH had a good score, comparable to that of a desktop PC.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - JetStream 2 results
7-Zip is a file compression app that’s great for checking how fast a processor is. The lower number of cores on the Intel Core i5-10210U processor delivered similar results to those found on laptops and not on desktop PCs.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - 7-Zip compression results
The same story was noticed in the decompression test, where a higher number of cores and execution threads delivers a higher score.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - 7-Zip decompression results
To test the temperatures reached by the Intel Core i5-10210U processor inside the Intel NUC10i5FNH, we ran AIDA64’s stability test. The maximum temperature we saw was 90 degrees Celsius (194 Fahrenheit), and the average temperature was around 83°C. While this result is not great, it is not surprising given the Intel NUC’s size and limited cooling. The upside is that the ventilation system is enough to keep the processor below its maximum operating temperature of 100°C, even when under full load.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - Maximum CPU temperature
With AIDA64, we also checked how much power the Intel Core i5-10210U processor needs in demanding workloads. We saw a maximum power consumption of just 39 Watts. An excellent result that showcases the energy efficiency of the laptop-oriented processors used inside the Intel NUC.
Intel NUC10i5FNH - CPU power consumption
Intel NUC10i5FNH is a solid mini-PC that can do anything with reliable performance as long as you don’t require a dedicated video card. The benchmarks we run confirm that its performance is comparable to that of a mid-range laptop manufactured towards the end of 2019 - the first half of 2020.
What is your opinion about the Intel NUC10i5FNH?
Now you know what we think about the Intel NUC10i5FNH mini-PC, its upsides, and downsides. You also know what to expect from it in terms of performance and the other options available in the Intel NUC family. Before closing this review, tell us your thoughts about it. Also, if you already have it, what has been your experience with it so far? Comment below, and let’s discuss.