有时,您需要知道如何将 iPhone 或 iPad 上的键盘更改为您熟悉的键盘。也许您想要不同的 iPhone 键盘布局,或者您正在向 iPhone 添加一种语言,以便用他们的母语与来自国外的朋友交流。本指南说明了如何将西班牙语键盘添加到 iPhone,但无论您要使用 100 多种 iPhone 键盘语言中的哪一种,步骤都是相同的。我们还展示了如何在 iPhone 或 iPad 上轻松切换键盘,无论您使用多少。让我们开始吧:
如何访问 iPhone 键盘设置
达到添加新 iOS 键盘所需设置的最快方法是打开任何可以键入的应用程序,例如Skype或内置消息(Messages)。当您的 iPhone 键盘弹出时,按住左下角的表情符号图标。在出现的菜单中,点击键盘设置(Keyboard Settings)。
注意:(NOTE:)如果您使用的是 iPad,表情符号按钮位于键盘的最后一行,空格键(Spacebar)的左侧。一旦您在 iPhone 上的键盘上添加了另一种语言,微笑的表情符号就会被世界地球图标取代,但我们将在本指南的后面部分介绍。

从您可以输入的任何字段访问 iPhone 键盘设置
或者,您也可以通过点击主屏幕(Home Screen)上的图标来启动设置(Settings)应用程序。

(Access Settings)在 iPhone 或 iPad 上访问设置
注意:(NOTE:)在 iPad 上,此屏幕看起来略有不同,您可以在左侧栏中找到常规设置。(General)使用右侧的面板执行后续步骤。

在常规(General)屏幕上,点击 iPhone键盘(Keyboard)设置。

按 iPhone 键盘设置
这两种方法中的任何一种都会将您带到键盘(Keyboards)屏幕,您可以在其中查看所有 iPhone 键盘设置。

有两种方法可以访问 iPhone 键盘设置
如何在 iPhone 或 iPad 上添加键盘
如果您想输入另一种语言,您必须首先了解如何从 iPhone 的键盘设置中添加一种语言。键盘(Keyboards)页面上的第一个条目也称为键盘(Keyboards)。您应该会在它旁边看到一个数字,表示您可以输入的当前 iPhone 键盘数量。点击键盘(Keyboards)继续。

按下可查看当前适用于 iPhone的键盘(Keyboards)
您可以看到 iPhone Emoji键盘默认激活,以及您的 iOS 的默认语言 - 在我们的例子中是English (US)。任何其他活动的 iPhone 键盘也显示在此列表中。
提示:(TIP:)当您更改 iOS 设备的界面语言时,(change the interface language of your iOS device)该语言的新 iPhone 键盘也会自动添加到此列表中。
要将键盘添加到 iPhone,请点击列表底部的“添加新键盘”按钮。(“Add New Keyboard”)

如何在 iPhone 或 iPad 上的键盘上添加语言
下一个屏幕按语言和地区的字母顺序列出了所有可用的 iPhone 键盘。一些 iPhone 键盘语言有更多版本 - 在我们的例子中,有不止一个 iPhone 西班牙语键盘。向下滚动(Scroll)可用的 iPhone 键盘选项,找到您要使用的 iOS 键盘,然后点击它。

如何将键盘添加到 iPhone:点击您要输入的语言
您将返回上一个屏幕,您可以在其中看到新的 iPhone 键盘语言已添加到键盘(Keyboards)列表中。

当您向 iPhone 添加语言时,它会显示在键盘下
将语言添加到 iPhone 或 iPad 到此结束。但是,在我们讨论如何在您键入时更改 iPhone 上的键盘之前,您还可以自定义另一种 iPhone 键盘设置。
如何更改 iPhone 键盘布局
当您向 iPhone 添加一种语言时,如果该键盘有更多布局可用,您可能会注意到它旁边有一个小箭头。点击一种语言以查看更多适用于它的 iPhone 键盘选项。

点击以查看 iPhone 上西班牙语键盘的更多选项
接下来,从列表中点击您要使用的 iPhone 键盘布局。您选择的选项旁边会显示一个复选标记。

(Select)通过按下它来选择iPhone 键盘布局
- QWERTY - 标准的美国键盘布局,第一行字母以QWERTY键开头。
- AZERTY -法语(French)的标准键盘。第一(First)行以AZERTY开头。
- QWERTZ-德国(Germany)标准。第一(First)行以QWERTZ开头。
如何在 iPhone 或 iPad 上切换键盘
无论您按照前面的步骤添加了多少个不同的 iPhone 键盘,您都可以轻松地在它们之间切换。点击文本字段以调出 iOS 键盘,您会注意到它看起来与我们开始时有点不同。让您在 iPhone 上访问Emoji键盘的按钮现在显示在空格键(Spacebar)的左侧,并且一个地球(Globe)图标取代了它,如下所示。
注意:(NOTE:)在 iPad 上,表情符号图标不再出现,地球(Globe)按钮显示在 iOS 键盘左下角的位置。

如果您向 iPhone 添加至少一种其他语言,您的键盘看起来会有所不同
如果您想知道如何更改 iPhone 键盘上的语言,有两种选择。在左下角显示的新地球图标上(Globe)点击一次,列表中的下一个 iOS 键盘将变为活动状态——在我们的例子中是 iPhone 西班牙语键盘。(Tap)如果您使用多种语言,请留意屏幕上的空格键(Spacebar),以确保您选择正确的语言。当您切换时,新语言会短暂显示,然后您可以看到空格(Space)键按钮的名称已翻译为活动语言以避免混淆 - 在我们的示例中为espacio。
注意:(NOTE:)在 iPad 上,按下地球(Globe)按钮可循环显示所有可用选项,包括 iPad表情符号(Emoji)键盘。

不幸的是,您使用的 iPhone 键盘语言越多,使用第一种方法切换到您需要的语言就越困难。因此,当您使用多种语言时,Apple添加了另一种更舒适的方式来更改 iPhone 键盘。(Apple)按住地球(Globe)图标以打开上下文菜单,其中显示 iPhone 的不同键盘。点击您要使用的语言,所选的 iOS 键盘会立即变为活动状态。

如何通过按住地球(Globe)图标更改 iPhone 上的键盘语言
在我们的测试中,我们注意到我们访问的应用程序会记住用于特定字段的最后一种键盘语言。因此,如果您总是通过消息应用程序用西班牙语给朋友写信,您的 iPhone 会记住使用的键盘语言,并在您向该联系人键入时自动激活它。但是,从长远来看,使用过多的语言仍然会变得耗时且令人困惑,所以让我们看看如何管理它们并删除不需要的语言。
奖励:如何在 iPhone 上移动或移除键盘
如果您想对可用的 iPhone 键盘进行任何更改,您需要返回键盘(Keyboards)列表。按照第一章中的说明访问 iPhone 键盘设置,然后再次点击键盘(Keyboards)。您当前使用的 iPhone 键盘语言显示在列表中,默认语言显示在顶部。按屏幕右上角的编辑按钮。(Edit)

点击编辑(Tap Edit)以管理 iPhone 的不同键盘
按住条目旁边的汉堡包按钮可将其拖动到另一个位置。例如,如果您想知道如何将 iPhone 上的西班牙语键盘作为默认键盘,答案是将其拖放到列表顶部。

如何更改 iPhone 默认使用的键盘
您可能已经猜到了,要从 iPhone 上移除键盘,请点击左侧显示的红色-(减号)图标。(-(minus))

按减号可移除您不再使用的 iPhone 上的键盘
这会在您要删除的语言旁边显示一个红色的删除按钮。(Delete)点击它,相应的键盘会立即从您的 iPhone 或 iPad 上移除。

按 Delete(Press Delete)键删除 iPhone 或 iPad 上的键盘
您使用多少种 iPhone 键盘语言?
现在您知道添加 iPhone 键盘并在它们之间切换是多么容易。我发现在我的 iOS 设备上使用两种以上的语言会让人感到困惑,所以我只在我的 iPhone 和 iPad 上添加了我的母语,在默认的English之上。那你呢?您使用了多少种 iPhone 键盘语言,它们是什么?在评论部分留下你的答案。
How to change the iPhone keyboard language: All you need to know -
Ѕomеtimes, you nеed to know how to change the keyboard on iPhone or iPad to one you’re comfortable with. Maybe yoυ want a different iPhone keyboard layout, or you’re adding a language to iPhone to communicate wіth friends from abroad in their native tongue. This guide illustrates how to add a Spaniѕh keyboard to an iPhone, but the steps are the same no mаtter which of the 100+ iPhone keyboard languages you want to use. We also show how to switch keyboards on iPhonе or iPad easіly, no mattеr how many you’re using. Let’s get started:
How to access the iPhone keyboard settings
The fastest way to reach the settings needed to add a new iOS keyboard is by opening any app where you can type, like Skype or the built-in Messages. When your iPhone keyboard pops up, touch-and-hold the emoji icon in the lower-left corner. In the menu that appears, tap on Keyboard Settings.
NOTE: If you’re using an iPad, the emoji button is found instead on the last row of the keyboard, to the left of the Spacebar. As soon as you add another language to the keyboard on your iPhone, the smiling emoji is replaced by a world globe icon, but we get to that later in this guide.

Access the iPhone keyboard settings from any field you can type in
Alternatively, you can also launch the Settings app by tapping on its icon on your Home Screen.

Access Settings on your iPhone or iPad
Next, scroll down until you find the General entry, and press on it.
NOTE: On iPad, this screen looks slightly different, and you can find the General settings on the left column. Use the panel on the right to follow the next steps.

Scroll down if you have to, and then access General
On the General screen, tap on the iPhone Keyboard setting.

Press the iPhone Keyboard setting
Either of these two methods takes you to the Keyboards screen, where you can see all your iPhone keyboard settings.

There are two ways to access the iPhone keyboard settings
The list of settings is quite long, isn’t it?
How to add a keyboard on iPhone or iPad
If you want to type in another language, you must first learn how to add a language on iPhone from its keyboard settings. The first entry on the Keyboards page is also called Keyboards. You should see a number next to it, indicating the current number of iPhone keyboards you can type in. Tap on Keyboards to continue.

Press to see the current Keyboards for iPhone
You can see the iPhone Emoji keyboard is activated by default, as well as your iOS’ default language - in our case, English (US). Any other active iPhone keyboards are also displayed in this list.
TIP: When you change the interface language of your iOS device, a new iPhone keyboard for that language is automatically added to this list also.
To add a keyboard to an iPhone, tap on the “Add New Keyboard” button at the bottom of the list.

How to add a language to keyboard on iPhone or iPad
The next screen lists all the available keyboards for iPhone alphabetically by language and region. Some iPhone keyboard languages have more versions - in our case, there is more than one iPhone Spanish keyboard. Scroll down through the available iPhone keyboard options, find the iOS keyboard you want to use, and tap on it.

How to add a keyboard to iPhone: tap on the language you want to type in
You are taken back to the previous screen, where you can see the new iPhone keyboard language is added to the Keyboards list.

When you add a language to iPhone, it shows up under Keyboards
This concludes adding a language to an iPhone or iPad. However, before we get into how to change the keyboard on the iPhone as you type, there is one more iPhone keyboard setting you can customize.
How to change the iPhone keyboard layout
When you add a language to an iPhone, you might notice a small arrow next to it if more layouts are available for that keyboard. Tap on a language to see more iPhone keyboard options for it.

Tap to see more options for the Spanish keyboard on iPhone
Next, tap on the iPhone keyboard layout you want to use from the list. A checkmark is displayed next to the option you selected.

Select an iPhone keyboard layout by pressing on it
As you can see, there are three available layouts on top of the default one and each of them changes the way keys are setup:
- QWERTY - the standard U.S. keyboard layout, where the first row of letters begins with the keys Q-W-E-R-T-Y.
- AZERTY - the standard keyboard for French. First row begins with A-Z-E-R-T-Y.
- QWERTZ - standard for Germany. First row begins with Q-W-E-R-T-Z.
Try them out and check the one you’re comfortable with.
How to switch keyboards on iPhone or iPad
No matter how many different keyboards for iPhone you add following the previous steps, you can easily switch between them. Tap on a text field to bring up the iOS keyboard, and you can notice it looks a bit different than when we started. The button that lets you access the Emoji keyboard on iPhone is now displayed to the left of the Spacebar, and a Globe icon replaces it, as seen below.
NOTE: On an iPad, the emoji icon no longer appears, and the Globe button is shown in its place, in the lower-left corner of the iOS keyboard.

If you add at least one other language to iPhone, your keyboard looks different
If you’re wondering how to change the language on the iPhone keyboard, there are two alternatives. Tap once on the new Globe icon shown in the lower-left corner, and the next iOS keyboard in the list becomes active - in our case, the iPhone Spanish keyboard. If you’re using several languages, keep an eye on the Spacebar on your screen to make sure you get the right one. When you switch, the new language is briefly displayed, and then you can see the name of the Space bar button translated into the active language to avoid confusion - in our case, espacio.
NOTE: On an iPad, pressing the Globe button cycles through all the available options, including the iPad Emoji keyboard.

Continue tapping the Globe button until the language you want is shown on the Spacebar
Unfortunately, the more iPhone keyboard languages you’re using, the harder it becomes to switch to the one you need using the first method. So Apple added another, more comfortable way to change the iPhone keyboard when you’re using several languages. Touch-and-hold on the Globe icon to open a contextual menu that shows the different keyboards for iPhone. Tap on the language you want to use, and the selected iOS keyboard becomes active right away.

How to change keyboard language on iPhone by touching-and-holding the Globe icon
During our tests, we noticed that the apps we accessed remember the last keyboard language used for a certain field. So if you always write in Spanish to a friend via a messaging app, your iPhone remembers the keyboard language used and automatically activates it whenever you type to that contact. However, using too many languages can still become time-consuming and confusing in the long run, so let’s see how you can manage them and remove those you don’t need.
BONUS: How to move or remove a keyboard on iPhone
If you want to make any changes to the available iPhone keyboards, you need to get back to the Keyboards list. Access the iPhone keyboard settings by following the instructions in the first chapter, and then tap on Keyboards once more. The iPhone keyboard languages you’re currently using are displayed in a list, with the default one shown on top. Press the Edit button in the upper-right corner of your screen.

Tap Edit to manage the different keyboards for iPhone
Touch-and-hold on the hamburger button next to an entry to drag it to another position. For instance, if you’re wondering how to get the Spanish keyboard on iPhone as your default, the answer is to drag and drop it to the top of the list.

How to change the keyboard iPhone uses as default
As you might have guessed, to remove a keyboard from an iPhone, tap the red -(minus) icon shown on its left side.

Press on minus to remove a keyboard on iPhone you're no longer using
This reveals a red Delete button next to the language you want to remove. Tap on it, and the corresponding keyboard is immediately removed from your iPhone or iPad.

Press Delete to remove a keyboard on iPhone or iPad
How many iPhone keyboard languages are you using?
Now you know how easy it is to add iPhone keyboards and switch between them. I find it confusing to use more than two languages on my iOS devices, so I only added my native tongue to both my iPhone and iPad, on top of the default English. What about you? How many iPhone keyboard languages are you using, and what are they? Leave your answers in the comments section.