在过去的几年里,作为系统管理员(Systems Administrator)、网络管理员(Network Administrator)和帮助台(Help Desk)专业人员在多家公司从事 IT 工作,我编写并了解了许多提高 PC 性能的方法,以及许多提高 PC 性能的方法。我网络上的 PC 从Windows 98到Windows 10。
在这篇文章中,我希望汇总我用来从慢速 PC 中获得最后一点能量的所有不同方法和技巧的巨大列表。无论您使用的是旧 PC 还是最新最好的硬件,您仍然可以使用其中一些技巧来使您的 PC 运行得更快。
请注意,由于我写了两篇博客,Help Desk Geek和Online Tech Tips,我之前已经写过许多性能提示,我将在整个过程中链接回来。如果我还没有写过它,我会在我最喜欢的其他一些网站上提供一个相关文章的链接。这个列表没有特别的顺序,只是按照我能想到的顺序写的。
加快您的 PC 列表
1.使用内置的Windows工具或第三方程序对您的计算机硬盘进行碎片整理。(Defragment your computer hard disk)
2. 如果您仍在运行Windows XP ,您还应该(Windows XP)对 Windows 页面文件和注册表进行碎片整理。
3.清理临时文件、回收站、休眠文件等占用的硬盘空间。您还可以使用TreeSize 之类的工具来确定占用硬盘空间的内容。
4. 使用Startup Delayer更快地加载 Windows ,这是一个通过延迟程序启动来加快 Windows 启动时间的免费程序。
5、说起启动程序,很多都是没用的,可以关掉。使用MSCONFIG 实用程序禁用启动程序(MSCONFIG utility to disable startup programs)。
6. 默认情况下,分页文件的大小由Windows控制,可能会导致碎片。此外,分页文件应位于与引导分区不同的硬盘驱动器或分区上。在此处阅读(Read)有关 最佳分页文件性能的规则。
7. 在Windows中,默认情况下,所有本地硬盘驱动器的Windows 搜索(Windows Search)索引服务都是打开的。关闭索引(Turning off indexing)是提高性能的一种简单方法。
8. 如果您不关心Windows 中所有花哨的视觉效果,您可以通过转到(visual effects in Windows)性能(Performance) 选项(Options)来关闭它们。
9. 您可以使用多种技术优化 Windows 启动时间,包括更新BIOS或禁用不必要的硬件。
10. 通过删除损坏的快捷方式、丢失的共享DLL(DLLs)、无效的路径、无效的安装程序引用等来清理您的注册表。阅读我实际推荐的一种注册表清洁器。(one registry cleaner)
11. PC 运行缓慢的主要原因之一是间谍软件。这是我最好的反恶意软件和反间谍软件程序(best anti-malware and anti-spyware programs)列表。
12. 如果您有较深的间谍软件感染,例如很难删除的 rootkit,您可能需要执行离线病毒扫描。
13.使用PC Decrapifier从您的新 PC 中(PC Decrapifier)删除不需要的预装软件(Remove unwanted pre-installed software)(又名垃圾软件)。
14.禁用 会降低计算机速度的不必要的非 Microsoft Windows 服务。(Disable unnecessary non-Microsoft Windows services)
15.使用免费程序调整 Windows XP和调整Windows 7或 Windows 10 设置。(Windows 7)
16.如果您是高级用户,请在Windows中(Windows)禁用 UAC(用户帐户控制) 。
17.调整您的鼠标设置(Tweak your mouse settings),以便您可以更快地复制和粘贴、更快地滚动、在浏览时快速导航等等。
19.删除您的 Internet 浏览历史记录、临时Internet文件和 cookie,以释放磁盘空间并增加您的隐私。
20.如果您使用的是Windows XP ,请(Windows XP)清除 Windows 预取文件夹(Clean out the Windows prefetch folder)以提高性能。
21. 如果您是Firefox用户,请查看我的使 Firefox 更快的终极指南(ultimate guide to making Firefox faster)。
22. 减少计算机启动时必须加载的字体数量。(fonts that your computer has to load up)
23. 您的电脑是关机慢还是关机时挂机(hanging during shutdown)?阅读文章以获取修复。
24.通过强制Windows通过无线连接使用有线连接来更快地通过网络传输数据。(Transfer data across your network faster)
25.仅当您定期使用第三方软件备份您的Windows机器时才(Windows)关闭系统还原。(Turn off system restore)
26.移动或更改“我的文档”文件夹的位置(Move or change the location of your My Documents folder),使其位于单独的分区或硬盘驱动器上。
27. 解决Windows中出现缓慢的右键单击上下文菜单(slow appearing right-click context menu)。
28.说到右键上下文菜单,也可以 编辑右键上下文菜单(edit the right-click context menu) ,去掉不必要的项目,提高显示速度。
29. 你的网速(Internet)是不是也有点慢?以下是一些提高您的互联网速度(increase your Internet speed)的技巧。
30. 此外,缓慢的互联网(Internet)连接可能意味着其他人正在窃取您的 WiFi(leeching off your WiFi)。确保(Make)没有其他人在使用您的WiFi和互联网(Internet)。
31.通过将旧路由器或调制解调器升级到最新版本来提高 LAN 传输速度。(Increase LAN transfer speeds)
32. 必须跨网络复制大量小文件?Windows 可能很慢,因此请查看一些第三方快速复制程序(third-party fast copy programs)。
33. 你所谓的超快SSD加载速度慢吗?如果您使用的是 SSD,以下是如何解决启动时间缓慢的问题。(fix slow boot up times)
34.使用OpenDNS或Google DNS等外部DNS服务器(DNS)加快您的 Internet 浏览速度(Speed up your Internet browsing)。
35.使用 ReadyBoost提高 Windows性能,这是一项新功能,可以使用USB驱动器上的可用空间作为缓存机制。
36. 您的浏览器窗口中是否打开了很多选项卡?使用键盘快捷键更快地在选项卡之间切换。
37. 如果您的系统过载,包含大量程序等,那么干净安装 Windows(do a clean install of Windows)可能是个好主意。
38. 在Windows(Windows)中播放时,您的高清视频是否卡顿或断断续续(HD videos lagging or choppy)?这里有一些补救措施。
39. 如果您使用Outlook桌面,这里有几个关于如何减少 Outlook 使用的内存量的(reduce the amount of memory Outlook uses)提示。
40. 如果你是一个超锁者,你可能会对一些RAM、GPU 和 CPU 调整实用程序(RAM, GPU and CPU tuning utilities)感兴趣。
41. 使用名为 TeraCopy 的程序来加快(speed up file copying)Windows 中的文件复制速度。
42. 虽然我依靠广告谋生,但如果您在浏览器中使用广告拦截器扩展程序,您的(ad-blocker extension in your browser)浏览速度肯定会更快。请把我的网站列入白名单!
44.在您的 PC 上使用Intel Celeron处理器?(Intel Celeron)可能(Might)值得研究Core i3、i5 或 i7 处理器。i9 太可笑了。
45. 如果您运行的Windows内存小于 2 GB,请在您的机器上安装更多(Install more RAM)内存(RAM)。
46. 将电源设置更改为 Maximum Performance(power settings to Maximum Performance)而不是Balanced。它会消耗更多的能量,但会让你的电脑更快。
47.在Windows 7和Windows 10中试用性能疑难解答(Performance Troubleshooter)。它实际上提供了一些很好的建议。
48. 如果您要重新安装Windows,请确保正确分区您的硬盘(partition your hard drives correctly)以最大限度地提高性能。
49、你的磁盘使用率在任务管理器中disk usage always close to 100%这里有几个技巧可以解决这个问题。
50.使用Hyper-V免费(Hyper-V)将你的PC转换成虚拟机(Convert your PC into a virtual machine),访问有风险的网站或在虚拟机中安装垃圾程序、游戏等,而不是在主机操作系统中。
51.除非出于安全目的需要,否则不要在关机期间清除页面文件。(clear your paging file during shutdown)清除页面文件会减慢关机速度。
52. 如果您的 XP 或Vista计算机未使用NFTS,请确保将 FAT 磁盘转换为 NTFS 文件系统(convert your FAT disk to the NTFS file system)。
53.更新您(Update all of your drivers)在Windows中的所有驱动程序,包括芯片组和主板驱动程序到最新版本。
54. 每隔一段时间运行内置的 Windows 磁盘清理实用程序。
55. 使用任务管理器(Task Manager)查找在您的 PC 上运行的资源匮乏的进程。
56.从控制面板(Control Panel)中的Add/Remove或程序(Programs)和功能(Features)对话框中删除不必要的或旧的程序(Remove unnecessary or old programs)。
57. 使用程序单击 memtest86 或Prime95检查 PC 上的坏(check for bad memory on your PC)内存。
58. 确定您的BIOS版本并查看制造商网站以查看是否需要更新您的 BIOS(update your BIOS)。
59. 每隔一段时间,清洁鼠标、键盘和电脑风扇上的灰尘(clean your mouse, keyboard and computer fans of dust)和其他堆积物。
60. 用更快的 7200 RPM驱动器、SATA驱动器、SSD驱动器或SAS驱动器替换慢速 5400 RPM硬盘驱动器。以下是检查硬盘 RPM 的方法(check the RPM of your hard drive)。
61.在您的硬盘配置上Changing from Master/Slave to Cable Select
62. 定期对您的计算机进行病毒扫描。以下是最流行的防病毒软件(most popular anti-virus software)列表以及有关如何保护自己免受病毒和恶意软件侵害(protect yourself from viruses and malware)的一些提示。
63.从Windows任务栏和Internet浏览器中删除多余的工具栏。(Remove extra toolbar)
64.如果您没有真正将它用于任何重要的事情,请禁用 Windows Vista 和 7 侧边栏。(Disable the Windows Vista and 7 Sidebar)所有这些小工具都会占用内存和处理能力。
65. 如果您有一个SATA驱动器并且您正在运行Windows Vista或Windows 7 ,您可以通过(Windows 7)启用高级写入缓存功能(enabling the advanced write caching features)来加速您的 PC 。
66. 了解如何使用Windows 8、Windows 10、Microsoft Excel、Outlook的键盘快捷键,或创建自己的键盘快捷键(create your own keyboard shortcuts)。
67.在Windows Vista和7 中(Windows Vista)关闭Aero 视觉效果(Turn off the Aero visual effects)以提高计算机性能。
68. 如果您精通技术并且不介意冒一些风险,您可以尝试超频您的处理器(overclock your processor)。
69. 通过在“运行”(Run)对话框中键入“sendto”并删除不必要的项目来加快资源管理器中的“发送到”菜单。(Send To menu in Explorer)
70. 确保下载所有最新的Windows 更新(Windows Updates)、服务包(Service Packs)和修补程序,因为它们“通常”可以帮助您的计算机更好地工作。您也可以在不使用 Windows 更新的情况下更新 Windows(update Windows without using Windows Update)。
71.使用ScanDisk或 chkdsk 实用程序确保硬盘驱动器上没有坏扇区或其他错误。(no bad sectors or other errors on your hard drive)
72. 如果您不使用计算机上的某些硬件,即软盘驱动器、CD-ROM驱动器、USB端口、IR 端口、火线端口等,请进入您的 BIOS(go into your BIOS)并禁用它们,以免它们使用任何电源,并且不必在启动过程中加载。
73. 虽然看起来很傻,但实际上你可以在你的系统上安装更快的软件。例如,Google Chrome比Firefox和IE 恕我直言(IE IMHO)要快得多。如果您使用的是Adobe Photoshop,则可以使用Paint.NET完成相同的任务。使用 LibreOffice(Use LibreOffice)而不是Microsoft Office。你明白了,对吧?
74. 如果您有双启动设置,您可以缩短启动菜单超时的长度,(shorten the length of the boot menu timeout)以便更快地加载您喜欢的操作系统。
75. 虽然安全性较低,但您始终可以在 Windows 中设置自动登录,以便在重新启动后直接启动到桌面。
76. 我已经提到过减少视觉效果,但是同一个对话框也有一个处理器调度(processor scheduling)选项。您可以从Programs或Background Services中进行选择。
77. 如果一个文件夹中有很多文件,它会降低资源管理器(Explorer)的速度。最好创建多个文件夹并在文件夹之间展开文件。
78. 如果您的文件在特定分区上通常很大,您可能需要考虑将 NTFS 上的集群大小(increasing the cluster size on NTFS)增加到 16K 甚至 32K 而不是 4K。这将有助于加快文件的打开速度。仅适用于高级用户。
79. OneDrive 与Windows 10(Windows 10)捆绑在一起,即使你不使用它也会消耗资源。如果您不需要云同步,请禁用或卸载 OneDriv e。(Disable or uninstall OneDriv)
80.转到控制面板(Control Panel),选择卸载程序(Uninstall a program),然后单击打开和关闭 Windows 功能,关闭 Windows(Turn Windows features on and off)中不必要的功能。您可以关闭远程差分压缩(Remote Differential Compression)、平板电脑(Tablet PC)组件、DFS复制服务、Windows 传真(Windows Fax)和扫描(Scan)、Windows 会议空间(Windows Meeting Space)、媒体功能(Media Features)、IE 11等等。
81. 如果您在Windows 10中启用了(Windows 10)休眠(Hibernation)功能,那么您还应该确保启用快速启动以加快启动时间。
82. 使用Revo Uninstaller(Revo Uninstaller)等程序完全卸载程序和应用程序。它将摆脱正常卸载留下的残留物。
83. 如果您知道自己在做什么,您可以在您的机器中安装几个硬盘驱动器并将它们设置为 RAID 0(set them up in RAID 0)、RAID 5或其他 RAID 配置。RAID 0是最快的。
84. 如果您使用的是USB 1.0或USB 2.0端口,请将它们升级到 USB 3.0 端口(upgrade them to USB 3.0 ports)。或者只是购买新的扩展卡并将其安装到空插槽中。
85. 删除所有可能隐藏在设备管理器(old devices that may be hidden in Device Manager)中不再使用的旧设备的驱动程序。
86. 更极端的选择是选择更快的操作系统。如果您发现 Vista 或 7 速度较慢,请使用Windows 10。切换到 Mac OS X 或 Linux 也是一种选择。
87. 如果您不关心Windows 10(live tiles in the Windows 10)开始菜单中的动态磁贴,那么您应该禁用它们以提高性能。
88. 升级CPU可能很复杂,但GPU(GPUs)并非如此。即使您的CPU较旧,(CPU)升级 GPU(Upgrading your GPU)也可以提高 PC 的性能。
89. 从您的计算机上断开所有未使用的USB设备。它们会减慢Windows中的启动和登录过程。
90. 如果您有桌面背景,请确保它是小而简单的位图图像,而不是网上(Internet)的精美图片。最好的办法是找到一个非常小的纹理并将其平铺。
91.更改 Windows 10 中的隐私设置,(Change the privacy settings in Windows 10)使您的 PC 不会总是尝试连接到 Microsoft 的服务器。
92. 我已经提到过病毒扫描(virus scanning),但值得一提的是,Windows Defender通常足够好,您应该卸载任何第三方防病毒产品,因为它会降低您的系统速度。除了Windows Defender(Windows Defender)之外,我仍然建议使用反恶意软件程序。
93. 如果您有定制计算机或以前使用过的 PC,请确保检查BIOS以获得最佳设置,例如启用CPU缓存、正确设置IDE/SATA数据传输模式、内存时序、更新驱动程序等。如果您有该选项,还可以启用Fast/Quick
94. 如果您长期使用一个本地帐户,那么创建一个(create a new user account)具有干净配置文件的新用户帐户可能是值得的。然后,您可以稍后删除旧用户帐户。
95. 虽然有时很有用,但如果您想要更好的性能,您可以禁用任务栏缩略图并禁用资源管理器中的缩略图预览(disable thumbnail previews in Explorer)。
96. 对于高级用户,您可以禁用程序兼容性助手(disable program compatibility assistant),它会在运行时检查每个程序是否存在兼容性问题。
97.如果你不使用Windows 10中的Cortana数字助理,你可以通过(Cortana digital assistant in Windows 10)完全禁用它(disabling it altogether)来节省相当多的资源。
98. 如果您运行的是 32 位版本的 Windows ,您需要(running a 32-bit version of Windows)尽快(ASAP)升级到 64 位版本,即使这意味着升级您的硬件。
99. 买一台新电脑!!!;)很(Pretty)容易吧?
99 Ways to Make Your Computer Blazingly Fast
Over the last sеveral уears working in IT for various сompаnies as a Systemѕ Adminіstrаtor, a Network Administrator, and а Help Desk professional, I’vе written and learned about many wayѕ to increase the performance of not only my PC, but also of the many PCs on my networks ranging from Windows 98 to Windows 10.
In this article, I hope to compile a huge list of all the different methods and tricks that I’ve used to get the last bit of juice out of a slow PC. Whether you are using an old PC or the latest and greatest in hardware, you can still use some of these tips to make your PC run faster.
Note that since I write two blogs, Help Desk Geek and Online Tech Tips, I have previously written about many performance tips already which I will link back to throughout. If I have not written about it, I’ve throw in a link to a relevant article from some of my other favorite sites. This list is in no particular order, just written in the order that I could think of them.
There are probably a lot of great tweaks and performance hacks that I’ve missed here, so feel free to chime in with comments! Enjoy!
Speed Up Your PC List
1. Defragment your computer hard disk using built-in Windows tools or third-party programs.
2. You should also defragment your Windows pagefile and registry if you’re running Windows XP still.
3. Clean up hard drive disk space being taken up by temporary files, the recycle bin, hibernation files and more. You can also use a tool like TreeSize to determine what is taking up space on your hard drive.
4. Load up Windows faster by using Startup Delayer, a free program that will speed up the boot time of Windows by delaying the startup of programs.
5. Speaking of startup programs, many of them are useless and can be turned off. Use the MSCONFIG utility to disable startup programs.
6. By default, the size of the paging file is controlled by Windows, which can cause fragmentation. Also, the paging file should be on a different hard drive or partition than the boot partition. Read here for the rules on best paging file performance.
7. In Windows, by default, the Windows Search indexing service is turned on for all local hard drives. Turning off indexing is a simple way to increase performance.
8. If you don’t care about all the fancy visual effects in Windows, you can turn them off by going to Performance Options.
9. You can optimize the Windows boot time using a variety of techniques including updating your BIOS or disabling unnecessary hardware.
10. Clean your registry by removing broken shortcuts, missing shared DLLs, invalid paths, invalid installer references and more. Read about the one registry cleaner that I actually recommend.
11. One of the main reasons why PC’s are slow is because of spyware. Here is my list of the best anti-malware and anti-spyware programs out there.
12. If you have a deeper spyware infection like a rootkit that is very hard to remove, you might need to perform an offline virus scan.
13. Remove unwanted pre-installed software (aka junk software) from your new PC using PC Decrapifier.
14. Disable unnecessary non-Microsoft Windows services that slow down your computer.
15. Tweak Windows XP and tweak Windows 7 or Windows 10 settings using free programs.
16. Disable UAC (User Account Control) in Windows if you’re an advanced user.
17. Tweak your mouse settings so that you can copy and paste faster, scroll faster, navigate quickly while browsing and more.
18. Delete temporary and unused files on your computer using a free program like CCleaner. It can also fix issues with your registry.
19. Delete your Internet browsing history, temporary Internet files, and cookies to free up disk space and increase your privacy.
20. Clean out the Windows prefetch folder to improve performance if you’re using Windows XP.
21. If you’re a Firefox user, check out my ultimate guide to making Firefox faster.
22. Reduce the number of fonts that your computer has to load up on startup.
23. Is your computer slow to shutdown or hanging during shutdown? Read the article for fixes.
24. Transfer data across your network faster by forcing Windows to use a wired connection over a wireless connection.
25. Turn off system restore only if you regularly backup your Windows machine using third party software.
26. Move or change the location of your My Documents folder so that it is on a separate partition or hard drive.
27. Troubleshoot a slow appearing right-click context menu in Windows.
28. Speaking of right-click context menus, you can also edit the right-click context menu and remove unnecessary items to increase display speed.
29. Is your Internet running a little slow too? Here are some tips to increase your Internet speed also.
30. In addition, a slow Internet connection could mean someone else is leeching off your WiFi. Make sure no one else is using your WiFi and Internet.
31. Increase LAN transfer speeds by upgrading an old router or modem to the latest version.
32. Have to copy a large number of small files across the network? Windows can be slow, so check out some third-party fast copy programs.
33. Is your supposedly super fast SSD loading slowly? Here’s how to fix slow boot up times if you’re using an SSD.
34. Speed up your Internet browsing by using an external DNS server such as OpenDNS or Google DNS.
35. Improve Windows performance by using ReadyBoost, a newer feature whereby can use the free space on your USB drive as a caching mechanism.
36. Have a lot of tabs open in your browser window? Use keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs faster.
37. If you have an overloaded system with tons of programs, etc., it may be a good idea to do a clean install of Windows.
38. Are your HD videos lagging or choppy when playing in Windows. Here are a couple of remedies.
39. If you use Outlook desktop, here are several tips for how to reduce the amount of memory Outlook uses.
40. If you’re an overlocker, you might be interested in some RAM, GPU and CPU tuning utilities.
41. Use a program called TeraCopy to speed up file copying in Windows.
42. Though I depend on ads for my livelihood, you’ll definitely be browsing faster if you use an ad-blocker extension in your browser. Just whitelist my site please!
43. Invest in a program like DeepFreeze if your computer is used by other people, especially kids, who install crap onto your system and slow it down.
44. Using a Intel Celeron processor on your PC? Might be worth looking into a Core i3, i5 or i7 processor. i9 is just ridiculous.
45. Install more RAM in your machine if you are running Windows with anything less than 2 GB of RAM.
46. Change your power settings to Maximum Performance instead of Balanced. It’ll use more energy, but make your computer faster.
47. Try out the Performance Troubleshooter in Windows 7 and Windows 10. It actually gives some good advice.
48. If you are reinstalling Windows, make sure that you partition your hard drives correctly to maximize performance.
49. Is your disk usage always close to 100% in task manager? Here are a couple of tips to fix that problem.
50. Convert your PC into a virtual machine using Hyper-V for free and visit risky sites or install junk program, games, etc. in the virtual machine instead of the host operating system.
51. Do not clear your paging file during shutdown unless it is needed for security purposes. Clearing the paging file slows down shutdown.
52. If your XP or Vista computer is not using NFTS, make sure you convert your FAT disk to the NTFS file system.
53. Update all of your drivers in Windows, including chipset and motherboard drivers to their latest versions.
54. Every once in awhile run the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup utility.
55. Use Task Manager to find resource hungry processes running on your PC.
56. Remove unnecessary or old programs from the Add/Remove or Programs and Features dialog in the Control Panel.
57. Use a program click memtest86 or Prime95 to check for bad memory on your PC.
58. Determine your BIOS version and check the manufactures website to see if you need to update your BIOS.
59. Every once in awhile, clean your mouse, keyboard and computer fans of dust and other buildup.
60. Replace a slow 5400 RPM hard drive with a faster 7200 RPM drive, SATA drive, SSD drive or SAS drive. Here’s how you can check the RPM of your hard drive.
61. Changing from Master/Slave to Cable Select on your hard drive configuration can significantly decrease your boot time.
62. Perform a virus scan on your computer regularly. Here’s a list of the most popular anti-virus software and some tips on how to protect yourself from viruses and malware.
63. Remove extra toolbars from your Windows taskbar and from your Internet browser.
64. Disable the Windows Vista and 7 Sidebar if you’re not really using it for anything important. All those gadgets take up memory and processing power.
65. If you have a SATA drive and you’re running Windows Vista or Windows 7, you can speed up your PC by enabling the advanced write caching features.
66. Learn how to use keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft Excel, Outlook, or create your own keyboard shortcuts.
67. Turn off the Aero visual effects in Windows Vista and 7 to increase computer performance.
68. If you are technically savvy and don’t mind taking a few risks, you can try to overclock your processor.
69. Speed up the Send To menu in Explorer by typing “sendto” in the Run dialog box and deleting unnecessary items.
70. Make sure to download all the latest Windows Updates, Service Packs, and hotfixes as they “normally” help your computer work better. You can update Windows without using Windows Update too.
71. Make sure that there are no bad sectors or other errors on your hard drive by using the ScanDisk or chkdsk utility.
72. If you are not using some of the hardware on your computer, i.e. floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, USB ports, IR ports, firewire port, etc., then go into your BIOS and disable them so that they do not use any power and do not have to be loaded during boot up.
73. Though it may seem silly, you can actually install faster software on your system. For example, Google Chrome is much faster than Firefox and IE IMHO. If you are using Adobe Photoshop, you can possibly accomplish the same tasks using Paint.NET. Use LibreOffice instead of Microsoft Office. You get the idea, right?
74. If you have a dual boot setup, you can shorten the length of the boot menu timeout so that your preferred OS loads faster.
75. Though it’s less secure, you can always setup automatic login in Windows so that you boot right to the desktop after a restart.
76. I already mentioned reducing visual effects, but the same dialog has an option for processor scheduling also. You can choose from Programs or Background Services.
77. If you have lots of files in a single folder, it can slow down Explorer. It’s best to create multiple folders and spread out the files between the folders.
78. If you have files that are generally large on a specific partition, you might want to consider increasing the cluster size on NTFS to 16K or even 32K instead of 4K. This will help speed up opening of files. Only for advanced users.
79. OneDrive comes bundled with Windows 10 and eats up resources even if you’re not using it. Disable or uninstall OneDrive if you don’t need the cloud syncing.
80. Turn off unnecessary features in Windows by going to Control Panel, choosing Uninstall a program, and then clicking on Turn Windows features on and off. You can turn off Remote Differential Compression, Tablet PC components, DFS replication service, Windows Fax & Scan, Windows Meeting Space, Media Features, IE 11 and lots more.
81. If you have enabled the Hibernation feature in Windows 10, then you should also make sure Fast Startup is enabled for quicker boot time.
82. Completely uninstall programs and applications using a program like Revo Uninstaller. It will get rid of remnants left behind by normal uninstalls.
83. If you know what you are doing, you can install several hard drives into your machine and set them up in RAID 0, RAID 5, or other RAID configurations. RAID 0 is the fastest.
84. If you are using USB 1.0 or USB 2.0 ports, upgrade them to USB 3.0 ports. Or just buy a new expansion card and install it into an empty slot.
85. Remove the drivers for all old devices that may be hidden in Device Manager that you no longer use.
86. A more extreme option is to choose a faster operating system. If you find Vista or 7 to be slow, go with Windows 10. Switching to Mac OS X or Linux is also an option.
87. If you don’t care about the live tiles in the Windows 10 start menu, then you should disable them to improve performance.
88. It can be complicated to upgrade a CPU, but that’s not the case for GPUs. Upgrading your GPU can increase the performance of your PC even if you have an older CPU.
89. Disconnect any unused USB devices from your computer. They will slow down the boot and login processes in Windows.
90. If you have a desktop background, make sure it’s a small and simple bitmap image rather than a fancy picture off the Internet. The best is to find a really small texture and to tile it.
91. Change the privacy settings in Windows 10 so that your PC isn’t always trying to connect to Microsoft’s servers.
92. I’ve already mentioned virus scanning, but it’s worth mentioning that Windows Defender is usually good enough and you should uninstall any third-party anti-virus product as it will slow down your system. I still recommend using an anti-malware program in addition to Windows Defender.
93. If you have a custom built computer or a PC that was previously used, make sure to check the BIOS for optimal settings such as enabled CPU caches, correctly set IDE/SATA data transfer modes, memory timings, updated drivers, etc. You can also enable Fast/Quick boot if you have that option.
94. If you’ve been using one local account for a long time, it might be worth the effort to create a new user account with a clean profile. You can then delete the older user account later.
95. Though sometimes useful, if you want better performance you can disable taskbar thumbnails and disable thumbnail previews in Explorer.
96. For advanced users, you can disable program compatibility assistant, which checks each program at run-time for compatibility issues.
97. If you don’t use the Cortana digital assistant in Windows 10, you can save quite a bit of resources by disabling it altogether.
98. If you are running a 32-bit version of Windows, you need to get to a 64-bit version ASAP, even if it means upgrading your hardware.
99. Buy a new computer!!! ;) Pretty easy eh?
Whew! If you got through that entire list, I’m very impressed! Not all tips will apply to everyone, but there literally wasn’t anything else out on the Internet that I could add to this. If I have missed a good performance tip, make sure to comment. Enjoy!