我的世界有一个深入的附魔系统(in-depth enchanting system),就像酿造药水一样,可以让你在战斗中获得竞争优势。如果你在玩PvP,一个附魔武器或一套盔甲会让你的头和肩膀高于另一个没有附魔装备的玩家。

我的世界附魔列表(Minecraft Enchantment List)
在开始为所有装备附魔之前,您需要首先了解每种附魔是什么以及它的作用。Minecraft有很多不同的附魔,等级从 1 到 5。大多数实用附魔(如Infinity)只有 1 级,而伤害附魔通常会达到 5 级。
近战武器附魔(Melee Weapon Enchantments)
- 锋利(Sharpness):每级附魔增加 2.5 点造成的伤害。
- 惩击(Smite):每附魔等级增加 2.5 点对僵尸和骷髅等不死敌人造成的伤害。
- 节肢动物的祸害(Bane of Arthropods):每附魔等级增加 2.5 对昆虫类敌人(如蜘蛛和蠹虫)造成的伤害。
- 火(Fire Aspect)属性:攻击使目标着火,最大附魔等级为 2。造成的伤害根据等级分别增加 3 和 7。
- 掠夺(Looting):在最高附魔等级为 3 的情况下,增加被杀死时掉落的战利品生物的数量和稀有度。
- 击退(Knockback):每次攻击将敌人击退一定数量的方块,最大附魔等级为 2。每个等级增加 3 个方块的距离。
- 效率:(Efficiency: )在Java版中,附有(Java Edition)效率(Efficiency)的斧头有25%的几率使盾牌失效5秒,每级增加5%的几率。
- 引导:(Channeling: )当敌人被最高附魔等级为 1 的武器击中时召唤一道闪电。这只适用于雷暴。
- 穿刺:(Impaling: )每次击中都会对水中的生物造成额外伤害。在Java 版(Java Edition)中,额外伤害仅适用于水生怪物,而在基岩(Bedrock)版中,伤害适用于水中的任何怪物。

远程武器附魔(Ranged Weapon Enchantments)
- 火焰(Flame):箭矢点燃敌人,造成 5 点额外火焰伤害。
- 无限(Infinity):弓不消耗箭。
- 穿刺(Piercing):每支箭可以穿过多个敌人。
- 力量(Power):每级增加 25% 的箭伤害。
- 拳击(Punch):每级增加 3 格的箭击退。
- 快速充电(Quick Charge):减少准备弩所需的时间。
- 多重射击(Multishot):以 1 为代价发射 3 支箭。
- 忠诚度(Loyalty):三叉戟在投掷时返回,每个级别都会减少返回时间。
- 激流(Riptide):三叉戟在投掷时会拉着玩家,移动的距离随着每个级别的增加而增加。这种附魔只在水或雨中有效。
通用魔法(General-Purpose Enchantments)
- 修补(Mending):获得经验可以修复物品的耐久度。
- 不破坏(Unbreaking):增加物品在破坏之前可以使用的次数。
- 消失诅咒(Curse of Vanishing):该物品在玩家死亡时消失。
工具附魔(Tool Enchantments)
- 效率(Efficiency):提高你挖掘或破坏方块的速度。
- 财富(Fortune):每个区块产生更多资源。产量逐级增加。
- 精准(Silk Touch)采集:方块以方块的形式掉落而不是破碎——即萤石(Glowstone)块掉落萤石(Glowstone)块而不是萤石粉(Glowstone Dust)。
- 诱饵(Lure):减少将鱼吸引到钓鱼竿上的时间。
- 海之幸运(Luck of the Sea):增加钓到稀有战利品的几率。
护甲附魔(Armor Enchantments)
- Aqua Affinity:增加水下采矿速度。
- 呼吸(Respiration):增加水下呼吸时间。
- 保护(Protection):每级增加对所有类型伤害的抵抗力4%。
- 爆炸保护(Blast Protection):减少爆炸造成的伤害和击退距离。
- 防火(Fire Protection):减少火灾造成的伤害和燃烧时间。
- 弹丸保护(Projectile Protection):减少弓、弩和其他弹丸造成的伤害。
- 灵魂速度(Soul Speed):每级 增加灵魂沙(Soul Sand)的行走速度。
- 荆棘(Thorns):以耐久为代价,将受到的部分伤害反射给攻击者。
- 羽毛坠落(Feather Falling):减少坠落伤害。
- Frost Walker:将水块变成冰块,让你在水上奔跑和行走。
- Depth Strider:增加水下移动速度。
- 束缚诅咒(Curse of Binding):护甲一旦装备就无法移除,除非通过死亡或破坏。
如何在 Minecraft 中为物品附魔(How to Enchant Items in Minecraft)
如何制作迷人的桌子(How To Make An Enchanting Table)
附魔台(Enchanting Table)需要7 件物品:一本书、两颗钻石和四颗黑曜石(Four Obsidian)。
- 将一本书放在制作网格的顶部中间。

- 将钻石放置(Place a Diamond)在制作网格的中左和中右方格中。

- 将黑曜石(Obsidian)放置在整个底行中,并在整个网格的中间正方形中放置一个。

这就是制作附魔桌(Enchanting Table)所需的全部内容,但除非它被书架包围,否则它的功能有些有限。它需要 15 个书架以 5×5 的网格放置在距离附魔台一格的地方。(Enchanting Table)

如何制作铁砧(How to Make an Anvil)
一个铁砧(Anvil)需要三个铁块(Blocks)和四个铁(Iron)锭(Iron Ingots)。
- 将三个(Place three) 铁块放在合成(Blocks)网格(Iron)的顶行。

- 将一个铁锭(Iron Ingot)放在制作网格的中间。

- 将三个(Place three) 铁锭(Iron Ingots)放在最下面一排。

Anvil允许您使用 Enchanted Books 为物品附魔(Enchanted Books)。附魔书(Enchanted Books)可以携带多种不同等级的附魔,可以在下界要塞(Nether Fortresses)、村庄、堡垒(Bastions)、废弃矿井等的箱子中找到。钓鱼 时还可以找到魔法书。(Enchanted Books)
如何使用附魔台为 Minecraft 中的物品附魔(How to Enchant an Item in Minecraft Using an Enchanting Table)
附魔台(Enchanting Table)易于使用。你需要你想要附魔的物品和一块青金石(Lapis Lazuli)。
- 打开附魔台(Enchanting Table)界面。

- 将您要附魔的物品添加到左侧框中。

- 将青金石(Lapis Lazuli)添加到右侧框中。

- (Select)从出现在列表中的那些中选择一个附魔。如果您不想要任何可用的附魔,请在游戏中等待一天(wait one in-game day),然后再试一次。可用的附魔会有所不同。

如果您使用 30 级附魔选项,您有机会在您选择的附魔之上获得额外附魔。附魔台(Enchanting Table)是附魔物品的简单方法,但不如使用附魔书(Book)准确。
如何使用铁砧为 Minecraft 中的物品附魔(How to Enchant an Item in Minecraft Using an Anvil)
- 打开铁砧界面。

- 将要附魔的物品添加到最左边的方块。

- 将魔法书(Enchanted Book)添加到它旁边的广场上。

- 从右侧的方块中取出新附魔的物品。这将需要一定的经验,具体取决于物品通过铁砧的次数。
每次物品通过铁砧(Anvil)时,无论是附魔还是修复,都会增加后续使用的成本。一旦该等级成本升至 39 以上,游戏将简单地说“太贵”,并且不再允许您在铁砧中使用该物品。
Minecraft迷人可以成就或破坏您的冒险。火焰防护(Fire Protection)可以帮助对抗下界的生物,而水族(Nether)亲(Aqua Affinity)和和呼吸(Respiration)可以让你在海洋神殿(Ocean Temples)中占据优势。羽化(Feather Falling)有助于探索。有这么多的可能性,你只能被你能找到的物品(items you can find)所限制。
Minecraft Enchanting: A Full Guide
Minecraft has an in-depth enchanting system that, like brewing potions, can give you a competitive edge in combat. If you’re playing PvP, an enchanted weapon or set of armor will place you head and shoulders above another player without enchanted gear.
Whether you enchant a sword to deal more damage, a set of boots to help you fall slower, or even a shield to automatically repair itself, learning how Minecraft enchantment works with items will give you an edge in all end-game content.

Minecraft Enchantment List
Before setting out to enchant all of your gear, you need to first understand what each enchantment is and what it does. Minecraft has a lot of different enchantments that range in level from 1 to 5. Most utility enchantments (like Infinity) have only 1 level, while damage enchantments often go up to 5.
Melee Weapon Enchantments
The first enchantment you are likely to encounter is on a sword (although you can use an axe as a melee weapon too.) Early-game enemies can drop enchanted weapons.
- Sharpness: Increases damage dealt by 2.5 per level of enchantment.
- Smite: Increases damage dealt to undead enemies like Zombies and Skeletons by 2.5 per enchantment level.
- Bane of Arthropods: Increases damage dealt to insect-like enemies such like Spiders and Silverfish by 2.5 per enchantment level.
- Fire Aspect: Attacks set target on fire with a maximum enchantment level of 2. Damage dealt increases by 3 and 7 depending on level.
- Looting: Increases the amount and rarity of loot mobs drop when killed with a maximum enchantment level of 3.
- Knockback: Each attack knocks enemies back a set number of blocks with a maximum enchantment level of 2. Each level increases the distance by 3 blocks.
- Efficiency: In Java Edition, an axe enchanted with Efficiency has a 25% chance to disable the use of a shield for 5 seconds, with an increased chance of 5% per level.
There are also Trident-only enchantments that are listed here due to its dual nature as a melee and a ranged weapon.
- Channeling: Summons a bolt of lightning when enemies are struck with the weapon with a maximum enchantment level of 1. This only works in a thunderstorm.
- Impaling: Each hit deals additional damage to mobs in the water. In Java Edition, the extra damage is only applied to aquatic monsters, while in Bedrock the damage applies to any monster in the water.

Ranged Weapon Enchantments
These enchantments apply to bows, crossbows, and tridents.
- Flame: Arrows set enemies ablaze for 5 additional points of fire damage.
- Infinity: Bows do not consume arrows.
- Piercing: Each arrow can pass through multiple enemies.
- Power: Increases arrow damage by 25% per level.
- Punch: Increases knockback from arrows by 3 blocks per level.
- Quick Charge: Reduces the time needed to ready the crossbow.
- Multishot: Fires 3 arrows at the cost of 1.
Again, there are a few ranged Trident-only enchantments to be aware of.
- Loyalty: The trident returns when thrown, with each level reducing the return time.
- Riptide: The trident pulls the player with it when thrown, with the distance traveled increasing with each level. This enchantment only works in water or in rain.
General-Purpose Enchantments
These enchantments work on most any item.
- Mending: Gaining experience repairs item durability.
- Unbreaking: Increases the amount of times an item can be used before it breaks.
- Curse of Vanishing: The item disappears upon player death.
Tool Enchantments
These enchantments are best for your tools.
- Efficiency: Increases the speed you mine or break blocks.
- Fortune: Every block yields more resources. Yield increases by level.
- Silk Touch: Blocks drop as blocks instead of breaking — i.e. a Glowstone block drops a Glowstone block instead of Glowstone Dust.
- Lure: Decreases the time it takes to attract fish to a fishing rod.
- Luck of the Sea: Increases the chance of fishing rare loot.
Armor Enchantments
Armor enchantments can give you dramatically more protection from damage than just armor alone.
- Aqua Affinity: Increases underwater mining speed.
- Respiration: Increases underwater breathing time.
- Protection: Increases resistance to all types of damage by 4% per level.
- Blast Protection: Reduces the damage from explosions and knockback distance.
- Fire Protection: Reduces the damage from fire and the amount of burn time.
- Projectile Protection: Reduces the damage taken from bows, crossbows, and other projectiles.
- Soul Speed: Increases walking speed on Soul Sand per level.
- Thorns: Reflects some of the damage taken back to your attacker at the cost of durability.
- Feather Falling: Reduces fall damage.
- Frost Walker: Transforms water blocks into ice and allows you to run and walk over water.
- Depth Strider: Increases underwater movement speed.
- Curse of Binding: Armor cannot be removed once equipped except through death or breaking.
How to Enchant Items in Minecraft
You can enchant items one of two ways: through an Enchanting Table, or with an Anvil.
How To Make An Enchanting Table
An Enchanting Table requires 7 items: one book, two Diamonds, and Four Obsidian.
- Place a book in the top-middle of the crafting grid.

- Place a Diamond in the middle-left and middle-right squares of the crafting grid.

- Place Obsidian in the entire bottom row and one in the middle square of the entire grid.

That’s all it takes to make an Enchanting Table, but its capabilities are somewhat limited unless it is surrounded by Bookshelves. It requires 15 Bookshelves placed one square away from the Enchanting Table in a 5×5 grid.

How to Make an Anvil
An Anvil requires three Blocks of Iron and four Iron Ingots.
- Place three Blocks of Iron across the top row of the crafting grid.

- Place one Iron Ingot in the middle of the crafting grid.

- Place three Iron Ingots across the bottom row.

An Anvil allows you to enchant items with Enchanted Books. Enchanted Books can carry multiple enchantments of varying levels and can be found in chests in Nether Fortresses, villages, Bastions, abandoned mine shafts, and more. You can also find Enchanted Books when fishing.
How to Enchant an Item in Minecraft Using an Enchanting Table
The Enchanting Table is easy to use. You’ll need the item you want to enchant and a piece of Lapis Lazuli.
- Open the Enchanting Table interface.

- Add the item you want to enchant to the left box.

- Add the Lapis Lazuli to the right box.

- Select an enchantment from those that appear on the list. If you don’t want any of the available enchantments, wait one in-game day and try again. The available enchantments will be different.

If you use the level 30 enchantment option, there is a chance you will receive a bonus enchantment on top of the one you select. The Enchanting Table is an easy way to enchant items, but it’s not as accurate as using an Enchanted Book.
How to Enchant an Item in Minecraft Using an Anvil
An Anvil can be used to repair items, but it’s also how you apply an Enchanted Book to an item.
- Open the Anvil interface.

- Add the item you want to enchant to the left-most square.

- Add the Enchanted Book to the square beside it.

- Remove the newly-enchanted item from the square on the right. It will require a certain amount of experience depending on how many times the item has passed through the anvil.
Each time an item passes through an Anvil, whether to be enchanted or repaired, it increases the cost of subsequent uses. Once that level cost rises above 39, the game will simply say “Too Expensive” and won’t allow you to use that item in an anvil any longer.
Minecraft enchanting can make or break your adventure. Fire Protection can help fighting creatures in the Nether, while Aqua Affinity and Respiration can give you an edge in Ocean Temples. Feather Falling helps with exploration. There are so many possibilities, and you’re limited only by the items you can find.