Web 浏览器是您的Android(Android)手机上最重要的软件之一,因为它们确实可以帮助您访问万维网(World Wide Web),没有任何界限和限制,尤其是在您使用其中一款优秀的软件时。
就像Apple 手机(Apple Phones)将Safari作为默认网络浏览器一样,Android手机大多将Opera或Google作为默认浏览器。它基本上取决于设备或Android版本。
2. 转到应用程序,(Applications,)下一步
3. 在屏幕上的应用程序中查找默认浏览器,然后点击您一直在使用的默认浏览器。
4. 按启动图标下的“清除默认值” 。(“Clear Defaults”)
5. 然后,打开一个链接并选择您喜欢的浏览器作为默认浏览器。
现在,我们将讨论 10款最佳 Android Web 浏览器(Best Android Web Browsers),用于浏览互联网并同时获得无缝和安全的体验。
用于上网的 10 款最佳 Android 浏览器(2022 年)(10 Best Android Browsers for Surfing the Internet (2022))
#1. Google Chrome
当谷歌(Google)这个名字出现时,你知道没有理由怀疑这个浏览器的优点。谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)是世界上评价最高、最受欢迎和使用最高的网络浏览器。这款适用于Android(Android)设备和Apple设备的通用浏览器是市场上最快(Fastest)、最安全(Secure one)的浏览器!
界面再友好不过了,操作就是这么简单!谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)收集的搜索结果非常个性化,您几乎不需要花时间输入您想要浏览的内容。只需在搜索栏中输入几个字母,然后向下滚动菜单就会准确地提示您想要查看的内容。
非常重要的是隐身窗口(Incognito Window),它显然是在这个网络浏览器中提供的。它将允许您私下浏览,而不会在您的历史中留下任何足迹。
我之所以称谷歌(Google one)为最安全的第三方应用程序之一,是因为“谷歌安全浏览(Google Safe Browsing)”。该应用程序具有默认内置的安全浏览功能,可确保您的信息安全,并在您尝试访问危险网站时向您显示必要的警告,这可能对您的文件和信息构成威胁。
谷歌浏览器(Google Chromes)彻底成功的另一个原因是谷歌语音搜索(Google Voice Search)。是的,现在很多浏览器都有语音辅助功能,但不同的是,谷歌(Google)可以非常准确地解释你的声音。您可以进行免提搜索,并花费更少的时间来获取更多信息。该应用程序表现出很多个人兴趣,通过向客户提供个性化推荐来提供出色的用户体验。
Google Chrome Web 浏览器(Google Chrome Web Browser)可在Play商店下载,评分为4.4星。(4.4-star rating.)
在我们列出的 10 款最佳Android Web(Android Web)浏览器列表中,绝对没有比Google本身更好的开始了!
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#2. Microsoft Edge
如果您想知道Google Chrome网络浏览器还有什么其他功能,请再想一想!Microsoft Edge是(Microsoft Edge)Web市场上的另一个知名品牌,拥有4.5 星评级( 4.5-star rating)和全球数百万用户的惊人评论。尽管此应用程序将在您的 PC 上为您提供更好的体验,但它也不会在您的 Android 设备上让您失望。
如果您对隐私(Privacy)和控制(Control)很重视,Microsoft edge 会让您满意,因为它在生产力和价值方面非常高。该应用程序提供了一组安全工具,例如跟踪预防、Ad Block Plus,就像 Google 中的隐身(Incognito)模式一样, Microsoft(Google- Microsoft) Edge 提供了用于私人互联网冲浪的InPrivate模式。(InPrivate)
广告块(Ad Block)是一个真正的祝福,因为它可以阻止所有烦人的弹出广告,
Microsoft浏览器提供了非常定制化和个性化的浏览体验 - 它保存您的收藏夹并存储您想要的所有密码,并跟踪您下载的所有数据。您可以通过多个设备同步此浏览器,以避免在这里和那里重复工作和复制粘贴URL 。(URLs)密码管理器(password manager)以安全的方式保存您的所有密码。因此,您无需担心一遍又一遍地忘记密码。
这里不同的是微软奖励(Microsoft Rewards)系统。使用他们的浏览器可以为您获取积分,您以后可以使用这些积分来获得良好的折扣和购物优惠。
该应用程序可在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)免费下载,因此您可以从那里将其下载到您的Android设备!
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#3. Dolphin Browser
不像Google Chrome(Google Chrome)和Microsoft Edge那样广为人知,但Dolphin浏览器正在获得新的高度。这款适用于安卓手机的第三方网络浏览器可在Google Play商店下载并获得4.1 星评级。( 4.1-star rating.)
该浏览器具有快速加载速度、HTML 5视频播放器、隐身浏览模式以及Flash播放器。Flash 播放器将以前所未有的方式增强您的游戏体验,并让您比平时更享受电影和YouTube视频。(YouTube)
此 Web 浏览器中还提供其他基本功能,例如快速下载(Fast Downloading)、书签(Bookmarks)和多个标签栏。(Multiple Tab)该应用程序还有一个弹出窗口拦截器——Ad-Block,用于阻止弹出窗口、横幅和随机广告视频。
就像谷歌(Google)翻译Dolphin一样,它有一个Dolphin-translate。但不仅如此,该应用程序还为您提供了许多附加组件,例如Word to PDF和Video Downloader 。个性化搜索可以通过Bing、Google、Microsoft、Yahoo等多个搜索引擎实现,您可以通过这款适用于Android手机的网络浏览器访问这些搜索引擎。可以使用 Sonar 进行免提搜索(hands-free searching with Sonar),您可以在其中使用语音以更快的方式搜索 Internet 上的内容。只需点击几下,即可通过Dolphin浏览器轻松将资料分享到Facebook、Skype和WhatsApp等社交媒体。(WhatsApp)
Dolphin将为您提供的更多功能包括条码扫描器(barcode scanner)、Dropbox设施、省电(Battery-saver)模式和惊人的加速器,尤其适用于Android手机。
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#4. Brave Browser
最佳 Android Web 浏览器(Best Android Web Browsers)列表中的下一个是Brave Browser。他们声称通过阻止跟踪器选项和安全(Security)性具有无与伦比的速度、隐私。该应用程序专注于其阻止功能,因为它感觉您的很多数据都被这些弹出广告吞噬了。他们有一个名为Brave shields 的设施,可以帮助您防止数据浪费并阻止这些数据抓取广告。
屏蔽这些广告将帮助您使用Brave Browser获得更快的浏览速度。Brave浏览器声称它加载重度新闻网站的速度几乎是 Safari、Chrome 和 Firefox 的 6 倍( 6 times quicker than Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.)。该应用程序不仅适用于Android,也适用于Apple设备和您的计算机。
这里的私有模式称为“ Tor。” Tor隐藏了您的浏览历史记录,并且还让您在浏览器的隐私模式下浏览的网站无法看到和检测到您的位置。为了增加和改善匿名性,Brave对这些连接进行了加密。
您还可以通过浏览来获得飞行常客代币等奖励——如果您打开Brave Rewards并耐心地查看他们尊重隐私的广告。
您可以通过访问他们的网站了解更多关于勇敢奖励的信息。他们正在更新浏览器以帮助您获得更好的奖励,例如购物优惠和礼品卡(gift cards)。您无需担心电池和数据,因为Brave可以帮助您节省两者而不是快速消耗它。
一些安全功能包括脚本阻止和第 3 方 cookie 阻止。(Script blocking and 3rd party cookie blocking.)
这款第三方网络浏览器拥有4.3 星评级(4.3-star rating),可在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)免费下载。你绝对不应该对下载这个第三方安卓浏览器来上网有第二个想法。
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#5. Firefox
网络浏览器(Web Browser)市场上的另一个流行名称是Mozilla Firefox网络浏览器。网络浏览器因其在计算机上的存在而广受欢迎和成名。但是Android上的Mozilla并不是人们使用的非常熟悉的东西。您可能想要将其视为一个选项的原因是该应用程序提供的超酷的大量附加组件。(add-ons offered by the app.)
Web 浏览器在所有设备(无论是Android还是计算机)中都非常快速、极其私密且安全。如此多的跟踪器不断跟踪您并减慢您的数据速度。适用于Android手机的(Android)Mozilla Firefox可阻止 2000 多个此类跟踪器,以保持良好的互联网速度并为您提供安全的互联网冲浪。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 10 个最佳 Android 闹钟应用程序(10 Best Android Alarm Clock Apps)
界面很简单,隐私设置和安全性等所有必需品都已设置到位。您不必一次又一次地访问他们的设置并让您感到困惑。Firefox提供的增强跟踪保护( enhanced tracking protection)可阻止第三方 cookie 和不必要的广告。您可以在不同的设备上同步您的Firefox以加快操作。(Firefox)
如果您在上述设备中具有所需的流媒体功能,您可以将视频和 Web 内容从您的设备镜像到您的电视。
Mozilla 希望在不影响速度和安全性的情况下让用户轻松访问互联网。它在Google Play 商店中获得(Google Play Store)4.4 星评级,与(4.4-star rating)Google Chrome Web 浏览器(Google Chrome Web Browser)竞争激烈。
如果您是谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)的粉丝,您可能会发现它不像网络浏览器那样个性化,但附加组件可以帮助您以实现高度个性化的方式自定义应用程序。
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#6. Kiwi Browser
Google Play 商店的Kiwi 浏览器应用程序获得(Kiwi Browser Application)4.2 星好评( 4.2-star rating)。它是最新的基于 Chromium 和Web Kit的应用程序,用于浏览快速和安全的互联网。页面加载速度和超强的广告拦截器会让您惊叹不已!
IT 声称是第一个带有加密劫持投影的安卓网络浏览器。(crypto-jacking projection.)它还允许您访问Facebook Web Messenger。
Kiwi 浏览器(Kiwi Browser)的下载管理器非常个性化且非常有用。
浏览器是免费的(browser is free of cost),所以不要犹豫,点击下载(Download)按钮!
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#7. Samsung Internet Browser Beta
三星(Samsung)是个知名品牌;因此,我们认为您会发现Samsung Internet Browser Beta非常值得信赖。该应用程序将为您带来的功能将使浏览变得快速而轻松,同时牢记安全性和隐私性及其重要性。
三星互联网(Samsung Internet)浏览器测试版(Beta)将让您访问互联网浏览器的高级功能。智能保护(Smart protection),就是其中之一。三星(Samsung)使用多种保护技术来确保您的数据安全无虞。使用多个弹出窗口阻止网页就是其中的一个小例子。您可以在三星(Samsung)浏览器设置中轻松切换这些安全设置并更改默认设置。
带有工具栏和一系列有用选项的定制菜单受到三星(Samsung)互联网浏览器用户的广泛好评。您可以使用此浏览器同时操作多达99 个选项卡。(99 tabs)甚至这些选项卡的管理——重新排序和锁定它们也变得非常简单。
其他一些隐私设置(Privacy settings)是内容拦截器、受保护的浏览以及智能反跟踪(Smart Anti-Tracking)。
此Android网络浏览器的Beta版还提供了在(Beta)亚马逊(Amazon)上购物、观看 360 度视频支持和其他在线购物网站的扩展。
该应用程序在Google Play商店中获得(Google Play)4.4 星评级(4.4-star rating),可免费下载。
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#8. Opera Touch Browser
Opera在市场上有多个Android网络浏览器,令人惊讶的是,它们都非常令人印象深刻!这就是Opera进入我们2022 年最佳 Android网络浏览器列表的原因。(Best Android)
Opera Touch –速度快,新的网络浏览器在Google Play 商店获得(Google Play Store)4.3 星评级(4.3-star rating)和一流的客户评价。用户界面超级友好,这就是Opera touch 获得红点奖(Red Dot Award)的原因。你可以单手操作这个浏览器,因为这个应用程序是为快速浏览而设计的。它具有Android用户可以在基本网络浏览器中要求的所有基本功能。但它因其时尚的界面而脱颖而出。
当您第一次开始使用该应用程序时,它会要求您在标准底部导航或快速操作(Fast Action)按钮之间进行选择。这可以稍后从Opera Touch浏览器的设置中更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 大免费假电话应用程序(Top 10 Free Fake Call Apps for Android)
它促进了设备之间的快速文件共享,流程流畅。要开始在您的 PC 和智能手机之间共享文件,您只需要扫描浏览器上的二维码,(scan the QR code on the browser,)其余的工作都以闪电般的速度完成。
该应用程序遵循端到端加密,以实现安全可靠的浏览和共享。它们遵循Opera 的 Crypto-jacking(Opera’s Crypto-jacking)功能来提高安全性并防止设备过热。
Opera touch 是Opera最强大的网络浏览器之一。它是免费的。
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#9. Opera Mini Browser
Opera企业 Opera Mini Browser(Opera Mini Browser)再次在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中获得 4.4 星评价。这是一款更轻巧、更安全的浏览器,可以以最少的数据消耗实现超快速的互联网浏览。
该应用程序在您的Android Web 浏览器(Android Web Browser)主页上为您提供超级个性化的新闻。它声称可以save almost 90% of your data,并加快您的浏览速度而不是损害它。
Opera Mini 浏览器(Opera Mini Browser)也提供广告拦截(Ad-Blocking)功能。您可以快速下载视频和其他数据,还可以享受第三方应用程序为您提供的智能下载功能。
这是 Android 手机唯一的网络浏览器,具有内置的离线文件共享功能(inbuilt offline file sharing feature)。界面简洁易操作。打开多个标签并在多个标签之间随机播放也很容易!
Opera Mini 还具有夜间阅读模式(night mode)。您可以收藏并保存您喜爱的网站。您可以为您的Opera Mini Web 浏览器(Opera Mini Web Browser)指定一个最喜欢的搜索引擎。
该应用程序在 Google Play 商店中获得4.4 星评级。(4.4-star rating)
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#10. DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser
为了在Google Play 商店中以(Google Play Store)4.7 星评级(4.7-star rating)击败他们,我们有DuckDuckGo 隐私浏览器(DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser)。
浏览器是完全私有(completely private)的,也就是说,它不会保存您的历史记录,因此它可以为您提供绝对的安全保障。当您访问一个页面时,它实际上会显示它阻止谁获取您的个人信息。该应用程序可帮助您逃离广告跟踪网络,(escape ad tracker networks,)提供增强的加密保护以防窥探,并允许私下搜索。
Duck Duck Go浏览器希望摆脱流行的观念,即互联网上的任何信息都不能保密,并以其在私人互联网冲浪领域的卓越表现证明人们是错误的。
除了以上几点,我想说这款安卓网络浏览器是一款非常快速且可靠的浏览器(android web browser is an extremely fast and dependable one)。界面简单友好。下载此应用程序后,您将可以使用所有必要的基本网络浏览器功能。
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我们开始和结束了 10 款最适合在网上冲浪的最佳Android网络浏览器列表。(Android)我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且您找到了最好的 Android 浏览器来上网。 (best Android Browser to surf the Internet. )
10 Best Android Browsers for Surfing the Internet (2022)
An android phone usually has a defаult wеb browser, pre-installed in it. But there are several other web brоwsers and search engines that you can download from yoυr Рlаy store, for smoother and better user experience.
Web browsers are one of the most important pieces of software on your Android phones as they really help you access the World Wide Web, with no boundaries and limitations especially if you are using one of the good ones.
Therefore, being one of the most frequently used software, it should be one that suits your needs.
Just like, Apple Phones have Safari as a default web browser, Android phones mostly have Opera or Google as their default browsers. It basically depends on the device or the Android version.
Android phones also allow you to change your default web browser. SO, if you plan on downloading a third party application for browsing the internet, you can just set that as your default browser.
To do so, you will have to follow some easy steps, that will quickly help you change your default app for browsing:
1. Open Settings on your Android
2. Go to Applications, next
3. Look for the default browser among the applications on your screen and tap on the already default browser, that you have been using.
4. Press “Clear Defaults”, Under the launch icon.
5. Then, open a link and select the browser of your liking as your default.
This was the right way to alter the default settings in your Android phone for using a new Web browser for all necessary purposes, on a daily basis.
Now we will be discussing the 10 Best Android Web Browsers for surfing the internet and having a seamless and secure experience at the same time.
We will be telling you briefly about the good and the bad about each of these top-rated web browsers so that by the end of this article, you can quickly download the best one for yourself!
10 Best Android Browsers for Surfing the Internet (2022)
#1. Google Chrome
When the name Google comes in, you know that there is no reason to even doubt the goodness of this browser. Google Chrome is the most highly rated, appreciated, and used web browser in the world. This universal browser for Android devices, as well as Apple devices, is the Fastest and Secure one on the market!
The interface cannot get any friendlier, and it is so simple to operate! The search results gathered by Google Chrome are so personalized that you barely have to spend moments in typing what you want to surf. In just a few letters in the search bar, then scroll down menu will suggest exactly what you want to see.
This browser gives you a lot more than just browsing. It provides you with Google-Translate built-in, personalized news material, quick links to your most favourite websites, and also the easiest downloading experience.
Something very important is the Incognito Window, which is obviously provided in this web browser. It will allow you to browse privately, without leaving any footprints behind in your history.
Using a single Google account, you can sync all your bookmarks, favourites, and browser history to all the other devices like your tab, work devices, etc.
The reason why I called Google one of the most secure third party applications is due to the “Google Safe Browsing”. The app has safe browsing, built-in by default, which keeps your information safe and shows you necessary warnings when you try to access dangerous websites, that might be a possible threat to your files and information.
Another reason for Google Chromes, thorough success is the Google Voice Search. Yes, a lot of browsers now have a voice assistance facility, but the difference is that Google can interpret your voice, very accurately. You can do hands-free searching and spend a lot less time to get a lot more information. The app shows a lot of personal interest, to give a great user experience with personalized recommendations to its customers.
Lastly, the app provides a Lite mode, where you browse high-speed internet with less data.
The Google Chrome Web Browser is available for download on the Play store with a 4.4-star rating.
There definitely could not have been a better start to our list for 10 best Android Web browsers, than Google itself!
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#2. Microsoft Edge
If you were wondering how anything else will top the Google Chrome web browser, think again! The Microsoft Edge, another big name on the Web market, has a 4.5-star rating and amazing reviews by its millions of users across the worldwide web. Although this app will provide you with a better experience on your PC, it will not disappoint you on your Android devices as well.
If you are big on Privacy and Control, Microsoft edge will make you happy, because it is so high on productivity and value. The app provides a set of security tools like Tracking prevention, Ad Block Plus, and just like the Incognito mode in Google- Microsoft edge offers an InPrivate mode for private internet surfing.
The Ad Block comes as a real blessing as it blocks all annoying pop-up advertisements,
The Microsoft browser provides a very customized and personalized browsing experience- it saves your favorites and stores all the passwords you want it to, and also keeps track of all your downloaded data. You can sync this browser through multiple devices to avoid repetition of work and copy-pasting of URLs, here and there. The password manager keeps all your passwords saved in a secure manner. So, you do not need to worry about forgetting your passwords again and again.
Something different here is the Microsoft Rewards system. Using their browser fetches you points, which you can later use to get good discounts and shopping deals.
Microsoft is incessantly trying to improve its user experience and keep up with time, by migrating from the Edge to Chromium base. Therefore, you can count on it to get better with time.
The app is available for free on the Google Play Store, so you can download it to your Android devices from there!
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#3. Dolphin Browser
Not a very popularly known one, like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, but the Dolphin browser is gaining new heights. This third-party web browser for android phones is available on Google Play store for download with a 4.1-star rating.
The browser has a fast loading speed, an HTML 5 video player, incognito browsing mode, and also a Flash player. The flash player will enhance your gaming experience like never before and also let you enjoy your movies and YouTube videos a lot more than usual.
Other basic features like Fast Downloading, Bookmarks, and Multiple Tab bars are also present in this web browser. The app also has a pop-up blocker – Ad-Block to block pop-ups, banners, and random advertisement videos.
Just like Google translate, Dolphin, it has a Dolphin-translate. But not just that, there are so many add-ons like Word to PDF and Video Downloader, that the app provides you with. Personalized search is made possible through several search engines like Bing, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. that you can access through this web browser for Android phones. It is possible to do hands-free searching with Sonar, where you can use your voice to search for things on the internet in a faster manner. Easily share material to social media, like Facebook, Skype, and WhatsApp, through the Dolphin browser in just a couple of clicks.
To make access to your favourite websites quicker, you can assign them letters. On just typing one letter, you will then be able to quickly come to the page you desire and use so often.
Some more features that Dolphin will give you includes a barcode scanner, Dropbox facilities, Battery-saver mode, and an amazing speed booster, especially for Android phones.
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#4. Brave Browser
Next on the list for the Best Android Web Browsers is the Brave Browser. They claim to have unmatched speed, privacy by blocking tracker options, and Security. The app specializes in its blocking facilities, as it feels a lot of your data is eaten up by these pop-up advertisements. They have a facility called Brave shields to help you prevent data wastage and also stop these data-grabbing advertisements.
The blockage of these ads will help you gain faster-browsing speed with the Brave Browser. The Brave browser claims that it can load heavy news sites almost 6 times quicker than Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. The app is not just meant for Android, but also for Apple devices and your computers, as well.
The private mode here is called “Tor.” Tor hides your browsing history, and also keeps your location unseen and undetectable from the sites that you surf in the private mode of the browser. To increase and improve anonymity, Brave encrypts these connections.
You can also earn rewards like frequent flier tokens, just by browsing – if you turn on the Brave Rewards and view their privacy-respecting ads patiently.
You can learn more about brave rewards by visiting their websites. They are updating the browser to help you earn better rewards like shopping deals and gift cards. You do not need to worry about battery and data, as Brave, helps you save both instead of eating it up quickly.
Some security features include Script blocking and 3rd party cookie blocking.
This third-party web browser holds a 4.3-star rating and is available for free download on the Google Play Store. You should definitely not have second thoughts about downloading this third party android browser to surf the internet.
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#5. Firefox
Another popular name on the Web Browser market is the Mozilla Firefox web browser. The web browser gained large popularity and fame for its presence on computers. But Mozilla on Android is not something that you might be very familiar with people using. The reason why you might want to consider this as an option is the super cool large variety of add-ons offered by the app.
The web browser is fast, extremely private, and safe in all devices, be it an Android or a computer. So many trackers are constantly following you and slowing down your data speed. Mozilla Firefox for Android phones blocks more than 2000 of these trackers to retain good internet speed and provide you with secure surfing of the internet.
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The interface is simple, and all necessities like privacy settings and security are already set in place. You will not have to visit their settings again and again and confuse you. The enhanced tracking protection offered by Firefox blocks third-party cookies and unnecessary advertisements. You can sync your Firefox, across different devices for faster operations.
They also have a private browsing facility, like all other Web browsers. The password and download managers are some add-ons that you will definitely be thankful for. The quick sharing of links to your WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Facebook, Instagram, is indeed very convenient. The fast and intelligent searching helps to save a lot of time in typing and searching the web pages that you wish to surf.
You can mirror videos and web content, from your devices to your TV, if you have the required streaming capability in the above devices.
Mozilla wishes to make the internet easily accessible to its users, without compromising on speed and security. It has a 4.4-star rating on Google Play Store and gives strong competition to the Google Chrome Web Browser.
If you are a Google Chrome fan, you might not find this as personalized as that web browser, but the add-ons can help you customize the application in such a manner that they achieve a high level of personalization.
Also, sadly several users have complained about it crashing once in a while, but surely the browser is being upgraded frequently to help with such issues and bug fixes.
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#6. Kiwi Browser
Google play store has great reviews with a 4.2-star rating for the Kiwi Browser Application. It is the latest Chromium and Web Kit based application for browsing fast and safe internet. The page loading speed and the super-strong ad-blocker will amaze you!
IT claims to be the first android web browser with crypto-jacking projection. It also allows you to access Facebook Web Messenger.
The browser has an amazing unique night mode, to reduce the strain to your eyes when you are surfing the internet during late hours of the night.
The download manager of the Kiwi Browser is extremely customized and helpful.
This third party web browser supports various extensions and will give you all the basics that you might need in a normal internet browser.
The interface is a little different from your normal web browser looks like the address bar is placed at the bottom instead of the top.
One drawback is the lack of syncing abilities across multiple devices and desktops. Other than that, maybe the KIWI browser is a little raw on the personalization and customization side. But, we sure do think that the coming updates will help improve on these pointers.
The browser is free of cost, so don’t hesitate to hit the Download button on this one!
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#7. Samsung Internet Browser Beta
Samsung is a well-renowned name; thus, we think you will find the Samsung Internet Browser Beta very trustworthy. The features that the application will bring you will make browsing fast and easy by leaps and bounds, keeping in mind the security and privacy and their importance at the same time.
The Samsung Internet browser Beta will give you access to the advanced features of the internet browser. Smart protection, being one of them. Samsung uses multiple protection techniques to keep your data safe and uncompromised. Blocking web pages with several pop-ups is one small example of it. You can toggle these security settings easily in the Samsung browser settings and change the default settings.
The customized menu with a toolbar and a range of useful options has been widely appreciated by the Samsung internet browser users. You can operate up to 99 tabs at the same time with this browser. Even the management of these tabs- reordering and locking them in has become extremely simple.
Some other Privacy settings are the content blockers, protected browsing, and also the Smart Anti-Tracking.
Extensions for shopping on Amazon, watching 360-degree videos support and other online shopping web sites have also been provided by the Beta version of this Android web browser.
The app has a 4.4-star rating on the Google Play store and is free for downloads.
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#8. Opera Touch Browser
Opera has multiple Android web browsers in the market, and surprisingly all of them are very impressive! This is the reason that Opera has made it to our list of the Best Android web browsers in 2022.
The Opera Touch – fast, the new web browser has a 4.3-star rating on the Google Play Store and stellar customer reviews. The user interface is super friendly, which is why the Opera touch won a Red Dot Award for it. You can single-handedly operate this browser because this app is meant for fast-moving browsing. It has all the basic features that an Android user could ask for in a basic web browser. But it stands out because of the stylish interface.
When your first begin using the application, it asks you to pick between standard bottom navigation or the Fast Action button. This can be changed later from the settings of the Opera Touch browser.
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It facilitates fast file sharing between devices with a smooth flow. To begin sharing files between your PC and your smartphone, you just need to scan the QR code on the browser, and the rest is done at lightning speed.
For security purposes, there is a native ad blocker that is optional in nature. This speeds up your loading of pages in return.
The app follows end to end encryption for safe and secure browsing and sharing. They follow Opera’s Crypto-jacking function to improve security and to overheat of devices.
Opera touch is one of Opera’s most powerful web browsers. It is free of cost.
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#9. Opera Mini Browser
Once again, an Opera venture- Opera Mini Browser, stands at 4.4-stars on the Google Play Store. This is a more lightweight and safe browser that allows super-fast internet browsing with the least possible data consumption.
The app provides you with super personalized news on your homepage of the Android Web Browser. It claims to save almost 90% of your data, and speeds your browsing instead of compromising it.
The Ad-Blocking is also available in the Opera Mini Browser. You can download videos and other data quickly and also enjoy the Smart-download feature that the third-party application offers to you.
This is the only web browser for android phones, with an inbuilt offline file sharing feature. The interface is simple and easy to operate. Opening multiple tabs and shuffling between the multiple tabs is also easy!
Opera Mini also has a night mode for reading at night. You can bookmark and save your favorite websites. You can assign a favorite search engine to your Opera Mini Web Browser.
The app has a 4.4-star rating on Google Play Store.
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#10. DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser
To beat them all with a 4.7-star rating on the Google Play Store, we have the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser.
The browser is completely private, i.e., it doesn’t save your history so that it can give you absolute safety and security. When you visit a page, it actually shows who it has blocked from taking your personal information. The app helps you escape ad tracker networks, provide increased encryption protection from prying eyes, and allows search privately.
The Duck Duck Go browser hopes to break free from the popular belief that no information can be left private on the internet and prove people wrong with its excellence in the field of private internet surfing.
Other than these points, I would say that this android web browser is an extremely fast and dependable one. The interface is a simple and friendly one. All necessary basic web browser functions will be made available to you once you download this application.
This excess dedication towards security might be the reason for such a high number of downloads and an impressive rating on the Play store.
It is completely free of cost too!
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We began and ended the list for the 10 best Android web browsers for surfing the internet on very high notes. We hope that the article was a helpful one, and you found the best Android Browser to surf the Internet.
If we have missed out on any of the good web browsers, don’t hesitate to point it out to us and leave your reviews in the comments section below!